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Sception's hobby quest to finally get a painted army together, so that his Arkhan conversion isn't lonely.

Entries in this blog

A Better Brush

Some painting progress.  I finished the flat dark grey on the rest of the commission raven guard armor panels, & finished the edge highlighting on half of them.  Finished the etherial green on the command batch of 10 skeletons.  This was mostly already done, just needed a very diluted greenwash around the head & torso, & greyish-white drybrush.  I then undercoated the rest of the models black to prep for the remaining sections.  I also started the process of repainting the shields on



Black Sacrament

The votes are in, and while for a moment it looked like I might be facing a 3 way tie, in the end Legion of Sacrament pulled in ahead of the other two options.  So I bundled my chariots and morteks back into their storage bins (don't worry, they aren't gone forever), and set the victorious Sacramental Legion project out on the painting table, together with a stubborn batch of comission 30k Raven Guard that I need to finish alongside this lot. Of that, Arkhan, the necromancer, and the B



Which Army for Arkhan?

So I want to paint up a 1,000 point starter army for Arkhan to lead, but Arkhan can be used in a lot of armies - Bonereapers, Legions, and Grand Alliance Death.  Plus in Tomb Kings armies 'Arkhan on a Chariot' has officially been run as Settra or 'Tomb King on Exalted Chariot' since the Compendium days, so there's yet another way to run him.  And my shame pile is sufficiently massive that I could easily put together any of these lists, and honestly I like all of them, and hope one day to paint a



Old Bones Stirring

~ I got that Old Black Magic, rolling in ~ More Pics: Work in Progress: After a year of mostly not working on it, I've finally finished painting my old school Arkhan on flying chariot conversion.  I'm honestly really quite happy with it.  Now I just need an army for him to lead.  I'm not lacking the models for it, I’ve got like 20,000 points of warhammer undead in varying states of assembly & painting, but shamefully I only have exactly 5 fully painted models. ~



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