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The Children of Chaos march for Nurgle!




I've never really made a blog like this before so I'm certain I'll break something.  My Beastmen are nearly complete.  I'll soon put up pictures of those that are already finished, however I wanted to get these guys up.


Being the first to defecate on an enemy standard is a mark of pride amongst the Gor-kin.  However, the Pestigor take great pains to ensure only the most prized ****** mark their banners.






My Bestigor are a mix of current and old bestigor as well as khornigor and pestigor.  A majority of them are pestigor, which is fitting as my entire Chaos collection will be focused towards the Grandfathah!  However, I didn't want to go too crazy with Beastmen as I still prefer them Undivided.  So I put little bits of everything in them, but try to keep 'em natural as well.

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I really miss pestigor. I remember trying to prove their existence to the noobs at the local games workshop, even the manager didn't know what they were. So sad we lost God specific beastmen but happy to see them here!

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Thanks for the comments guys!

@Tommy I sure did!  I didn't want to go too crazy with blobs of junk all over the place.  I went a little wild with that Blood technical paint on my Bestigor and Gor units when it first came out and I kinda regret it.  I'll try to get some pictures of them up soon!


@UrFrndJenn The Silver Tower Tzaangor made me hopeful that we may see another wave of God-specific Beastmen.  While I still prefer my herd as being more Undivided/Unovertlytentaclyandstuff it would still be nice to have the option!  Also, being able to safely send my Pestigor into battle with my Nurgle Rotbringers/Slaves/Pestilens without worrying about friendly fire from abilities would be nice!  Either way, very glad I scooped them up when I did. >: )

The Pestigor have a really bad ass banner but I'm greedy and I wanted to save it for my Nurgle Warriors so I haven't used it yet.  Luckily, that ungor banner had the three heads so seemed fitting!

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