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The changer of ways has.. changed his ways.



So with with Age of Sigmar : Soul Wars slowly seeping out more information I don't think it's anyone surprise that Disciples of Tzeentch got hit with the nerf hammer and GW did swing hard. Nearly everything in the army, bar some of the weaker deamon elements & enlightened saw a price increase and some fairly hefty. I've noticed on here and on FB that the DoT community rightly seem a bit shaken by the heavy point increases. 

I think as followers of the grand architect, the eternal schemer, the constant change we should embrace the changes. The army has been shaken up and will see change from the a typical Changehost or 9 Skyfires / gaunt on balewind. I think it's exciting times for the future of the army, especially with the endless spells (Hello spellportal & balewind). As well as that who doesn't love creating horrors, spawn and tzaangors as the god of change is always giving. I've mocked up a potential list I thought I'd drop on here.

Lord of Change - 380
Gaunt Summoner - 180
Tzaangor Shaman - 180
Blue Scribes - 140
Ogroid - 180

Kairic Acolytes - 80
Kairic Acolytes - 90
Pink Horrors - 200

6 Tzaangor Skyfires - 440

Umbral Spell Portal - 60
Balewind Vortex - 40

The list can create Tzaangors & Spawn for free, because why not and should reliably get 9 spells off each turn, being able to throw them through the spell ports (It's a lot of mortal wounds). Mobile skyfires paired with cheap chaff can be used as blockers while you bring in more cheap horrors. 

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I actually might play them now. I love some of the Tzeentch models but since the Battletome, they've had a reputation for being unbalanced.  I do hope they didn't nerf them too much.  It'll be a few weeks before we know for sure I suppose.  

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On 6/18/2018 at 9:29 PM, erasercrumbs said:

I actually might play them now. I love some of the Tzeentch models but since the Battletome, they've had a reputation for being unbalanced.  I do hope they didn't nerf them too much.  It'll be a few weeks before we know for sure I suppose.  

So the way I understand it, only the daemons are seeing a large scale points change. The Arcanites/mortals are seeing changes of about + or -20 depending on unit.

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14 hours ago, Trenchcoat_Dave said:

So the way I understand it, only the daemons are seeing a large scale points change. The Arcanites/mortals are seeing changes of about + or -20 depending on unit.

That doesn't sound too bad thus far.  

I know I'm alone in this, but I wish AOS would occasionally go back and radically change warscrolls. Pink Horrors, for example, should play like capering, flickering tricksters that confound opponents with their magic as they surge about the field, and the fact that they function more as ranged tarpits sort of feels wrong. It's not...Tzeentchian enough.

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