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Unit Focus: Surt'ar the First



Known Names:
The First (Also known as First Prophet) - Surt'ar is often referred to both as The First and The First Prophet, in terms of the Suneaters both are equally true. When he climbed back through the mighty Jaws of the Suneater he was born again as the very first member of the Suneater tribes, he was also gifted a sliver of the divine power that he pulled from the god that rebirthed him becoming the first ever Volsungr of the tribes
Forsworn of Vulcatrix - In part Surt’ar owes his unnatural longevity and might to the powers instilled in the life’s blood of Vulcatrix. When the great godbeast was shattered by the puny Duardin god little regard was given to where shards of her form fell. In each of these craters great volcanos blossomed to life pulsing with the scorching heat of every drop of her blood. Robbed of the fight Gorkamorka was not one to turn down a free meal, scouring the realms he found the still beating heart of the great salamander, in one mighty gulp he swallowed it whole. Legend says this heart still lurks within the gods stomach, pulsing undeterred, and from this the First Prophet drank deep of the blood of a Godbeast to sustain him in his long stay in his gods gullet.
Exalted of the Suneater - Every Volsungr to follow in the Great Prophets footsteps is at best a poor imitation of his power, whilst each stands taller and stronger than any other Ogors they cannot match the sheer potency that came with the First. In this way he is considered the Exalted of their God, the first of his kind and without comparison.
Surt’ar - The Last Chief of the Iron Klaw clan, and founder of the Burning Klaws this once mortal creature answered to the name Surt'ar before his ascension.
Ruler Over All - Suneaters despise the cities of order encroaching upon their lands, none more so than Surt'ar whose tribe was butchered by this relentless invasion of order upon the realms. By divine law Surt'ar asserts dominion over all that the light of the Sun touches, by right of his gods power.


His once mundane Ogor form has long since given way to the unrelenting heat of the Suneater, the very blood in his veins boiled his skin until it sloughed away from a mighty molten form. With age and mastery of the winds of Aqshy Surt'ar has resculpted himself a form, sinews shaped from living flows of magma, the pulsing heart of the volcano fuelling his power and every footstep rendering dirt to glass beneath his feet. In this way he stands at over twice the height of any Ogor, more gargant now than his flesh and blood kin, but he has never entered the long sleep of the Exalted, never had his flesh given way to the stone that slows the muscles and brains of his most favoured disciples. In many Ogor tribes his smaller stature than the Exalted would render him secondary to them in the chain of command, yet none contest his rule over all of the tribes, within his heart pulses the very power of their god, his every word revered as divine law, on the field of battle none match his sheer destructive force, his unrelenting will and fury beyond ages.

In battle he wields two relics of his power (though some contest these had previously been stolen from other tribes):
Pok'Gar - The Tongue of Vulcatrix is a whip wrought from the living flames of Aqshy, whilst unlikely to have been formed out of the literal tongue of the godbeast (as such a thing would dwarf even the great drakes of the realms) it is an exquisite weapon of destruction, coursing with a life of its own feeding on the very winds of flame that surge throughout the realms. 

Savar - This heavy magma drenched mace is said to have been formed from crowns taken from conquered kingdoms, each king is said to have burnt alive with all his finery, the great Gothi priests sculpting the bone meal and precious metals with the spark of divine power of their forges into the weapon Savar, butcher of Kingdoms.

Destroyer of Civilizations:

Had Surt’ars rampage not been cut short in the Age of Myth there is no telling the damage he could have dealt to the growing expanse of order, indeed the Suneater claim that they would have better held the tide of chaos than any Order alliance had their Prophet been at the head of the Migration. Yet imprisoned he was, for an Age he was alone, cursed with his rage and the burning fury of his god, subject to the unrelenting torrents of the great Falls of Ghyran in a prison of water and arcane sorcery. All that time did nothing to lessen his hatred for the Aelves and their kind, the constant torment honing his blunt anger into a weapon of precise destruction. Now freed unwittingly by Nagash and his Necroquake this titan of destruction has clawed his way out of the pit for the second time in his life, ready to seek out his kin and see what has become of his legacy. Once more at the head of the great Migrations of the tribe it will not be long until he steers it into the very heart of Sigmars cities, that true destruction might reign in the realms once more.


On the Battlefield:

Surt’ar is one of the few mid-sized heroes within the Suneater tribes, where as his lesser Volsungr seek out the power of the Magmadrake to lend to their own in the heat of battle, and the mighty Exalted are entombed in the volcanic rock that an Age of rest has rendered upon their forms Surt’ar represents the ideal his kin strive for. This makes him unique in the alliance, whilst large he is not fully considered a monster, toeing the fine line between monstrous infantry and the larger beasts in your army.

Surt’ar is at his very heart a combat berserker, designed to charge into the very heart of your enemies forces and carve down their heroes, yet with his smaller stature he lacks the resilience of some of your larger heroes and for this reason is ideally supported by Gothi Priests who will further enhance his combat potential either with vital healing prayers to keep him in the fight longer, lending Volcanic blows to enhance his weapons to sunder even the toughest armour into dust or choking his victims in ash so that they might not fight back.

Utilising Surt’ar alongside the powers from Pyres allegiance ability will be a furious assault upon your opponents defences, coupling his ability to increase the attacks characteristic of a nearby unit along with the Pyres ability to run and charge in the same turn can turn a unit of Fyreborn Fanatics into a blender of flame and beaten steel.

Unlike most named characters Surt’ar does not show affinity to any particular Tribe within the Suneaters, each of them has been birthed from his own Burning Klaws and it is his energy the powers the Volsungr in every migration. With rumours of his return spreading throughout the tribes Gothi priests can be heard wailing into the mighty Volcanoes of the realms, that he might hear their cry and emerge from the roiling molten rock to lead their tribe into war.


Model Inspiration:

I had a few concepts in mind for when modelling Surt’ar and in my eagerness I explained each in turn to my partner, whilst perfect at humouring my creativity she can often see things in the design stages that escape my notice due to enthusiasm. In this case it was simple “So its another big monster?”, yes… yes it was, every model I have made for this faction so far has been the constant strive to go bigger, go tougher, but The First isn’t about size its about power and rage, adding another monstrous miniature to the battlefield would make the force unwieldy, whats more it does little to differentiate what makes him different from the rest of his kind.

For this reason, we’ve actually opted to go SMALLER (ironic that’s in bigger text, right?), currently Surt’ar stands only at twice the height of an Ogor, indeed even with his own trophies adding to height he is smaller than both the Volsungr on Magma Drake and stands just over half the height of the Exalted Volsungr. This is nice for a couple of reasons, firstly he stands it in an army of “bigger” by being unique and midsized, secondly it means I can lop off the behemoth requirement for him and am considering removing the monster keyword too.




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