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The Menders Conformation (Faction Concept)



"We tended to you when no God heeded your call nor sought your bended knee, we lifted your wounded high above the clouds that they might look upon heaven eternally, It was we who waged war on death long before any of you had looked upon his face. We elevated you then, and we do so now."
Mender Envoy


Since I currently lack the funds to build or convert I spend my downtime musing on factional concepts for the Age of Sigmar, some good some... probably best not to dwell on :P Anyway for the last few days the latest concept rattling around in my head is the Menders Conformation, a strange and sinister looking faction that cares for life above all else (though what form that life takes is of little consequence). The Menders have been around since time long forgotten, before gods set to seizing up souls like jealous children seizing away their toys, before the tide of chaos began to swarm across the realms, in times of dire need whilst never sought or called for the Menders descended from the Peaks of Ghyran with their unsettling machinery, setting to task over the fallen soldiers of the field. Those who could be repaired on the field suffer the attentions of the Mender attendants (also known as stitchers), their wounds sewn up crudely, broken or wounded limbs cleaved from flesh, damaged organs ripped from flesh and replaced by unknowable concoctions before being sealed over by crude leather stitching. The fatally wounded were instead gathered up by the mechanical harvesters, dropped into glass sphereical biospheres amidsts a bubbling concoction to preserve them before disappearing once more to the peaks of Ghyran, those who have been taken are never seen from again.


"By the decree of the High Marshall the conclave of the Menders are hence for barred from the boundries of Hammerhal under the crimes of interference with the divine plan of Sigmar, interference with the burial rituals of the Cult of Azyr, Kidnapping, Necromancy and refusing the summons of the Azyrian High Courts."
Hammerhal Herald


Who are they:
Menders are humanoid looking creatures clad in tattered robes and sinister masks that hide their true nature, many believe them to be men and women who escaped high to the peaks of Ghyran and found new purpose in the Realm of Life Abundant. The Menders are philisophically opposed to Death in all forms, they have been known to mutilate those injured on the field of battle beyond recognition if it means depriving nagash of a single soul or body to raise. Unusually for those native to Ghyran they have escaped Alarielles opposition to technology by residing high up in the peaks of the floating mountains beyond her gaze, descending upon bizarre arachnic looking metal constructs to harvest upon the field of battle and employ their perculiar talents.

Why do they fight:
Menders are seemingly harvesting to a plan, the swathes of wounded they take back to the peaks has raised dramatically in the modern age, whats more they have begun to reap even healthy organs from the wounded on the field of battle so long as doing so doesnt damage the host beyond repair. This all lends credence to the belief that they are picking to a very specific order, building beyond the sight of even gods in the peaks of Ghyran, if true what horrors could await are as of yet unknown,

How do they fight:
Menders employ crude hordes of "Repaired" soliders to reap upon the field of battle as Stitchers alongside rapidly striking cavalry and crude mechanical constructs, whilst many of the outriders move beyond the bulk of the host they are slow encroaching force that reaps from their enemies to restore their numbers. Their attendants seek out the wounded in order to bolster their own abilities

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48 minutes ago, TheR00zle said:

interesting, but are they Order or Death?

also what models do you plan to use for conversion fodder?

I've got two potential avenues I could take it in and currently being at the crossroads is a headache:

Base faction: Kharadron Overlords
Origin: The Menders Conformation true origins lay within Duardin of Ghyran, they came to turn their talents to mining life, the most precious material in any part of any known realm. Their picks have long since been dicarded instead replaced by duardin axes to cleave limb from body, their engineers as skilled in taking part and reassembling a living creature as they are at tending to the massive spiderlike machines that carry them to war. These menders have taken up residence in "The Under" a void of darkness and cold, living beneath the realmplate far from the light of Hyish, such a place is beyond the knowledge of mortal men and lesser Duardin, to have tunneled beyond rock and dirt and emerged into the madness beyond. Here they have long since warded their mighty cities against the gnaw of skaven seeking to use the Under to tunnel beneath the cities above.

The Menders profit from the sale of Organs on the blackmarket, plying their trades of longevity and healing in order to keep their holds filled with currencies of the realms.

Here I can use the decent varieties of the Kharadron heroes to produce various Physicians, Alchemists, Diviners and Warriors. And with the Variety of ships on offer and create a number of unique looking Mecha-Spiders to carry them to war.

Models: Solar Auxilia torso and arms with Arkanaut grand company legs.

Base Faction: Nurgle
Origin: High in the peaks of Ghyran the Menders of old were left defenseless to the encroachment of nurgle upon the land, with all the ravages of chaos pillaging below none sought to look high above the clouds to the secretive creatures that called the peaks their home. For centuries the envoys of the Menders grew silent, and then seemingly without ever having missed a beat resumed their macabre visits to the field of battle to revive those on the bring of death and harvest those who had fallen. They infiltrated the cities of men as healers, wisemen and sages always hidden behind sinsiter marks as they plied their trade. As they march to war however the true nature of these Nurgle ridden Menders in unveiled, tattered robes giving way to plague ridden flesh, vast vats of pestilent decay suspended in glass orbs to spread contagion on the field of battle.

These Menders seek only to ensure life flourishes, by whatever means, cultivating the plagues of their god to spread life beyond reason through the realms.

Here I can use Skaven weird sciences along with the plethora of Nurgle scrolls to create tough, unique looking models.

Base Models: Necromunda Cawdor for marauders and marauder horsement, Genestealer Aberants for Blight Lord, weird science machines to flesh out Chaos Warshrine and monsters.

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7 hours ago, Melcavuk said:

I've got two potential avenues I could take it in and currently being at the crossroads is a headache:

Base faction: Kharadron Overlords
Origin: The Menders Conformation true origins lay within Duardin of Ghyran, they came to turn their talents to mining life, the most precious material in any part of any known realm. Their picks have long since been dicarded instead replaced by duardin axes to cleave limb from body, their engineers as skilled in taking part and reassembling a living creature as they are at tending to the massive spiderlike machines that carry them to war. These menders have taken up residence in "The Under" a void of darkness and cold, living beneath the realmplate far from the light of Hyish, such a place is beyond the knowledge of mortal men and lesser Duardin, to have tunneled beyond rock and dirt and emerged into the madness beyond. Here they have long since warded their mighty cities against the gnaw of skaven seeking to use the Under to tunnel beneath the cities above.

 The Menders profit from the sale of Organs on the blackmarket, plying their trades of longevity and healing in order to keep their holds filled with currencies of the realms.

Here I can use the decent varieties of the Kharadron heroes to produce various Physicians, Alchemists, Diviners and Warriors. And with the Variety of ships on offer and create a number of unique looking Mecha-Spiders to carry them to war.

 Models: Solar Auxilia torso and arms with Arkanaut grand company legs.

Base Faction: Nurgle
Origin: High in the peaks of Ghyran the Menders of old were left defenseless to the encroachment of nurgle upon the land, with all the ravages of chaos pillaging below none sought to look high above the clouds to the secretive creatures that called the peaks their home. For centuries the envoys of the Menders grew silent, and then seemingly without ever having missed a beat resumed their macabre visits to the field of battle to revive those on the bring of death and harvest those who had fallen. They infiltrated the cities of men as healers, wisemen and sages always hidden behind sinsiter marks as they plied their trade. As they march to war however the true nature of these Nurgle ridden Menders in unveiled, tattered robes giving way to plague ridden flesh, vast vats of pestilent decay suspended in glass orbs to spread contagion on the field of battle.

These Menders seek only to ensure life flourishes, by whatever means, cultivating the plagues of their god to spread life beyond reason through the realms.

Here I can use Skaven weird sciences along with the plethora of Nurgle scrolls to create tough, unique looking models.

Base Models: Necromunda Cawdor for marauders and marauder horsement, Genestealer Aberants for Blight Lord, weird science machines to flesh out Chaos Warshrine and monsters.

the Nurgle Idea sounds pretty interesting

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