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The Golem


The Protectors of the Candle

"We protect the light in the darkness." — motto of the Protectors of the Candle.


Like any other major city of Order, Port Stellis is governed by a Conclave composed of representatives of the various factions, guilds and corporations of the city: the aelf corsairs, the miners' syndicate, the knights of the Order Serpentis, the astromancy guild, etc. Each of these groups seeks above all to protect and develop their own interests. As a result, there are often rivalries and tensions between them.

However, there are two factions that do not participate in this game of political influence because they exist primarily to fulfill a duty: the Stellar Champions and the  Protectors of the Candle.
The first are stormcast eternals stationed in a fortress on the edge of the city and they live to accomplish the mission that the God King has given them. They are not involved in Port Stellis' internal affairs and will only intervene in cases of war or chaotic corruption.
The latter are none other than the city watch who ensures security inside Port Stellis. They are men and women who have chosen to enlist, wear uniforms, enforce laws and maintain public order. While it should be prestigious role, it is rather an ungrateful and dangerous job. Soldiers with several years of service are generally considered particularly tough and stubborn. The budget allocated to the city watch is very limited, so the hierarchy is forced to be cheeseparing over every expenses. For example, the uniforms are all the same size, each soldier having to sew it up if necessary. In addition, the city watch is lacking men, especially for a city the size of Port Stellis, which makes the work considerably more difficult. And as if that wasn't enough, the soldiers' pay is rather poor... Nevertheless, the inhabitants of Port Stellis must admit that without the Protectors of the Candle, the city would quickly fall into anarchy.






Isilde Brumehaut

"We're not giving up ground! Hold your positions! And remember: we protect the light in the darkness! Let's show them what we've got! For Port Stellis! For Sigmar!" — Isilde Brumehaut


The Commander of the Candle is Isilde Brumehaut, an upright soldier descended from a noble lineage of azyrite origin. Not only does she command her soldiers and supervise the security of the city, but she also serves as a member of the Conclave. While she never falters in her task and never loses her seriousness, the days spent arguing in endless debates in the Conclave and mediating conflicts between guilds make her regret not being on the field as a normal soldier any more. Her desk is invaded by staggering piles of administrative paperwork that seems to renew themselves every day and her drawer is filled with migraine medication...

But sometimes, when the city is in danger, she can gladly abandon her administrative duties and lead her soldiers into the action along with the champions of Sigmar.


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4 minutes ago, Greyshadow said:

Outstanding work. Where did you get the female heads from? 

Thanks! The heads come from Statuesque Miniatures. I am not the only one to have used those female heads by the way, I remember there was a someone on TGA who posted conversions of Stormcast using those.

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21 hours ago, The Golem said:

Thanks! The heads come from Statuesque Miniatures. I am not the only one to have used those female heads by the way, I remember there was a someone on TGA who posted conversions of Stormcast using those.

Thanks for the link man. Will order some for my freeguilds soon. There could definitely be some more diversity in their ranks. Do you know other sides to order heads for use with free peoples?

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12 minutes ago, Stulle said:

Thanks for the link man. Will order some for my freeguilds soon. There could definitely be some more diversity in their ranks. Do you know other sides to order heads for use with free peoples?

Apart from Statuesque Miniatures, I know Maximini.eu which also sells head bits. You can also search for "28mm heads" on eBay.

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