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The Penitent Crusade: Patriarch Ignatius And His Devoted Procession



Patriarch Ignatius, supreme head of the religious arm of the Church Of Saint Simeon leads a grand procession of the faithful zealots against the enemies of the Crusade.  Bearing relics of the Saint himself into battle the Patriarch whips the faithful into a reckless frenzy before unleashing their righteous fury on the heretical foes before them. 


Here are my converted Abhorant Ghoul King on Terrorgheist  along with his converted Flagellant Ghoul followers.


2018-12-15 19.57.45.jpg

2018-12-15 19.59.42.jpg

2019-02-01 14.51.55-2.jpg

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Fantastic! Really liking the flagellents, they’re such a great reminder of the Old World’s appeal; dark, gothic but with a cynical wink and nod at the ridiculousness of it all.

Loving this army.  

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Thx guys, this army has been a blast to put together. I just have this bad boy and couple units of Flayers left to get done.



Edited by TheWilddog
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