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The Chainghasts



Beginning with a base coat of Screaming Skull I worked up the grime with Nuln Oil, Agrax Earthshade, and Athonian Camoshade.  The black leading to lighter colors is meant to convey an ethereal fog that drifts over the drowned cemeteries of the Weeping Hollows inhabiting the burial shrouds and remains of the tortured souls who dwell there.

  The swampy bases were done using Stirland Mud texture, along with Vallejo Mud&Grass Effects. Base coat black, dry brush Rhinox Hide, dry brush Mournfang Brown. Heavy wash of Agrax. Dry brush Olive green followed by a light dry brush of screaming skull/olive green. The water was done with Vallejo Stillwater Effects but I am not very happy with it. A two part resin is a better way to go in the future.

I am currently doing minor conversions and prepping on the Nighthaunt half of Soul Wars and will be posting pics as they are completed. 


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Really like the more sickly green hue here. Makes them seem more grounded and sets them apart from the typical ghost boy look. Looking forward to the rest of the army.

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