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Base colours almost done



I've managed to get half the army to the below standard. That's all the Sequitors, Longstrikes and the 3 characters you see here. The gold I've went for is Retributor. I'm a little concerned about it, to be honest. I do like it but I never used it in any of my trials so no idea what it's gonna look like when it's finished. Working with it was a bit of a chore as well. Even with a wet pallet the stuff would dry out pretty quickly. 

Once I get the other half of the army up to this, there's only really the steel to do. I say really because I'm noticing a lot of bits and bobs on individual models that I'd not previously considered. Note, for example the bags and wax on the Lord-Relictor. I was thinking though, following the steel phase, I'm gonna go through each model one by one to touch up mistakes (there's a fair amount!) and to do these miscellaneous bits. 

Broke up from work today for the Christmas period. With the kids though, not sure how much I'll be able to get done. Ironically, I have more time when I'm at work to hobby. Will wish you all a very merry Christmas now. I hope you all have a great one, relax, and eat too much. A happy new year too. Here's hoping 2022 brings you many hours of gaming and some juicy news rules/ models for your army!







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On 1/1/2022 at 7:33 PM, KingBrodd said:

Colours are absolutely popping mate I love them!!

Thanks! It's been a while since I've updated. Christmas knocked the gaming wind out of me but got back to it this week. Just about to start on the last base colour - leadbelcher. Will update with pics when I've a few done. 

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On 1/20/2022 at 3:33 PM, Wordy9th said:

Nice work! What’s the blue colour you’ve gone with?

Hey, sorry for the delay. I never seem to get notifications for blog posts. The blue is Akhelian contrast. It's on top of leadbelcher with a zenithal highlight of a vallejo metal... I forget which one. Will check now and get back to you. 

Edit: vallejo model air chrome

Edited by lare2
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