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More Chariots for the Legions

Mengel Miniatures


I am playing in the Michigan GT at the end of September and want to take my Tomb Kings. With what I have painted now though I don't have enough Battleline units. I could have split my unit of 30 spearmen up, but they really lose effectiveness at smaller numbers. Instead I decided it was time to add more of my favorite TK unit to my army, chariots! 


I already have 4 chariots painted, so I only need to paint 2 more and a banner to attach to the fourth one I already have (the one at the back of the line in the pic above). I usually paint larger models like this one at a time, and in fact I'm pretty sure that's what I did with the rest of my chariots, it's hard to remember because I started on the unit in 2011. Since I want to get these done in time for the tournament though I decided to paint them together. I still struggle to paint full production line, so instead I do a kind of semi-production line. I do a lot of the main base colors and washes at the same time, but then I focus on one model at a time. Right now I am painting the chariots themselves. One of them is done now, the other is very basic at the moment, but I will finish that one before I move on to the horses. All of the horses will be painted before moving on to the crew, and etc.


There's my first newly finished chariot body! Happy with how it turned out and happy to be back to my TK. Fun fact, the wood on all of my TK units are painted slightly differently because I can never remember how I painted it before!

Now on to finishing the second chariot body, which will be for the unit champion. Thinking of painting the bones surrounding the skull on the front of that one as actual bone to make it stand out more.

Be sure to visit The Endless Deserts website, the home for all things Tomb King in AoS including new lore, rules, maps, and more!


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Such a cool army Tyler. I like that you have added a blog here. How do you go about ding the White? It's a colour I always struggle with! 

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6 hours ago, Stevewren said:

Such a cool army Tyler. I like that you have added a blog here. How do you go about ding the White? It's a colour I always struggle with! 

Thanks! I primed the models white, then painted all of the white areas Rakarth Flesh since I want it to be kind of an off white in the end. I then used Agrax Earthshade in all of the crevices. This was followed by several thin coats of white. A little thinner then you think it should be. This way I can build it up. On these guys I usually paint in a streaky patter near the end since I want a weathered look, but for my king on a chariot I used a smoother blend. This is all finished up with a final highlight of pure white.



Here's where I'm at on the second chariot. All of the white areas, and wood are completely done, and the gold is done except for the weathering. I think I have two more evenings of work on this. The bronze on the wheels and blade takes a while to build up a solid coat of since I am still using an old pot of Dwarf Bronze. I bought it right before they discontinued the paint and I only use it on this army so I think it will last me for awhile.

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Love the colour scheme, they could easily pass for undead High Elves... ;) Also the round bases on the chariots look great!

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The second chariot body is now done. Now I'm moving onto the horses. I'm hoping to have everything but the crew done by Sunday since I am playing in a 1 day tournament. That might be a bit unrealistic, but that's my goal anyway.chariot7.jpgchariot8.jpgchariot9.jpgchariot10.jpg

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I've started painting the horses. I base them, shade them, do a quick drybrush to pick out detail, then go back with the drybrush color and layer. It's all finished off with some line highlights.


I thought this was an interesting point to take a picture at. One horse has just been drybrushed, while the other has had the layer step and most of its line highlights. Kind of compares the look of drybrushed bone with carefully painted bone.

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Just some proof that I am still working on these. The crew are almost done. I really wanted to get these done this week, but I am leaving tomorrow until tuesday, so they probably won't be done till Wednesday sadly.


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