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We open June with a new interview. This time we will be delighted by the responses of our very own @CommissarRotke!

1 - Where are you from?

Eastern USA!

2 - When did you start to have contact with the hobby?

The very first week of middle school, from a High Elves battletome

3 - What kind of hobbyist are you?

I enjoy the construction and painting parts of the hobby; I never could draw very well but enjoyed building things like Legos, so finding this kind of creative outlet was a godsend.

4 - Which GW games have you played/ collected?

Started with WHFB and MESBG, shifted to 40k, left both, and now I'm firmly in the AOS camp.

5 - Which GW games do you play/ collect actually?

AOS for both and I don't see that changing much.

6 - How many armies do you have? (Include points count if you know it!)

I've got probably 2k in Stormcast, and am excited to get into my new Seraphon. I also enjoy getting smaller boxes like the Warcry faction kits for dipping a toe into a faction.

7 - Which one is your favourite army?

I think I'd have to say I love the idea of the Stormcast the most, with Lizardmen/Seraphon a close second. The psychological implications of Reforging can be so interesting, and I really hope GW leans into the Tragic/Hollow Hero more than Emotionless Killer in further stories. Wrestling against what it means to be an immortal savior while holding on to the remnants of your mortality is so fascinating to me.

8 - What is your favourite character?

I think I'd have to go with Gardus and Kroak; Gardus for the embodiment of virtues that Stormcast aspire to, and Kroak because that frog WILL see Chaos defeated even if reality crumbles around him. Yndrasta's book is also making me enjoy her inclusion a ton more.

9 - What is your favourite miniature?

I'm torn between Judicators and Vanquishers!!! Judis might take the top spot if I love their redo as much as the og. There's also the new Kroxigor for Seraphon though...

10 - What is your favourite AoS narrative?

Sigmar and Gorkamorka beating the ****** out of each other until they fell down laughing and became friends, hands down. For longer narratives, I think the search to fix the Reforging Curse though I have to read more books that deal with it.

11 - Can you show us the miniature that you are more proud of?

I don't have pics but I can tell you it's a unit of Saurus Warriors from WHFB because I finished the entire unit x)

12 - How did you find out about TGA?

I was scouring the internet for discussions about AOS lore and trying to find Hallowed Knights paint jobs.

13 - What is your favourite TGA thread?

The lore threads--both official and homemade!

Is there anything else do you want to add?

I'm so glad I decided to get over the End Times and take a look at Age of Sigmar... my only regret is that I didn't do this sooner. Not only does the community feel better than both WHF or 40k, the lore itself even feels better as a full-on adult.

Thanks CommissarRotke. I wish you plenty of Stormcast and Seraphon releases to increase your collection ;)

Edited by Ejecutor

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