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For this month's interview we have another member from the Netherlands, @zilberfrid!


1 - Where are you from?


2 - When did you start to have contact with the hobby


3 - What kind of hobbyist are you?


4 - Which GW games have you played/ collected?
Played AoS twice, and do not collect GW games because they are not to my tastes. I do collect minis


5 - Which GW games do you play/ collect actually?
Necromunda, 40k, AoS. I buy models to use in Pathinder or Frostgrave, and sometimes I find an excuse to buy a model by putting it in a game I run. I won't play GW games again.


6 - How many armies do you have? (Include points count if you know it!)  
I think I had a full cities and Kharadron army, but haven't checked points for a few years


7 - Which one is your favourite army?
Kharadron, Gitz or Nighthaunt.

8 - What is your favourite character?
Imoda Barrasdottr


9 - What is your favourite miniature?
Frostgrave Wizards 2, Snotling Blood Bowl team, Black Coach, Escher gang or 

10 - What is your favourite AoS narrative?

Kharadron kicking Grungni back out when he wanted to reconsile after abandoning them.

11 - Can you show us the miniature that you are more proud of?

I like my Christmas squigs, but they aren't my best work.


12 - How did you find out about TGA?
I don't remember, probably looking up something and ending up here.


13 - What is your favourite TGA thread?
Monthly painting challenges.


Is there anything else you want to add?


That was a pretty creative way of greetings holidays to someone! Thanks for sharing this with all of us ;)

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