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Children of Cothique



Good Morning,

This update might not be too exciting, especially for those of you who already know my works from other forums and blogs, but I wanted to share better pictures of my spearmen and explain a bit more in detail the thoughts and process behind the minis:

I started working on these conversions quite a long time ago, right after ET Khaine came out and I have spent a lot of time on each of them, though they are still painted at a tabletop level. They were designed to feel very simple and yet more in line with the artworks from the various HE books and the idea I always had of the Elves as an ancient race akin to the ancient mycenaean or doric greek with a twist toward the ancient aryans (no, not the ones you are thinking about ;) and the hindu.

I like to think that the homeric poems, the Iliad in particular, were a great source of inspiration for the final war of Ulthuan and they certainly were for me while working on this project. I wanted each of my warriors to feel like an hero with a personal story and yet transmit a sense of cohesion.

Alan Lee wonderful work on illustrating the Homeric poems was incredibly useful and gave me a lot of motivation and a clear result to aim at in terms of painting and general feel of the project (though my colours are much more saturated than his delicate watercolour masterpieces).

The choice of their heraldry and colours was also very important. Each shield bears the emblem of the warrior in white over a red field, representing the blood spilled during the terrible wars of the Rhana Dandra. The white motifs were taken from the book Uniforms&Heraldries of the HE, chosen from the section dedicated to Cothique, the realm where Prince Tyrion and my general Ulrik both come from. The lower third of the shields is covered in black, the Shadow of Khaine, which threatens to devour the warrior's pride and transform him into a pitiful Aeskhaine. On this black field is engraved a single Cynath rune, representing the chill of death and the inevitable end that awaits their race and their gods.

As I said I plan to make more of them and at least have a playable unit of ten. Let me know what you think.






Screen Shot 2016-10-26 at 10.33.57.png

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Thank you Klunc! I am planning to have some work done on a chariot if the bits I ordered arrive before the week end! Will make sure to post progresses here.


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The colour scheme on thes guys and the freehand on the shields is just brilliant. A whole army done like this would look fantastic. Great work and I hope you continue with the idea. 

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Many thanks Steve! I do not know about an army (not in whfb fashion anyway) but I sure plan to expand my warband to something more playable... My plan at the moment is to add some spearmen to the unit to bring their number to ten (at least) and a chariot to give the band a small centrepiece. After that I already have an idea for a unit of Silver Helms and some Aeskhaine (elves who have succumbed to the Shadow of Khaine and lost their sanity and soul to the Destroyer)... I still don't know how to use them in game, maybe as DE Witches?

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