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Stonehorn and gutbusters first tournament



Hi Guys,

So I went to a little one day event today and took my ogres, I was constrained with time so the painting on them is about table top standard. That being said I'm pretty happy with how they look, especially my butcher who I gave a little more love to then the rest of the army:




So the one day tournament was going to have 3 rounds, but the organiser was a no show at the store so one of the guys was a sporting chap and ran it for the store. Unfortunately due to lost time we could only fit in two rounds haha.


First round I drew a death army, his army from memory:

Vampire with wings - sword of summoning


mortis engine

terrorgheist (that he summoned)

10 ghouls

40 skeletons with spears, full command

10 skeletons with shields and sword

2 batswarms

5 hexwraiths


My list was

Frostlord on stonehorn - battlebrew

Tyrant - bellowing Tyrant


Bruiser BSB

4*3 ogors with ironfists and full command

2 gorgers


We played the take and hold mission. Since He deployed first he started his first turn by shuffling forward and cast van hels on the big block of 40 skeles.

There was a little confusion around summoning the terrorgheist as in the AOS app there are two entries, he swapped his sword to the book that gives him -1 to hit, but then later found that he could summon the terrorgheist. Unfortunately due to the confusion around it and me not knowing much about death he then proceeded to run the vamp lord with both artifacts. Was an honest mistake on his part, but ended up being pretty game changing.


In my turn I buff the stone horn and send him into the skeletons, Due to a bad rampaging destroyer roll he's just out of range on my bruiser BSB. In combat I only kill 15 skeletons, which is super low for this model when its buffed the way I had buffed him. I realise at that moment that I just totally forgot to roll with the modifiers, so in retaliation he takes 144 skeleton attacks and after all is said and done has 5 wounds left.


We roll off and luckily I get the double turn, I drink the battle brew and sling a unit of ogors into his ghouls that he had been advancing with on my left flank supported by his hexwraiths, I also remember my gorgers and place them on his right flank in the corner with the idea of trying to beat his little 10 man skele unit on his home objective later in the game.

I also cast the maw on his big unit of skeletons and manage to kill one, the tyrant also launches himself at the mortis engine that he had garrisoned in a building for a 2+ save... in combat I remember the buffs on the stonehorn and almost wipe the skeletons, he has like 6 left that do 24 attacks or something and manages to get a wound through on me.

The tyrant manages to cause a few wounds to the mortis engine, but then takes 3 from being donked on the head by the wizard...

in his turn the mortis does the big bubble mortal wound thing and along with bolt kills the stonehorn, the vampire lord charges into my tyrant and his hex wraiths charge into a unit of 3 bulls. In combat the hexwraiths kill my bulls with battleshock (lost the last guy) and we do 2 in return. The tyrant misses the vamp cause I am at -2 to hit (thanks to the book he doesn't have haha) and the little bats.

From here its all down hill for me, the gorgers manage to kill his skeletons at his home objective, but I needed 5 models to capture and by the time I realised I could have won he had summoned a terrorgheist into my lines (shouldn't have happened if he had the book) and locked down all my ogors/blocked them from making their way across the field.

I did manage to kill the terrorgheist but he then killed me down to just my butcher who wasn't within 6 of my objective and the two gorgers sitting on his, but unable to capture haha. His Vamp had also been doing a number on my bulls and my bruiser BSB since I was hitting on 6s (due to the book he shouldn't have had haha)

Major victory vamps!


My second game was blood and glory and I was facing a khorne army.

His army from memory:

Wrath of khorne Bloodthirster - armed with the chaos runeblade

Mighty khorne lord - Crown of command

Blood secrator

blood stoker

30 bloodreavers with full command

20 blood letters

khorne cannon

3 bloodcrushers

5 khorne warriors


he had the starter battalion as well


I deployed first so got the first turn. I had setup my 3 ogre characters along with one unit of 3 ogres to my left on one of my objectives with the stonehorn right on the 12 inch line. my right flank was made up of my 3 units of ogres and I planned to bring my gorgers on as close to his objective as possible. 

His right flank facing off against my stonehorn and friends was composed of the blood crushers, khorne warriors, bloodstoker, mightylord of khorne and the blood thirster. In the middle he had his blood secrator and his bloodreavers and on his left flank he had his khorne cannon and bloodletters.

 I announced I wanted to reenact that artwork in the  beastclaw book where the frost lord is taking on a bloodthirster. My opponent had obligingly stuck him on the 12 inch line across from the stonehorn. My hero phase I bellowed at the stonehorn, he drank his brew, I also tried for mystic shield on him, but failed to cast it.

everyone did the destruction shuffle with the stonehorn getting a 5, then in the movement phase he rolled a 6 on the run and moved within 3 inches of the bloodthirster. My gorgers popped up on my right hand blank 9 away from his cannon. My opponent was pretty surprised with the speed of the stonehorn, I did warn him before the game begun that the dude was quick and very killy, but he felt confident his thirster would live... I knew otherwise :D.

I promptly charged in and killed the thirster, didn't even need to roll for my hooves or kicks haha. 

My opponent was thrown off by this, but figured I needed to be sent back into the warp and brought his mighty lord of khorne and khorgarath over to say hello. he stoked his bloodcrushers and sped towards my characters holding the objective on my left. His bloodreavers moved towards my 3 units of ogres holding my right hand objective supported by the bloodsecrator. The blood letters ran over to kill my gorgers.

In the charge phase the mightylord of khorne made it in, but the khorgarath failed and his bloodletters made it in to the now lone gorger cause one had died to his cannon.

In combat his lord of khorne got one hit through on the stonehorn... I suddenly felt worried haha. I attacked his blood letters killing 4 with some decent rolling from the gorger, he does 2 mortal wounds to me and nothing else. He wasn't able to get too many on me due to a bad charge range roll even with the pile in.

The stonehorn smacks the mighty lord of khorne off the table, he then picks up his dice and like a ****** holds it for ages telling me how I die on a 5+ haha. luckily for me he rolls a one! Sucka.

He wins the priority roll for a double turn and promptly moves the khorgarath within 3 of the stone horn, the bloodreavers move towards one of the three ogre units on my right hand flank and the bloodcrushers move into position to charge my tyrant on the left flank. Its at this point I realise he can win the game if these combats go well for him. He just needs to kill the Tyrant and get his warriors within range of my objective on the left and kill the unit of three bulls on the right.

In the fights he decides to use the khorgarath first. So far the stonehorn has taken 4 wounds, 3 from this dudes little bone shooting attack and 1 from the mighty lord of khorne. He whiffs all his attacks and nothing happens. I then pick my bulls to go who are fighting the blood reavers and kill 12... No save is pretty brutal haha. He then goes with his bloodcrushers and takes 4 wounds from my tyrant. The gorger goes next killing 6! blood letters who in return bring him down to his last wound. The tyrant kills a bloodcrusher and I was able to pile in with the butcher who takes 2 wounds from another. The stonehorn pulverizes the khorgarath.

In my turn I plant my bsb banner, drink my battle brew, bellow at myself(the tyrant) and move the stonehorn towards his warriors holding the objective on his right flank. I also move 3 bulls on my right hand flank to support the gorger against the bloodletters.

Charges go off and I make it into the warriors of khorne and the bloodletters. In combat I decide to go with the ogres against the blood reavers and kill them off. He then picks the warriors of khorne to go against the stonehorn and does a few wounds to me. I then go with the gorger who smacks down a few blood letters who in turn finish him off and do a few wounds to my ogres. I then select my tyrant to go and he wipes the bloodcrushers. the ogres then go and wipe the bloodletters and the stonehorn does the same with the warriors of khorne (only just) who then go again and take me down to 5 wounds remaining.

We roll for priority and I manage to win it and move all my stuff onto his objectives and claim them for the major victory.

Major victory: Ogors

I had two good games, pity we couldn't get the third one in haha. I ended up coming tie 2nd which was nice and I think I may have even had a chance of winning the tournament if the first game had played out right with me remembering my buffs, but oh well I'll get that guy next time!

The army itself is fun to play. It feels pretty flimsy though and really relies on the stonehorn doing well. You also rely on killing the opponent off a lot in number based objective scenarios like blood and glory. I feel that my opponent might have done better if he aimed to wipe my flimsy right hand flank composed of 9 ogors and 2 gorgers, might have been a different game completely.

I'll be going to another tournament at the end of January, but will be posting painting updates. Next on the painting table is a direwolf and bat heavy undead army. I bought it ages ago with the idea of a strigoi ghoul king living in a crypt in a forest surrounded by bats and wolves, I hadn't read the small print on direwolves and bats at the time that said they didn't count as core so the army was never played haha. I've since purchased some mantic zombies to fix that.

Anyways thanks for reading!


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One comment - Vanhels only works in the Death player's turn from memory. Surprised you didn't global the unit - might have been worth a double chug.

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30 minutes ago, Nico said:

One comment - Vanhels only works in the Death player's turn from memory. Surprised you didn't global the unit - might have been worth a double chug.

Yeah it should have been taken off in that turn, but forgetting that I had bellowed at him and drank the battle brew cost me haha. So I was hitting on 4s for the stonehorn horns instead of 2s etc.


Man you're right about van hels too! Well that game should have totally been a win for me haha. I'll remember that for next time.

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