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Assault on the Plague Gate



Had a great narrative game the other night which I thought I'd share.

We normally play with points, but was in the mood for an epic smash up which (I feel) works better with narrative play.



The attacker (go left to right in below picture) has to move as many units as possible through the Plague Gate (a baleful realm gate). At the conclusion of the match, the attacker would roll a dice and if the result was less than or equal to the number of units that got through the gate, they would score a Major victory, else the defender would score a minor victory which was improved to Major if they could capture the circle of stones terrain feature as well.



The attacker throws down as many models as he likes, in this case, the Gut Buster horde of the Tyrant Runnylegs Lanceface. This big name was earned in 8th Ed. Runnylegs, rallied after fleeing, challenged the unit champion of some Order of the Blazing Sun knights to a dual and was promptly dispatched as the unit champion was possessed by Slaneesh and had a higher the normal initiative. Additionally, any unit removed from the game due to attrition could be returned to the game in the following movement phase at the reinforcement line (purple ribbon seen in some photos below). The reinforcement line could be moved forward 6" by a priest or wizard (3+ or 6+ respectively) in the hero phase.



The defending force consisted of a Start collecting force of Nurgle Daemons, which was reinforced in a number of ways.

  • In the defenders hero phase D3 bases of Nurglings would appear in one of the filth pond (1=small pond, 2=medium pond, 3= large pond. Additionally, once 12 bases of Nurglings had been spawned Morbidex would appear in the large filth pond.
  • Starting on turn 2, on a dice roll of 5+ Ningauble Seven-Eyes (Plague lord) and his Blightguard would appear at a random table edge or  the reinforcement line. +1 is added to the roll for every subsequent turn. Additionally, on a roll of a natural 6, the brothers Glottkin would show up as well.


Early Game

The early exchanges saw both starting forces rush to meet each other, with the Ogre player advancing the reinforcement line several times.


Mid Game

The defenders left flank crumbles, only for the right flank to be reinforced by Ningauble and his Blightguard. The Nurgle Herald earns a to-be-determined name after twice coming within one dice pip of slaying Runnylegs.


Late Game

Morbidex hauls his bloated carcass from the filth ponds to mount a rearguard action that saves the day for the defenders of the Plague Gate



A Minor victory to the disease ridden plague cohort as the Ogres didn't manage to get any units through the Plague Gate, but were so hard pressed they didn't manage to even consider making a player for the circle of power.

However, it was a close run thing and a several factors helped swing the result:

  • The Nurglings spawned like things that spawn really quickly, allowing Morbidex to appear just at the right time.
  • Similarily, The Blightguard popped up just in time to halt the progress of the Ironguts done the right flank.
  • I'd designed the scenario, thinking my opponent was going to bring his Stormcast which would have meant the Nurglings would have been less effective as they were great at tying up the big units of Ogres.
  • we finished after 6 turns due to time constraints, when 8 felt about right for the scenario.

We did a shoulda-coulda-woulda roll after the match to see how many units the Ogres needed to get through and it was a 2!!!

A great evening of gaming and the result was superfluous, given the enjoyment had.

Glory to the Plaguefather!





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Sorry, didn't mean to rate my own blog entry 5 stars - gumby fingers on the touch screen and what is done, can't be undone apparently...

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