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NEW FAQs, Compendium, Forgeworld


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It sure seems this a clear indication of what to expect. 

Overpowered loophole appears, enjoy it while it's available as the door will get slammed shut. 

Old opt of production models that have rules to let people play them stat getting picked up by power gamers. Good luck with that. 

The is a fantastic round of updates and while I can see some issues of "ouch, I'm glad that didn't happen to my army" it looks to me like the game as a whole just got a massive amount more balanced

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Well, spoot.  Grimgor Ironhide is no more.  I never even got a chance to rebase and play him.  Oh well.  Now he's even more of a collector model I guess.  I hope we get a replacement Ardboy character for Ironjawz to make up for the change.

Maybe I'll play him as a Warboss with banner to buff my Ironjawz for the time being...

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A lot of these changes seem to fix the units that were over used or potentially abusable, largely the units that players tended to dislike due to overuse:


Sayl - Nerfed, faction specific, good but not broken
Stonehorns - Savage, really tough and decent damage output, made more killable
Khemist/Secrator/Other - Clarified to not stack, still good not broken

Whilst I sympathise with the legacy players whose armies took a knock and lost faction keywords they do still have a (admittedly dimished) presense, which is still an improvement on the days of old where discontinued meant no rules support what so ever.


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Though, I have a weird situation now with bloodletters vs Stonehorn

10 blood letters wound normally, as a dmg 1 attack they each halve, round up and do 10 damage assuming all saves fail.
10 bloodletters wound on 6's, 10 mortal wounds are generated by the unit ability, does this count as 10 individual abilities (so 10 wounds) or a single unitwide ability (and halve down to 5 mortal wounds)

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2 minutes ago, Melcavuk said:

Though, I have a weird situation now with bloodletters vs Stonehorn

10 blood letters wound normally, as a dmg 1 attack they each halve, round up and do 10 damage assuming all saves fail.
10 bloodletters wound on 6's, 10 mortal wounds are generated by the unit ability, does this count as 10 individual abilities (so 10 wounds) or a single unitwide ability (and halve down to 5 mortal wounds)

This is very important!

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26 minutes ago, Ben said:

It sure seems this a clear indication of what to expect. 

Overpowered loophole appears, enjoy it while it's available as the door will get slammed shut. 


Except for Wight Kings with Infernal Standards.


Unless I'm missing something (and I did only quickly flip through everything), it looks like those can still stack.

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28 minutes ago, Ben said:

It sure seems this a clear indication of what to expect. 

Overpowered loophole appears, enjoy it while it's available as the door will get slammed shut. 

Old opt of production models that have rules to let people play them stat getting picked up by power gamers. Good luck with that. 

The is a fantastic round of updates and while I can see some issues of "ouch, I'm glad that didn't happen to my army" it looks to me like the game as a whole just got a massive amount more balanced


Yeah, it's great to see!

I only hope that they display the same responsiveness and and speed of updates that they're displayed with the new 40k releases.

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Am I crazy or can the new anvil of doom only buff itself?

That is sad. Also I will miss Grimm Burloksonn, best engineer.

All the compendium dwarfs besides artillery (which lost engineer bonus but get vs horde bonus) got nerfed but cost the same or more. Heck the Runelord apprentice is 70 up from 20 and I don't think the anvil can buff anyone else.

Bretonnia faired much better than I expected. Perhaps order was slightly worse. Pegasus knights losing the double pile in on charges and costing the same points does sting.

Overall, it had to happen and I would take this over them being deleted.

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Just now, Malakithe said:

So if all compendium warscrolls are using the substitute warcrolls like the Orc Warboss uses the Orruk Warboss then can we still use the old battalions like the Greenskinz Big Mob?

If you can find GHB2017 points for a battalion, you can use it. If not, then no.

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It makes me a bit sad too to see the Standard Bearer hero choices all get modified.  Duardin, Chaos Warriors, it seems that all the old Standard Bearer heroes are no longer able to buff other models around them.  Sure, some of them still have decent abilities.  As such, I don't know if I will ever get myself to make my planned conversions of the Standard Bearer models for my planned armies.

Oh well.  Gives me more time to work on other models for my armies :)

EDIT: To be fair, the plastic kits that have banners, like the Orc Warboss and Empire General, are still around.  It's just the current practice of "No models, no rules" that has been going on for a few years now.

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1 hour ago, angelust said:

Have we seen any overall change to Kunnin Rukk or is it still ruler of the roost?

+100 points to the battalion

+20 points to big boss

+20 points to savage orruks

+20 points to savage orruk arrowboys and max unit size in now 30


Beyond that I've not heard of anything other than changes to the Destruction allegiance that will make mixing it with other destruction less useful.

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"Bretonnia faired much better than I expected. Perhaps order was slightly worse. Pegasus knights losing the double pile in on charges and costing the same points does sting."

When nerfs hit it's the flyers always shot down first.

In anycase I don't see too much to complain about except it's still unlikely we'll get battleline bowmen (haven't seen the ghb yet but neither has anyone said anything)

The app and Warscrolls builder have all that stuff still so I wonder if it'll stick around there or they'll be updated soon. (Please, GW, fix the app problems on this update.-_-' )

I do hope this means Brets and Tombs will see more lore mentions now that they became generic forces of the realms.



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I have the feeling the obsession with the compendium modelswas unhealthy from the start on because I had the feeling that these warscrolls and battalions were stronger than the later warscrolls released in the grand alliance books.

I don't cry that the named chars of the old world are gone because they never really belonged to the background of the Realms of Age of Sigmar and I'm glad, the "fully" abilities are gone.

And in about 13 hours I will hopefully get a complete picture about the generals Handbook 2017.

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Just now, EMMachine said:

I have the feeling the obsession with the compendium modelswas unhealthy from the start on because I had the feeling that these warscrolls and battalions were stronger than the later warscrolls released in the grand alliance books.

I don't cry that the named chars of the old world are gone because they never really belonged to the background of the Realms of Age of Sigmar.

And in about 13 hours I will hopefully get a complete picture about the generals Handbook 2017.

Tomb Kings was the only compendium model that was competitive in the GHB era. The strongest armies were all core AoS armies, because GW got better and more comfortable at synergy. 

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5 minutes ago, EMMachine said:

I have the feeling the obsession with the compendium modelswas unhealthy from the start on because I had the feeling that these warscrolls and battalions were stronger than the later warscrolls released in the grand alliance books.

I don't cry that the named chars of the old world are gone because they never really belonged to the background of the Realms of Age of Sigmar and I'm glad, the "fully" abilities are gone.

And in about 13 hours I will hopefully get a complete picture about the generals Handbook 2017.

I agree they were OP and probably hurt the game.

For example, why would you EVER take a Cogsmith when you can take Grimm, who is better in every way for the same points. He had more, better shooting and melee attacks. He could buff the range of Quarrellers and Thunderers, and heal war machines for d3.

I love the lore for the world-that-was, but with the new allegiance abilities coming out., it feels like a good time to move past it.  There is no reason people cant play "GHB 2016 games" as they like. I am sure I will to do comparisons and use fun models.

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Personally I have a mixed opinion on this last GW's move.


On one hand I do believe that at some point GW should abbandon the old Compendiums, i do think this was too early, and although GH17 gave some really nice updates such as those already mentioned by you guys I believe that the game will become a lot more monotone now (especially in terms of matched play and tournaments).

If you think about it, AoS is still lacking many armies (elves most of all, but there are many others, Nurgle, Slaanesh and so on, or the entire Death Allience except the ghouls need some love) many people still played those armies in a way or another, or have scattered units based on all 8th edition armies but now with Khorne havin 27 Warscroll battallions, and Stormcast having 29, while the entire Death Allience has 10, it will end with people either grouping around armies that got updated, or dropping the game until their armies get some love.

Besides with GH17, Warscroll battalions are a lot less (all the compendium ones got squatted) so the variety of armies fielded I believe will be seriosuly reduced, although I do believe GH17 did some really nice things in terms of overall balance.


Ps - Warscroll battallions were not only there for power puproses, but they were full of fluff, and you could build armies around it, with nice rules that gave armies the righ vibe to play with...



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