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NEW FAQs, Compendium, Forgeworld


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6 minutes ago, EMMachine said:


I don't cry that the named chars of the old world are gone because they never really belonged to the background of the Realms of Age of Sigmar and I'm glad, the "fully" abilities are gone.


I would be fine with this if it didn't mean that a faction loses it's iconic abilities with these named characters. 

For Moonclan, Tricksy Traps is an iconic ability that will be lost with Skarsnik. Hopefully they will give it to the shaman or the warboss :( 

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9 minutes ago, Sheriff said:

I would be fine with this if it didn't mean that a faction loses it's iconic abilities with these named characters. 

For Moonclan, Tricksy Traps is an iconic ability that will be lost with Skarsnik. Hopefully they will give it to the shaman or the warboss :( 

Yeah, 100 moonclans and every moonclan was lead by a clone of Skarsnik. Did anyone use the Grot Warboss from the Grand Alliance Book that could have a Grand Cave Squig (so it was the same model).

6 minutes ago, Baron Klatz said:

Or better yet, a Moonclan battletome. 

It's a lot to hope for perhaps but i think a outpour of battletomes would solve the compendium problems.

That's the error of the Grand Alliance Book: Descruction that has not a single battalion in it.

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Reading various forums and some post's here. You know I am getting kinda surprised that people did not expect this was going to happen GW wants people to buy models they support. The compendiums were simply there to bridge the gap for whfb and AOS, well that's how I saw them as Dawnstar said on the second page this is pretty much GW ripping off the band-aid. 

Also I do hope GW keeps up with the FAQ's they are pretty great. 

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Though, I have a weird situation now with bloodletters vs Stonehorn  10 blood letters wound normally, as a dmg 1 attack they each halve, round up and do 10 damage assuming all saves fail. 10 bloodletters wound on 6's, 10 mortal wounds are generated by the unit ability, does this count as 10 individual abilities (so 10 wounds) or a single unitwide ability (and halve down to 5 mortal wounds)




 Each attack would be individual. 

See post #26 earlier in the thread.


Edit: That 10 6's on 10 dice would have me questioning your dice.

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1 minute ago, TheOtherJosh said:

Yeah I saw that when I got back to a solid PC rather than mobile device, I assume that since most of the units carry the nurgle keyword they may fit into the upcoming nurgle faction in the blightwater expansion much akin to Khorne units do in Blades of Khorne

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The Moonclan Squig Gobba has got a LOT better ! :o 

Gone from 2 expected attacks to 7, from 5+hit to 3+, and wound now 3+ from 4+, increased expected range from 14 to 18 inches, AND gets a new bitey melee attack that does mortal wounds. 

Surely means it costs way more points though. 

Shame I still don't like the look of it. 

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I do feel that sayl hasn't been nerfed but finally someone took some time over him and now he finally is the character presented in the Tamurkhan campaign.

On some of their other stuff, I do feel initially that they've been lazy.  I can understand what GW are doing with compendiums where if that model is now in existence in another form, then that is the new model - with the only warscrolls available being the ones which have no tangible equivalents.

The removal of characters of the old world for instance. Its no different to what happened to dogs of war and such like, where they eventually become so unattractive in game terms that sales drop and then obsolescence due to lack of sales.  I can see why GW are doing it, as you can only hang on to the past for so long, but FW have now got gaps in their rules vs model lines.

I do hope that Forgeworld have something planned for the models which they sell which are not in their compendiums.

It'll be interesting to see what happens.

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So Archaon the Everchosen is now just a Chaos Lord on Demonic Mount?  Am I missing something beyond that bit at the end that says he no longer has a warscroll?  Does this just apply to the old model of him on a horse or to him on Dorghar as well?

Not entirely sure if I think it is a bad thing, just seemed a lot of the early mythos surrounded him.

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Just now, Travis Baumann said:

So Archaon the Everchosen is now just a Chaos Lord on Demonic Mount?  Am I missing something beyond that bit at the end that says he no longer has a warscroll?  Does this just apply to the old model of him on a horse or to him on Dorghar as well?

Not entirely sure if I think it is a bad thing, just seemed a lot of the early mythos surrounded him.

It's specifically referring to Compendium Archaeon aka Mini-Me Archaeon.

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this faq gives some interesting options for reroll before modifiers: if I have a +1 to hit on a unit (e.g. bloodletters) hitting on 4 but causing an additional effect on a roll of 6+ (5+ with buff), when you roll a 3 (which fails but would hit with the +1 buff) you can reroll it for a new chance to get a 5 or 6 for the extra effect?

how is this handled with saves? if you can reroll all failed save rolls, but you get attacked by a weapon with rend, are you then not allowed to reroll the save rolls that are succesfull before the modifier but fail after rend gets applied? (the case would be a -1rend attack on a 3+ save and you roll a 3)


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Almost GW, almost but no cigar.

What I don't particularly get is... why do this now? Why make everything fit into Age of Sigmar factions but then remove everything that was a synergy in any way? And then, they didn't even repoint anything unless it was too cheap and going to cause problems.

This is what I was advocating, but I feel maybe it's a step too far. Like what's the point of having super-warden king or super-runelord if you can't put them in the Dispossessed faction nor buff your Dispossessed units?

I absolutely love the fact they made everything generic, and got rid of stuff that was duplicated anyway, but would've preferred to keep faction synergies but just had an overrall rule that these warscrolls are no longer supported and unavailable in tournament play.


I guess overall, we all knew it was coming, but it really is the death of the compendium. I feel the only units that'll be used out of compendium are Brettonians, Tomb Kings, and anything that's powerful enough that you don't care about going Grand Alliance to use them.

My pick (without looking to deep) might be Waywatchers. You get 5 for 80 now (Up from 3 for 80), which just shows my point that they didn't bother repricing anything that wasnt a problem (Rugluds Armoured Orcs, now Orruks Mercenaries are somehow 5 for 140 even in GHB1, how they were that price originally, I have no clue, how they're still that price, absolutely astounding, it's like nobody even bothered looking).

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The FAQs definatly cleared up some issues. The Stonehorn rework brings it in line with the Rogue Idol ability with the same effect, revealed last week. I'm actually happy about the large buff the Squig Gobba got. Sure, it's 80 points more expensive (140 now), but is actually worth taking as an ally. The Orruk Bully is still not as good as he was on release, but he gives a Inspiring [Fear] Presence bubble to any Grot Crew models. Not sure if that'll be good in practice though. I'm sad to see the old Black Orc Big Boss ('Ard Nob) go. He wasn't the best, but he was sure interesting to put out from time to time. On the Gutbusters side, no more battalion sucks, but we'll see over the next week if the Azyr app still has it or not. The 'new' Bruiser Standard Bearer will actually be fun to use; That ability may actually be pretty strong against MSU armies. On the FAQ side, the Balewind had A LOT of questions answered, and the Tzeentch Changehost loophole closed. No longer is a Lord of Change allowed to get on top of one. On the other side, the Ardboy shields question STILL hasn't been clarified. I know the overall consensus is that they don't protect against mortal wounds, but I just wanted to see it in writing. Now... where did ally my dragons from the Monstrous Arcanum go?

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49 minutes ago, wayniac said:

It's specifically referring to Compendium Archaeon aka Mini-Me Archaeon.

Yup - it's bye bye Baby Archaon... Although it was to be expected.

I am actually happy that there are no named characters. This is just my personal opinion on the matter, but I was reticent to use characters from another world that didn't really belong in AoS.

I feel much better about fielding Louen Leoncoeur now that he is just some medieval king. And, the cool thing is that now he can take some command trait and artefact!:)


Overall I am very happy with the changes - I was never a big fan of all the stacking. So aetherkhemist, bloodsecretor, stonehorn changes will improve the overall gaming experience.

Good job GDubz!

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1 hour ago, tea_wild_owl said:

this faq gives some interesting options for reroll before modifiers: if I have a +1 to hit on a unit (e.g. bloodletters) hitting on 4 but causing an additional effect on a roll of 6+ (5+ with buff), when you roll a 3 (which fails but would hit with the +1 buff) you can reroll it for a new chance to get a 5 or 6 for the extra effect?

how is this handled with saves? if you can reroll all failed save rolls, but you get attacked by a weapon with rend, are you then not allowed to reroll the save rolls that are succesfull before the modifier but fail after rend gets applied? (the case would be a -1rend attack on a 3+ save and you roll a 3)


This is actually EXACTLY how it was ruled before.   However, now it's been fleshed out to avoid confusion.

Unmodified means UNMODIFIED.  Answer to your first question is yes.  Answer to your second is no, you may not.

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so it looks like there only 3 compendium armies that could still be played indepently now, Bret, Highelves and Tombking.. its a shame that some of the older compdendium forces that have units in them no longer have defining keywords like the wood elves or the skaven but in the end its what i execpted.

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4 hours ago, Criti said:

Except for Wight Kings with Infernal Standards.


Unless I'm missing something (and I did only quickly flip through everything), it looks like those can still stack.

Those, like the Mourngul, never actually stacked. People just didn't know what the word 'any' meant. But it's okay, GW explained it for us.

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I love what they have done for the Bonegrinder Giant. That thing is so massive  and dominates the table whenever you set it down, but its stats never matched its appearance. Now it's a real beast that is as fearsome as it looks. Unfortunately they priced him out of being an ally in 2,000 point matched games.

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