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Let's chat: Ironskull's Boyz


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Ironskull's Boyz


Like all fantastic Let's Chat topics I believe that Warhammer Underworlds will be great with it's own set of Let's Chat topics aswell. 
The idea here is really to chat about the Warband, use of characters and offcourse deck construction that will eventually contain all kinds of different cards.

The advantage of keeping all these topics in one place allows for players to really browse through a list of ideas and tactics applied by several players. Offcourse painting and modeling discussions will also be part of these kinds of topics.

In order to inform the starting player and veteran I decided to put as much info on the Boyz as I can. Currently I can't find the complete deck scans of all cards just yet, so please be patient! :) 



Gurzag Ironskull


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16 minutes ago, gorthorbeastlord said:

In a couple of the review videos they're mentioning a daemon weapon which damages the user? I don't have a card like that in my shadespire box so it must come with one of the expansion warbands or my set was short some cards.


Anyone else have any ideas about this?

It comes with the Orruks I think and I think it's limited to their warband rather than being a generic card (but I could be wrong)

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Cheers, we'll see it for sure in a couple weeks then, I'm definitely pre ordering these lads this weekend and it'll be a mad dash to paint them ASAP!


I just wanted to make sure it wasn't a generic card with the blood reavers that I wasn't missing.


I guess until they're in our hands there's only one question to ask, which orruk will you paint first?

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  • 2 weeks later...


So with the Ironskull's Boys comming up this weekend I'm looking forward to pick up this box.

As can be seen in the video previews the Boys get a lot harder when they get hurt and I really like this mechanic for all of them. In addition having four models with a minimum of four health is also huge! The potions, additional wounds and damage for buff Power cards will be huge on them.

From this initial impression I think it's save to say that both Gurzag and Bonekutta are the main fighters you want to have and stick around. Both Knockback and Cleave are very useful and I love how each Warband so far has a Cleave model amongst them, it's essential for Stormcast and Orruks to actually have this improved defence.
Generally speaking though I think Basha will always be useful as Knockback is just great. 

Will pick up the box as soon as possible and provide some more insight. What's really interesting is that none of their Objective cards are any Hold Objective cards, despite that fact I do think they are great Objectives for them because they are so sturdy and sitting on an Objective will certainly force opponets to do something with them.

What I really like about these prospects is that they are the first Warband with the duality to go full offensive with every member in the Warband but also have the Wounds to play this aggressively. For Bloodreavers the Wounds usually keep you back from charging into anything. With Stormcast 3 charges mean it's difficult to be on Guard and at least one Activation is spend on cycling cards. All in all I love the options the Boys have by comparison. 


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I odly torn when it comes to this warband. I really like them from a tactics point-of-view. They are the Jack of All Trades of the warbands able to go both offensive and defensive and even play a bit of the objective game, all of which I really like. On the other hand... I dislike orcs. Both the look of the models and the background.

Im considering asking my usual opponent if I can proxy. Then again maybe the models will grow on me as I paint them.

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2 hours ago, Killax said:

I think the models are awesome but like gold with Stormcast Id refuse to paint them yellow. Keep something darker in mind:



Looks great! I was considering grey with red as spot colour but Im worried the grey wont work so well with the metal of the chainmail and weapons.

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On 2-11-2017 at 12:07 PM, KillagoreFaceslasha said:

Me personally I'm thinking I will paint them like saim hann eldar but with kantor blue pauldrons or just go for abaddon black with praxetty white details.

Sounds awesome to me! I think a lot of options can work very well. I think the prime issue I have with the Yellow is that it's so clean and bright and this simply doesn't fit the Orruks. Not even the artwork is that crisp for example. It's kind of cool that they resemble the 80's "bright colours" models but we've come to an age where washes, pigments and shades are easy to get (pre made) and thus relying on prime colours is much less needed...


However the case, get them if you like them and certainly paint them however you want! I think the only reason why GW went away from the older Black Orcs look is because black is a difficult colour to work with. So is yellow offcourse but at least a green undercoat (or no undercoat) will still allow for a yellow outcome. If it was up to me though I'd defice a scheme for the studio very much like the above, bright details but otherwise very earthly tones. It just looks better with green. 


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My first try at a deck:

x12 Objectives:


Biggest An' Da Best
Dere's More of Us
Call of the Waaagh!
Get Da Boss
Divide and Conquer


Victorious Duel
Good Scrap

Superior Tactics
'Ard as Iron

x12 Ploy:

Kunnin' but Brutal
'Avin' a Good Time
Gorkamorka's Blessing
Burtal but Kunnin'
Scrag 'Em
Last Lunge
More Choppin'
Healing Potion
Deafening Bellow
Daylight Robbery


Crush and Cleave
Great Fortitude
'Ard Head
Brutal Frenzy

Feedback would be very appreciated! :) I've only played twice, once with the Orruks. And I do not know all the rules so I need a deck to get started and understand the process.

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So I played ironskulls boyz at the bad dice tournament on Friday. Managed to finish in 6th, don't remember my deck list but can find out next week if people are intrested. 

I only had about 30mins to build the deck so there is easily room for refinement.

The warband is hyper aggressive with a lot of amazing warband specific cards. You are very dependent on both board setup, you want to have as many linking hexes as possible, and on objective placement. Since you generally won't have the 1-5 cards you want to use your first placement in your opponents half to block good placement for him and put it towards the front of his board. Plant the banner let's you score 1 if gurzag holds a point in the enemy territory so a nice east score is great and it denies your opponent good defensive objectives to.

The deck itself is very aggressive but with great tricks. In the poly phase you can trigger a free attack, get a move off that attack and even trigger charges. This let's you act out of sequence a lot.

Only gurzag is good uninspired but with 4 health the others inspire easily. Once they do there is no bad fighter.


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@Malakree love to hear more about it man! I think the Ironskull's look amazingly well equiped for any combat, to the point where I think they might be the Stormcast counter that to me at least Bloodreavers most certainly arn't. Tons of great cards, which I'll note as soon as possible for them. 

What I also love about them is exactly as you stated, the moment they get any form of damage there are no bad fighters left and the moment you are inspired you don't turn back once healed. In addition to that I believe there is only more power to be added when mixed with the Core set. Logical cards to add remain:

Great Strength
Great Fortitude
Healing Potion
Likely the Hold Objectives, cards still do not dissapoint

@Lysandestolpe Some things to keep in mind for deck construction is that you cannot have more Ploy cards as you have Upgrades. Other than that feel free to share the contents so we can get the discussion going :) 

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20 minutes ago, Black_Nexus said:

So for objectives I was thinking this

Hold objectives 1-5
Too dumb to die
Dere's more of us
Biggest an' da best
Good scrap

Hold objectives early for early glory, fight and try to force the enemy into his own board. 

Seems good to me, Denial and Conquest are like peanut butter and jelly for my Stormcast and I feel they work even better for Orks. 

Would love to know what Biggest an'da best, Good scrap and Contained specifically say. Have only seen the card partially.


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Contained - Score this in the 3rd end phase if ALL surviving enemy warbands are in their own territory

Good Scrap - Score this in an end phase if three or more fighters were taking out in the preceding action phase

Biggest an da best - Score this (In your end phase) if your leader took an enemy fighter out of action

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2 hours ago, Killax said:

Great Fortitude
Healing Potion

I used all of these, healing potion is fantastic. I'd say autoinclude.

2 hours ago, Black_Nexus said:

Hold objectives early for early glory, fight and try to force the enemy into his own board

There are so many good objectives, especially for early scoring, that I think they are unnecessary, they also detract from your primary goal of moving forward/supporting all your fighters. For early objectives you've got deres more of us, biggest and da best. Good scrap

Plant the banner - "score in an end phase if your leader controls an objective I'm the enemy territory."

A - "score immediately if 3 of your fighters make a charge action."

- "score this in an end phase if each of your your remaining fighters 2+ has attacked a different enemy fighter this phase, 2 glory"

Swift advance - "score this in an end phase of all of your remaining fighters are in enemy territory"

- "Score this in an end phase if each of your remaining fighters, 3+ is adjacent to an enemy fighter" 2 glory

There is also a very cool objective which combos with 1 (2) potential ploys. The cards read

- "score this immediately if one of your fighters attacks with support from 2+ more fighters than your opponent"

Scrag em and dual strike - "for the next attack each of your fighters counts as 2 fighters for support"

Before you say anything, yes this does work, I had it FAQ by the guy who designed the game before I handed my list in!

So you can see there really is no need for 1-5 in your objectives deck. That's 9 cards for your deck all of which are pretty easy to score running at 1/2 glory each. This let's you play the objective game of messing with your opponents ability to cap while leaving you free of the same trap.

I loved my 2 of my final 3 which I would keep

Conquest - "score in 3rd end phase if all your surviving fighters are in enemy territory. 

- "score this if you scored 2+ other objective cards this round".

The final card is my question. There's no obvious one I could find and you probably want a 3rd end phase big scorer. Possibly ard as iron for an opponent who is playing really defensive.


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Here is what I had in mind for my first draft



Objectives (12)

Hold objective 1

Hold objective 2

Hold objective 3

Hold objective 4

Hold objective 5
Too dumb to die
Dere's more of us
Biggest an' da best
Good scrap

Ploys (10)

Gorkamorka’s Blessing
Healing potion
Brutal but Kunnin’
Kunnin’ but brutal
‘Avin a good time
Leadin’ by Example
Deafening Bellow

Artifacts (10)

Great speed
Great Strength
Great Fortitude
Daemonic Weapon
‘Ard Head
Crush and Cleave
Brutal Swing

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3 minutes ago, Black_Nexus said:

Gorkamorka’s Blessing
Healing potion
Brutal but Kunnin’
Kunnin’ but brutal
‘Avin a good time
Leadin’ by Example

I had all of these 8 and  dual strike/Scrag em, which are explained above. That said against the undead I really would have loved confusion, it's so key to get on the warden and he can block it off from you.


6 minutes ago, Black_Nexus said:

Great Fortitude
‘Ard Head
Crush and Cleave
Brutal Swing

Again I ran these 7, I almost ran the basha/hakka get +1 dice if they charge. Their abilities and the fact they inspire to 1/3/2 means they can become monsters in their own right. Hackka getting cleave on a crit is brutal on 1/4/2.

There's also an upgrade card which is helpful whispers - "if this fighter treats (1 support) as a success if they are unsupported" not sure on the exact wording but it's a great neutral for us because all our inspired fighters are so solid. Again on had 2 floating upgrades which were meh.

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