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The Black Sunz - Ironjawz - Update 28/02 - PICS! Whole new army painted!!

Chris Tomlin

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Chris, can you explain why you put crackle paint over some PVA?

Do you wait for the PVA to dry?

If its still wet do you mix them slightly?

I generally apply my crackle paint THICCly and it works quite well.

Doing a wash of lahmiam is an absolute must! everyone needs to do this. Saves your base from falling apart when you drybrush.

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How sturdy do you find the crackle paint on the bases is?  Is it prone at all to flaking off?

I have been buying resin bases with this effect on them for my Bonesplitterz and was thinking of using the same theme when I get around to Ironjawz - but not many manufacturers make the bigger bases.  Also, 32mm bases for infantry is a pain to get a hold of in decent quantity.

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Morning all,

So I did get to play at the club last night, which is great! Really hope I can get back into regular gaming now. I will do a bit of a report here as it was a really good game, however I'm leaving work early for a Hospital appointment today and am off on Monday (my Birthday! @Ben's as well!), so I won't get a chance to write it up until Tuesday.

I did try out the list I posted on the last page with the triple Gruntas and quad Lobbers. Worked nicely and fits the style I play the Ironjawz.

20 hours ago, Caffran101 said:

Chris, can you explain why you put crackle paint over some PVA?

Do you wait for the PVA to dry?

If its still wet do you mix them slightly?

I generally apply my crackle paint THICCly and it works quite well.

Doing a wash of lahmiam is an absolute must! everyone needs to do this. Saves your base from falling apart when you drybrush.

In order;

- No, I cannot. I just have always done it and is it comes out nicely I see no reason to stop haha!
- Yes.
- As above, let it completely dry.
- THICC ftw!!

And yeh, Lahmian works a treat. Like the PVA I've never had any issues when doing it this way so see no reason for change.

18 hours ago, Skabnoze said:

How sturdy do you find the crackle paint on the bases is?  Is it prone at all to flaking off?

I have been buying resin bases with this effect on them for my Bonesplitterz and was thinking of using the same theme when I get around to Ironjawz - but not many manufacturers make the bigger bases.  Also, 32mm bases for infantry is a pain to get a hold of in decent quantity.

I have never had mine even look like it's going to flake. However I've seen plenty of over people who just thinly paint Agrellan over their bases with bits flaked off, so I don't know if my weird convoluted process actually helps?

Cheers guys, have a good weekend and hope you get some gaming in. I am playing in a local Shadespire tournament tomorrow, so we'll see how Ironskull's Boyz get on there!


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Morning all,

Hope you had a nice weekend. Here's a quick overview of last Thursday game;

Game 119 vs Tom Oughton (Stormcast Eternals)
I played Tom in one of my last club games back in November and he smashed me up pretty badly with his Hammerstrike Force. Since then since he has painted up a Stardrake to add to his list, making it something roughly like this; Stardrake, Relictor, Heraldor, 2x Retributors, Prosecutors, 2x Liberators, Judicators, Palladors and the Hammerstrike Force battalion (might have missed something).
Not the most competitive of lists, but I suspected would make for a nice, fairly well matched game vs my more defensive build. We rolled up Knife to the Heart, which doesn't have a good reputation in our group as being the most fun or engaging battleplan, but tbh I've still not played these GHB2017 battleplans all that much so was fine with giving it a go.
Tom took the first turn and went on the offensive, I think straight away this was a good choice as it pretty much meant I was never going to be able to get a major. He Lightning Charioted the Stardrake and charge into my Brutes (a big big problem with this list is that I only have 10 Brutes and I kinda had to use them as a shield for my gunline, which I didn't like). He was also able to get both units of 5 Retributors into combat, about 7 of the models got to fight my Maw-krusha, whilst the rest were on some Gore-gruntas.
The Stardrake gobbled up my Brute Boss and a Gore-choppa, which is horrible. Fortunately over the next two rounds the Celestant on top rolled 7 ones for his 8 attacks (Gets +D3 on the charge)...Tom is known for some pretty abysmal dice and actually, both our dice were awful; on two battlerounds we both rolled a 1 for priority and the reroll was won on a 2!! Skills.
Anyway, the Maw-krusha took 8 wounds from the Retributors and was able to wipe out all 10 over the next couple of combat rounds. The Rock Lobbers were all camped out in Mystical terrain (literally the two bits my objective was between were Mystical), which tbh worked in my favour over the game. There were a couple of 1's rolled but the rerolls made up for this. Over the first two turns they inflicted 12 wounds on the Stardrake (including a single Rock Lobber doing 6 with an extra shot!) and the Maw-krusha was able to use its Destructive Bulk to finish off the Drake.
Even with my clean up going pretty well, my Maw-krusha was still crippled (and was brought down by Judicators + Relictor MW) and my Brutes down to a single model. He'd also flooded the mid board with Liberators and the Palladors, so there was no way my Gore-gruntas would be able to sneak into the back and claim the game. As it was, we continued to fight in my side of the table and it ended up pretty close, with me edging it 1540 - 1360 in kill points.
Result - Minor Win

Sorry for the lack of detail there, just wanted to keep it brief and to the point. Was a really fun game actually, completely amplified by our terrible dice throughout. As predicted the two armies were nicely matched for a close game, but tbh had my Rock Lobbers not done so well, the Drake could've stuck around for another turn and really caused me some bother. I do get why people aren't big on the battleplan itself though, Tom going first and coming straight for me literally meant I would never be able to get to his objective for the minor win but also, it's still incredibly hard for him to score a major over me.

As for my list, on paper I really liked it and probably considered it my favourite I'd written so far. On the table though I realised that in this kind of list, I'd actually probably be better off dropping the Brutes for Ardboys (If you lose Ironskull's Boyz you can get the 30). However, I'm not sure I want to be running a Brute free list. My next idea is as follows....and yeh, I'm considering it for SCGT haha!! :S 

Maw-krusha - Ironclad, Dabs

10 Brutes
5 Brutes
5 Brutes
3 Gore-gruntas
3 Gore-gruntas

Rock Lobber
Rock Lobber
Rock Lobber

2K dead on....and I think I really like this! Seems much more like a classic list with the 20 Brutes, with the newer twist of getting some powerful artillery in there. So yeh, I'm pretty pleased with this and will be trying it out on the 5th (playing Shadespire at club this week).

I also got a lift to and from club with a new guy just getting into AoS from 40K. In a massive coincidence , proving how small the world is, he's actually been reading my posts about Ironjawz! After watching the game, he has gone ahead and purchased a whole army. I'm looking forward to having a game when it's all stuck together. Actually talking to a new player about Ironjawz was quite refreshing and help remind me why I love them after feeling a little disillusioned of late.


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Morning all,

Hope you had a good Bank Holiday weekend and got in some hobby. I pretty much spent the entire time painting a Phoenix, but did manage a few games including one with the Ironjawz vs a Stormcast Aetherstrike Force. I used the list I mentioned at the end of the above post and really enjoyed it.

I'll put up a brief report either today or tomorrow. I also have another game lined up Thursday vs Brayherd. Nice to have some regular games again!


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Three lobbers? That sounds....cunningly brutal. Gorkamorka approves!


What do they look like? With the advanced timeline it`s inviting to have some monsters throw stones. There is this one Troll whi is holding a rock above his head already anyway...with a Greenskin to point him into the right direction....aaaargh.....dammit....now I might have to do that myself....

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7 minutes ago, DinoTitanedition said:

Three lobbers? That sounds....cunningly brutal. Gorkamorka approves!


What do they look like? With the advanced timeline it`s inviting to have some monsters throw stones. There is this one Troll whi is holding a rock above his head already anyway...with a Greenskin to point him into the right direction....aaaargh.....dammit....now I might have to do that myself....

Go back one page mate and I have photos of the 4 Rock Lobbers I converted/painted :). I do prefer the idea of fielding all 4 tbh, but the Fungoid is a very nice choice (especially with SCGT playing MP battleplans).

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Blimey, I didn`t see those! And that although I just swiped through the thread a couple of days ago. I really like the conversion....a great excuse to buy some 40K Grot stuff too...


What`s "SCGT" and "MP"? Sorry to ask, but I`m not a native speaker and people here use so many shortages that I cannot follow.

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1 hour ago, DinoTitanedition said:

Blimey, I didn`t see those! And that although I just swiped through the thread a couple of days ago. I really like the conversion....a great excuse to buy some 40K Grot stuff too...


What`s "SCGT" and "MP"? Sorry to ask, but I`m not a native speaker and people here use so many shortages that I cannot follow.

South coast Grand tournament (Scgt) 

malign portents (MP or Malpo) 

SCGT have announced that they will incorporate 2 of the Malpo scenarios in as part of the 6 games selected for tourney 

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1 hour ago, DinoTitanedition said:

Blimey, I didn`t see those! And that although I just swiped through the thread a couple of days ago. I really like the conversion....a great excuse to buy some 40K Grot stuff too...


What`s "SCGT" and "MP"? Sorry to ask, but I`m not a native speaker and people here use so many shortages that I cannot follow.

Thanks mate, glad you like them.

Looks like @Sangfroid has you covered, with one exception;

9 minutes ago, Sangfroid said:

or Malpo

No. It's never Malpo!!! :S 

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On 3/27/2018 at 5:17 AM, Chris Tomlin said:

Maw-krusha - Ironclad, Dabs

10 Brutes
5 Brutes
5 Brutes
3 Gore-gruntas
3 Gore-gruntas

Rock Lobber
Rock Lobber
Rock Lobber


EEEPEEEE! I made the exact same list! Mine has the Brutes in 2x10 though. Any particular reason you chose 1x10 and 2x5? Another quick question. My lobbers did great in my last game. I find I'm having trouble deciding what to shoot though. Do you have any particular game plan? I'm thinking it's between soft heroes for the virtually guaranteed kill or softening up monsters. Last game I played a mixed destruction list with 2 lobbers and was able to score 6 wounds on a mortus engine at which point my Megaboss on foot made quick work of it. Targeting monsters worked out well for me. Do you do differently?

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7 hours ago, Baron_Bathory said:

EEEPEEEE! I made the exact same list! Mine has the Brutes in 2x10 though. Any particular reason you chose 1x10 and 2x5? Another quick question. My lobbers did great in my last game. I find I'm having trouble deciding what to shoot though. Do you have any particular game plan? I'm thinking it's between soft heroes for the virtually guaranteed kill or softening up monsters. Last game I played a mixed destruction list with 2 lobbers and was able to score 6 wounds on a mortus engine at which point my Megaboss on foot made quick work of it. Targeting monsters worked out well for me. Do you do differently?


I like to have the flexibility of the 2x5 Brutes for objectives, Waaagh count etc. Also don't underestimate the effect of having an additional set of Boss Klaw & Smasha attacks in the army; so so good! I still find that whilst the unit of 10 is a bit of a powerhouse, it does kinda need babysitting with Inspiring Presence a lot of the time - with 2x10, the opponent can easily whittle down the unprotected unit. I guess it's down to personal preference, but for me I'd always set up 20 Brutes as 10 with Hackas and then 2x5 with Choppas.

In terms of the Rock Lobbers, there's no overriding game plan. I assess the preferable targets at the start of each game and go from there. The great thing about them is that they are so versatile and can pretty much shoot whatever you like. Sometimes targeting units of 10+ models over a character/monster will be an entirely valid tactic as hitting on 2's with extra shots of 5's is very juicy. The ability to remove support characters semi reliably (though I like your optimism with virtually guaranteed haha!!) is definitely one of the best options a lot of the time as it's something we would normally never be able to achieve and tbh, that's one of my largest deciding factors when selecting targets; what can these achieve that nothing else in the army can.

Sorry for the non-answers there!

How do you find the Fungoid? Cheaper, better and more survivable than the Weirdnob, am I right? :S 

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Morning all,

Back with another super brief report for you guys. Will just keep it simple so I don't end up with a backlog for myself (playing again tonight!);

Game 120 vs Matt Clarke @Gmac2610 (Stormcast Eternals)
Another game vs Stormcast, but a completely different list to the one I was up against last time. Matt had the Aetherstrike Force and his army consisted of; Prime, Castellant, WHW hero (Knight Errant?), Venator, Azyros, 2x Judicators, Liberators, Hunters, 2x Raptors (one of each sort) and 2x Aetherwings.
I think that was about it? As previously mentioned I think Ironjawz and Stormcast do line up nicely vs one another for a good game and this was certainly no exception, a very close and exciting game. My list was the Fungoid + 3 Lobber variant mentioned above and I have to admit I feel like this is a pretty strong list (from an Ironjawz point of view that is). We were playing Battle for the Pass and much like last game my opponent forced me into a deployment zone with a bunch of Mystical terrain around my home objective.
This gave me my first big choice of the game. Initially I planned to camp all 3 Rock Lobbers together near that home objective, however they would all be subject to Mystical (can be a huge bonus for them if you're brave/stupid), but worse that that it would certainly entice Matt to really attack into that objective, potentially scoring him 4 victory points and clearing out my powerful artillery - I would've just been stacking things in his favour.
So I was looking where else I could deploy them in a blob, when it occurred to me it might be better to forgo the chance at an extra shot and instead deploy them individually. This way I could minimise the impact of his deepstriking (especially the Prime) and could also use them as area denial for where he could actually bring his units down. I'm talking on this a bit more as it was an interesting choice I felt, but I suspect the correct one. I did roll a couple of 6's over the game, but nothing too depressing.
As it was, the early turns weren't as routine as I planned (move Gruntas up, score 5) as Matt was able to bring down the Hunters on one side and the Hurricane Bolter Raptors on the other and start threatening two of my Rock Lobbers, so I had to pull back a unit of Gruntas and 5 Brutes to deal with those. Brutes did their job, but the Gruntas spent waaaay too long on 3 Raptors. I was still able to take one side objective with the other Grunta unit and get the 10 Brutes to the other side (thanks to the bonus 6" move).
The Cabbage did some good work in getting into Matt's backfield and tbh I thought that'd probably wrap the game up for me as he'd be able to clear them out and sit pretty. As it was that WHW hero is a complete pain! He totally ignores rend and was rocking a 2+ save thanks to Staunch Defender and the Castellant buff. So whilst I took down the Raptors, I literally couldn't kill that dude afterwards; totally underestimated him. He also had rerolls to hit and wounds vs me!! Ouch. By this point the Fungoid was out of shield range (then dead!), so kinda unexpectedly I ended up losing the Cabbage. It didn't help that the Aetherstrike Force battalion rules allowed him some extra shooting and Matt actually used his Venator's Starfated arrow as part of this, which was something I totally overlooked. In fact, it was a pretty funny game in that it was quite easy for me to chain together attacks due to his small unit sizes, but then he'd be able to shoot in-between...so we'd still be alternating in the combat phase but it was fight, shoot, fight, shoot!!
Think I mentioned the same after my last game vs Matt. Anyway, the Prime came down T3 and promptly rolled a 2&1 for his charge which was pretty helpful xD. Matt ended up right back in the game, but my early rounds of just scoring 5 had put me in a solid position throughout. I was able to get the bigger unit of Brutes into his back objective and whilst I couldn't kill that damn Errant or whatever he's called, my boyz still held that objective firm for a couple of turns giving me a 28-22 win. As it was I got the Prime down to his final wound from the two Brute Bosses from the units of 5...was just trying to squeeze through that final Rock Lobber hit to finish him. But yeh....super vague report there that in no way does the game justice. It was heaps of fun and totally swingy towards the end - who knows what would've happened had that Prime got into my home objective a turn earlier.
The Rock Lobbers were slightly underwhelming, I was trying to get the Castellant with him but some of the time just had to settle for Judicators which just isn't overly efficient (3 damage is an awkward amount against them). But yeh, sorry that'll have to do. Great game.
Result - Major Victory

Playing Brayherd tonight, got my Malign Portents cards at the ready!
Will likely report back on Tuesday once I'm recovered from Wrestlemania weekend!!

Chris x

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  • Chris Tomlin changed the title to The Black Sunz - Ironjawz - Update 05/04 - Game 120 vs Aetherstrike Force
24 minutes ago, DinoTitanedition said:

You should make some pictures too. I like the way you`re summarizing the games, but a bit of eye candy is still neccessary :P

Yeh I always kinda planned to do that with this thread but always forget. I'll see if I can snap some tonight.

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On 4/4/2018 at 3:58 AM, Chris Tomlin said:


I like to have the flexibility of the 2x5 Brutes for objectives, Waaagh count etc. Also don't underestimate the effect of having an additional set of Boss Klaw & Smasha attacks in the army; so so good! I still find that whilst the unit of 10 is a bit of a powerhouse, it does kinda need babysitting with Inspiring Presence a lot of the time - with 2x10, the opponent can easily whittle down the unprotected unit. I guess it's down to personal preference, but for me I'd always set up 20 Brutes as 10 with Hackas and then 2x5 with Choppas.

In terms of the Rock Lobbers, there's no overriding game plan. I assess the preferable targets at the start of each game and go from there. The great thing about them is that they are so versatile and can pretty much shoot whatever you like. Sometimes targeting units of 10+ models over a character/monster will be an entirely valid tactic as hitting on 2's with extra shots of 5's is very juicy. The ability to remove support characters semi reliably (though I like your optimism with virtually guaranteed haha!!) is definitely one of the best options a lot of the time as it's something we would normally never be able to achieve and tbh, that's one of my largest deciding factors when selecting targets; what can these achieve that nothing else in the army can.

Sorry for the non-answers there!

How do you find the Fungoid? Cheaper, better and more survivable than the Weirdnob, am I right? :S 


Hey thanks for the reply!

Sorry for the misunderstanding, I haven't actually played the list yet. It's simply the latest iteration of my list after my most recent game. I'm excited to try it but I have a bit of painting to do. At the moment I'm playing mixed destro with a wardokk and a moonclan shammy.

I figured you'd like the bit about the near guaranteed kill haha. Perhaps I was a little ambitious. Foot heroes usually have crappy armor saves though so usually at least a couple are dying if you commit to shooting them where as if you target monsters it's more likely to just injure them than kill them.

Grats on your latest win! I heard you mention the lobbers didn't do a whole lot. Are you thinking of switching them out?

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On 27/03/2018 at 10:17 AM, Chris Tomlin said:

Rock Lobber
Rock Lobber
Rock Lobber

Seems like these are just key for us, having no shooting vs the 3/4 rock lobbers just does so much. Would you favour 4 or the allied Fungoid Cave Shaman? Personally I don't mind the Weirdnob, though that's probably because I run the 30 Ardboys block.

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On 4/5/2018 at 3:49 PM, Malakree said:

Seems like these are just key for us, having no shooting vs the 3/4 rock lobbers just does so much. Would you favour 4 or the allied Fungoid Cave Shaman? Personally I don't mind the Weirdnob, though that's probably because I run the 30 Ardboys block.

I find it interesting that the primary choice is always the Rock Lobber.  Is it mainly the cost?  Or is it the combination of cost, flat 3 damage, and potential to double fire?  I ask because all 3 of the artillery choices seem useful and with their own advantages & uses, but the rock lobber is the cheapest and seems to be in most lists that I see.

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6 minutes ago, Skabnoze said:

I find it interesting that the primary choice is always the Rock Lobber.  Is it mainly the cost?  Or is it the combination of cost, flat 3 damage, and potential to double fire?  I ask because all 3 of the artillery choices seem useful and with their own advantages & uses, but the rock lobber is the cheapest and seems to be in most lists that I see.

I believe @Sangfroid prefers the Spear Chukkas and I know that @Chris Tomlin used to run them. 

My personal preference for the Rock Lobbers comes from the combination of reduced cost, indirect fire and guaranteed damage.

If I had to guess I think the cost is the big swaying factor in their lists at the moment, 2 rock lobbers saves you 40 points. That lets you "upgrade" a unit of 3 GG's to a unit of 5 Brutes while at 3 Spear Chukkas it costs only 40 points to put 4 rock lobbers. I did a bit of math, the spear chukkas are slightly better in terms of killing heroes/monsters, the indirect fire of Rock lobbers means the opponent can't hide key support pieces out of LoS. Since our primary use for Artillery is to snipe out those support pieces anything which reduces his counter play is great for us, while on the other side if you have 20 Brutes you don't really need something to kill monsters for you. When you then factor in the points difference that's where my preference comes from.

Honestly it IS a preference though. In the list above if Chris swapped to spear chukkas he's either got to make 60 points (for 3) or spend 60 points (for 2) both of which is super awkward for Ironjawz to do, hence the rock lobbers just fit way more snugly into the list.

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2 minutes ago, Malakree said:

Honestly it IS a preference though. In the list above if Chris swapped to spear chukkas he's either got to make 60 points (for 3) or spend 60 points (for 2) both of which is super awkward for Ironjawz to do, hence the rock lobbers just fit way more snugly into the list.

I was thinking it was probably something like this.  Reading the profile for each weapon I am rather perplexed as to why all 3 are not the same cost to be honest.  The flat 100 cost seems to be the easiest to slot into many lists. 

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