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The Black Sunz - Ironjawz - Update 28/02 - PICS! Whole new army painted!!

Chris Tomlin

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1 minute ago, Skabnoze said:

I was thinking it was probably something like this.  Reading the profile for each weapon I am rather perplexed as to why all 3 are not the same cost to be honest.  The flat 100 cost seems to be the easiest to slot into many lists. 

I don't think they really paid that much close attention to destruction tbh. It was probably to stop us from taking 4 Spear Chukkas as allies.

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Well, they paid enough attention to jack up the cost of a number of things - some which seem like total head-scratchers.  I was organizing my office yesterday and decided to compare costs in both General's Compendium (I bought the 2016 one not long after it released - but still did not play the game then).  I was really surprised to see how much the cost of some of the Moonclan heroes increased by.  I cannot fathom at all why both Warboss versions warranted a 50% cost increase.  The costs of many of the characters especially seems out of whack when you look at the costs for many of the Daughters of Khaine heroes.

Hopefully they pay more attention with the next iteration of GHB.

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Morning guys,

Back from my trip to London for Wrestlemania weekend....feeling pretty tired at work as I haven't fully caught up on 3 nights of going to bed after 5am yet! Urgh. Anyway, I wanted to post some brief comments on my game from last Thursday. I will go through the above comments and write replies in a bit - as always, thanks for these responses.

Game 121 vs James Eveleigh (Brayherd)
James' army looks super intimidating on the table (as you'll see when I add the photos). It includes; Beastlord, 2 Shaman, Darkoath Warqueen, 30 Ungor Raiders, 3x30(!!) Bestigor and 3 Jabberslythes...then he sticks down his massive Herdstone to compound matters. 90 Bestigor, wow! He also has them modelled on 25mm round bases (something I constantly berate him for haha!) which means they are getting a bunch of attacks in. I guess the flip side is that on 32mm bases they would look even more imposing as they'd utterly flood the table.
The last time I played James' Beastmen he was able to win pretty convincingly, though this was pre-Ironclad it has to be said. Going into this game I was pretty confident the Cabbage could do some work ignoring the rend of the Bestigor. That said, whilst I have gained Ironclad (and Rock Lobbers), he's added the trio of dirty Jabbers to his build.
We decided to play one of the Malign Portents pitched battles that will be used at the South Coast Grand Tournament (SCGT), including the prophecy points (predetermined amount per battle round as per the battleplan). We picked out Dark Omens as it basically seems like a slightly more interesting version of Knife to the Heart.
This game was the best part of a week ago now, so I will keep the details short especially as it was so massively one sided :S.
The prophecy points and portents are really fun, although I found I quickly worked out the most efficient way to spend my points each turn and didn't deviate from that (even though I had the ability to switch guiding portents due to the Fungoid). So each turn I was; giving a Rock Lobber +1 to hit, allowing the Fungoid to keep eating shrooms, giving the Cabbage a reroll on his armour save and putting 3 points into the objective (battleplan specific rules). All of these were really strong.
T1, James didn't do much other than chuck the 3 Jabbers straight forward as a deadly first wave. I was able to dish out a massive 15 wounds spread across the 3 of them with my 3 Rock Lobbers (pretty lucky, but the +1 to hit helped and I also took Damned terrain on one machine as it was safe to do so). I then was able to use the Gore-gruntas and 5 Brutes to clear up the madness inducing monsters with minimal Mortal Wound splashback, which was my primary goal for the game as it would allow the Maw-krusha to get to work unhindered. With that first wave out of the way early T2, I was now able to focus on the Bestigor.
I perhaps should've targeted the heroes with the Rock Lobbers, but the +1 to hit against the big units was too juicy to turn down and I was able to generate a bunch of extra shots across the game. James did fail Mystical Terrain on 30 Bestigor one turn which was a bit unfortunate and he also gave himself a chance for a 10" charge with another 30 into the 3 Rock Lobbers, which would've been pretty devastating for me actually.
As it was, luck was definitely on my side this game and aside of luck, the Cabbage now did not have any real threats (providing I could roll 2+ saves). As it was, the combination of the Rock Lobbers barrage and the Maw-krushas damage output was far too much for the Bestigor which dropped like flies. I literally didn't even touch my unit of 10 Brutes all game - they just sat unmoved on my home objective protecting the Fungoid (not that anything got near). James did mop up both Grunta units and a unit of 5 Brutes, but not before the Brutes had snuck in and killed his Beastlord.
By the time we got to turn 5, all 90 Bestigor were dead...an impressive feat I felt, made even more so by the fact that only 2(!) of these had fled to battleshock, I literally took the other 88 off as casualties. Brutal! In T5 I was able to delete the Ungor and a Shaman, leaving James with a sole survivor, a Shaman lurking in the back!
To his credit, when James realised he couldn't win (I had two turns outnumbering his objective for a 36-30 win - tbf James capped out his home objective in all his turns) he decided to put all his efforts into the Maw-krusha. This made for an entertaining end to the game as whilst I was mostly bossing the saves, the few times I failed a batch (he was on 3+ the last couple of turns, out of Fungoid range) I was able to pull off some sweet dabs...in fact 7 over the course of the game and he ended up alive on one wound!!!
But yeh, it was a really really fun game with James and I truly thought I was going to have a problem until I just didn't. I actually really like his army and do think it could cause people serious problems. The Cabbage and Rock Lobbers were just amazing though. I felt I played well enough though and had a solid game plan. I won't lie, it was nice to have such a crushing win as it's been literally AGES since I've had a game go like that for me.
Result - Major Victory

I will add the photos shortly.

Cheers for reading,

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  • Chris Tomlin changed the title to The Black Sunz - Ironjawz - Update 10/04 - Game 121 vs Brayherd (Malign Portents)

Ok so here are some photos, if people like this I'll try to do it more often.

As mentioned above, the Brayherd spread out across the table looks pretty scary!


Here is a little look at my deployment;


Could've perhaps done with a 'before' shot here, but this is after I took off the first unit of Bestigor and how the table looked;



And then just a selection of successive shots as the Maw-krusha mopped things up (there was an 8/8 Destructive Bulk in here somewhere!!)


And there we have it!

They don't really tell much of a story so not sure how useful they are. Also my models don't look particularly great in these pics so not sure how keen on them I am! :P 

Let me know if it's worth doing again though.


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  • Chris Tomlin changed the title to The Black Sunz - Ironjawz - Update 10/04 - Game 121 vs Brayherd inc photos (Malign Portents)

Of course absolutely worth it, because it`s inspirational! Now some meaningful duels could be snapshot in a close up next time ;) By the way...



Also my models don't look particularly great in these pics so not sure how keen on them I am! :P 

...they do look good. It is actually the method I use myself to tell if I am satisfied with my paintjob or not, always thriving to find the middle between detailed view and gametable view.

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On ‎05‎/‎04‎/‎2018 at 6:47 PM, Baron_Bathory said:

Hey thanks for the reply!

Sorry for the misunderstanding, I haven't actually played the list yet. It's simply the latest iteration of my list after my most recent game. I'm excited to try it but I have a bit of painting to do. At the moment I'm playing mixed destro with a wardokk and a moonclan shammy.

I figured you'd like the bit about the near guaranteed kill haha. Perhaps I was a little ambitious. Foot heroes usually have crappy armor saves though so usually at least a couple are dying if you commit to shooting them where as if you target monsters it's more likely to just injure them than kill them.

Grats on your latest win! I heard you mention the lobbers didn't do a whole lot. Are you thinking of switching them out?

Just keep in mind that Rock Lobbers are super spiky! By that I mean they either seems to be amazing or do nothing, there is little middle ground (much like Ironjawz in general!!). Try not to go into games expecting to be able to insta-kill 5-6 wounds heroes each turn, you need to roll a lot of 3+'s for that to happen and even one failure can put pay to your plans. Overall though, I think they are a worthwhile investment as they just give us an option to achieve things we have no other means to do. Definitely not switching them out any time soon. I really like them :) 

On ‎05‎/‎04‎/‎2018 at 10:09 PM, Zambo said:

Great to see you getting some victories in with the boyz 

pictures of your great models are always going to be a bonus especially if the guys you play against have equally beautiful armies 

Thanks Zambo!

On ‎05‎/‎04‎/‎2018 at 10:49 PM, Malakree said:

Seems like these are just key for us, having no shooting vs the 3/4 rock lobbers just does so much. Would you favour 4 or the allied Fungoid Cave Shaman? Personally I don't mind the Weirdnob, though that's probably because I run the 30 Ardboys block.

Hey, agree totally. I almost feel it's a must to spend our ally points on shooting right now. My preference is 100% for 4 of them. The Fungoid is in this list for two reasons; 

  1.  The points fell together nicely!
  2. SCGT features 2 Malign Portents scenarios, so if I do end up taking these, he's helpful to have on board.

The versions I've had with 4 Rock Lobbers and the Shaman tend to need 3 units of Gore-gruntas I find, though I think I mentioned above that in theory I do like the idea of 30 Ardboys in these kind of lists. That said, like @Sangfroid, I'm very adverse to Brute-less builds!

22 hours ago, Congratz said:

Whats the weapon loadout on your Brutes and Gore-Gruntas?

Hi, yeh sorry I never really list them. My set ups are always the same though;

  • Brutes in units of 10+ have Boss w/ Klaw & Smasha, max Gore-choppas and Jagged Gore-hackas.
  • Brutes in units of 5 have Boss w/ Klaw & Smasha, 1 Gore-choppa and Choppas.
  • Gore-gruntas have Choppas

Hope this helps :) 

17 hours ago, Skabnoze said:

I find it interesting that the primary choice is always the Rock Lobber.  Is it mainly the cost?  Or is it the combination of cost, flat 3 damage, and potential to double fire?  I ask because all 3 of the artillery choices seem useful and with their own advantages & uses, but the rock lobber is the cheapest and seems to be in most lists that I see.

You're right, all 3 do seem useful. I've played a bit with both 2 and 3 Spear Chukkas - I think they're great, really really like them. One of the main reasons I've switched to Rock Lobbers is that I've just finished painting my conversions. Totally not adverse to going back to the Spear Chukkas at some point. Is a shame you can't fit 4 in though. As for the Doom Divers, they also seem good. I know what I'd like to convert them out of and simply haven't gotten around to it yet.

17 hours ago, Malakree said:

I believe @Sangfroid prefers the Spear Chukkas and I know that @Chris Tomlin used to run them. 

My personal preference for the Rock Lobbers comes from the combination of reduced cost, indirect fire and guaranteed damage.

If I had to guess I think the cost is the big swaying factor in their lists at the moment, 2 rock lobbers saves you 40 points. That lets you "upgrade" a unit of 3 GG's to a unit of 5 Brutes while at 3 Spear Chukkas it costs only 40 points to put 4 rock lobbers. I did a bit of math, the spear chukkas are slightly better in terms of killing heroes/monsters, the indirect fire of Rock lobbers means the opponent can't hide key support pieces out of LoS. Since our primary use for Artillery is to snipe out those support pieces anything which reduces his counter play is great for us, while on the other side if you have 20 Brutes you don't really need something to kill monsters for you. When you then factor in the points difference that's where my preference comes from.

Honestly it IS a preference though. In the list above if Chris swapped to spear chukkas he's either got to make 60 points (for 3) or spend 60 points (for 2) both of which is super awkward for Ironjawz to do, hence the rock lobbers just fit way more snugly into the list.

Yeh agree with all of that. Both are definitely really good for us. The comments around how the different machines effect the list composition due to points difference is the most pertinent to me right now I think.

17 hours ago, Skabnoze said:

I was thinking it was probably something like this.  Reading the profile for each weapon I am rather perplexed as to why all 3 are not the same cost to be honest.  The flat 100 cost seems to be the easiest to slot into many lists. 

Yeh it's strange. Would be great if they were all 100pts and could use each others crew to gain the benefits regardless of war machine type. That might be asking too much though haha!!

49 minutes ago, DinoTitanedition said:

Of course absolutely worth it, because it`s inspirational! Now some meaningful duels could be snapshot in a close up next time ;) By the way...

...they do look good. It is actually the method I use myself to tell if I am satisfied with my paintjob or not, always thriving to find the middle between detailed view and gametable view.

Haha you don't ask for much do you! ;) 

Not sure there was much by way of meaningful duels in this game though. Just the Cabbage punching Goatman into pulp!

Thanks for comments though. I find that lighting is the number one factor for how my models look on the table - also the angle of the photos as from the top down they are quite dark.


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2 hours ago, Chris Tomlin said:

Ok so here are some photos, if people like this I'll try to do it more often.

As mentioned above, the Brayherd spread out across the table looks pretty scary!

This is ace mate!

I saw your pre-game shot on Twitter so good to see some follow-ups, and that your Lobbers are working out for you!

I managed 3 major vics the other day, Lobbers did a lot better than I anticipated (not great, but good enough). Might update my thread somewhere if I can dig the thing out!

Also great to see you're still updating this bad boy xD

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41 minutes ago, Fungrim said:

This is ace mate!

I saw your pre-game shot on Twitter so good to see some follow-ups, and that your Lobbers are working out for you!

I managed 3 major vics the other day, Lobbers did a lot better than I anticipated (not great, but good enough). Might update my thread somewhere if I can dig the thing out!

Also great to see you're still updating this bad boy xD

Cheers man,

Yeh they were definitely good in this game, but overall success has been mixed thus far. Well done on your wins, what did you play against and what was your list?

Seem to be back into the swing of playing and updating at the moment which is nice tbh. I have From Ember to Inferno campaign games this Thursday, so will be playing with Phoenix Temple and not Ironjawz.

25 minutes ago, Congratz said:

What is dabs?

Daubing Dabbing of Mork. If your Megaboss can hit the correct pose at the right time (by rolling a six!), you will be able to deflect damage!images.png.79e685c6c71d25d0c3d8f59d4540de33.png

Enjoy and dab away!


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5 hours ago, DinoTitanedition said:

...they do look good. It is actually the method I use myself to tell if I am satisfied with my paintjob or not, always thriving to find the middle between detailed view and gametable view.

I admire everyone who can pull off gametable view.  Fully completed armies look fantastic most times - even with a less detailed level of paint job.  My problem is that I have too much OCD when it comes to my models.  I am extremely bothered by flash and mold lines and I have to fully clean up almost every model I touch.  I also hate duplicates of models (although I can deal with it for stuff like rank & file goblins) so I tend to convert a fair bit (I also like to build over the top display models).  And then I can never manage to stop myself from putting very detailed paint jobs on almost all of my models.

The end result is that I never seem to manage to finish anything.  I need to figure out how to break myself of some of the most extremes of perfectionism...

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Hey @Chris Tomlin, nice to read some reports from you again, its cool to hear things going well too! Have you and @Sangfroid decided whether you'll be using Ironjawz in any more tournaments this year??

The pics were cool too, we got a *lot* of sweet maw-tail!

Regarding this

6 hours ago, Chris Tomlin said:

I find that lighting is the number one factor for how my models look on the table - also the angle of the photos as from the top down they are quite dark.

I have actually thought about this before - I spend so much time painting the model's faces, then all I ever see of them is the back of the head! I wonder if anyone really focuses on what they will look like from a on-the-table-top-from-behind perspective... gotta start giving more attention to that back of the head, and shoulder detail! :P

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Haha you don't ask for much do you! ;) 

@Chris Tomlin that`s why people love me ;)


2 hours ago, Skabnoze said:

I admire everyone who can pull off gametable view.  Fully completed armies look fantastic most times - even with a less detailed level of paint job.  My problem is that I have too much OCD when it comes to my models.  I am extremely bothered by flash and mold lines and I have to fully clean up almost every model I touch.  I also hate duplicates of models (although I can deal with it for stuff like rank & file goblins) so I tend to convert a fair bit (I also like to build over the top display models).  And then I can never manage to stop myself from putting very detailed paint jobs on almost all of my models.

The end result is that I never seem to manage to finish anything.  I need to figure out how to break myself of some of the most extremes of perfectionism...

Don`t stop yourself. I´m pretty much the same way and I`m slowly starting to see more and more models to a finished army. I told myself THIS TIME YOU`LL PAINT THAT STUFF TO THE BITTER END! and I`m really happy with it so far. At least ONE ARMY that will look good on the table AND in my showcase.

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16 hours ago, Skabnoze said:

I admire everyone who can pull off gametable view.  Fully completed armies look fantastic most times - even with a less detailed level of paint job.  My problem is that I have too much OCD when it comes to my models.  I am extremely bothered by flash and mold lines and I have to fully clean up almost every model I touch.  I also hate duplicates of models (although I can deal with it for stuff like rank & file goblins) so I tend to convert a fair bit (I also like to build over the top display models).  And then I can never manage to stop myself from putting very detailed paint jobs on almost all of my models.

The end result is that I never seem to manage to finish anything.  I need to figure out how to break myself of some of the most extremes of perfectionism...

I actually spoke about this topic in length on the Pro Painted podcast...unfortunately they had a problem with the recording and it was lost :S. Re-recording it with them tonight so will link to it when released.

It's interesting as I'm someone that doesn't always paint to the best of my ability. My Ironjawz are my top work, but I also choose to paint other armies/projects to a lesser standard sometimes just to get them done etc.

14 hours ago, Banglesprout said:

Hey @Chris Tomlin, nice to read some reports from you again, its cool to hear things going well too! Have you and @Sangfroid decided whether you'll be using Ironjawz in any more tournaments this year??

The pics were cool too, we got a *lot* of sweet maw-tail!

Regarding this

I have actually thought about this before - I spend so much time painting the model's faces, then all I ever see of them is the back of the head! I wonder if anyone really focuses on what they will look like from a on-the-table-top-from-behind perspective... gotta start giving more attention to that back of the head, and shoulder detail! :P

Cheers man, it's nice to be playing and writing again. If I go to SCGT it's looking increasingly likely that I will actually be using Ironjawz. I don't really want to if I'm honest though. We'll have to see what transpires.

14 hours ago, DinoTitanedition said:

@Chris Tomlin that`s why people love me ;)

Ha!! :P 

13 hours ago, Zambo said:

? loving the dabs 

Haha always fun to pop a dab or two mid game! ;) 

10 hours ago, Sangfroid said:

@Chris Tomlin sweet battle report and photos fella but ffs get yourself the proper tokens they looks so awesome ? 

What?! I'm not paying for those shoddy warscroll cards! One of very few recent GW products I'm not a fan of. The counters @jonwarmington made for Brothers of Sigmar are ideal and cover all bases for me.

I am getting a new set made by @Cowboy Boots Matt for my Phoenix Temple though.

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On 4/10/2018 at 2:15 PM, Chris Tomlin said:

Cheers man,

Yeh they were definitely good in this game, but overall success has been mixed thus far. Well done on your wins, what did you play against and what was your list?

Seem to be back into the swing of playing and updating at the moment which is nice tbh. I have From Ember to Inferno campaign games this Thursday, so will be playing with Phoenix Temple and not Ironjawz.

Ahh sounds good. I know it's not the place for it - *whispers* your Phoenix Temple look ace.  Will be interesting to see how they perform, have a lot of decent warscrolls, just seem to lack the army synergy (that you obviously get from a book these days)?

I played: KO (clown car), SCE (warrior brotherhood), Tzeentch (Tzaangor bomb, skyfire, LoC).

Felt incredibly lucky to survive all 3 to be honest. The first game the Lobbers abandoned me a bit, despite both being sat on Damned. They did some work against the SCE though, pinging off some vital wounds, freeing up some units for optimal combat conditions. They were invaluable against Tzeentch however. Knocking off a Tzaangor Shaman in a swift clunk. Then T4, killed off a herald-on-disc that was holding an objective, letting my Warchanter run straight on for double points.

They're definitely dicey, at 1 shot a piece, but I'm happy with how they worked!

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On 4/11/2018 at 2:45 AM, Chris Tomlin said:

What?! I'm not paying for those shoddy warscroll cards! One of very few recent GW products I'm not a fan of.

I agree with you for the most part.  I like the idea of the warscroll cards.  I don't like using electronics for rules in mini games.  A lot of games have apps and I don't like any of them for actually playing the game.

I greatly prefer cards for unit stats and abilities as I don't want to have to constantly flip through a book.  I really like when games have cards for keeping track of your units and abilities.  That said, I am not a big fan of the Warscroll cards that GW made for Age of Sigmar.  The cards are gigantic, which I don't mind that much, but the print on the cards is stupidly tiny.  Most of the card is wasted space.  They simply reprinted the warscroll onto the card without any format adjustment.  Either change the format and make it work for the real-estate on the card, make the cards smaller if you want tiny text, or adjust the size of the printed text to use the giant flash-cards they made.

The tokens are ok, and I like that they made the effort to give them to you, but the art on the tokens is pretty uninspired.  GW has excellent artists and they could have had some real fun making doodles for the tokens.  It is a shame they decided not to make them more interesting visually.

I am also extremely disappointed that they have not provided cards for Spells and Warlord traits.  I hope they start doing that in the future.  I like the army-specific card packs that 40k has because they look nice with good artwork and they provide you useful reference material like spell lists.  Age of Sigmar should have included cards for spells.  But, I also think that the 40k cards should have included cards for unit profiles. 

Honestly, I wish at this point that they would consolidate the card packs for both games into a similar product.  I am happy to pay for an accessory pack that is visually interesting and also makes the game easier and quicker for me to play.  Right now both the Age of Sigmar and 40k card packs are missing useful stuff.

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5 hours ago, Chris Tomlin said:

@Skabnoze - I agree with everything you wrote there.

I have only played a couple of games of Age of Sigmar since getting over my distaste for how they handled the old world and looking at the current state of the game and fiction with fresh eyes.  I decided to bring out my Savage Orcs first simply because it is in more of a playable state and they also have a Battletome that I enjoyed.  I bought the Warscroll cards & tokens for them and I found them to be only marginally helpful.

I played a game with a friend who used another one of my armies comprised mainly of Moonclan and with a few Spiderfang models tossed in (trying to get him to come back to playing Fantasy with me).  My experience with the cards & tokens was fairly poor.  I had a fair amount of tokens to represent spells, wardok dances, and relics - and we were unable to really effectively tell them apart other than leaning in close and reading them.  I will probably have to break out some crayons and color-tint these things simply to make them more useful than a random coin.  I printed out the grot unit warscrolls for my friend to use, and those were about as convenient to use as the Bonesplitterz warscroll cards that GW made.  If that is going to be the case then I might as well mock up my own cards that are easier to read and use and then just laminate them.

I absolutely love swanky extra junk that looks cool and makes my gaming easier.  Price does not generally bother me as long as the item either looks really cool or is highly functional.  I love cool dice (even if they can be hard to read) and I will happily buy expensive dice packs (the squishy plague dice for Death Guard are brilliant - I love those things).  I have a ton of custom Greenskin dice commissioned by the Waaagh.com years ago from Q-workshop.  I will probably commission custom Moonclan and Spiderfang dice from Chessex if GW does not make dice for them (or just because you cannot have too many dice).  But I have to say that so far I am very disappointed in both the quality and usefulness of the Warscroll Card packs that GW makes for Age of Sigmar.  I will probably be looking into alternatives.

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  • 3 weeks later...
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On ‎4‎/‎30‎/‎2018 at 6:35 PM, Ryan Taylor said:

@Chris Tomlin I ran your 4 rock lobbaslist this weekend and whist I never won a game I found it really useful and a blast to play. I was borrowing the army and I think it has convinced me to pick up the IJ. Time to find a conversion to do the rock lobbas. 

That's awesome man, glad you had a good time with it :) 

Be sure to share pics of what you do for your Rock Lobbers.

11 hours ago, Thenecbromancer said:

Ha- just read this after not logging in for ages. I had to go have a lie down in the snow for an hour  to calm down after all that NWA we were spinning at the tabletop.

See you in August!

Hahaha...oh man! Definitely a stand out game this year...for all the wrong reasons! Amazingly disgraceful.

Anyhow, I do need to update this blog as I did have a game a couple of weeks ago. Ran the Rogue Idol a first time for a bit of fun vs a new player. Was good!

Looking forward to seeing how AoS2 impacts us going forwards. Genuinely felt a bit down looking at the state of Destruction at #SCGT2018. Very sad times.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey Chris, quick question, how do you see the continued use of Rock Lobba with the new rules so far? +1 save to a hero if it's a 3" of 3models or something... I think it really lower the use of those rock sniper... They were already hit and miss...

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15 minutes ago, Soul oWar said:

Hey Chris, quick question, how do you see the continued use of Rock Lobba with the new rules so far? +1 save to a hero if it's a 3" of 3models or something... I think it really lower the use of those rock sniper... They were already hit and miss...

Good question.

Unfortunately though, I'm not really one for clamouring over snippets of drip fed information! xD

What this means is that ideally I don't want to get too panicked/excited about anything just yet. I'll wait to we have the full picture and will reassess our situation then.

If Rock Lobbers end up being worse because characters have more protection, then this may actually be good news for us as the same should be true for our characters. I don't mind if our lists end up changing as a result of the new edition, it's just way too early to say what those changes could be.

Sorry to be a bore! :P

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