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The Black Sunz - Ironjawz - Update 28/02 - PICS! Whole new army painted!!

Chris Tomlin

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11 hours ago, Chris Tomlin said:

Awesome, will be great to catch up with another TGA Destruction player! Are you signed up for many of the events? I'd love a game vs Beastclaw if we get the time.

Yeah that would be fantastic!  I actually just registered to go, but haven't signed up for any specific events yet.  I think I went to the first paca event way way back in the day and hadn't realized it had become such a big thing since then.  

I'm just getting back into the hobby with my wife and heard you talking about paca on your cast.  I was like, "did he just ****** say 'Waaaghpaca' ?  That's still a thing?"   Not sure how I managed to live in the town for 25 years and not realize it lol! 

So I'd love to get a game in if we get the time.  Though you'll probably chumpbash me since I am new .  


*Edit* just registered for both the AoS narrative and tourney! 

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On ‎04‎/‎11‎/‎2016 at 4:33 PM, Beardbattered said:

Yeah that would be fantastic!  I actually just registered to go, but haven't signed up for any specific events yet.  I think I went to the first paca event way way back in the day and hadn't realized it had become such a big thing since then.  

I'm just getting back into the hobby with my wife and heard you talking about paca on your cast.  I was like, "did he just ****** say 'Waaaghpaca' ?  That's still a thing?"   Not sure how I managed to live in the town for 25 years and not realize it lol! 

So I'd love to get a game in if we get the time.  Though you'll probably chumpbash me since I am new .  


*Edit* just registered for both the AoS narrative and tourney! 

Haha that's an awesome story, how strange! Well, it's cool you've found your way back. Game or no game, make sure you come say hi. We can have a beer and chat some Destruction! :D 

Also I've not yet played the new Beastclaw Raiders, so it'd be a useful learning experience for the both of us if we could play :) 

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Morning Monday Megabosses!!

Ok ok...I think it's long overdue I actually cracked on and gave you some reports, right? Now obviously these stretch back a little way now so detail may be lacking, but atleast you'll get the gist of things. Whilst I posted my list for Facehammer previously, there has been a couple of other pages of stuff here so I'll repost it for a sake of completeness;

This event operated a 2 list policy, using 5 of the General's Handbook battelplans. You could freely pick your General, Command Trait and Artefact(s) at the start of each game. I am a fan of this format and would probably adopt something similar for events I run in the future. Due to my limited pool of painted models, I was just running the one list, identical to what I ran at The Warlords;

Megaboss Krunk
Pig Benis, The Warmaster, Fist of Krunk on Red Cabbage
Da Ardnob (Slaughter-choppa)
Da Kurlzz

10 Brutes (Jagged Gore-hackas)
5 Brutes (Choppas)
5 Brutes (Choppas)
10 Ardboyz (9 'Uge Choppas, 1 Shield)
3 Gore-gruntas (Choppas)

Krunk took Ravager and Battle Brew in every game. The Cabbage went with the Talisman in every game I think...though there may have been the odd one or two he went with Battle Brew as well.
Right, with that done, let's go;

Game 18 - Facehammer GT - Round One - vs @Pano (Bloodbound)

This was kind of a grudge and kind of a deliberate pairing by the TO's. It was Pano's birthday weekend and whilst I had expressed some interest in going one on one with the Mighty Lord of Khorne himself, I think at the end of the day I was more assigned to him to help get him super birthday drunk early doors!!
I turned up dead on time (not half an hour late as Pano would have you believe!), still drunk from the night before and ready to go again! We were onto our 3rd double rum before we'd finished deployment, so suffice to say this was played in good...spirits?
We were up on Table 1 and on the live stream and whilst the game was awesome fun, I'm not sure it would've been what the viewers were after by way of a tactical tournament game?! Although I did see some good feedback from people who were happy to see this kind of thing went on at tournaments. What I should say is that Pano is a great player who has been doing really well on the scene this year, posting a lot of super solid results and dispatching all manner of super characters with Khorgus Khul and his blade of realities! In a regular, straight up game, I am under no illusion that he would dispatch me with ease, especially given the match up. However, this was not a regular game, Pano was in his super sexy morphsuit and I was rocking my usual hot tournament look complete with shades and Megaboss snapback! :P

The battleplan was Gift from the Heavens and Pano's list was (super roughly...not sure if I could have recollected this any better an hour after the game!); Khorgus Khul, Bloodstoker, Bloodsecrator, Aspiring Deathbringer, Valkia, lots of Bloodreavers, 3 Khorgoroths, Blood Warriors & Wrathmongers (maybe some Skullreapers?).
Even though we were pretty much drunk from the get go, I don't recall us being overly reckless. I think we both positioned early getting ready for the objectives to drop. With neither of us offering a ranged threat we could do this with impunity.
Mine dropped on my right in a forrest and I camped this out with a unit of Ardboyz whilst Pano's dropped in the centre. This was annoying as it was in the centre of an odd peice of building terrain that was completely inaccesible front on - basically, there was no way I was getting in there. Luckily, opposite my objective was just some Bloodreavers so I was also reasonably confident that mine was safe, meaning this would come down to kills!!
So...I started to push up and got a big 10" charge from the Gore-gruntas into the Bloodreavers, triggering their D3 damage (woohoo! rarity!)...I put this down to a paticularly good pig squeel on my part.
I also had the Cabbage charge into the Khorgoroths on the left flank, whilst Krunk and the Brutes marched up the centre. In combat, the Gore-gruntas had literally their best round ever and went to town on the Bloodreavers, smashing them up as you'd expect looking at the models. I think after this, Pano opted to retaliate with the remaining Bloodreavers rather than going across to the Cabbage (perhaps under durress haha!)...this started a trend that we inexplicably (and intentionally) continued througout the game, special!
I recall the Cabbage and the Khorgoroths fighting for way longer than I felt they should've! More importantly, battle was finally met in the centre of the battlefield with the two lengendary heroes, as personified by me and Pano, facing off...

Krunk vs Khul

At this point, @Liam Cook was summoned over with the camera as I whipped out a can of spray paint, shouted "WITNESS ME!!" at the top of my voice before spraying my mouth and jaw silver to much applause and cheers. Was a pretty epic moment (watch Mad Max Fury Road if you don't get the reference!) and I will definitely get a photo in here on my lunch break.
Anyway, this worked out pretty well for me as Krunk slayed the Mighty Lord of Khorne...he'd taken down the Glottkin, Nagash and countless other heroes of renown, but met his match at the hands of the Megaboss. Love it.
From there, Pano just fed Krunk characters; first Valkia charged in and tried her luck. Died. Then the Aspiring Deathbringer charged in. Died. Was so cool just having him in the middle of the table smashing up all these characters in one on one combats and thanks so much to Pano for making the story happen.
Elsewhere, we just piled everything into various combats and loads of stuff died, was lots of fun!

We tied on objectives as expected (and tbh, even in a "proper" game I suspect this would've been the case) so it came down to kills. After we totalled it up, I was actually somewhat embarassed to take the win. However, Pano seemed more than happy with what had transpired (probably all the rum!) and there is no doubt that we both had a huge amount of fun throughout, so I guess that's what counts. It was important to me though that it was the sort of game that Pano wanted, I'm all for things like this but it needs to be down to both players as opposed to one imposing their will on their other. I will happily give him a rematch at an event as and when he likes.

But yeh, great start to what was a *spoiler* great event for me. I don't think I was ever less drunk than this as I hit a perfect state of "Megaboss Permadrunk" for the weekend, which worked out pretty well as you'll find out! ;) 

Result - Minor Victory

So there we go, I actually did a battle report...how many people thought they wouldn't see this? Come on, hands up, be honest!
As you'll see, it was a great game, albeit it not the most tightly played or tactical.

I'm hopeful of getting Round Two up today as well, but worst case I'll push myself to do one report a day this week.
Just as an overview I have the following to report on;

Facehammer rounds 2-5
Warchiefs rounds 1-5
Periscope game vs Aaron
5 600 point games (still worth reporting as the game scales so well)
Clash rounds 1-5

And I'm playing an 800 point campaign game tonight...so that's a further 21 games to report on!

Plenty of content coming up, I still have loads of my army to photo, including those now mythical shots for @The Stronghold and @HobbyHammer :( 
Oh, I built 3 more Gore-gruntas for the campaign, I'll do some pics of them as they look super cool I think.

I have the best part of a 2,500 point Flesh-eater Courts army to paint for the 19th of this month (12 days!!!), including making and painting a display board. I've also got a Podcast to record with @Mitzy @Thornshield @Jimbo and hopefully @Devilreefman, with about 5 hours of audio to edit already in that time...urgh why do I do this to myself.
Anyway, after that I'll have a bit of a (deserved) break...Phew!

Have fun,
Megaboss Chris x

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Afternoon Ardboyz!

Thanks for the replies :) 

8 hours ago, Bjarni St. said:

Thanks for the after-action. Nice to see you're keepin it 'ard at the tables. You're not exactly keeping current but at least you can be happy you're not just now getting around to Warlords review like the Facehammer crew are. :)

Haha...yeh unfortunately life can't be all Warhammer, all of the time (how good would that be?). For us podcasters, bloggers etc sometimes real life gets in the way. I honestly don't feel like I ever stop :S 

I should be all caught up, both on here and the podcast, by early December at the latest. That's the plan.

3 hours ago, HobbyHammer said:

Come on Chris... ;) Ill just replace them all with naked men pictures soon and get the post up! 

Good write up though dude! Nice after action reports! 

Hmmmm....this would probably be easier to arrange haha! I reckon I'll have some time this weekend during the daytime to *finally* sort this. I'm done with promising though!! :P 

Anyway...can you believe it...two days, two reports...it's too good to be true!
Unfortunately I was not able to update the previous post with a photo of me being all shiny and chrome as I don't really have a good pic of it! Perhaps someone else does that they can share? @Liam Cook @Terry Pike @Pano @Lez @Russ Veal ??

Anyhow, todays report is going to be much quicker;

Game 19 - Facehammer GT - Round Two vs Jon Green (Order)
I had never met Jon before this game, but felt that we hit it off pretty quickly. This round was Blood & Glory and he told me he had two lists; the first was predominately Sylvaneth, including Alarielle and backed up by tunnelling Fyreslayers, the second was a complete gunline. I suggested I'd like him to use the first, as we know I'm pretty good at taking down The Everqueen, but sensibly he went for the second one...which resulted in some extreme cursing on my part, all in good nature of course, bants innit! ;) (listen to the upcoming podcast for more info...yes, I'm as behind on podcasting as I am on updating this thread at present!!)
So, Jon's gunline was (roughly), 9-12 Kurnoth Hunters with bows, 15 Judicators, Hurricanum, Loremaster (I think) and some other stuff. Before we started playing he asked what I was drinking, I said Jack Daniel's and off to the bar he went, only to return with 4(!!) doubles for me. If I didn't already like Jon, I certainly did now <3

When it came to deployment, Jon went really tight, castling his army around one of the objectives. This meant he was not going to be able to score the major victory and would be looking to shoot me off for a minor. I stacked my deployment quite heavily to face off against that, with a unit of Brutes to go up the other side and claim that objective.

Due to my battalion I wont the first turn, but passed this to Jon and suggested he do his worse...fortunately for me I got incredibly lucky here as all the Kurnoth Hunter shooting at the Cabbage yielded about 4 wounds I think (or he may have had 4 left, can't remember...either way, he was alive and kicking!). I think that was about it, might've lost the odd Orruk elsewhere and I seem to recall a Gryph Hound running interference on the other side (to little effect).
My turn and I literally pushed everything forward as fast as it could. I'd positioned Krunk to maximise Ravager so the majority of my fighty units went their movement + 2D6+2 this turn as they all ran, praying to Gork (or possibly Mork) for the double turn. I genuinely considered this my only play in this game, anything else or more cautious would've undoubtedly seen me get shot off over the long game. I took a big swig of battle brew (thanks Jon!) as we rolled up the priority dice....and....I won it! Phew! This did not ensure me victory, but kept me in the game.

Well...that was my initial thought. Turned out, it did ensure me victory. I threw caution into the wind and instead of using Inspiring Presence I called a Waaagh!, as everything was packed in so tight I could pretty much guarantee it going off. In combat I obliterated most of his army and by the end of his T2 there wasn't much left at all.
It was really refreshing to get the win against a strong gunline and showed me it was possible. Problem is I could play it 10 times again and not get the double turn, or lose the Cabbage first turn etc so I am aware I got lucky, however I think I played the best game I could in this situation to make the luck count if I got it. This is sometimes all you can do and actually shouldn't be understated in my opinion.

Jon was a great opponent and a really top bloke. I caught up with him a few more times over the weekend and I think he switched to his Alarielle list for the other rounds, presumably as it's a bit more fun to play and doesn't create such lopsided games (as let's be honest, if the game didn't pan out well for me it would've been equally good for Jon in reverse). I look forward to catching up with him again in the future. My parting comment was that perhaps he should've taken Alarielle and at least lasted until Turn 3 against me! ;) 

Result - Major Victory

That's all for today!

Come back tomorrow, lets see if I can go 3 for 3 this week :P


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Wassup Wednesday Weirdnobs?!

20 hours ago, TalesOfSigmar said:

Shame you're not attending was hoping to get Rummed up all weekend with you. Will have to make sure to have a couple for you!

Yeh man, that would've been a blast for sure. You at Sheffield next year?

Well...I am super busy at work today, but will try to knock out a quick report. Unfortunately as I attempt to catch this thread up, some of them may be lacking a little in details;

Game 20 - Facehammer GT - Round Three vs @Marc Wilson (Order)

Marc is a nice guy who I have met courtesy of him attending my events, but I had not previously had the pleasure of playing him so was happy with this draw. We were playing Places of Power and he had a Stormcast army with a couple of interesting twists. He had fulfilled part of a battalion with a Bretonnian Paladin rather than splashing out on a unit of SCE Paladins as it has the key word. I thought this was pretty cool! He also had Drycha thrown into the mix.

After deployment I wasn't feeling the most confident about this game as he had a lot of stuff deployed in the celestial realm, so I was a little loathe to just rush it all forward and spread out onto the objectives as this may give him easy pickings. That said, I believe he was able to go first and drop in such a way that many of my units were pinned fighting Paladins (the SCE ones) in my deployment zone, whilst his many characters camped around the objectives giving him an early lead. He also had the obligatory Judicators fire off pot shots in the backfield which is always gonna whittle you down!
We did actually get off on the wrong foot as in the first turn I accidently moved my Gore-gruntas too far and was rightly called out by Marc on this. The situation was 100% my fault (went into this in a little more detail on the podcast which will be out this week, but doesn't translate well into text!) but thankfully were able get over it pretty quickly and have a really great game.

As it was, I wasn't really able to recover from his alpha strike on my units which efficiently crippled my units in my deployment zone. I did manage to take down Drycha with the Cabbage and take the far right objective before launching a last gasp assault on the central one, however it was all too little too late though and I went down.
Overall though it was a really tight & tactical game that I did feel I had a chance, however small, of pulling back right until the end. I do feel that the SCE drop lists do have the ability to neuter my army, specifically my movement and even if those alpha strike units die, they can potentially do enough damage and stall my units long enough to cost me dearly in an objective based game, so I think Marc played that spot on really. It doesn't always work out like that for Stormcast as we'll find out down the line.

Result - Major Loss

Sorry that one is a bit more rushed. But yeh, after day one I was super pleased with both the results and more importantly, the quality of the games I had had vs 3 top blokes!

My #wipwednesday video on Twitter this evening will primarily focus on my Flesh-eater Courts for RAW, however to make up for this I will put up some photos here of my next 3 Gore-gruntas I recently put together for @Forestreveries escalation campaign (more on that in a later post).

Have fun,

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Well here's a bit of a #wipwednesday for you guys, these aren't on Twitter but I thought you might enjoy them.

Nothing too exciting admittedly, but I was happy with how the head and weapon swaps came out, particularly the Boss with the mongol style helm (I've been saving that head for this very purpose) and Smasha from the Brute kit.

These are my second unit as I build towards the terrifying Gore-fist in our escalation campaign. Once I'm caught up on Tournaments etc I will be talking about this a lot more as it's going to be fun trying out something different.

Unsure when these will get paint, but I'm certainly keen to do so as I reckon they'll look great.






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Whoo finally catching up Chris! I love the sound of the battle you had with Pano, it's like the perfect game. Really like the idea of using the 40k Ork head here, it's very suiting on a subtle yet very nice conversion. I've personally got 5 more to build and convert :)

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Gonna try and start writing up Round Four shortly, might be a bit tricky today but I'll try my best even if it's just a quick one again.

18 hours ago, Dez said:

Whoo finally catching up Chris! I love the sound of the battle you had with Pano, it's like the perfect game. Really like the idea of using the 40k Ork head here, it's very suiting on a subtle yet very nice conversion. I've personally got 5 more to build and convert :)

Yeh it was a really great game. I understand that not everyone would want a game like that at a tournament, but it was lots of fun and set me up for an awesome weekend. Glad you like the Gruntas as I'm really happy with this unit. Realistically I'm unlikely to get any paint on them until the new year, but they are certainly near the top of my list as I want to bring them to life now. I have another unit of 3 to assemble myself.

14 hours ago, Spiky Norman said:

Those Gore Gruntas are SUCH awesome models, even if their rules may not quite match their badassity

Thanks man! I agree 100%...has there ever been another instance of such great disparity between models and rules?!!

Check back in a couple of hours and I should have FHGT game 4 up...

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After 3 great games on the Saturday I continued the festivities late into the evening. Plenty of people were hanging at the venue (which has an awesome, well stocked bar with lovely staff!) and sharing in a beverage or two ;)
The highlight has to be @Stevewren and his now infamous "Just suck it!" comment...you'll have to listen to the podcast when it comes out on Saturday for context there!

So anway, I woke up on the Sunday after not very much sleep and still feeling pretty drunk. Made my way to the venue (guys, if you ever go to Element do not book the Britannia, get the Premier Inn - it's literally round the corner), went to the bar and picked up a nice tasy breakfast Jack Daniel's to take the edge off and make sure I kept up my Megaboss permadrunk aura.
I found my table and opponent, a nice young lad by the name of Henry who had Sylvaneth...

Game 21 - Facehammer GT - Round Four vs Henry Edwards (Sylvaneth)

Henry's army was Spirit of Durthu, 2 Treelord Ancients, Drycha, Branchwych, lots of Dryads, 6-9 Kurnoth Hunters (cant remember the exact configuration of these, I actually want to say one of each variant, but could be wrong).
Now anyone who's followed this thread for any length of time will know I have a confidence when it comes to playing Sylvaneth. I'm not sure if it genuinely is a good match up, or if I've just had a bit of luck so far. Either way, I'm always keen to inform my opponents...bit of psychological fun before the game starts! :P 

This round was escalation, which wasn't great for Henry as he lined his Dryads up vs my Brutes. I think a little inexperience came through on his part as he deployed quite far forward allowing me to get at him early and clear off his batteline units before all the big trees could come in to offer support. Durthu arrived and went into the Gore-gruntas on the right objective, making an absolute mess of them with his damage 6 - hog roast anyone? Fortunately in my next turn I was able to bring in the Cabbage to counter Durthu and took him off in a oner thanks to a good roll on the Destructive Bulk (ignoring the penalties to hit is win!).
Elsewhere the Ardboyz were holding the left objective, with Drycha making her way towards them. I brought the Ardnob on as support on that side and was super impressed as he probably had his best game ever, soloing the angry treeb*tch with his Slaughta-choppa (she even healed a few wounds along the way) - good work!!
In the middle, my large unit of Brutes was doing solid work...Krunk and the Warchanter were on the board by now and had been running to catch up and provide buffs/support. They felled one of the Ancients and the first unit of Hunters leaving Henry in an unrecoverable position by the end of Turn 3.

Henry was a great opponent, very polite and attentive. He was very clean and precise with his game and I could tell he was keen to learn and improve, which is a great sign. He's only 16 so if he keeps attending tournaments and building on his already solid base I think he could be one to watch in the future...the only potential banana skins are beer and women!! :P 
As the game was over pretty quickly, we did spend a good ammount of time talking over Sylvaneth in general and this particular match up. We both agreed that the battleplan wasn't the best for him, however he could've mitigated this to a point by deploying more defensively. To be fair, I don't think he'd played Destruction before and whilst I'd explained the extra movement beforehand, I think it needs to be seen in person to truly appreciate and respect.

Result - Major Victory

Again, sorry it's lacking in detail. Partially this is due to the time I have available, but also it was a fairly routine example of Ironjawz doing their thing quickly and efficiently.
2 Majors, 1 Minor and 1 loss going into the last round was brilliant I thought, in a 5 game Tournament I think 3 wins is actually a good result for Ironjawz, so already having this in the bank I didn't feel any pressure on myself so I could continue with the battle brew and just have fun!

Come back tomorrow when hopefully I'll be able to finish up with my Facehammer GT games.
It's nice to be slowly but surely catching up, apologies for the quality but hopefully it's better than nothing. Obviously if you have any specific questions about the games please ask and I can go into more detail as appropriate.

Have a good day,

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I'm still surprised that you do so well against Sylvaneth. It strikes me that Dryads and losing casualties when you charge through the Wyldwoods should be able to hold you up long enough for the Hunters and magic to turn the tide in their favour. 

Why he wasted Durthu on the pigs is beyond me. I guess they look good and look better than they are. Durthu should be taking out 2 Brutes per sword hit and laughing when the Battleshock test takes out the unit.


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1 hour ago, Dez said:

Love to see you doing so well!

What so you believe would help make Ironjawz more competitive/ top tier?

This event was a good show tbh, but overall it's been a bit of a mixed bag. For the most part I think I play the army within its capabilities but it is sooooo match up dependant. The army just can't deal with a number of things.

Cheap bodies and wizards, access to mortal wounds and decent shooting are all sorely lacking.

41 minutes ago, Nico said:

I'm still surprised that you do so well against Sylvaneth. It strikes me that Dryads and losing casualties when you charge through the Wyldwoods should be able to hold you up long enough for the Hunters and magic to turn the tide in their favour. 

Why he wasted Durthu on the pigs is beyond me. I guess they look good and look better than they are. Durthu should be taking out 2 Brutes per sword hit and laughing when the Battleshock test takes out the unit.

I think in this particular battleplan, if Henry had sat further back he may have been able to do exactly as you suggest. Brutes going into Dryads unbuffed though, that's only going one way.

Durthu out to the Gore-gruntas is actually the play I probably would've made, they were on an objective with the nearest unit of Brutes a turn or two away. In the centre he had 2 Treelords (ya know, it could've just been one in his army now I think, can't truly remember) and the Kurnoth Hunters.

I think the problem Henry in particular suffered from, was me being able to deal with him piecemeal so efficiently. This could apply to any army in Escalation so is worth noting.

I guess in time we'll find out if it's a good match up. For now, I'll keep my confidence and keep cutting down the trees, much to @Forestreveries chagrin! ;) 

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On 11/7/2016 at 11:35 AM, Chris Tomlin said:

Haha that's an awesome story, how strange! Well, it's cool you've found your way back. Game or no game, make sure you come say hi. We can have a beer and chat some Destruction! :D 

Also I've not yet played the new Beastclaw Raiders, so it'd be a useful learning experience for the both of us if we could play :) 

If you want some Beastclaw experience I can always play you in Age of Santa, would allow me to get revenge for the schooling you gave me in downfall 3 years ago :)

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I think mixed BCR could be a truly terrible match up for Ironjawz. Try to alpha strike them with Ironfist - Fanatics block you.

Thundertusks behind netter wielding blocks of chaff are killing 2 Brutes per shot outright - hello Battleshock. Stonelord is going to delete 1.5 or so of your units outright on the charge unless they are incredibly spread out. Then you'll try to kill it as you cannot even get to the Thunderturds - then the Thunderturds will heal it back up. Then you lose.

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Happy Friday everyone!

21 hours ago, Donal said:

If you want some Beastclaw experience I can always play you in Age of Santa, would allow me to get revenge for the schooling you gave me in downfall 3 years ago :)

I'm not playing at Age of Santa, I'll be assisting @Paddy O'Sullivan with the running of the event. It would be great to get a game in though. Which other events are you looking at?

20 hours ago, Nico said:

I think mixed BCR could be a truly terrible match up for Ironjawz. Try to alpha strike them with Ironfist - Fanatics block you.

Thundertusks behind netter wielding blocks of chaff are killing 2 Brutes per shot outright - hello Battleshock. Stonelord is going to delete 1.5 or so of your units outright on the charge unless they are incredibly spread out. Then you'll try to kill it as you cannot even get to the Thunderturds - then the Thunderturds will heal it back up. Then you lose.

I do agree with you to be fair, however it is nice to play out the games. Not everything always goes to plan in a dice based game, that's part of the appeal to me. If it all went as it "should" then we could just have you tell us the results and not bother play!! More time for the bar that way I guess... ;) 

Anyway, speaking of things not always going to plan in game...

So I am going to wrap up my Facehammer GT reports today, however once again it is just going to be a very quick glossing over of the game as I've got a lot on. As a bit of a plug I will (finally) be release episode 98 of The Black Sun podcast this weekend which will feature coverage of Facehammer as well as Cheltenham Warchiefs GT (which will be my next set of reports on here). Theres also a lengthy chat with the eventual winner of Facehammer, @TDK, which is quite fun. Check it out if you can.
I also recorded episode 99 last night which will be out before next weekend as it is a chat with @Mitzy and @Jimbo about the upcoming Narrative Event - Realms at War (#RAW16). So it appears the podcast is like buses!

Anyway, lets wrap up this weeks reports. 5/5 this week - pretty pleased with that!

Game 22 - Facehammer GT - Round Five vs @Bryan Hatchett(Stormcast Eternals)

Bryan is one of the Cheltenham Warchiefs, which by default it seems makes him a super nice guy (although I later found out, a Man Utd fan. Urgh!). Surprisingly this made it 5 out 5 new opponents for me this event, not something that usually happens!
This game was Border War (GHOUL PATROL!) and Bryan's army was roughly; Castellant, Azyros, 10 Retributors, 5 Decimators, 2x 5 Judicators, 3x 5 Liberators and I believe another couple of characters, maybe a Venator and Celestant? He also had a battalion allowing him to drop down on me and maybe some Prosecutors?

Unfortunately, Bryan was able to take the first turn in this game. In Border War I really like to go first and take a 5-0 lead, putting the onus on my opponent to play catch up and perhaps make a mistake in reacting and trying to do so. This was not to be the case here and Bryan dropped his army down straight away (correct choice). Two units of Liberators camped out the central objective on my left (I'm sure they had a character chilling with them as well). He deployed these really nicely I thought, in 2 banks of 5 sat an optimum distance off the objective to make sure I'd have to really grind through them all before I could get into range to claim myself.
On the opposite side, he did something similar with both Judicator units (ya know, this could've been one unit of 10. Not sure). The remaining unit of Liberators were guarding the objective in his backfield and yeah, I'm sure he did have Prosecutors flying about as well. Now where it got really juicy, right off the bat, was him dropping all 15 Paladins and the Castellent right on my front line, much like Marc did in round 3. I do find this a good tactic against Ironjawz, as although it lets me fight straight away (which I obviously like), it severly hampers my manvourability (especially if they can pop off the leaders) and puts the combat on their terms.
I would say that the way the combat went here actually decided the entire game. I had opted for the Talisman of Protection on the Cabbage in this game, which was a brilliant choice as I rolled a heap of 4+ saves against the Retributors to essentially nulify their attack. Not all 10 were on the Cabbage and the remainder did take down a couple of Brutes. In retaliation, the Brutes were able to kill a couple back as well as couple of Decimators.
Bryan made a small mistake when piling in with the Castellant, allowing a unit of 5 Brutes to join the fight and take down the Stormcast Hero. The cabbage and Krunk went to town on the Retributors, taking off a number more. The remaining Decimators did much better than I anticipated and more Brutes fell.
As I had no Inspiring Presence up, I was really worried about battleshock, especially with the Decimators there...however, I got super lucky and got away lightly, losing only a couple more.

I went next and by the end of my turn 1, all the Paladins were dead along with their Castellent for the loss of a handful of Brutes (hadn't lost a full unit) and about 9 wounds on the Cabbage.
I also had advanced forward on the flanks to put the Liberators and Judicators under pressure.

By the end of Turn 2, I had the Ardboyz sitting pretty on my objective, whilst I was fighting over the central ones...the right hand one may have taken a turn longer as the Gore-gruntas were useless against the Judicators and needed assistance from their unmounted friends. The remaining Brutes advanced centrally with Krunk and the wounded Cabbage.

By the end of Turn 3, I had all 4 objectives and Bryan was looking short of models. I think we played out Turn 4 and called it as Bryan was unable to catch me on the objective scoring.

Result - Major Victory

I was actually pretty gobsmacked after this game. I certainly had not expected it to go down like that. The ability to pick the Artefact on the Cabbage was huge and allowed him to absorb so much damage (even beyond T1, he drew attention) before finally going down. He did a grand job without really killing an awful lot - good example of not always being able to determine worth based on kills. There's no two ways about it, I was super lucky to not lose a lot more Brutes to Battleshock T1, which would've had massive repurcussions. It wasn't necessarily that me killing all the Paladins that was big, it was how quickly it happened and more importantly how few casualties I took in the process, allowing me to advance near enough my full army onto Bryan for the win.

I think Bryan played it well overall and probably more often than not would beat me off the back of that alphastrike. They always say you need a bit of luck to succeed in a tournament and I definitely had a large dose here. Bryan was a complete gent about it when to be honest he would've had fair cause for complaint!

As ever this week, apologies for the lack of detail. I basically just intended to set the scene and explained the result without perhaps informing you of every little thing that happened. Summing up turns 2 and 3 in a single sentence is a little disrespectful of the game as obviously there was plenty going on. You get the idea though.

So yeh...what a weekend. It was hands down my favourite AoS event, both gaming and social. The fact I managed to have so much fun, be drunk the whole time and still do well was just amazing. Then we got onto the awards....

  • I came 9th overall
  • I won Best Painted Unit in the separate painting contest for my Dark Aelf Warlocks, taking home a sweet trophy
  • I won Best Paint Army for my Ironjawz, taking home a massive sword!
  • I won Best Opponent, taking home an awesome engraved hipflask set

Man, it was something else. I was completely overwhelemd during the results ceremony and was genuinely near to tears haha!!
Thanks so much to all the TO's @Russ Veal @Terry Pike @Lez @Liam Cook& Byron for putting on an amazing event and picking my army, thanks to all my opponents for fantastic games and evidently enjoying them as much as I did. Also thanks to all my bros I travelled with, all the awesome people at the event (players and Element Games staff) and in particular anyone who said anything nice about my army.
Well done to the Champ @TDK and all the other winners. Congrats to everyone who got a paint nomination, the standard was awesome and it was an honour to display my army alongside you all. Special shout out to my man @Cowboy Boots Matt who got 2nd Best Army and also Best Monster in individual contest - suffice to say it was a pretty happy car journey home!!

I could go on all day, suffice to say I had the best of times. Even now, weeks after the event I still get a feeling of elation typing this up and remembering the weekend.
Hope you all enjoyed the posts this week, have fun this weekend and I'll be back next week.

Much love,
Megaboss Chris x

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I do agree with you to be fair, however it is nice to play out the games. Not everything always goes to plan in a dice based game, that's part of the appeal to me. If it all went as it "should" then we could just have you tell us the results and not bother play!! More time for the bar that way I guess... ;)

Sounds like my game with Fyreslayers against the Beastclaw - definitely didn't go to plan or as it should have done.

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Holy smokes!  Congrats on your trophy haul @Chris Tomlin!  A respectable ranking overall, 2 best painted AND best sport.  That's the dream!  

Reading all of your reports has gotten be rock hard in anticipation for Paca.  Win or lose, it's going to be SO much fun.  We'll have to get in some hot butt-chuggin' action! 

Can't wait for your next few episode releases as well.

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