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The Black Sunz - Ironjawz - Update 28/02 - PICS! Whole new army painted!!

Chris Tomlin

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@HobbyHammer - Cool man! I'll check that out in a bit. Do not want loads of pics of Orruks all over my screen at work haha!!

Thanks for taking the time to clean up those rubbish photos of mine a bit, hopefully they show the models off ok (still better in person as anyone who's seen will attest I'm sure!) and people like the Q&A :D 

Now...just to sort out full army pics for @The Stronghold.

(Again, I've run out of likes for the day!)

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YES! Ha! Didn't even consider the surname. That's amazing though.

Nominative determinism for the win. Karl Battlesmith....


And spoilers, it really was great. Had a blast with Carl and straight up I'll say he got my Best Sports and actually took home that award, so good one man! Not sure if Carl is on here, searched the @'s a bit but couldn't find him?

I was gutted I didn't get more of a chance to talk to him at Blood & Glory - I used Fyreslayers for the 500 and the 1,000. They do have some strengths but need an allegiance pack even more than Ironjawz do. Great to see him doing well.

We've exchanged Tweets since the event.


What I didn't bank on was that shield throw rule...I did not realise just one ginger bro needs to get within an inch and the whole unit lobs the shields in. So, Megaboss Krunk went down, before he moved as 30 shields were chucked at him!!

This is one of their best things. Sadly their elite Hearthguard Berserkers are just a bit meh for their cost (they look a lot better on paper than they are on the table) - bunkering may work on some Battleplans but really doesn't work on most of them.


To top off a great weekend I also picked up Best Painted Army. This was really nice as it was player voted, so nice to pick that up a week after taking Best Painted at Facehammer (which was voted by the judges at that event).
Great trophy as well, will post a pic in a bit.

Well done!


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Carl isn't on here sadly and is a top guy he has found an army he loves with the fyreslayers and by not swapping and changing all the time is really making them work. Amazingly the army he ran at B&G was toned down in power because he was worried about sports scores!

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Amazingly the army he ran at B&G was toned down in power because he was worried about sports scores!

I think they are ok at 2,000 points. They can do some nasty things and have a huge advantage of surprise (the "oh so they can do that" factor) because of their rarity. However, they do this from about 5 Warscrolls - Aurics, Vulkites, the Battlesmith and the two Runesmiters.  If you bunker then Hearthguard Berserkers are also good. They have a lot of complete junk (both Runesons and two of the Battalions, the Runemaster is potentially worth negative points in many games). 

Lords of the Lodge is ok, but the combat buff is really hard to use unless you want to play bunker style. 

As I'm finding for Firestorm Fours, they are extremely vulnerable to comp packs (both battalions are crippled by comp - no stacking the armour save buff on the same unit and no +3 predeclared to one initiative roll). 

They are probably a difficult match up for Ironjawz, since they either will bunker with crazy defences that Ironjawz may bounce off, or they will say "fine, cover the 24 inches in turn one, we'll just stay underground until we need to come out and kill a third of your army and grab an objective".


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5 hours ago, Ben said:

Photos are gonna get fixed over Christmas. 

I have around 100,000 image files to manually transfer :(

Whaaat? Sorry to go off topic here a bit, but doesn't the host have (or make) a utility that could do something? Is it appending/changing urls's? I'd think they could do something easily.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Afternoon guys,

No further reports or updates at present I'm afraid. Did just quickly want to mention the new format and direction I am taking my Podcast;

So yeh, The Black Sun is now The Black Sun Weekly. Predominately a solo show coming out every Monday for short episodes covering a wide variety of topics. As it's me, this will include plenty of Ironjawz and Destruction chat so I thought it might be of note here. I'll be looking to do some Skype interviews to bring in some other opinions and views for variety. If anyone here has a topic they would like to discuss, please get in touch.

The first episode isn't the most exciting, but please stick with it as I feel it will work out well going forwards. Also, I can't imagine any regular poster in this Sub Forum will get much from this episode as it's just a very basic run down of the Ironjawz scrolls!!

I will be sending out a text to a certain @Sangfroid later today as I reckon his journey with Destruction over 2016, culminating in a UK Masters invite is probably a story worth telling!

Going forward I am quite keen to tie this thread in with the podcast and can use it to show off anything relevant I may be discussing on there. So yeh, I'll be keeping this going in 2017. Just need to wrap up 2016!!


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1 minute ago, Chris Tomlin said:

Afternoon guys,

No further reports or updates at present I'm afraid. Did just quickly want to mention the new format and direction I am taking my Podcast;

So yeh, The Black Sun is now The Black Sun Weekly. Predominately a solo show coming out every Monday for short episodes covering a wide variety of topics. As it's me, this will include plenty of Ironjawz and Destruction chat so I thought it might be of note here. I'll be looking to do some Skype interviews to bring in some other opinions and views for variety. If anyone here has a topic they would like to discuss, please get in touch.

The first episode isn't the most exciting, but please stick with it as I feel it will work out well going forwards. Also, I can't imagine any regular poster in this Sub Forum will get much from this episode as it's just a very basic run down of the Ironjawz scrolls!!

I will be sending out a text to a certain @Sangfroid later today as I reckon his journey with Destruction over 2016, culminating in a UK Masters invite is probably a story worth telling!

Going forward I am quite keen to tie this thread in with the podcast and can use it to show off anything relevant I may be discussing on there. So yeh, I'll be keeping this going in 2017. Just need to wrap up 2016!!


Look forward to it as always Chris, keep up the good work.

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So yeh, The Black Sun is now The Black Sun Weekly. Predominately a solo show coming out every Monday for short episodes covering a wide variety of topics. As it's me, this will include plenty of Ironjawz and Destruction chat so I thought it might be of note here. I'll be looking to do some Skype interviews to bring in some other opinions and views for variety. If anyone here has a topic they would like to discuss, please get in touch.

The first episode isn't the most exciting, but please stick with it as I feel it will work out well going forwards. Also, I can't imagine any regular poster in this Sub Forum will get much from this episode as it's just a very basic run down of the Ironjawz scrolls!!

I will be sending out a text to a certain @Sangfroid later today as I reckon his journey with Destruction over 2016, culminating in a UK Masters invite is probably a story worth telling!

Going forward I am quite keen to tie this thread in with the podcast and can use it to show off anything relevant I may be discussing on there. So yeh, I'll be keeping this going in 2017. Just need to wrap up 2016!!


This sounds awesome.



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On ‎20‎/‎12‎/‎2016 at 0:29 PM, Mohojoe said:

Look forward to it as always Chris, keep up the good work.

On ‎20‎/‎12‎/‎2016 at 4:07 PM, Spiky Norman said:

@Chris Tomlin Looking forward to listening and learning - Just got the Thunderfist Battleforce & 2 boxes of Savage Orruks, so Ironjawz & Bonesplitters will be my 2017 project, and I certainly need some hints on how to get the most out of them apart from shouting WAAAARGH and charging :-)

On ‎20‎/‎12‎/‎2016 at 6:08 PM, Nico said:

This sounds awesome.

On ‎21‎/‎12‎/‎2016 at 2:02 AM, Frozenorc said:

@Chris TomlinI just finished listening to the episode and it was great can't wait to hear the others!

Cheers guys,

Really glad that readers here are also translating to listeners. I envisage being able to talk about Ironjawz/Destruction a lot on the podcast and tie it into discussion here - the next two episodes are certainly going to feature some heavy Ironjawz content as well.

Case in point, @Sangfroid joined me on Skype earlier this week to discuss his impressive Tournament year with Destruction, this led into some great chat about Ironjawz including some ideas and list builds we've both been mulling over but have yet to really reveal or discuss on here. As limited as the Ironjawz battletome may seem (more so given the inevitable loss of the Ardnob and Grimgor), I genuinely believe we can continue to innovate and think outside the box....hopefully to good effect aswell.

It comes as no surprise to me that after using them at events, Kieran would be thinking similar thoughts to me on how best to move forward - in fact he had a number of thoughts that were new to me, so it made for a great discussion.

I'll be releasing this on Boxing Day, it's a bit longer than I hoped for the weekly format, but when the Ironjawz chat gets flowing, you can't stop it! I really hope you guys enjoy it and actually, I think you will. Kieran was a great guest and has a lot of knowledge to impart.

I'll post a link when it's out, but you should all be subscribed anyway! ;) 

The week after that I will be joined by @Snoopdom where we will discuss selecting a new army in AoS, this will not be Destruction related specifically. However we are going to play a game beforehand and discuss that as well. I will be debuting one of my new Ironjawz builds in this game and will talk about how it plays for the first time in that episode, which should be fun!

Anyway, this is my last update here before Christmas, so....


Hope you all have a blast.

Much love, Chris x


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Cheers guys,
Really glad that readers here are also translating to listeners. I envisage being able to talk about Ironjawz/Destruction a lot on the podcast and tie it into discussion here - the next two episodes are certainly going to feature some heavy Ironjawz content as well.
Case in point, @Sangfroid joined me on Skype earlier this week to discuss his impressive Tournament year with Destruction, this led into some great chat about Ironjawz including some ideas and list builds we've both been mulling over but have yet to really reveal or discuss on here. As limited as the Ironjawz battletome may seem (more so given the inevitable loss of the Ardnob and Grimgor), I genuinely believe we can continue to innovate and think outside the box....hopefully to good effect aswell.
It comes as no surprise to me that after using them at events, Kieran would be thinking similar thoughts to me on how best to move forward - in fact he had a number of thoughts that were new to me, so it made for a great discussion.
I'll be releasing this on Boxing Day, it's a bit longer than I hoped for the weekly format, but when the Ironjawz chat gets flowing, you can't stop it! I really hope you guys enjoy it and actually, I think you will. Kieran was a great guest and has a lot of knowledge to impart.
I'll post a link when it's out, but you should all be subscribed anyway! [emoji6] 
The week after that I will be joined by @Snoopdom where we will discuss selecting a new army in AoS, this will not be Destruction related specifically. However we are going to play a game beforehand and discuss that as well. I will be debuting one of my new Ironjawz builds in this game and will talk about how it plays for the first time in that episode, which should be fun!
Anyway, this is my last update here before Christmas, so....
Hope you all have a blast.
Much love, Chris x

I love long episodes so can't wait ;)

Sent from my Nexus 6P using Tapatalk

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Morning Megabosses!

Hope everyone had a nice Christmas? Mine was very sedate, but the time off work is always nice.

Anyway, back to it today. I'm guessing (hoping) the rest of the week will be quiet so plan to wrap up my reports - these will all just be one liners to finish the year off. I can then post a summary of the year (post General's Handbook) with the Ironjawz and also plans into 2017, which have already started following my game with @Snoopdom yesterday.

The TBS Weekly podcast episode I did with @Sangfroid is now available and well worth a listen for all Ironjawz/Destruction players...

Go check it out :D 

On ‎23‎/‎12‎/‎2016 at 7:50 PM, MidasKiss said:

I love long episodes so can't wait ;)

Hope you enjoyed it mate!

On ‎24‎/‎12‎/‎2016 at 2:46 PM, Tizianolol said:

wow thx a lot for your reports!! i have a question , during tournament you played they make you use compendium units? i have seen in your last list you play ardonb for exemple xD

Hey, no worries man, glad you liked them. Out of all the Tournaments I've been to this year, only one has disallowed compendium warscrolls. However, I think in 2017 we will see this number rise sharply, culminating in them not being included in the next General's Handbook (just my opinion, not based on fact whatsoever!). So I will now be moving away from the Ardnob. He's been fun to use and I'm glad I got to use him. If your local meta/events are open to compendium, then give him a go for sure.


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Happy New Year!

First a big thanks to everyone who read, replied, liked and supported this thread since it started last year. It's been great fun to do, but without the interaction with you guys it would not be what it is. That's a fact.

Anyway, I'd promised an end of year wrap up and it just hasn't happened, for one reason or another. I am keen to carry on in 2017, especially as I'll be painting plenty more stuff for the army (check my twitter this evening for some #wipwednesday pics and vid - I'll add the pics here tomorrow). I also want to do a wrap of the number of games I played, results at the various tournaments etc and also perhaps a pic of the prizes the army took! #humble ;) 

I also really really really really need proper pics of everything in the army (broken record much). Sorry @The Stronghold!!! Even more so as I think the earlier links are all still busted?

The only tournament I haven't covered is Clash of Swords. I'm a little loathe to do so as the tournament used the old Clash pack and battleplans which tbh did not feel like current Age of Sigmar, thus making the findings and results of little interest to me. It was a big shame as I ran a list I was super excited about, with two units of 10 Brutes, backed up by the Compendium Ardnob as general, trying to make use of his command ability to good effect. It just didn't work. You can read more about my current feelings on list design in the "Competitive Ironjawz" thread, though I will port those ideas to here. You can also listen to the recently The Black Sun Weekly podcast episodes for many of my thoughts on Ironjawz (www.theblacksun.co.uk or on iTunes)

Anyway, for a sake of completeness; Clash of Swords

My army list was - Krunk, Ardnob, 2 Warchanters, 10 Brutes, 10 Brutes, 5 Brutes, 5 Brutes, 3 Gore-gruntas, 10 Ardboys, 2 Ironfists.

I had the Maw-krusha as my sideboard just for painting, just wanted to play the above list.

Game 28 - Clash of Swords - Round One vs @Neil Peckett (Stormcast Eternals)

This was a game I was very confident in when the armies went down. I thought the two 10's of Brutes would make a right mess of Neil's army, but actually it went really badly for me. Neil did the right thing and targeted the unit of Brutes without the Inspiring Presence early doors, before taking down Krunk and mopping up. Think it took about 3 turns for me to kill a model. Loss

Game 29 - Clash of Swords - Round Two vs Ian Gilmore (Chaos)

The Dr has one of the nicest armies I have ever seen (and is now painting an Ironjawz army - check his Twitter @drakenhof), however it is absolutely useless on the table!! It's a random mix of Nurgle units with no synergy and also Ian is only there for the lolz. Bit of a mismatch and nothing really to take from it tbh other than we had an absolute blast and got pretty drunk! Krunk soloing the Glottkin was special mind! Victory

Game 30 - Clash of Swords - Round Three vs @Paddy O'Sullivan (Death)

Paddy is a top guy and my regular doubles partner. Was great to get drawn vs him as we'd not played AoS against one another. His list was solid was two big blocks of Skeletons, two Mortis Engines, a VLoZD and of course, a Mourngul. This was a tough, tight game and went right to the wire. I had to keep the Mourngul tied up with Gruntas and Ardboyz as I just wasn't getting any damage on it. The 30 Brutes did great work elsewhere for me though and I just sneaked the win. Victory

Game 31 - Clash of Swords - Round Four vs Joe Purcell (@?) (Clan Skryre)

I had the Maw-krusha as my sideboard as mentioned above and in this game it really would've been the better choice we both agreed, however I really wanted to play this list. As to be expected, it was a tough game. Joe played pretty well and made good decisions without being greedy or over extending. I do think it's winnable and with a bit of luck on charges etc it could've been closer. Good game though, would like another crack at it. Loss

Game 32 - Clash of Swords - Round Five vs @Ben Johnson (Flesh-eater Courts)

Bit of a non game as Ben's army was literally 5 monsters in the Menagerie (4 w/ riders, pre FAQ) that just ran over me. I should've mentioned this was a 20-0 scoring system (couldn't remember all the results) and due to his army, Ben could only get about a 13-7 max or something, which he obviously got as it all piles into a unit at a time and deletes in before moving on. I think I played alright, gambling with my entire army on mystical terrain (and indeed camping in it where possible) and dispersing to try and claim various secondary objectives, but yeh, not much to say. Highlight was definitely us drawing the roll for priority literally 5 times in a row one turn!! Oh, and I killed one of the two(!!) models he lost all tournament. Loss

I ended the event in 22nd out of 48 players, pretty poor to be honest. Definitely a disappointment. As I say it was 20-0 system so just saying Victory or Loss doesn't tell the whole picture. I managed to scoop 3rd best army which I was super pleased with behind Ian Gilmore and Ian Carse. But yeh, from a gaming point of view it wasn't a great weekend and just didn't feel like Age of Sigmar IMO.

Game 33 - Periscope vs Aaron Bailey @Forestreveries (Sylvaneth)

This is the game we did on Periscope a short while back. I believe the videos are still available and I will find the link to them as you can check them out. Was a great game and I think the videos were fun. If Aaron wants to summarise the game in this thread that'd be cool, if not, watch the videos. Spoiler; it was a Victory to me!

Games 34-40 - Ascendancy Campaign vs Various opponents

These were all smaller point games and whilst were a lot of fun, do not really warrant reports as I didn't learn anything we haven't discussed before. Suffice to say the game does scale really well and actually Gore-gruntas (I was running 2 units throughout) aren't terrible with a Warchanter buff! 6 Victorys, 1 Loss

Game 41 - Podcast Battle Report vs Dom Hook @Snoopdom (Chaos)

I can post that battle report here, but I'd rather you listened haha :P. If you just want to know how I did though...



I will definitely be posting the army list in here and discussing further as it is what I will be working on moving forward.

But yeah, that's 2016. In total, 41 Matched Play games played with the Ironjawz since late July this year, not too shabby. Here's to many more next year.

Sorry that was all a bit rushed towards the end, there will be a final 2016 year in review post where I wrap up with the various tournament results etc and how I just missed out on the Masters (finished the year ranked 17th in the UK).

Anyway, 2017 starts tonight and what better way that with a game vs my BFF @Forestreveries!!

Cheers guys,

Chris x


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Morning Megabosses!

Well I got my first game of 2017 in last night vs @Forestreveries and will be doing a full report on that (going back to how I was doing them before) next week. Unfortunately I am at my Uncle's Funeral tomorrow so will not be able to do it then, and want to post about something else today.

If you can't wait to find out what happened, go scroll through my Twitter feed (@the_black_sun) and have a gander there, some pics as well. Please don't post spoilers here though in case anyone cares enough to await the report haha. It was a great game for sure, I look forward to talking about it as it means I can start discussing my new list plans etc as well.

So, thought I do a super quick overview of the Tournaments I attended last year. FYI these are all 2 day (5 or 6 game) events;

  • South Coast GT - 28th (126) - Stormcast Eternals
  • Call to War - 31st (36) !!! - Stormcast Eternals (don't ask!)
  • Brothers of Sigmar - 4th (16) - Ironjawz - Best Painted Army
  • The Warlords - 35th (99) - Ironjawz
  • Facehammer GT - 9th (66) - Ironjawz - Best Painted Army, Best Opponent, Best Painted Unit (Doomfire Warlocks)
  • Cheltenham Warchiefs GT - 15th (26) - Ironjawz - Best Painted Army
  • Clash of Swords - 22nd (48) - Ironjawz - 3rd Best Painted Army, Best Painted Destruction Army
  • Realms at War - Narrative event, placing unknown - Flesh-eater Courts - 2nd Best Painted Army

The placings that are emboldened denote the four Tournaments that make up my rankings score for 2016. Overall I would say it was a fantastic year for me. If we take results/painting out of the equation, I honestly can't recall having such consistently fun Tournament games over the course of a year. That may be down to my outlook and attitude in game, my opponents, my army or just AoS in general. I suspect it's a culmination of everything together that's just made for such an amazing time.

If we talk results, it's been a bit of a mixed bag. I'm pretty happy to have got 26 Tournament games in with the Ironjawz under matched play in pretty much a 3 month period. Out of those 26, I won 14, drew 1 and lost 11. Those results don't look great on paper (I think my non tournament games would vastly increase the ratio, but meh!) but actually I think are pretty decent for Ironjawz and I can hand on heart say that there aren't many of those 11 that I didn't feel in with a shot at, which is important to me.

As mentioned elsewhere, I finished the rankings year in 17th, just pipped to that final Masters spot by our very own @Sangfroid. He's much more consistent and a better player than me, so no arguments my end. I will say that one of my best scores was with Stormcast at SCGT, so I can't call the year a total success as an Ironjawz player! Next year I expect to be much much tougher and if I play with Ironjawz throughout, I will target a top 30 finish.

In regards to painting, it was a phenomenal year for me. Back in WFB 7th and 8th edition I had a pretty nice Dark Elf army that was my pride and joy. I took it to loads of events over a 6 year period, constantly adding and improving to it. It did me well in terms of paint trophies and is/was my pride and joy. After that I struggled to connect with an army and never painted anything properly, just speed painting various armies for events. It was weird as I almost felt scared to better myself, I loved the Dark Elves more than any other army and wanted them to be my best work. With the release of the Ironjawz this year, I found a stunning model range that I was able to be really inspired by, it also helped that in game they seemed to perfectly suit my outlook and approach to how I wanted to play the game - fast and fun! I was able to fully immerse myself in the army both on and off the table. Creating the hype around my Megaboss Krunk etc really helped me to feel the army. This all might sound pretty weird, but it's important for me if I am going to sink my heart, soul and endless hours into painting an army. I really feel like it has been a return to form and now I would say that this is up there with my best work (if not my best). I am very keen, like my Dark Elves, to keep adding and improving this in the years to come. I want to be "the Ironjawz guy", the Megaboss if you will.

I have been fortunate to pick up some painting awards again this year against some fierce competition as a result of the above and I gotta be honest, it's been an amazing feeling to get past the Dark Elves and know I can still do it, I wasn't a one hit wonder (also being able to win an award with my Flesh-eaters further built on this)! Thanks so much to any TO or player that has voted for my army at all this year. Further still thanks to anyone who has expressed their interest in the army and said anything nice. I just wish I could do photos to a standard I'm happy with and say "this is my army, enjoy" as opposed to "this is my army, it looks better in the flesh"! :P 

Anyway, in a super proud but perhaps not so humble fashion, here is a photo of the prizes I won specifically with the Ironjawz in 2016, so my trophies for the FHGT painting contest (Doomfire Warlocks - part of the aforementioned Dark Elf army) and RAW (Flesh-eater Courts) are not depicted;


It was genuinely amazing to pick up every single one of those and whilst none are for gaming, I am still mighty proud of my achievements. As it is, the Best Opponent award at FHGT is one of my favourites, I was actually pretty close to tears by that point (as I had just won the sword moments beforehand!) - emotional times haha!! Just sums up what is 100% my favourite year playing Warhammer.

Anyway, moving onto 2017, I posted some #wipwednesday stuff on my Twitter yesterday, but thought I'd share it here as well. The photos are black and white as the green plastic of the Blood Bowl Orcs looks weird when converted with standard plastics.

Hope you enjoy them and thanks for reading!

Chris x






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7 minutes ago, N_Watson said:

As soon as they roll out boxes of the greenskinz blood bowl team, I will be picking some up for sure. They make awesome Ard boys. 

Yeh they really do.

James Hewitt confirmed to me at the recent Warhammer World Open Day that the Human and Orc teams will be getting individual teams boxes (same sprues as boxed game) soon, so I expect to see plenty of Ardboys as per the above!

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