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Defining a unique characters



Hello fellow scribes...

So I have a question about how to define a unique or named character. Or more precisely how is a named character (thus a hero, which cannot take command trait and artifact) is defined!

So the questions are simple:

1) How does GW (thus the rules) define a character which cannot use Command Ability or Artifact?

2) What is the definition of a "Named Character"?

3) Can you list the characters/units which cannot take a command ability or artifact?

4) Are there any unique charactes which can take a command ability or artifact?


Thank you in advance!



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9 answers to this question

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  1. Every unique character that can only be included once into your army (Forge World seems to have an exception with exalted daemons). 
  2. see 1.
  3. see 1. (would take way to long)
  4. no

I'm not exactly sure what the problem is here, it's rather self-explanatory who counts as special/unique character and who not.

If the model is NAMED like Nagash, Archaon or Morathi it is a special/unique character. These models can only be included once if you choose to do so and cannot have command traits or artifacts.

Maybe the issue is something else?!

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The problem or question is simply how do you know whether a unit (specifically a hero) can take command traits and artifacts. Because in GHB17, it only says Named Characters cant. This means literally that a character with no name, but lets say a rank is not a named character therefore it can take said command trait and artifacts. Indeed this is even further eluded to in the errata. However, this seems to contradict what I'm being told here.

So which definition is it? Is it "Only one can be taken? or that the unit has to have a name?

Furthermore, are there any named units which can take artifacts and command traits? And are there any non named characters that cant?

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44 minutes ago, Cayseymax said:

Furthermore, are there any named units which can take artifacts and command traits? And are there any non named characters that cant?

The only way a unit can take a command trait is if it is your general (which, in Matched Play, means it must be a HERO).

Only HERO units are eligible to take Artefacts, per the rules for Allegiance Abilities.

So no, "units" cannot take any of these things, but characters (with the HERO keyword) can, as long as they are not named characters.

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On 08/04/2018 at 11:38 PM, Cayseymax said:

2) What is the definition of a "Named Character"?

Any unit that has a warscroll represents a single character* within the background.

For example Khorgus Khul is the Lord of the Goretide and there is only one of him in the entire Mortal Realms.  Neferata, Mortach of Blood is another example.  All will be marked as "unique" alongside their Pitched Battle profile.

* OK, I'll give you Glotkin technically is three ;)

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