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AoS 2 - Ironjawz Discussion

Chris Tomlin

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12 hours ago, Hannibal said:

Hi all,


what about an army including 1-2 Mawcrushas and a horde of Ardboyz? Is it viable? Would you recommend it?

How strong is the "green" magic, ie the Orruks wizards?

I’ve been using an Ironsunz Ardfist list with a Mawcrusha, Megaboss on foot, Warchanter, 2xFungoids and 50 Ardboys for a few months and it’s a really fun list!

It works great against some lists, not so good against others, but always gives me and my opponents a good game. The Mawcrusha is a real threat and can either be held back and screened by all the Ardboys, or charged first turn!

The Ardboys really hang around and with 5 units of ten, and I’ve plenty of opportunities to grab objectives. And the battalion rule is a fun, tense dice roll through the game!


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2 hours ago, The Nameless One said:

I’ve been using an Ironsunz Ardfist list with a Mawcrusha, Megaboss on foot, Warchanter, 2xFungoids and 50 Ardboys for a few months and it’s a really fun list!

It works great against some lists, not so good against others, but always gives me and my opponents a good game. The Mawcrusha is a real threat and can either be held back and screened by all the Ardboys, or charged first turn!

The Ardboys really hang around and with 5 units of ten, and I’ve plenty of opportunities to grab objectives. And the battalion rule is a fun, tense dice roll through the game!


Thanks for the answer. Yesterday I niticed that there is something about the Rogue Idol, at least it´s included in many lists. And because I like that model more than a Mawcrusha I´m right now thinking about an army with some Rogue Idol and plenty of Ardboyz. Might this work as well?

Thanks in advance.

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Dumb question: A Megaboss equipped with a Rip-Toof and the Armor of Gork does 2 MW on a natural save of 6 (Technically a mortal wound and then a mortal wound)? Or do they not stack? And is that totally useless to include? I thought a MK doing a bunch of 'thorns' damage would be awesome. 

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3 hours ago, Hannibal said:

Thanks for the answer. Yesterday I niticed that there is something about the Rogue Idol, at least it´s included in many lists. And because I like that model more than a Mawcrusha I´m right now thinking about an army with some Rogue Idol and plenty of Ardboyz. Might this work as well?

Thanks in advance.

Big waaagh! Mixed rogue idol lists are really solid. It's a great warscroll at a solid points cost which can be buffed by IJ and BS buffs. Honestly it's just solid.

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On 3/11/2020 at 9:13 AM, Koujow said:

Dumb question: A Megaboss equipped with a Rip-Toof and the Armor of Gork does 2 MW on a natural save of 6 (Technically a mortal wound and then a mortal wound)? Or do they not stack? And is that totally useless to include? I thought a MK doing a bunch of 'thorns' damage would be awesome. 

That's a good question actually. I had the same thought a while ago. I hope someone answers. I would tend to think that they both stack, just like save after save abilities stack as well.

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38 minutes ago, Jabbuk said:

That's a good question actually. I had the same thought a while ago. I hope someone answers. I would tend to think that they both stack, just like save after save abilities stack as well.

Generally everything stacks, unless it specifically says it doesnt, like on a command ability. So yeah it would bounce back 2 MW.

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On 3/5/2020 at 11:54 PM, Kasper said:

@MilesBergs Welcome back my man. :) 

Tbh it is kinda hard to guide you, as it heavily depends on what you want to do, as you have a decent core - I'm just confused as to why you only have 1 Warchanter? :D It looks like you bought 2 SC.

Ironjawz actually have quite a few different lists, that depend on how you want to play the game. Some people really like Brutes, even though they are generally considered worse than Ardboyz - Tbh they are not THAT bad, they just offer something different. Brutes deal a little more damage, but lack the bravery, body count and charge bonus that Ardboyz get.

Like you can go for 2x Maw Krusha + 4x3 Pigs.

You can go for 1 Maw Krusha + 6 Pigs + 2 Warchanters + 1 Weirdnob and then Ardboyz for the remaining points. Maybe even skip out on the Weirdnob for more Ardboyz.

Some people skip out on pigs and the Maw Krusha and just fields loads of Ardboyz.


Generally Orruks seem to run with 2 big threats, or loads of bodies to simply grind your opponent down.



I actually bought the OG army box that had the giant in it. It came with everything by 'Ardboyz really. I played Orcs & Goblins during the WFB days and had a leftover boys from that which I built out to fit AoS. 


This is all good info thanks ! 

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On 3/11/2020 at 12:34 PM, Hannibal said:

Thanks for the answer. Yesterday I niticed that there is something about the Rogue Idol, at least it´s included in many lists. And because I like that model more than a Mawcrusha I´m right now thinking about an army with some Rogue Idol and plenty of Ardboyz. Might this work as well?

Thanks in advance.

In my humble opinion the Rogue Idol works very well in a Big Waaagh list. 

With the Wardokk's Ritual Dance (3+ add 1 to save) and Kunnin' Beast Spirit magic (add 1 to save) he can save at 2+/6+. Then you can buff him with the Warchanter to make him a very powerful  killing machine. 

Ardboyz as well, in the Big Waaagh find their natural habitat. They are useful to increase Waaagh Points and they are a very solid batteline saving at 4+/6+/6+, then hitting and wounding at 2/2 with rend 1! Buffed with a Warchanter make them one of the strongest unit in the game.

So of course, you idea of Rogue Idol + lots of  Ardboyz is a very good idea to win matches and to be hated by your friends 😛




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4 hours ago, Drillz said:

With mighty destroyer of you charge with it do you get to attack or just get the movement/ effects for charging? 
because if you don’t get to attack when you charge it seems a to be the weakest of the 3 modes of the ability 

You only get to charge. 

It is actually the strongest effect if used correctly. The MD charge - retreat - pile-in trick has been explained a number of times a couple of Pages back.

I wonder if we should make a stickied FAQ at this point.

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Well I've been running a list that is:

1 Megaboss on MK with Mean 'Un and Metalrippa's Klaw and Get Da Realm Gate

1 Megaboss on Foot with Quickduff Amulet

1 Warchanter with Killa Betaz

1 Warchanter with Fixin' Beatz

6 Gore-Gruntas with a Big Boss and Jagged Gore-Hackas

5 Brutes

5 Brutes

20 Ardboyz

Ironfist Battaltion 

+1 CP extra


This list has been alright, and I really, really like the Metalripper's Klaw, as it makes my MBMK absolutely deadly and my pigs can pretty much guarantee deleting a unit a game. However it was recommended to me to drop the footboss, grab a fungoid cave shaman, put quickduff on my MBMK and put aetherquartz on a Warchanter and get a CP on a +4 in the hero phase from the fungoid cave shaman and get 1 CP back per spent on a 5+ with the brooch. In addition going to 2 sets of 15 Ardboyz and dropping a unit of brutes for a total of 30 Ardboyz.

I'll test this out, but I really think I am going to miss Metalrippa's Klaw. OTOH I might get addicted to the CP generation... I'll need to test this new list as much as I tested the old list (about 7 games) to get a feel for it. 

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2 hours ago, Ravinsild said:

Does the Gorefist list work anymore? You know like around 12 Gore-Gruntas, Gordrakk and a Megaboss on Maw-krusha with the Gorefist battalion and any warchanters you might be able to fit? 


Allegiance: Ironjawz

Gordrakk the Fist of Gork (540)
Megaboss on Maw-Krusha (460)
- Boss Gore-hacka and Choppa
Orruk Warchanter (110)
Orruk Warchanter (110)

6 x Orruk Gore-gruntas (320)
- Pig-iron Choppas
3 x Orruk Gore-gruntas (160)
- Pig-iron Choppas
3 x Orruk Gore-gruntas (160)
- Pig-iron Choppas

Gorefist (130)

Total: 1990 / 2000
Extra Command Points: 1
Allies: 0 / 400
Wounds: 103

This is basically the list you just said right?


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51 minutes ago, Malakree said:

This is basically the list you just said right?


Yes, exactly. I remember back before the new Battletome that was one of our best lists... is that still true now? Aren’t Gore-Gruntas even better... well... everything even better than it was?

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On 3/23/2020 at 11:24 PM, Ravinsild said:

Yes, exactly. I remember back before the new Battletome that was one of our best lists... is that still true now? Aren’t Gore-Gruntas even better... well... everything even better than it was?

I mean sure, it is a viable list you can run. You are very limited as to what you can actually do with the list - You will likely just launch stuff forward in every game and get in your opponents face turn 1. What happens when your opponent wont just fall over and die to that? You have no real way of changing your gameplan.

The question is also how much fun the list will be to play - and play against. The games will be short and likely determined by the double turn. 

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@Arzalyn I’ve have great success with Brutes and in fact prefer them over Ardboys (an unpopular POV I know but I love them models and intend to make them work). The sheer damage output of a unit (at any size) outweighs Ardboys imo.  people can throw averages out but the performance on the board really shows their strengths. 
Ive been throwing around multiple units of 10+ in a Big Waaagh and I love them!

im yet to try in a Boss Fist but I reckon they’ll be insane


just my 2c anyway

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1 hour ago, Lanoss said:

The sheer damage output of a unit (at any size) outweighs Ardboys imo.  people can throw averages out but the performance on the board really shows their strengths. 

Pages and pages of this thread have been devoted to this discussion already - if you want to use Brutes that's cool, but point for point they can't outperform Ardboys in pretty much any category. They don't have any useful warscroll abilities (unlike Ardboys) so their performance on board, as you put it, pretty much just amounts to the math.

I think the one corner-case was a ten man unit with hackas which can bring slightly more power to bear on a slightly more concentrated patch of real estate - which incidentally is EXACTLY what GGs do. It probably goes without saying they're better at it.

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