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AoS 2 - Ironjawz Discussion

Chris Tomlin

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Hi Ladz!
Let me ask ya a thing: I wanna paint my Ironjawz army primarly yellow & black (armor) and green (skin), so...my amletic doubt is about the kind of bases that can work with such bright yellow.

Let me know how you painted your armies. I'm on the hunt for ideas.

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3 hours ago, Holy_Diver said:

Hi Ladz!
Let me ask ya a thing: I wanna paint my Ironjawz army primarly yellow & black (armor) and green (skin), so...my amletic doubt is about the kind of bases that can work with such bright yellow.

How do you hadlet me know how you painted your armies? I'm on the hunt for ideas.

Colour theory is your friend, its faster than trial and error. You can find some interactive colour wheels online.

That said in general blacks,greys, whites, and browns are neutral colours that can go with anything, but yellow and green can make an analgous colour combination with red/orange (brighter yellow favors orange, darker favors red). So either a neutral colour or an orange/red base (martian ironearth maybe?) Would make a good pairing.

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  • 2 weeks later...

So coming back to ironjawz having not played them in Aos 2.0 and picked up the current battletome. Some big changes to ardboyz I see with only the one profile. General consensus now a drummer and banner in every squad and max no of shields? 

Also do the banner, shield etc all still get 2 attacks each or drop down to one. Doesn’t specifically state anywhere I could see.

Thanks all - keen to play 3.0!

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1 hour ago, Timcz said:

So coming back to ironjawz having not played them in Aos 2.0 and picked up the current battletome. Some big changes to ardboyz I see with only the one profile. General consensus now a drummer and banner in every squad and max no of shields? 

Also do the banner, shield etc all still get 2 attacks each or drop down to one. Doesn’t specifically state anywhere I could see.

Thanks all - keen to play 3.0!

Max out shields, drummers and banners and all of the boys get 2 attacks (champ gets 4)

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3 hours ago, mrteige said:

Max out shields, drummers and banners and all of the boys get 2 attacks (champ gets 4)

Awesome thanks. Sounds like I finally need to paint up all those Ardboyz I’ve avoided for so long. 

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37 minutes ago, mrteige said:

i have 50 painted up and i should paint up 25 more just to be safe... :D

I've got about 50 and I think atm that's about what I'll stick with, really lacking on the brutes though, only at 15, think that needs to go up to ~30 if I'm honest. Need to see what shooty orruks are in da box though...

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11 hours ago, Malakree said:

I've got about 50 and I think atm that's about what I'll stick with, really lacking on the brutes though, only at 15, think that needs to go up to ~30 if I'm honest. Need to see what shooty orruks are in da box though...

agreed. All my projects are on hold until i get a hold of the Kruleboyz but need some more gore gruntas and brutes as well. just to be able to make all builds within IJ

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IN today's Slaves to Darkness article, they mentioned that units with the Totem keyword get to issue commands to any unit within 18", which is the same as the general's range. So our warchanters have the totem keywork, meaning they can issue unit commands out to 18". Which is a nice boon. 

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52 minutes ago, Gothmaug said:

IN today's Slaves to Darkness article, they mentioned that units with the Totem keyword get to issue commands to any unit within 18", which is the same as the general's range. So our warchanters have the totem keywork, meaning they can issue unit commands out to 18". Which is a nice boon. 



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Wondering if anyone could help me scour through the rules on this neat little trick I picked up in 3.0 core rules


generic artifact that allows hero to become wizard, put that on a warchanter, take generic spell that is +1 dmg goes off on a (4). Put both violent fury and that spell on a unit and +2 dmg? In the abilities section it talks about trigged effects having to be decided which to take but neither are triggered. Under command abilities it talks about only issuing one per unit but neither are a command ability. A unit of  10 ardboyz at 24 attacks dmg 3? In big waaagh talking 2/2/-1/3 profile

or I know wrong forum but caster with this in Kruleboyz and your MW output on a 5-6 becomes 2 instead of 1 for normal troopers


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17 minutes ago, Tezia99 said:

Wondering if anyone could help me scour through the rules on this neat little trick I picked up in 3.0 core rules


generic artifact that allows hero to become wizard, put that on a warchanter, take generic spell that is +1 dmg goes off on a (4). Put both violent fury and that spell on a unit and +2 dmg? In the abilities section it talks about trigged effects having to be decided which to take but neither are triggered. Under command abilities it talks about only issuing one per unit but neither are a command ability. A unit of  10 ardboyz at 24 attacks dmg 3? In big waaagh talking 2/2/-1/3 profile

or I know wrong forum but caster with this in Kruleboyz and your MW output on a 5-6 becomes 2 instead of 1 for normal troopers


Flaming Weapon buffs the caster's weapon it's not a targeted buff


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Now that I've had some time to think on the AoS3 core rules I thought I'd give a run down of my thoughts.

Basic Stuff

  • Mass CP's is amazing for Ironjawz, we have a bunch of good abilities with solid targets for them.
  • The inability to use a single CA more than once is horrible for IJ, means no multiple Mighty Destroyers etc.
  • Smashing and Bashing just went through the roof in value, Lots of small units means that combat priority is now way more important. Plus lots of small units makes it that much easier to trigger.
  • Unit champions can now issue CA's on their own units. Considering every unit we have has a champion that's unreal.
  • Rally is stupidly good if it goes off on a key unit, we should probably be using this every turn due to the quality of every model we have.
  • The battalions are a little awkward for us. The best one require 3 heroes which is very limiting.
  • All-out defence is so so so good.


  • Limited access to these is painful.
  • Brutish Cunning dropped in value quite hard.
  • Armour of Gork is now unusable due to not stacking with Rip-tooth fist. (not that it was ever good)
  • The Boss Skewer weirdly got better because it gives your hero +1 to it's heroic recovery..?
  • Having extra mount traits and artefacts competing for limited enhancement slots now is painful for double MK lists.
  • The spell lore enhancement is so so good if you're running a lot of wizards. We've always been limited by the mandatory nature of Hand of Gork.
  • Ironclad is really mediocre due to all out-defence existing.


  • All 3 of the Clans became better far better, I'd almost say that having any clan is now strictly better than no clan.
  • Each of the CA's became way more usable and far more impactful due to overabundance of CP's.
  • Sunblessed Armour is amazing now that all-out defence is a thing. Means a 2+ save is easily a thing for your Megaboss.
  • Da Choppas is now awesome. Smaller boards means Vandal Hordes comes into play much faster.
  • Rabble Rouser helps counteract having more small units and the CA abundancy makes it way more usable.
  • Checked out go the same buff that The Boss Skewer did. Having Bravery 10 for Heroic Recovery would be damn nice.


  • Big G got a pretty large buff. Voice of Gork has always been damn good.
  • Limited enhancements actually helps him a lot. Not having access to a Traits or Artefacts is no longer a real downside.
  • There's a solid argument to be made for taking Big G as your MK and a different hero as your general as the only thing he needs is the mount trait.
  • Universal Enhancements also help because you can now take your warchanter as your general and not be punished.
  • GG's now count as 2 models for the sake of objectives!

Overall I'm actually happier with the new rules than I was when I started this. We get a lot of benefit from a couple of different things and the CA flood is amazing. All the extra CP's combined with Heroic Actions and Monster abilities are really solid while the boosts to the subfactions are super nice. Big G is probably the main winner just due to being unique.

Just hoping the points changes aren't super unreasonable. I'm really looking forward to using more double MK lists!

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Gordrakk can't take mount traits anymore, but otherwise yeah things don't look to bad for Ironjawz.

Also the best battalion is actually battle Regiment, because it's way too flexible and low drops still controls turn order in matched play. Loss of an artifact hurts our Maw-Krusha's a bit if we try that but they're a bit killier now anyways.
Bloodtoofs can do a 1-drop like this that's pretty decent:

Allegiance: Ironjawz
- Warclan: Bloodtoofs

Megaboss on Maw-Krusha (460)
- General
- Boss Gore-hacka and Choppa
- Command Trait: Get Da Realmgate
- Artefact: Quickduff Amulet
Orruk Warchanter (110)
Orruk Warchanter (110)

3 x Orruk Gore-gruntas (160)
- Pig-iron Choppas
3 x Orruk Gore-gruntas (160)
- Pig-iron Choppas
3 x Orruk Gore-gruntas (160)
- Pig-iron Choppas
15 x Orruk Ardboys (300)
15 x Orruk Brutes (390)
- Jagged Gore-hackas

Total: 1850 / 2000
Extra Command Points: 0
Allies: 0 / 400
Wounds: 147

No magic, but the bloodtoof artifact gives us a free hand of gork once per game. Points are low but supposedly everything is going up anyways, and Ardboyz might even get a unit size increase.

Da Choppas can run a similar list with more brutes/ardboyz and since their CA lets you buff multiple units you can drop down to 1 warchanter although you'll want more brutes/ardboyz and less pigs, plus the artifact for shamans so you can pick any artifact for your maw-krusha. Ironsunz has trouble doing 1-drops since 1 warchanter that can only target 1 unit might be too restrictive.

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1 hour ago, Ganigumo said:

Gordrakk can't take mount traits anymore, but otherwise yeah things don't look to bad for Ironjawz.

One bash forward two smashes back.

Personally I was contemplating something like this


Allegiance: Ironjawz
- Warclan: Ironsunz

Megaboss on Maw-Krusha (460)
- General
- Boss Gore-hacka and Choppa
- Command Trait: Right Fist of Dakkbad
- Artefact: Sunzblessed Armour
- Mount Trait: Weird 'Un
Megaboss on Maw-Krusha (460)
- Boss Gore-hacka and Choppa
- Artefact: Metalrippa's Klaw
- Mount Trait: Mean 'Un
Orruk Warchanter (110)
- Warbeat: Get 'Em Beat
Orruk Warchanter (110)
- Warbeat: Get 'Em Beat
Fungoid Cave-Shaman (90)
- Allies
Fungoid Cave-Shaman (90)
- Allies

10 x Orruk Brutes (260)
- Pair of Brute Choppas
5 x Orruk Brutes (130)
- Pair of Brute Choppas
5 x Orruk Brutes (130)
- Pair of Brute Choppas

Endless Spells / Terrain / CPs
Malevolent Moon (40)

Total: 1880 / 2000
Extra Command Points: 0
Allies: 180 / 400
Wounds: 110

The fungoids there because flying brutes is still one of the greatest things I can think of and Ghostmist is super nice, not to mention Mystic Shield on the Sunblessed cabbage is one of the best things I can imagine. using all out defence it has a 2+ save vs -2 rend which is nuts. 

I have to admit though I've always had a thing for double cabbage lists :D

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For double Cabbage running Gordrakk + MBoMK is probably a good option depending on points, and you're only increasing your list to 2-drops if you're trying to minimize them.
One battle regiment with Gordrakk + 2 troops and the second with MBoMK and 2 troops, and then that gives you room for up to 6 more troops and 4 more foot heroes while staying 2 drop.

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37 minutes ago, Ganigumo said:

For double Cabbage running Gordrakk + MBoMK is probably a good option depending on points, and you're only increasing your list to 2-drops if you're trying to minimize them.
One battle regiment with Gordrakk + 2 troops and the second with MBoMK and 2 troops, and then that gives you room for up to 6 more troops and 4 more foot heroes while staying 2 drop.

That's why I'd potentially go Big G, is if I wanted the drops to be lower. The previous list would be for the double CP+Enhancement though.

EDIT: Honestly though I wouldn't bother for low drops with a double cabbage list. If they give you first turn you bum rush with the damage cabbage while trying to kill stuff, then blow finest hour on theirs.

If they take first turn you're fine anyway. It's the big power of Ironsunz.

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Yeah my biggest gripe with the new system is that I think battle regiment is stronger than an enhancement for most armies (stronger armies seem to need them less than weaker armies too) while enhancements are really fun and open up a lot of cool play options but are taxed pretty hard. It feels like they taxed fun instead of power.

That said a Megaboss with arcane tome, flaming weapon, and a warchanter buff will be an absolute beast, sure we have destroyer already, but this combo can work multiple times and in the right list we could run both.

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1 hour ago, Malakree said:

One bash forward two smashes back.

Personally I was contemplating something like this

The fungoids there because flying brutes is still one of the greatest things I can think of and Ghostmist is super nice, not to mention Mystic Shield on the Sunblessed cabbage is one of the best things I can imagine. using all out defence it has a 2+ save vs -2 rend which is nuts. 

I have to admit though I've always had a thing for double cabbage lists :D

I like the idea, but not being able to use Mighty Destroyers more than once per hero phase kind of killed the fun of double-cabbage lists.

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1 hour ago, Andrew G said:

I like the idea, but not being able to use Mighty Destroyers more than once per hero phase kind of killed the fun of double-cabbage lists.

Double monster trigger is really nice and they are still a huge threat. Heroic actions are also amazing.

I'd use them for different roles with one being hyper aggressive and the other playing more defensively. I've always favoured a control by threats and high pressure type game and a damage based mawkrusha slamming into you is just as scary as it always was. Especially now that it's pretty easy to get them to a 2+ save. Add in the reduced board size and fact tjey coubt for 5 on objectives suddenly they are pretty damn terrifying.

Mystic shield, +1 damage, mighty destroyers, normal move, reroll charge if failed. That's ~31" threat range on a 40" board for a model with 8 attacks at 2+/3+/-3/3 and 2+/3+/-2/4 who also has a native 2+ save and -1 to hit.

As far as "deal with it" moves go that's pretty much the top end right there.

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Long time Warboss here, love our Ironjawz and am looking forward to what the future holds.

I just want to put it out there that, with our Warclans Book being one of the first new battletomes, our faction and subfaction enhancements, traits, warscrolls, etc., may (will probably) get changed or tweaked.

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I’m really curious for the Ironjawz/big waaagh changes in an updated tome too. I can’t see them just slapping Kruleboyz into an updated time and calling it good. That book is gonna be a massive 4 army update. I just pray daily to my little brutes that they become more viable. I’ve got 25 and would love to finally be able to use them competitively. 

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