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AoS 2 - Ironjawz Discussion

Chris Tomlin

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1 hour ago, Malakree said:

On ardboy bases it's not difficult just really fiddly. It's brute base size where it becomes realistically impossible.

If the enemy forms any sort of line I can get 90%+ of ardboys in melee range. It's really not as hard or complicated as people think.

Look I do think Ardboyz have an advantage over brutes, but I think there are situations brutes make more sense.  I think with the reinforcement quandary, as you agreed, there is a place for brutes.  That's all I'm saying.  I said from outset statistically ardboys are better, and your very helpful stats illustrate that well. 

However, I do think you are exaggerating how easy it will be to get optimal ardboy coverage in combat, and not because of how fiddly it is (I agree its pretty strait forward).  That formation allows basically no room for coherency issues and requires convenient unit spread from opponent/good charge.  There are going to be armies that can pick out specific models that will prevent you from using that formation.  SoB and ObR come to mind, but I think there are 1 or 2 other books that allow for picking out specific models too.  And in these situation's its going to be pretty risky to lay out your boyz like that.  I admit its an edge case, but when the differences are not that great, I feel like its relevant. 

I 100% agree that jacks of all trade models like Brutes are always in a tight spot, and its hard to justify them over GG or AB in any one specific situation.  But that's the thing with Brutes they are worse then GG as hammer and worse then AB as infantry, but they can aren't that much worse then either.  So they have some flexibility and utility that doesn't come at a super high efficiency loss.  I think movement is honestly the biggest strike against them, but depending on the meta and the list I can see uses.

Now I say all of this, and will I take them myself?  Maybe??  Honestly, probably not haha, but that is partially my personal playstyle and I still think they have their place.  It just depends on what the rest of your list looks like. You are going to take ardboyz and GG more often, but I think there are lists that are better with  brutes and you will still see them occasionally in competitive play.  So I don't think they've been rendered unusable at all.  They are worse then they were, but better then they where they started in current army book.

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37 minutes ago, tripchimeras said:

That formation allows basically no room for coherency issues and requires convenient unit spread from opponent/good charge.  There are going to be armies that can pick out specific models that will prevent you from using that formation.  SoB and ObR come to mind, but I think there are 1 or 2 other books that allow for picking out specific models too. 

Uh in the setup I'm talking about they would have to be able to remove 2 models to cause an issue and it has plenty of give to get back into coherency easily?

My current guess is that the points included are the ones which will be in the new warclans book not for our current units. Until that book comes out brutes are so niche it's unreal. 

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36 minutes ago, Bruteforce said:

So if we're taking brutes in a unit of 5 should we take

  • 1xgore choppa,
  • 1xboss choppa,
  • 3x2h? 


  • 1x dual wield and 2x2h?

You can't take split weapons. The whole squad has the same weapon choice.

Oh and it should be dual wield.

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3 hours ago, Malakree said:

You can't take split weapons. The whole squad has the same weapon choice.

Oh and it should be dual wield.

Ah okay i read the warscroll again


The unit is armed with one of the following weapon options: Pair of Brute Choppas; or Jagged Gore-hacka

So dual wield even with the new unit coherency rule?

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4 hours ago, brattenbergus said:

Do we still think that majority of tournaments will be held at 2000p? Or 1500p as they included certain rules for building your lists at 1500p in the rule book?

Think the battleplans within GHB 2021 are for 1000 or 2000 point games.

I still think tournament's will be at 2000 points, especially after the points upgrade.

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Played a game this weekend with a fairly typical IJ list against Slaanesh and with the new Command Abilities IJ seem powerful.

AoS3.0 got a nice mindgame going with when to activate redeploy  and all-out-defence as our opponent to evade smahing and bashing.

Interesstingly we still drain CP fast, like really fast. In Turn 2 going first made my options with 2 CP (as i had to go finest hour on MKMB) very limiting.

Biggest Winner for me is the Maw-krusha Boss, he gets absurdly tanky with all-out-defence/finest hour/mysticshield and defensive artifacts.

But teleporting 10man Ardboy units which can issues commands to themselves like reroll charges or all-out-attack was crazy good too.

On the Topic of MKMB: I love to give him all-out-defence or mystic shield for the 2+ save. But would you consider Sunblessed Armour (Ironsunz -1 rend) or the new 5+ Wardsave generic artifact? I've run with Ironsunz, got my Footboss the Sunblessed Armour and my MKMB the wardsave and barely needed the wardsave. Maybe its better to get a second spell from the spell lore instead of the additional artifact with the battalion?

Btw: The new boardsize makes it just great going second as ironjawz, especially ironsunz - half of my army was in combat going second in turn 1 allthough my opponent was very carefully. I strongly believe ironjwaz should prefer the addional enhancements and CP instead of lower drop numbers and first turn most of the time.

Your thoughts?

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16 hours ago, 5kaven5lave said:

Do we think Ardboys in 10s are gonna be ok or is it 15s or bust?

Wanna try out 2xMBoMK, Warchanter and a Weirdnob, 3x10 Ardboys and 3 Gruntas for 1970. 

Imo ardboys are very difficult to use even at 10. New coherency rules and 1" range with the basesize made it hard to get more then 6 into combat. I loved my 5 man Brute squads the one game of AoS3.0 with all-out-attack, waaagh and violent fury, but this can be very subjective.

Edited by DerZauberer
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2 hours ago, Rachmani said:

Have we heard anything about new Ardboys?

Between brutes & GG‘s, and everything Kruleboys the old ardboys stick out like sour thumbs.

Wouldn't hold your breath. Now that GW has a 100% Sigmar range in Warclans there probably won't be any more other Warclans releases besides one-shot stuff like warbands. Besides that the Ardboy entire fluff was written around the Black Orc model - I think they'd be more likely to be squatted than get a new model.

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1 minute ago, Rachmani said:

I sadly believe that as well. But then again, either is fine. 
What I personally can’t stand are „mandatory“ units with bad sculpts.

Gonna have to disagree with you there, the kit shows its age certainly but black orcs were and always will a great sculpt. I own 40 of the things and would never have touched IJ without them. The problem, if there is one, is just that the rest of the IJ range went with a significantly different aesthetic while trying to grandfather in the black orcs. 

And squatting Ardboys will hardly make brutes any less trash, although it will make IJ an even more anemic faction than it already is. Nothing stops you from bringing nothing but brutes today after all (except their aforementioned badness).

So here's to the 1000 year iron reign of the Ardboys, may it last far, far into the future :)

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I played my first game of this brand new edition. It was amazing, I love the game even more now!


Mighty destroyer, despite being only once per turn is even better now. Charging/moving/fighting outside of phase means our opponent cannot activate CA like +1 save or redeployment.


Betwen mad as hell (which I forgot during my game) and redeployment and mighty destroyer, our mobility is really good.


Shooting and magic are as strong as before. or maybe better. So I don't see myself not playing Ironsunz.


The mawkrusha was already our best unit. I don't want to go that road but for those who want to win, double cabbage sound like the way to go.

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Since it got out SCE have an immediate points adjustment with their tome and it's coming in July I unfortunately feel like any and all theory crafting right now is just a useless exercise for fun, things are going to be shaken up very soon.

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5 hours ago, Backbreaker said:

The mawkrusha was already our best unit. I don't want to go that road but for those who want to win, double cabbage sound like the way to go.

Sorry did you say tripple cabbage, right you are! Just need to finish painting the third and jobs a good 'un.

Need to get it done before july 10th so I can use it at thwg 1 day event!!!

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I got my first cabbage a while ago and build a gordrakk out of it. But Last year I got a second one that I didn’t finish since I work on too many things at the same time.

but I hyped myself again and been working hard on this one the past few nights, few more days/weeks and it should be done.

My custom (still nameless after many years) clan finally getting a worthy (still nameless) boss, riding his mighty jaguwaagh5EF3717D-AE3E-4055-9216-82D92B62448F.jpeg.5180bdf1ea9e02ba09ca7ca2ddc27b61.jpeg

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13 minutes ago, Warfiend said:

I got my first cabbage a while ago and build a gordrakk out of it. But Last year I got a second one that I didn’t finish since I work on too many things at the same time.

but I hyped myself again and been working hard on this one the past few nights, few more days/weeks and it should be done.

My custom (still nameless after many years) clan finally getting a worthy (still nameless) boss, riding his mighty jaguwaagh5EF3717D-AE3E-4055-9216-82D92B62448F.jpeg.5180bdf1ea9e02ba09ca7ca2ddc27b61.jpeg

The spots are really cool!

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