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AoS 2 - Blades of Khorne Discussion

Gaz Taylor

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3 hours ago, Salyx said:

I would see two options: Either Wrathmongers + Hexgorger Skulls or drop one unit of Bestigor  for another 6 Bullgors. In Brass Despoilers, Bullgors are the main damage dealers, so I would prefer having a secnd unit. However, in that case, you do not have enough points left for the Skulls.

Moreover, I would reconsider using Gnashrak. Sure, the +1 to hit is a good spell. However, in the worst case, youhave to cast the spells with -1 and rerolling successes. And your enemy has not even unbound, which many armies are really good at. 

The bullgors are tempting but I admit I hate their sculpts and getting 6 from Zealot miniatures is not a cheap prospect even if I love them. Getting 6 more is a consideration but not really a budget option for now.


Yeah Gnashrak is not likely to get his spell off  (its probably not feasible to keep him away from those debuffs) but I love the free +3movement he gives out regardless of casting and the potential to get his spell off even if slim is a small bit of redundancy. Alternatively I could turn him into a regular shaman+CP or a second Bloodsecrator+CP. The shaman is no more likely to cast than he is but gives out the same buff while giving up the defensive (and I suppose not really worth mentioning offensive) boost of gnashrak's retinue. I am fond of bringing a Bray-shaman of some kind just for some more dispels and the movement boost though. 


I suppose I'm not really keyed into the competitive scene though and maybe dispels just arent worth having unless you're one of the mega casting factions though.

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Hi what you thing about this list ?

Allegiance: Khorne
Slaughterhost: The Goretide

Aspiring Deathbringer (80)
– General
– Command Trait : Hew the Foe
– Bloodaxe and Wrath Hammer
– Artefact : Talisman of Burning Blood
Bloodsecrator (120)
– Artefact : Thronebreaker’s Torc
Bloodstoker (80)
Slaughterpriest (100)
– Blood Blessing : Bronzed Flesh
Slaughterpriest (100)
– Blood Blessing : Brazen Fury

30 x Blood Warriors (520)
– Goreaxe & Gorefist
– 3 x Goreglaives
5 x Blood Warriors (100)
– Goreaxe & Gorefist
5 x Blood Warriors (100)
– Goreaxe & Gorefist
10 x Bloodreavers (70)
– Meatripper Axes
1 x Chaos Warshrine (160)
– Blood Blessing : Blood Sacrifice
10 x Skullreapers (360)
– Goreslick Blades
– x Spinecleavers

Bloodmad Warband (160)

Hexgorger Skulls (40)

TOTAL: 1990/2000
ALLIES: 0/400

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5 hours ago, broverpowerd said:

I didn't think the warshrine could do prayers on the bloodbound.

You are correct; Favour of the ruinous powers and Protection of the dark gods only work on Mortal StD units so those abilities won't work in units in this army (but would if Khorne marked StD units were added)


The War Shrine would get a blood blessing as it has the Priest Key word.

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6 hours ago, Skarband said:

Hi i build Brass stampede list i have Jagger lord 9x crushers 9x crushers 3x crushers i need some fast screen units

There are several possible units that can be used as screen for Skullcrushers. First one are Fleshhounds at 100 points. 2 wounds each, many attacks without Rend and a free unbind. Moreover, they have a Bravery of 10, so no model is going to run away. However, they also have a movement of 8 like Skullcrushers, so they are unable to push far ahead. 

Next possibilty are Marauder Horsemen (Mark of Khorne) They have two wounds each, have access to some shooting, can retreat and charge/shoot and with a 12" move they are faster than Skullcrushers.  However, they are pretty expensive (110 for 5, only Sigmar knows why GW pushed their point cost by 30 and have a meagre Bravery of 5.


Next up are Furies. 12" move and fly make These mini-devils really Fast and their ability to retreat from Combat makes them recycle-able Screens or mean Objective grabbers or both at the same time. They have 2 wounds each, no armor save and a Bravery of 10. 6 of them cost 100 points, which is pretty decent for such a versatile unit. 

Downside is: Do you really want to waste them as screen? 

Other possibilties come with allies. Centigor are really good in that role. 80 points for 5, 2 wounds, 4+ save in melee and they can Hit pretty hard on the Charge for an 80 points unit. On top of that, they are super fast. 14" movement, run and charge and +1 to run and charge. An allied Bray Shaman pushes their speed by another 3".

They have a measly Bravery of 5 as well, but cost less than Marauder Horsemen. They are a really good chaff unit. However, their models are dated and pretty expensive. 

The last possible screen that comes to. My mind are Chaos Warhounds. 1 wound, 6+ save, 80 points for 10 models with a devastating Bravery of 4. They Die fast and they run fast. Not only off the Board, but also on the Board as they have the ability to auto-run 6". They can be used as screen, however, they are easy to shoot. Their Real purpose is Objective grabbing. Their movement 10 and auto-run 6 enables you to put 10 models  on an Objective, that is 16" away. 


So here are the units you can use as Screens for cavalry armies. Their all have their role and purpose that go beyond the role as meatshields. 

We do not have cheap birds, but an Arsenal of other cheap and fast units. I hope I could give you some orientation. 

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Hello! I was wondering if Gorebeast Chariots are worth taking? They’re in a new box for Broken Realms,  which seems like a decent deal and they look nice. They’re faster than Crushers/Hounds so I was wondering if they could be a substitute for that role. Not particularly fond of the $-point ratio for Flesh Hounds and Crushers.

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Gorebeast Chariots fill a rather specific role, one which I think we could do better with the units in the Khorne book. I think Chaos Chariots would be a better option thanks to the extra speed. 

That being said, Gorebeast Chariots do have the advantage of doing mortal wounds per model not units, so you can gather them into a big unit and pile buffs on them that way.

For casual play, they are a really fun choice, but if your looking for an ultra-competitive list, then there are other, better options

Edited by LordRhulak
Extra detail
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Gorbeast chariots do mortal wounds per unit, not per model. The difference is they do mortals to each enemy unit within 1" instead of only one unit, however its only D3 mortals to each unit on a 2+. Compared to regular chariots they have an extra wound and slightly better melee profile but are 3" slower and dont have a run & charge ability.

If you do want to run chariots then I think the regular chariot is a better option as you can whip it with the bloodstoker for +3 bonus to the impact damage on a minimum threat range of 21" (if you roll all 1's for run and charge which is unlikely).  You might also consider a CP from a chaos lord on mount/karkadrak for +1 to hit and reroll charges to try for a really big charge roll for more chances at mortal wounds. An allied sorcerer lord (yuck) or warshrine with prayer of Tzeentch for rerolling saves is also a good option if you take a unit of 3 (thats 21 wounds on a 4+ rerollable save in the opponents face turn 1). Obviosuly you can throw the same buffs on a unit of Gorebeast chariots but without the ability to run and charge the min threat range is 14" (still good, but not great). 

I managed to alpha strike a carnosaur off the table with this combo on a unit of 3 chariots and they survived for another turn holding a good chunk of his army back for a turn (still lost the game because Seraphon but it was fun all the same).

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On 11/6/2020 at 11:05 PM, Skarband said:

Hi i build Brass stampede list i have Jagger lord 9x crushers 9x crushers 3x crushers i need some fast screen units

As well as the great options @Salyx has covered, Untamed Beasts are a good option. 12” move in the first turn plus run and charge. Plenty of options if you have a Bloodstoker in your lineup.

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15 minutes ago, Troll.exe said:

As well as the great options @Salyx has covered, Untamed Beasts are a good option. 12” move in the first turn plus run and charge. Plenty of options if you have a Bloodstoker in your lineup.

Yeah i thing they are great but i hate this models 😔 they dont look like Khorne models 

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Hey guys, so I've been noodling a new list and was hoping for some feedback;

Allegiance: Reapers of Vengeance 


Bloodsecrator - 120 pts

Relics - Skullshard Mantle

Bloodthirster of insensate Rage - 270 pts General

Trait - Mage Eater

Relics - A'rgath, the King of Blades

Slaughterpriest w/ axe - 100 pts

Killing frenzy

Slaughterpriest w/ blade and flail - 100 pts

Bronzed flesh

Bloodstoker - 80 pts


Flesh Hounds x5 - 100 pts

Flesh Hounds x5 -100 pts

Bloodreavers x10 - 70 pts

reaver blades

Bloodreavers x10  - 70 pts

reaver blades


Khorgorath - 100 pts

khorgorath - 100 pts

Skullreapers x5 - 180 pts

Banner bearer

Skullreapers x5 - 180 pts

Banner bearer

Skullreapers x5 - 180 pts

Banner bearer


Skulltake - 140 pts


Hexgorger Skulls - 40 pts

Wrath-Axe - 60 pts


Okay so full disclosure, I love the skulltake battalion for what it does for skullreapers, I have yet to try it maxed out though, and one of my concerns is managing the 12" bubble around the bloodstoker.

My other main concerns have more to do with the durability/survivability of the list's characters; do you all think the Rage thirster is a good add or with how prevalent shooting is, do you think he would end up just being deleted? The same goes for the blood stoker to an extent, I could hide him more easily, but it is definitely a concern that he would just get sniped out early which would end up neutering the battalion a bit. I was hoping to alleviate some of the concerns regarding the thirster through threat saturation (Reapers and Khorgis) as well as some speed (hounds). Anyways, I would love to hear what you guys think!


Edited by Pathies
Forgot to add judgements to the list!
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Looks a solid list to me. Not much you can do about shooting other than threat saturation and you have that in spades. You might consider holding the thirster back out of range, send forward the waves of reavers, reapers and dogs and use the thirster to mop up. Or send the thirster forward as a distraction carnifex, assume he will get killed but at least takes the focus off everything else. 

Either way I probably wouldnt use the thirster as the general as mage eater is a useful trait and he is a big target. A'garth is a good artifact but it would be tempting to put skullshard mantle on the thirster to at least protect him from magic and make another hero the general. 

I recently picked up 10 more skull reapers so I can start running Skulltake so glad to hear that you rate it 🙂

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@Agent of ChaosYeah I haven’t played it in a while but it’s one of the few (if not only) battalions for khorne that has kept the same rules and the 2 damage on 6s skullreapers is pretty great - especially when you consider the fact that you’ll be doing mortal wounds too. 

I would really like to see how it works with other units getting the buff too - more specifically, if everyone staying in 12 is feasible

Im glad you said something about the thirster though, it does seem like a real gamble with a good trait to put it on him.

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I would consider using  another Slaughterhost, the Skullfiend tribe. You get a great Command Ability for your Khorgoraths and the Slaughterhost Artefact suits your Bloodthirster perfectly. +2 attacks keeps him from getting toned down too much through bracketing.

I wish you best of luck with your list, although I do not like Bataillons that depend on one Model. But maybe it will work out perfectly for you.

For Skullreapers, I prefer Slaughterborn, because it is just a flat out Bonus. In combination with the Flayed Ability, they can get really tanky, having a save of up to 2+ ignoring one point of Rend. 


However, I Look forward to hearing how it works out. Good luck with that 6s ;) 

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Relying on the Bloodstoker's survival has always kept me from building a list around Skulltake, but I'd love to see you prove my fears unfounded! Maybe Goretide could work as a slaughterhost because then you can give the Stoker the Thronebreaker's Torc for added survivability, along with Bronzed Flesh and Look Out Sir. And it would help you fling those Reavers out pretty fast too.

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@Salyx that’s a good point - my only issue with the skullfiend tribe is that besides the relic, it feels a little underwhelming to me I suppose if I invested more in the khorgoraths i could get more mileage out of it though! And regarding the slaughterborn, I was also tempted with that, especially when I realized how brutal you could make the exalted db with impaling spear!

@Zamik yeah that’s still something I am concerned about, but it’s funny you mentioned the goretide because I had originally thought of using them to fling a sizeable squad of blood warriors up as an initial durable screen/ tar pit unit!


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Upcoming 2000 pt tournament at the end of the month. Going to be playing with very top-tier players, and I will be taking Khorne!

Critique my list (I haven't decided yet out of 2)

Bloodsecrator w/ Skullshard Mantle
Slaughterpriest (Killing Frenzy)
Slaughterpriest (Bronzed Flesh)
Bloodthirster of Unfettered Fury (GENERAL) w/ Mage Eater and the Crimson Crown

Blood warriors x10 w/ Goreglaive
Bloodreavers x10 w/ Meatripper axes
Bloodletters x30

BATTALION Gore Pilgrims
Wrathmongers x5
Wrathmongers x5

Hexgorger Skulls


Bloodsecrator w/ Skullshard Mantle
Slaughterpriest (Killing Frenzy)
Slaughterpriest (Bronzed Flesh)
Bloodthirster of Unfettered Fury (GENERAL) w/ Mage Eater and the Crimson Crown

Blood warriors x10 w/ Goreglaive
Bloodreavers x10 w/ Meatripper axes
Bloodreavers x10 w/ Meatripper axes
Bloodletters x30

BATTALION Gore Pilgrims
Wrathmongers x5

Hexgorger Skulls
Wrath Axe

Edited by broverpowerd
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