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AoS 2 - Blades of Khorne Discussion

Gaz Taylor

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That’s definitely tough - skullreapers are probably my favorite unit and I feel that they’re definitely good at what they do but with a double pile - in and two thirster you’re not really lacking on damage out put I don’t think. And not to mention mongers aren’t exactly slouches either with 26 attacks with a secrator at 3/3/-1/1 on the charge!

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Eh I say to each their own haha I personally like the mortals a lot and was a huge fan of the 40k daemonkin book so I like a list that fits that thematically. But yeah I think your list is tough as is, and not that they would be overkill, but I I think the extra bubble of wrathmonger buff does more for you than the damage of skullreapers 

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So I think that the bloodletters are a really good tarpit. MW's on 6's and rerolling 1s, you are getting 12 in combat at a time usually. That's not to shabby they do have rend. Also, they are able to pile in and the thirster allows 6 inch pile in. So you can fight, pile in 6 and fight again. That's pretty good IMHO.

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I thought a tarpit was something that holds the enemy in place by staying alive? Bloodletters die to a stiff breeze and 30 of them are unwieldy to move and keep within aura range. As its a tournament against top tier players I wouldn't recommend them at all. I reckon 3 units of flesh hounds would serve you better or skullreapers and something else.

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On 11/15/2020 at 5:45 PM, Agent of Chaos said:

Also just realised you have a leader slot free and that's almost criminal in khorne.

This the way. 

Having said that, I've had good success with only 3 chars + Wrathmongers + Shrine + going heavy on units that buff themselves. This was after an emotional breakdown from shooting armies pinging my support chars off the table repeatedly...

Edited by Roark
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13 hours ago, Agent of Chaos said:

This is the way.

However now I'm curious to know more about that low hero count list...

Haha, no one here will like it. It has a million drops, but it can take 40 wounds in Turn 1 and counterpunch alpha strikes to death. As mentioned, it focuses on buffs that can't easily taken away. Marauders with 4 attacks each are what people most freak out about, but it's the Knights who deliver the killing strike (even if only 6 or 7 get into charge), with rerolls to everything offensive.

Allegiance: Khorne
Mortal Realm: Ulgu
Chaos Lord on Daemonic Mount (170)
- General
- Command Trait: Berzerker Lord
- Artefact: The Crimson Crown
Bloodsecrator (120)
Slaughterpriest (100)
- Blood Blessing: Blood Sacrifice
40 x Chaos Marauders (320)
- Axes & Shields
15 x Chaos Warriors (270)
- Halberd & Shield
10 x Bloodreavers (70)
- Meatripper Axes
10 x Bloodreavers (70)
- Meatripper Axes
10 x Bloodreavers (70)
- Meatripper Axes
5 x Wrathmongers (140)
5 x Wrathmongers (140)
10 x Chaos Knights (320)
- Cursed Lance
Chaos Warshrine (170)
- Blood Blessing: Bronzed Flesh
Hexgorger Skulls (40)

Total: 2000 / 2000
Extra Command Points: 0
Allies: BFTBG
Wounds: 191

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On 11/16/2020 at 11:07 PM, Roark said:

This the way. 

Having said that, I've had good success with only 3 chars + Wrathmongers + Shrine + going heavy on units that buff themselves. This was after an emotional breakdown from shooting armies pinging my support chars off the table repeatedly...

This hits close to home lol. I definitely feel ya

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So another guy has joined our gaming group and he is going to play Tzeentch.

(Guess where this is going)

So of course, I’m worried about the shooting. Would the tactics vs this list be roughly the same as vs Skaven? (Ie units that dont need heroes to function well. Thanks Salyx)

Roark’s list looks really good so I’ll try it as soon as possible. Should help a lot against that stupid, cowardly shooting...

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7 hours ago, LordRhulak said:

Roark’s list looks really good so I’ll try it as soon as possible. Should help a lot against that stupid, cowardly shooting...

You might consider a Bloodstoker, even if he ends up being flamebait. If your Knights miss their charges and/or or get delayed too much by Horrors, it hurts to get toasted (even with 3+ 6++ saves)

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Yeah, he’d be quite a good hero to have. What do you think I should swap him for though? 

Also, what do you use for screening? It seems like the bloodreavers fall short and it would be a shame to waste the damage output of the Marauders on screening. 


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On 11/20/2020 at 7:56 AM, LordRhulak said:

Yeah, he’d be quite a good hero to have. What do you think I should swap him for though? 

It's hard for me to make any changes to that list, because it squeezes the points as far as they'll go, and the whole principles change. It becomes something quite different.

On 11/20/2020 at 7:56 AM, LordRhulak said:

Also, what do you use for screening? It seems like the bloodreavers fall short and it would be a shame to waste the damage output of the Marauders on screening.

The above list uses Reavers insofar as it's possible which, as you've noted, is far from ideal. But it's a reactive list and they're kinda OK for that. For screens, I normally like Warhounds (for coverage) or Centigors (just... better in every way except coverage). 

Here's an alternate list but, as you can see, it's significantly different. There's little chance of giving any of the major hammers +2 attacks. It has better reach, and a proper screen, but less chaff to play around with. The loathsome Sorcerer could be a Chaos Lord I guess (and there would be CPs available for him), but with no Thermalrider cloak I just don't know about that guy... Maybe I'm a bit irrational by hanging onto the Chaos Warriors, but they're just sooo solid.

Allegiance: Khorne
Mortal Realm: Ulgu
Chaos Lord on Daemonic Mount (170)
- General
- Command Trait: Berzerker Lord
- Artefact: The Crimson Crown
Bloodsecrator (120)
Bloodstoker (80)
Slaughterpriest (100)
- Blood Blessing: Blood Sacrifice
Chaos Sorcerer Lord (110)
- Mark of Chaos: Undivided
- Allies
40 x Chaos Marauders (320)
- Axes & Shields
15 x Chaos Warriors (270)
- Halberd & Shield
10 x Bloodreavers (70)
- Meatripper Axes
5 x Wrathmongers (140)
10 x Chaos Knights (320)
- Cursed Lance
10 x Chaos Warhounds (80)
- Allies
Chaos Warshrine (170)
- Blood Blessing: Bronzed Flesh
Hexgorger Skulls (40)

Total: 1990 / 2000
Extra Command Points: 0
Allies: 190 / 400
Wounds: 176

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Thanks! I think I like the first list more. As you said, bigger range for +1 attacks from the warthmongers and more punch. I have a couple of questions.

Do you think that the command trait outweighs the negatives of having no slaughter host?

Also, when mortal wounds are applied, do you get to roll the Chaos Warriors Runeshield and then the Warshrine 6+ aura or can you only do one?

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Hey guys,

Looking to start s Khorne army for a year long slow grow / Narrative campaign. Looking for some advice on how to build a list. (Brand new, own no models yet. but keen for some blood for the blood god.) Keen to do a mortal List. Maybe have some Daemons set aside for summoning.

The list will be built around my general who will likely be a; 

Chaos Lord on Karkadrak 

Command trait - HEW THE FOE - +1 Damage to melee weapons
Artefact - GORE CLEAVER - +1 Rend., sixes double the damage

My understanding of this combo is, if I make his Axe the Gorecleaver, he will do 3 damage on a hit... 6 on a 6 to wound... plus his other attacks

Is this  a suitable General? Or should I be looking at something else? The idea is the General has to remain constant throughout the year and this dude seems like a good choice. I plan on buying the heads of heroes he kills through the campaign and make a little shrine dedicated to his murder.

How many of the other heroes should I be looking at? 2 slaughter priests? a secrater? a stoker?

And what battleline and other units should I be looking at for Gotetide / gore pilgrims... I forget which is the alleigance and which is the battalion...

Like I said... I own nothing... so please make some suggestions on what you would do!



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@Sharklone Lord on Karkadrak is great choice for general and appears to suit the campaign nicely. A priest or 2, secrator and stoker are all great support heroes for the rest of your army so that is where most lists start. 

Flesh hounds are my favourite battleline but if you want to run gore pilgrims battalion you will need reavers and blood warriors (both of which can be buffed by the goretide allegiance command ability). You might also consider a unit of chaos knights to utilise the Karkadrak's command ability. 

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On 11/23/2020 at 10:12 AM, Sharklone said:

 I plan on buying the heads of heroes he kills through the campaign and make a little shrine dedicated to his murder.



First of all, this is incredible lol. 


In terms of the list, it depends on The points. If it’s 2k I’d look at gore pilgrims, probably 2x10 reavers and 1x5 warriors for battleline requirements. That’ll get you your 2 slaughterpriests and secrator in a single drop too. And personally, and this will probably hurt your soul to paint, I’d go 2x10 knights. As mentioned above you get some serious use out of that command ability from your general. 

Probably top up with 40 Marauders and you’ll be about there.

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Looking for a bit of advice while i plan out what to possibly buy. Is a mostly mounted list viable at all?

Knights, Mighty Skull Crushers, possibly Marauder Horsemen?

Something like:

Chaos Lord On Kharkadrak

Lord On Jug




10x Knights

3x Skullcrushers

3x Skullcrushers

5x Flesh hounds

5x Flesh hounds

5x Flesh hounds

+350 points to play with?


Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.


Edited by ArmyOfGrodd
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@ArmyOfGrodd As far as I know, a brass stampede list I pretty solid, especially with how much mortal wounds you can put out now - but if you go for that you’ll need at least a couple more boxes of skullcrushers, as you’ll likely want to go all in for it! Brass stampede/gore pilgrims used to be a thing when battalions weren’t so expensive but I’m not entirely sure that’s the case any more! Either way it will be an awesome list that’s for sure!

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1 hour ago, Pathies said:

@ArmyOfGrodd As far as I know, a brass stampede list I pretty solid, especially with how much mortal wounds you can put out now - but if you go for that you’ll need at least a couple more boxes of skullcrushers, as you’ll likely want to go all in for it! Brass stampede/gore pilgrims used to be a thing when battalions weren’t so expensive but I’m not entirely sure that’s the case any more! Either way it will be an awesome list that’s for sure!

Playing around with Gorepilgrim + Brass Stampede lists at the moment and i just can't get the points to work, ended up with the below. No Karkadrak, but a Chaos Lord on Daemonic Mount and a Lord On Jug. I could drop the Lord on Mount for a cheaper hero then add another 10x Reavers but i like his command ability.



Chaos Lord On Daemonic Mount

Lord On Jug




10x Knights

3x Skullcrushers

3x Skullcrushers

3x Skullcrushers

5x Blood Warriors

10x Reavers

Wrath Axe

Hexgorger Skulls

Brass Stampede


2000 points on the nose

Or maybe to get the Karkadrak in:


Chaos Lord On Karkadrak

Lord On Jug




10x Knights

3x Skullcrushers

3x Skullcrushers

3x Skullcrushers

5x Blood Warriors

10x Reavers

10x Reavers

Wrath Axe

Hexgorger Skulls


1990 Points

I'll keep playing around

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