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AoS 2 - Blades of Khorne Discussion

Gaz Taylor

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Yeah I have had similar issues to be honest - I’m just not sure you can fit enough in paying for both battalions unfortunately. I think regular gore pilgrims does a lot to help your support characters keep up with the cav though, and if you want to be even more mobile, the flayed command trait allows for refills of 1 on prayers within 8” so your not as dependent on the altar! Plus your knights and juggers get even tougher as they kill heroes/monsters

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I would not use two bataillons, as that is just too many points. 

What I would Look at is a list consist Ing of Knights and Skullcrushers led by a Lord on Demonic Mount with the Crimson Crown so that He can use his command Ability for free.

As Slaughterhost I would highly suggest The Flayed, not because of The Command Trait or the Command Trait or the allegiance Ability, but because of the command Ability. With one CP, the Lord can give one unit +2 to Hit, which is especially awesome for Knights with Lance. And yes, he has the Demon Keyword, so he can use the Crown. 

Skullcrushers should not be played below 6. If you have 6 or 9 and the enemy knows what they can do when they Charge, they will massively invest into getting them below 6, more room to play for your Real hard hitters ;)

As additional Support heroes, I would suggest a Bloodstoker and a Khorne Demon Prince to get all the charges in. 

I have played a pure Skullcrusher list for some time and IT is really fun. However, the damage output is rather lacking. They are great at not dying, but they have a low damage output after they charged. And the Bataillon is not Worth it as IT is really expensive for what IT does. I ran the Crushers in teams. One unit of three in Front of a unit of 6. The small units screened so that the six man units get the Charge. Had a total of 21 Crushers on the Board. However, that was right after the book dropped. In the meantime, the meta evolved Further, so that I do Not know how viable it is now. 

I would use a minimum Gore Pilgrims, DEMON prince, Bloodstoker, Lord on Demonic Mount, 1-2 6* Skullcrushers and fill the Rest with Lance Knights. 

That is how I would Design a Khorne Cavalry army, perhaps you got some hints for your lists. 

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7 minutes ago, Salyx said:

I would not use two bataillons, as that is just too many points. 

What I would Look at is a list consist Ing of Knights and Skullcrushers led by a Lord on Demonic Mount with the Crimson Crown so that He can use his command Ability for free.

As Slaughterhost I would highly suggest The Flayed, not because of The Command Trait or the Command Trait or the allegiance Ability, but because of the command Ability. With one CP, the Lord can give one unit +2 to Hit, which is especially awesome for Knights with Lance. And yes, he has the Demon Keyword, so he can use the Crown. 

Skullcrushers should not be played below 6. If you have 6 or 9 and the enemy knows what they can do when they Charge, they will massively invest into getting them below 6, more room to play for your Real hard hitters ;)

As additional Support heroes, I would suggest a Bloodstoker and a Khorne Demon Prince to get all the charges in. 

I have played a pure Skullcrusher list for some time and IT is really fun. However, the damage output is rather lacking. They are great at not dying, but they have a low damage output after they charged. And the Bataillon is not Worth it as IT is really expensive for what IT does. I ran the Crushers in teams. One unit of three in Front of a unit of 6. The small units screened so that the six man units get the Charge. Had a total of 21 Crushers on the Board. However, that was right after the book dropped. In the meantime, the meta evolved Further, so that I do Not know how viable it is now. 

I would use a minimum Gore Pilgrims, DEMON prince, Bloodstoker, Lord on Demonic Mount, 1-2 6* Skullcrushers and fill the Rest with Lance Knights. 

That is how I would Design a Khorne Cavalry army, perhaps you got some hints for your lists. 

I really appreciate all this! Lots of food for thought. I hadn’t checked out the flayed rules but I will do.

despite investing heavily in skull crushers you’d still go pilgrims instead of stampede?

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Yes, I would definately get Gore Pilgrims over Brass Stampede as it will offer more benefit to your army.

I just tried to click something together in Scrollbuilder, with which I am quite satisfied:


Allegiance: Khorne
- Slaughterhost: Flayed (Host of Chaos)

Bloodsecrator (120) 

Bloodstoker (80)

Slaughterpriest (100)
- Blood Blessing: Killing Frenzy

Slaughterpriest (100) 
- Blood Blessing: Bronzed Flesh

Slaves to Darkness Daemon Prince (210)
- General
- Command Trait: Vessel of Butchery
- Sword
- Artefact: The Slaughterhelm

Chaos Lord on Daemonic Mount (170) 
- Artefact: The Crimson Crown

5 x Chaos Knights (160) 
- Cursed Lance

5 x Chaos Knights (160) 
- Cursed Lance

5 x Chaos Knights (160) 
- Cursed Lance

10 x Bloodreavers (70) 
- Meatripper Axes

10 x Bloodreavers (70) 
- Meatripper Axes

5 x Blood Warriors (100) 
- Goreaxe & Gorefist

6 x Mighty Skullcrushers (320) 
- Bloodglaives

Gore Pilgrims (140)

Hexgorger Skulls (40)

TOTAL: 2000/2000 WOUNDS: 143


Lots of heavy hitting power on the charge, some bodies for screening and objective holding and if buffed properly, they can totally devastate an enemy army in one swipe.

And this is why Gore Pilgrims is better: Your Cavalry will run far ahead and they benefit a lot from the extra attacks, as the Lances are deadly and the mounts benefit as well. Gore Pilgrims help a lot to keep them in buff range, whereas Brass Stampede only helps the Skullcrushers.

Edited by Salyx
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21 minutes ago, Salyx said:

Yes, I would definately get Gore Pilgrims over Brass Stampede as it will offer more benefit to your army.

I just tried to click something together in Scrollbuilder, with which I am quite satisfied:


Allegiance: Khorne
- Slaughterhost: Flayed (Host of Chaos)

Bloodsecrator (120) 

Bloodstoker (80)

Slaughterpriest (100)
- Blood Blessing: Killing Frenzy

Slaughterpriest (100) 
- Blood Blessing: Bronzed Flesh

Slaves to Darkness Daemon Prince (210)
- General
- Command Trait: Vessel of Butchery
- Sword
- Artefact: The Slaughterhelm

Chaos Lord on Daemonic Mount (170) 
- Artefact: The Crimson Crown

5 x Chaos Knights (160) 
- Cursed Lance

5 x Chaos Knights (160) 
- Cursed Lance

5 x Chaos Knights (160) 
- Cursed Lance

10 x Bloodreavers (70) 
- Meatripper Axes

10 x Bloodreavers (70) 
- Meatripper Axes

5 x Blood Warriors (100) 
- Goreaxe & Gorefist

6 x Mighty Skullcrushers (320) 
- Bloodglaives

Gore Pilgrims (140)

Hexgorger Skulls (40)

TOTAL: 2000/2000 WOUNDS: 143


Lots of heavy hitting power on the charge, some bodies for screening and objective holding and if buffed properly, they can totally devastate an enemy army in one swipe.

And this is why Gore Pilgrims is better: Your Cavalry will run far ahead and they benefit a lot from the extra attacks, as the Lances are deadly and the mounts benefit as well. Gore Pilgrims help a lot to keep them in buff range, whereas Brass Stampede only helps the Skullcrushers.

Again, thanks so much for this! The Bloodbound SC is a must then whichever way you look at it.

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Fast screens are always welcome. However, in my opinion, Khorne is a reactive army, not an offensive army. So the Speed of the screens does Not matter too much. Speedy small units can, however, District the enemy very well. In fact, it is just a matter of flavor and you can swap around Knights and Crushers as you wish, as they cost the same amount of points. You should find your own style about the exact composition. I prefer MSU, perhaps you think Knights are better in big units. 

If you do not want to spend too much money at the beginning, just make a 1000 points force and get some of each unit. This way you can find out what you prefer, both have their advantages and drawbacks.

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Allegiance: Khorne- Slaughterhost: Flayed (Host of Chaos)

Lord of Khorne on Juggernaut (160)

- General- Command Trait: Vessel of Butchery- Artefact: The Slaughterhelm

Slaughterpriest (100)

- Artefact: The Brazen Rune- Blood Blessing: Blood Sacrifice

Skarr Bloodwrath (100)

Bloodstoker (80)

9 x Mighty Skullcrushers (480)

- Ensorcelled Axes

9 x Mighty Skullcrushers (480)

- Bloodglaives

3 x Mighty Skullcrushers (160)

- Bloodglaives

1 x Riptooth (40)

3 x Magore's Fiends (80)

9 x Untamed Beasts (70)

9 x Untamed Beasts (70)

Brass Stampede (140)

Bleeding Icon (40)

Total: 2000 / 2000

Extra Command Points: 1

Allies: 0 / 400

Wounds: 155


Heres an example of a solid mounted list that came up recently. Basically you’re trying to get one of those units of 9 to a 2+ save using the flayed host. Blood sacrifice magores fiends and riptooth for maximum blood tithe. Use that tithe for hero phase charging/movement to get a hero kill or get into position to charge with a unit of 9. Untamed beasts as a mobile screen with their turn 1 extra movement.

Plenty of wounds on a good save and fairly resistance to being ripped apart by heavy magic/shooting.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey guys - so I have been thinking about khorgoraths and how to best emphasize their strengths. Clearly skullfiend tribe is the ideal allegiance to pick but what would you all choose? MSU or blocks of a couple? Skulltake or on their own? Also on a more practical money-centered concern are there any serviceable conversions/proxies? I love the discussions on this topic and would be happy to see what you all think!

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On 12/7/2020 at 1:38 PM, Pathies said:

Hey guys - so I have been thinking about khorgoraths and how to best emphasize their strengths. Clearly skullfiend tribe is the ideal allegiance to pick but what would you all choose? MSU or blocks of a couple? Skulltake or on their own? Also on a more practical money-centered concern are there any serviceable conversions/proxies? I love the discussions on this topic and would be happy to see what you all think!

Although buffing a unit of two would be nice, MSU is the way to go. Then you get maximum healing and blood tithe. I’ve always been keen to run 6 in some casual games but yea.... money lol. 

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Yeah it kinda grinds my gears that they haven’t released a separate kit. I’d even take a monopose one of it meant I could get it separate without having to keep checking eBay haha. I had seen @Praecautus’s idea of using spawn but I’m not totally sure about the size comparison. I had thought of using some ogors as a base though

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Cross post of my Khornate Bullgor (resin base is in the mail because I didnt have the right size one). He's  a beast first and foremost but the lore behind Khorne instilling martial discipline into the beastmen is awesome to me so I wanted to go with a scheme that makes abundantly clear that they serve the Great Brass Bull.


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  • 2 weeks later...
On 12/8/2020 at 4:52 AM, Pathies said:

Yeah it kinda grinds my gears that they haven’t released a separate kit. I’d even take a monopose one of it meant I could get it separate without having to keep checking eBay haha. I had seen @Praecautus’s idea of using spawn but I’m not totally sure about the size comparison. I had thought of using some ogors as a base though

Here are a few other ideas for conversion options:

  • Ogroid thaumaturge
  • Ogroid myrmidon
  • Bullgors
  • Daemon prince
  • Stormfiends
  • Helbrute (if you're ok with it looking more tech-y) - I'm not familiar with this model's size, but I think it's similar

Here are a few pics of some converted khorgi's that I am mostly finished with. First is obviously the base model, second is a Bullgor that was chopped apart and reposed, third is based off of Ogroid thaumaturge (with Daemon prince arms - the thaumaturge arms are way smaller than the actual khorgorath's). The latter two definitely took a while, but that was mostly self-inflicted!



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@Render wow those look great! The bullgor conversion is especially promising since they come 3 to a box! My only real concern was opening up the pose/making it more dynamic but youve done a great job of that! Could be a really cool modeling project! I might even just need 1 box of those and the skull kit

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2 hours ago, Render said:

Here are a few other ideas for conversion options:

  • Ogroid thaumaturge
  • Ogroid myrmidon
  • Bullgors
  • Daemon prince
  • Stormfiends
  • Helbrute (if you're ok with it looking more tech-y) - I'm not familiar with this model's size, but I think it's similar

Here are a few pics of some converted khorgi's that I am mostly finished with. First is obviously the base model, second is a Bullgor that was chopped apart and reposed, third is based off of Ogroid thaumaturge (with Daemon prince arms - the thaumaturge arms are way smaller than the actual khorgorath's). The latter two definitely took a while, but that was mostly self-inflicted!



Bloody brilliant!

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Reapers of Vengeance

3 BT + Skarbrand




5 Hounds

3x10 Reavers

5 Wrathmongers

Hex Skulls

This list works best against someone who is not fully aware of Skarbrand's power level.  If they are well-informed and have shooting, he'll get shot off the board before he does much.  Otherwise, screen him with Reavers in front and Mongers behind.  Aim him at the desired target and make sure you can get there in Round 2 and delete them with 6 charged up attacks (avg. 48 Mortal).

The list is a Beta Strike list.  I usually try to reserve the other BTs so I can have them attack together, but if you fear Skarbrand's imminent demise, you could charge them in on Round 1, just to try to psyche the opponent into leaving Skar alone in the face of a more immediate threat.  Gpod luck!

(Fair note: my actual tournament performance with this list depends almost entirely on how well the opponent knows Skar.  In the present shooting heavy meta, no BT list is great.  Magic is not as much of an issue; this list has plenty of anti-magic.  Also, others will tell you not to bring 4 BTs; they'll tell you to do 3 and add Gore Pilgrims.  That's a great list too, but I can't make it work for me.  Finally, in response to your question, you won't have enough leader slots to make Dark Feast work well with 4 BTs.)


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I don't know if it is off meta and I didn't have the possibilities to try, but I Plan to do a Flayed Cav list consisting of Lance Knights. General would be a Lord on Demonic Mount with the Crimson Crown, Gore Pilgrims is, especially with such a mobile list, a must have. 

This way I would have three ways to Upgrade the Hit roll for the Knights: Chaos Lord Command Ability, Flayed Command Ability, Khorne Prayer and, not to forget, a Warshrine. With one CP(or zero if you get the Prayer), you can make your Knights Hit on a 2+. 

And there is enough space in the Hero slots for a Chaos Lord on foot and a Bloodstoker or Khorne Demon Prince. 

Sounds strong, but I have to See Joe it works out. One Thing is for sure: against Seraphon Coalesced it will suck. 

Edited by Salyx
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