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AoS 2 - Blades of Khorne Discussion

Gaz Taylor

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Thank you for copying to me the Flayed rules Perturbato. It looks pretty strong but as you said Goretide looks cool as it is. Tho nothing prevents me from swapping from one to another as I'll have the army already. I asked suggestions mostly for clarifications, to know what to buy from local store and what would the budget be.

So thanks a lot guys your advices has been very helpful to me! And blood for the blood God!

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On 4/25/2021 at 10:34 AM, Battlefury said:

Could you link the source of your information? I would like to have a look at it too :)

Here you go. Hopefully there will be some more leaks to come. 

On 4/25/2021 at 10:48 AM, Roark said:

I'm not. Our book was at the front end of AoS2, and we have been incrementally disadvantaged as a result. I think that almost any system-wide recalibration to respond to inequity is more likely to benefit us than not. But I guess we'll have to wait and see eh.

Yeah you're right. I'm just so tired of khorne being low-tier at this I'm just assuming everything is going to be a bad change :P. 

On 4/25/2021 at 3:08 PM, Roark said:

Chaos Knights can be an awesome assault force in a Khorne army. The absolute best IMHO. But they need to have lances, the Knights of Chaos command, and the Undivided Warshrine prayer. 

I completely agree about the Chaos Knights. They are 100% our best source of damage output. Do you use the Knights of Chaos CA as well as killing frenzy or is it as a way to take less heroes like in your list that you posted a while back?

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9 hours ago, LordRhulak said:

Do you use the Knights of Chaos CA as well as killing frenzy

I always apply one or the other, but only occasionally both, because I usually have at least 3 hammer/assault units among whom I have to share buffs. The most important buff is rerolling hits+wounds.

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I have that big skull base to the old MageWrath Throne; is that an appropriate size to use as my Beasts of Khorne Altar of Skulls?  I was thinking of putting a flat plate on top and just a massive pile of skulls and trophies, etc.  But looking at pictures, the Altar does seem to have sort of a smallish footprint.  

Building a couple Spawn based Slaughterpriests, and those need an Altar!

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Well the altar is very usefull with slaughter priest and to invoke daemons. Plus it will downgrade enemy chance of casting spells.

All the rules are to be accounted from the base and if you play with purists they won't allow you to use another model. If the Magewrath throne is bigger than the actual Altar it is not really fair. You just have to agree wih your opponent. 

I don't think that the MageWrath Throne footprint is bigger because there is largers extremities in the skull altar (the end of the stairs and the sides too)

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Is there any errata or other sort of rule against me using my Slaughterpriest's Blood Sacrifice blessing on a unit of Chaos Warriors and then using their runeshields to attempt to negate those wounds, is there? There's nothing in the Khorne book that says they have to just take the wounds or else you don't get the Blood tithe, right?

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6 minutes ago, Zamik said:

Is there any errata or other sort of rule against me using my Slaughterpriest's Blood Sacrifice blessing on a unit of Chaos Warriors and then using their runeshields to attempt to negate those wounds, is there? There's nothing in the Khorne book that says they have to just take the wounds or else you don't get the Blood tithe, right?

No such restriction exists, go for it.

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On 5/6/2021 at 2:12 AM, Zamik said:

Is there any errata or other sort of rule against me using my Slaughterpriest's Blood Sacrifice blessing on a unit of Chaos Warriors and then using their runeshields to attempt to negate those wounds, is there? There's nothing in the Khorne book that says they have to just take the wounds or else you don't get the Blood tithe, right?

Yeah, it says you must inflict the damage but there is no problem if it is negated. I personnaly prefer using a Chaos Spawn as it cost 50 points and you can make it a small bodyguard for the slaughterpriest providing at least 4 Blood tithe in general. And it's easier having it stay in the 8 inch range. 

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7 hours ago, Perturbato said:

Yeah, it says you must inflict the damage but there is no problem if it is negated. I personnaly prefer using a Chaos Spawn as it cost 50 points and you can make it a small bodyguard for the slaughterpriest providing at least 4 Blood tithe in general. And it's easier having it stay in the 8 inch range. 

That's a great idea, I was thinking only of the Chaos Warriors' ability to negate the wounds, but really they're more useful being out in the battle. Thanks!

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16 hours ago, Perturbato said:

I mostly use 3 slaughterpriests. Blood Sacrifice, Bronzed Flesh and Killing Frenzy.

The Holy Trinity! Never leave home without them.

Sometimes, if running a slaves contingent such as some chaos knights, I even add a Warshrine and take Resanguination as a 4th prayer.

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22 hours ago, Charleston said:

Another question: What prayers do you guys use in general? I almost always use the Bronzen Flesh as durability seems never wrong in our army

Blood sacrifice is always my top priority, because I don't use battalions or buy extra command points. Then Bronzed Flesh and Killing Frenzy. I only occasionally use Brazen Fury when I have 60+ Marauders in my list.

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Hello guys, simple question passing through.

- How do you build your Bloodreavers in case of MSU?
Do you build all three command options (horn blower, standard bearer, champion) for each unit of 10?
If that so, do standard bearer and a horn blower attack the same way as other guys with meatripper axes?

Thanks in advance for the help here, I was wondering about it for a while now. 

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7 hours ago, Vonzki said:

Hello guys, simple question passing through.

- How do you build your Bloodreavers in case of MSU?
Do you build all three command options (horn blower, standard bearer, champion) for each unit of 10?
If that so, do standard bearer and a horn blower attack the same way as other guys with meatripper axes?

Thanks in advance for the help here, I was wondering about it for a while now. 

Usually the "command unit" of a squad (Musician, leader and banner) are concidered to wield the same weapons as the other squad as long as the warscroll doesn't specify anything else. You see this in most warscrolls in the first scentence about equipment (A Unit of Bloodreivers is either equiped with A or B).

Due to available sculpts it can happen that the musician or banner wields a smaller weapon (it is hard to model a 2H axe when the model wields a banner in one hand).

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I also have a question regarding "what to buy" next.

I am a Nighthaunt/ Skaven player. And I am new to Blades of Khorne.
What pushed me into khorne direction is the looks of the army.

What I currently own is:

1 x Bloodsecractor
1 x Bloodstoker
1 x Mighty Lord of Khorne
2 x Slaughterpriest

1 x Khorgorath

50 x Bloodreavers
5 x Blood Warriors
5 x Wrathmongers
5 x Skullreapers

Skull Altar
Judgements of Khorne

I am not biased into any specific list (mortal or daemon), so I am open to any ideas.
I also have no idea what's the actual most competitive BoK list.

I would appreciate all of the advices.

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34 minutes ago, Vonzki said:

I am not biased into any specific list (mortal or daemon), so I am open to any ideas.
I also have no idea what's the actual most competitive BoK list.

You’re off to a very good start for a Mortals Collection.  There are definitely good Boons Bloodtithe can be spent on besides summoning but I’d recommend looking into Flesh Hounds at a minimum as they aren’t terribly expensive Blood Tithe wise and can definitely win you a game by stealing a late game objective.  If you like the look of them (personally I’ve found them a blast to paint) you could also consider a Bloodthirster as the threat of summoning one can warp your opponent’s play.

That said, as much as I love both sides with a few exceptions (e.g. Bloodsecrator or Wrath Mongers in Daemons since their buffs are just generic Khorne or Karanak or Skarbrand in Mortals since they do their own thing) my experience has been the two sides of our faction too often struggle to play nice, particularly as the sub-factions all clearly lean one way or the other in their buffs and bonuses.

So if you’re going to continue building Mortals one thing to look at is some more mobility.  Skullcrushers and Chaos Lord on Karkadrak have proven powerful in combination for me.

Welcome and we look forward to your future donations of skulls for the skull throne!

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Had been holding out for a 6th Tuskgor Chariot but with all the rumors regarding battalions in 3.0 there was a bit of now or never feel to this list so debuting it tomorrow night in Zoom League against Mawtribes in Force the Hand.

Allegiance: Khorne
- Slaughterhost: The Goretide

Doombull of Khorne (100)
- General
- Command Trait: Hew the Foe  
- Artefact: Thronebreaker's Torc  
Slaughterpriest (100)
- Blood Blessing: Bronzed Flesh
Slaughterpriest (100)
- Blood Blessing: Blood Sacrifice
Slaughterpriest (100)
- Blood Blessing: Killing Frenzy
Bloodsecrator (120)
- Artefact: The Blood-forged Armour  

5 x Flesh Hounds (100)
5 x Flesh Hounds (100)
5 x Flesh Hounds (100)

6 x Bullgors of Khorne (280)
3 x Bullgors of Khorne (140)
3 x Bullgors of Khorne (140)
1 x Tuskgor Chariots of Khorne (60)
1 x Tuskgor Chariots of Khorne (60)
1 x Tuskgor Chariots of Khorne (60)
1 x Tuskgor Chariots of Khorne (60)
1 x Tuskgor Chariots of Khorne (60)
5 x Wrathmongers (140)

Brass Despoilers (180)

Total: 2000 / 2000
Extra Command Points: 1
Allies: 0 / 400
Wounds: 154

Ultimately ALL about the Blood Tithe and Board Control. 

First wave is the Tuskgor Chariots.  Don’t expect them to do too much but tie up the mid-field, preventing my opponent from wracking up too many VP, and to better let me pick & choose my fights with the second wave and the two 3x units if Bullgors when they come into play.

The second wave, ideally right behind the chariots is the Flesh Hounds.  Looking for a little more damage out of these units, especially if I can target my opponent’s weaker units.  

Simple math of these waves is that even if they all crash and burn they’re enough Blood Tithe to summon a Bloodthirster.  Hope us they’ll reap some skulls before self-tithing and with Blood Sacrifice I’ll wrack up enough Blood Tithe for two Bloodthirsters or one and a large unit of Flesh Hounds.

These would join the Bullgor Bomb of 6x Bullgors backed by the Wrathmongers and Bloodsecrator (hopefully buffed with Killing Frenzy and Bronzed Flesh) as the third wave clean up crew that I hope will allow me to pull ahead on VP in latter rounds.

Not a fully optimized list for sure but leaned into the elite aspects of Bullgors and the crazy of the Tuskgors with Khorne support that can buff them.

Will try and post recap later in week.

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Have anyone of you guys had any success running new Be'lakor in Khorne list?
I actually really like what that model provides. Pretty tanky and choppy, great ability and is a mage (kind of weird for Khorne).

Would a list like this make any sense?

Allegiance: Khorne
- Slaughterhost: The Goretide

Be'Lakor, the Dark Master (380)
Bloodsecrator (120)
- General
- Command Trait: Mage Eater
- Artefact: Talisman of Burning Blood
- Banner of Khorne (Artefact): Banner of Rage
Slaughterpriest (100)
- Blood Blessing: Bronzed Flesh
Slaughterpriest (100)
- Blood Blessing: Blood Sacrifice

10 x Blood Warriors (200)
- Goreaxes
- 1x Goreglaives
5 x Blood Warriors (100)
- Goreaxe & Gorefist
- 1x Goreglaives
10 x Bloodreavers (70)
- Meatripper Axes
10 x Bloodreavers (70)
- Meatripper Axes
10 x Bloodreavers (70)
- Meatripper Axes
5 x Flesh Hounds (100)

5 x Skullreapers (180)
- Goreslick Blades
5 x Skullreapers (180)
- Goreslick Blades
5 x Wrathmongers (140)

Gore Pilgrims (140)

Endless Spells / Terrain / CPs
Hexgorger Skulls (40)

Total: 1990 / 2000
Extra Command Points: 1
Allies: 0 / 400
Wounds: 146

Appreciate all the help :).

Edited by Vonzki
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