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AoS 2 - Blades of Khorne Discussion

Gaz Taylor

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Ok, got my list:




2 skull cannons

2 soul grinders

3 units of Bloodreavers


Garrek’s Reavers

Magore’s Fiends

Khagra’s Ravagers




I may consider dropping the Wrathmongers to get Soulsnare Shackles and still have 100pts left; maybe a Mindstealer Sphyrinx. Just have to figure out how to drop into Battalions, but it focuses on the big monsters shooting, shackles to stop charges, speed bump reavers, Scyla works around anti-charge/Sentinel hunting, and all those tiny units give Blood Tithe points easily (as written, the Ravagers are bought as a single unit but split into 4 upon hitting the table). And Fecula is nigh-unkillable with her bodyguards and bigger threats. Three access points to +1 to save (two wizards, one priest). Summon Bloodthirsters when possible. 

Edited by TimeToWaste85
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26 minutes ago, Zamik said:

What are people's thoughts on Magore's Fiends/Riptooth now? I like the idea of using the Goretide Ever Onwards ability along with the natural re-roll charge ability from Riptooth to send a very tight unit of them flying into the enemy. Plus they have gorefists and Magore has two rend-1 weapon profiles. They can also be good for padding out your number of Khorne units for the coalition rules. And you can put them in the Battle Regiment core battalion so their two drops can be offset.

I very much like Magores fiends. A small unit of blood warriors is a great throw away unit stop a charge or horde and deal some MW in return. Riptooth is excellent as one of the best, maybe even the best, sacrifice targets in the book. You can 2 or 3 blood tithe from him, which is really useful at any stage of the game. Especially turn 1 if you can’t get into combat. I think the increased number of drops in armies will help justify them.

I used them a lot in AoS 2 and think they will stay in AoS 3 in a mortal list

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36 minutes ago, TimeToWaste85 said:

(as written, the Ravagers are bought as a single unit but split into 4 upon hitting the table).

Can you explain where you see this? Magore's Fiends I get, since Riptooth and Fiends are specifically called out as being separate warscrolls/units that have to be bought as a set, but I'm looking at the Ravager warscroll and it says one unit with four models.

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20 hours ago, ledha said:

Oh yeah i saw that.

Damn as someone who ran demon prince general +3 priests with jugements and 3x5 skullreapers in slaughterborn my list got absolutely destroyed

hey !! that was my list !! .. pff i had 30 bloodwarriors too with the horde reduction but now my list sucks and no rend reduction. I'm rushing to paint bloodthirsters, sould grinders and slaughterbrute

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6 minutes ago, Pyrk said:

Can you explain where you see this? Magore's Fiends I get, since Riptooth and Fiends are specifically called out as being separate warscrolls/units that have to be bought as a set, but I'm looking at the Ravager warscroll and it says one unit with four models.

Yup, look on the points page in general’s handbook; second sentence says “although taken as a set, each is a separate unit”. Until they change it, RAW it works. And MAN will I spam that 35pt Sorc and 30pt warrior BT points!

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7 minutes ago, TimeToWaste85 said:

Yup, look on the points page in general’s handbook; second sentence says “although taken as a set, each is a separate unit”. Until they change it, RAW it works. And MAN will I spam that 35pt Sorc and 30pt warrior BT points!

Huh, I hadn't seen that aspect of the GHB. Carry on then!

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18 minutes ago, Pyrk said:

Huh, I hadn't seen that aspect of the GHB. Carry on then!

My list has 20 potential BT points. The only big stuff has a serious threat range and can dish it out in ranged or melee. No reason between my units and their’s that I can’t summon up to 3 ‘Thirsters if I wanted to. And I’m pretty confident that it’s one of those lists where the cohesion isn’t immediately obvious and will catch opponents with their pants down. 

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I never looked at those Ravagers, Reavers, and Fiends from Underworlds.  Sounds like some good tricks perhaps.  I just picked up the GHB today; looks like I won't be able to ally in my Plague Priest now as he's not Maggotkin of Nurgle, just Nurgle.  

My army right now has:

Korgos Khul

2x Bloodsecrators

2x Slaughterpriests (or they can be spawn, as they're converted spawn with a big axe and armor)


Skar Bloodwrath

2 Daemon Princes

2 Khorgoraths

2x10 Bloodwarriors w Gorefists

1x5 Flesh Hounds

2x5 Skullreapers

Then I have my 3x3 Bullgors w greataxes and 3x3 w axes and shields to sprinkle as desired, but I don't think it's ever worth reinforcing such a big based unit with 1" reach.

I'm working on a kitbashed Skarbrand, but certainly looks like I might need another monster.  Soul Grinder seems like a winner there!  

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So what's people's thoughts on "drop wars"? In my above list I had 6 drops and I thought to myself if I can't get 4 or less it is even worth taking the 1 drop? If I moved things around I could get an extra artifact and 2 extra CP (2 warlord batallions instead of one Command) and then also take my 3 excess units (bulls, blood warriors, and wrathmongers) into a hunters of the heartland batallion for immunity to monstrous actions. Real benefits I can guarantee to my army wheras if I have 6 drops and my opponent has 5 I've just given up all the potential bonuses in order to still give them choice of first or second.


Seems like any more than 2/4/6 drops it stops being worth the gamble, but how powerful IS priority in round 1 and how tight do your drops have to be to compete in that phase of the game?

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I have a legit theory that Khorne is the Chaos book in October.

There are 3 hints in the fluff areas of the core rulebook that suggest this

pg 32

"Khorne is made stronger by every conflict, for he is rage incarnate - and with the recent eruption of barbarism in Ghur, his potency increases once more...."

pg 45

"Ghur's fall began with skirmishes and hunting parties that killed for the sake of killing, but ended in a realm-wide war between man, beast and greenskin. When the gore flowed so thick that one could no longer tell friend from foe, the true scions of the Brazen God became manifest. The savage tribes found themselves fighting not only horned creatures of flesh and blood - fierce but at least obeying the brutal logic of tooh and claw - but hideous, otherworldy daemons that sent the lands spiralling ever further down into an abyss of dark and senseless slaughter. The fight for survival that had typified the Realm of Beasts became more desperate and bleak than ever before, as the land itself, awoken by so much spilt blood, brought its deadly hunger to bear."

pg 183, last two sentences:

"Now, as a new and savage era begins, Khorne is poised to ascend once more. The Era of the Beast suits him well, and all who thought to profit from his past setbacks will be a taught a bloody lesson."

Compile this that Khorne got absolutely nothing in Broken Realms.

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18 hours ago, Zamik said:

What are people's thoughts on Magore's Fiends/Riptooth now? I like the idea of using the Goretide Ever Onwards ability along with the natural re-roll charge ability from Riptooth to send a very tight unit of them flying into the enemy. Plus they have gorefists and Magore has two rend-1 weapon profiles. They can also be good for padding out your number of Khorne units for the coalition rules. And you can put them in the Battle Regiment core battalion so their two drops can be offset.

No idea. I converted one Magore and Riptooth into Mighty Lord of Khorne and another into Exalted Deathbringer. I love the sculpts but I think their rules are relatively bad. I would not play them.

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Two questions regarding FAQ:

In Core rules I think they wrote priests can do one prayer plus one invocation.

20.3.1 SUMMONING INVOCATIONS In your hero phase, you can attempt to summon 1 invocation with each friendly Priest. When the prayer used to summon the invocation is answered, the invocation is set up on the battlefield as described on its warscroll. If any restrictions make it impossible to set up the invocation, then the prayer is not answered

Now with FAQ people seem to think it is either one "regular" prayer or one invocation. Which is it?

Does Wrath-Axe disappears every time it deal damage or only if I roll a 6 on the second damage effect? From the FAQ wording it looks like it is the latter.

Edited by frenk_castle
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Regarding invocations : do they work like endless spells, aka activate in each hero phase, or only in "our" hero phase ?

The rules say they work like endless spell but doesn't say anything about their activation process, it's not very clear for me.

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8 minutes ago, frenk_castle said:

Two questions regarding FAQ:

In Core rules I think they wrote priests can do one prayer plus one invocation.

20.3.1 SUMMONING INVOCATIONS In your hero phase, you can attempt to summon 1 invocation with each friendly Priest. When the prayer used to summon the invocation is answered, the invocation is set up on the battlefield as described on its warscroll. If any restrictions make it impossible to set up the invocation, then the prayer is not answered

Now with FAQ people seem to think it is either one "regular" prayer or one invocation. Which is it?

Does Wrath-Axe disappears every time it deal damage or only if I roll a 6 on the second damage effect? From the FAQ wording it looks like it is the latter.

It is either Invocation or Prayer, which in my opinion is quite a nerf concidering that Invocations disappear quite fast on their own compared to Endless Spells. You can only chant 1 prayer and you summon invocations by doing exactly this.

Wrath Axe and Incon only disappear on a roll of 6 when checking the effects grade.

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13 minutes ago, ledha said:

Regarding invocations : do they work like endless spells, aka activate in each hero phase, or only in "our" hero phase ?

The rules say they work like endless spell but doesn't say anything about their activation process, it's not very clear for me.

From the FAQ I read they move at the start of the controlling players hero phase.

After this invocation is set up and at the start of each of their hero phases, the commanding player can move this invocation as if it were a model with a Move characteristic of 8" and that can fly.

So the way I read it we get to move it when we set it up originally and at the start of each of our subsequent hero phase. 

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10 minutes ago, Charleston said:

It is either Invocation or Prayer, which in my opinion is quite a nerf concidering that Invocations disappear quite fast on their own compared to Endless Spells. You can only chant 1 prayer and you summon invocations by doing exactly this.

Wrath Axe and Incon only disappear on a roll of 6 when checking the effects grade.

I thought that will be the case. That my understanding was wrong.

Even if you say that slaughter priest that could do Bronzed Flesh, Blood Boil and Wrath-Axe in one hero phase was to strong for 100 points this seems like quite a nerf considering Slaughter priest went to 110 if I remember correctly.

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2 hours ago, frenk_castle said:

No idea. I converted one Magore and Riptooth into Mighty Lord of Khorne and another into Exalted Deathbringer. I love the sculpts but I think their rules are relatively bad. I would not play them.

Riptooth gives you a cheap dispel and the rest of the unit is small enough to fly under the radar (especially in Goretide with a ‘Stoker) where they can be flung across the map into a squishy target that will hopefully net you a few BT points. All the underworld units have a place at Khorne’a table; small and relatively squishy BT points. 

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50 minutes ago, TimeToWaste85 said:

Riptooth gives you a cheap dispel and the rest of the unit is small enough to fly under the radar (especially in Goretide with a ‘Stoker) where they can be flung across the map into a squishy target that will hopefully net you a few BT points. All the underworld units have a place at Khorne’a table; small and relatively squishy BT points. 

If you look at them as BT then I agree. I was more looking at them rules wise as a unit that may actually do something besides die. I do not like them. But I could be wrong off course. I was wrong more then once in my life. :)

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4 minutes ago, frenk_castle said:

If you look at them as BT then I agree. I was more looking at them rules wise as a unit that may actually do something besides die. I do not like them. But I could be wrong off course. I was wrong more then once in my life. :)

It’s a small thing, but Magore’s and Garrek’s squads are both Goretide; take the Goretide army, throw in a Stoker, and send them after small artillery pieces or wizards. Both units will mulch crew/wizards. Or even Skaven Weapon Teams. If you can only Unleash Hell once/turn, make them throw it away on a tiny unit. With a smaller board, Goretide-flung units of Reavers and Blood Warriors (Garrek and Magore count for these) are going to be great. 5-6” move, 9” run (stoker bonus+goretide flat 6”), 2D6+3” charge. And re-roll to wound rolls. They’re solid wizard hunters and they look unassuming. 

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9 hours ago, AresX8 said:

I have a legit theory that Khorne is the Chaos book in October.

There are 3 hints in the fluff areas of the core rulebook that suggest this

pg 32

"Khorne is made stronger by every conflict, for he is rage incarnate - and with the recent eruption of barbarism in Ghur, his potency increases once more...."

pg 45

"Ghur's fall began with skirmishes and hunting parties that killed for the sake of killing, but ended in a realm-wide war between man, beast and greenskin. When the gore flowed so thick that one could no longer tell friend from foe, the true scions of the Brazen God became manifest. The savage tribes found themselves fighting not only horned creatures of flesh and blood - fierce but at least obeying the brutal logic of tooh and claw - but hideous, otherworldy daemons that sent the lands spiralling ever further down into an abyss of dark and senseless slaughter. The fight for survival that had typified the Realm of Beasts became more desperate and bleak than ever before, as the land itself, awoken by so much spilt blood, brought its deadly hunger to bear."

pg 183, last two sentences:

"Now, as a new and savage era begins, Khorne is poised to ascend once more. The Era of the Beast suits him well, and all who thought to profit from his past setbacks will be a taught a bloody lesson."

Compile this that Khorne got absolutely nothing in Broken Realms.

All good points but I'd counter argue its Nurgle because they still have a 1st edition book and no endless spells as I recall. I mean it does better than our book but it wasnt even updated in 2.0 was it?

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Hello Khorne folks,

I am a LoFP player and I have been in search of a hammer daemon monster. We use to have the Vermin Lord Corruptor as our 10 attack murder machine. FAQ prevents us from using the skaven book so we lost his high melee (10) and command ability that allows him to reroll hits. The LoFP gang have an artifact that triggers on a 5+ on hits for d3 MW. Pretty strong. Well, now that he is gone I have been looking at Bloodthirsters. Wrath of KBT looks like a good candidate. 6 non-profiled attacks with 5+ MW (sequence stops). CA that allows for re-roll....it's interesting and looking for your experience with him.

I am also looking at the Rage version but with a different artifact. We have another artifact that allows for rerolling saves. And he might be a good candidate for this setup. My question for him is how effective is his 6 roll on wounds effect? If he could be a bit more tanky would he be better? I plan on teaming him up with a unit of bloodcrushers. I am worried about his lack of shooting. 

What is the BT Meta these days with the 3.0/FAQ changes? Be'lakor thanks you!

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Painted up my chaos lord on karkadrak conversion and put together some "Khorngor" wrathmongers.


EDIT: realized after looking him over he isnt done done but I've got a whole army to paint so hes tabletop standard until I finish everyone. Then I'll go back and do the final details and basing at the same time.



Edited by The Red King
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13 hours ago, Charleston said:

It is either Invocation or Prayer, which in my opinion is quite a nerf concidering that Invocations disappear quite fast on their own compared to Endless Spells. You can only chant 1 prayer and you summon invocations by doing exactly this.

Wrath Axe and Incon only disappear on a roll of 6 when checking the effects grade.

Read again the FAQ warscrolls about our jugements. They are uterly sh*t now.

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6 hours ago, Gristlegut said:

My question for him is how effective is his 6 roll on wounds effect? If he could be a bit more tanky would he be better? I plan on teaming him up with a unit of bloodcrushers. I am worried about his lack of shooting. 

What is the BT Meta these days with the 3.0/FAQ changes? Be'lakor thanks you!

The Insensate Rage Thirster can be an absolute murder machine game winner. If you charge him to the right place and get a couple of 6's on the wound roll he can decimate half an army. 6-8 mortal wounds will cripple most units and take out any supporting heroes nearby. His biggest issues are: 4+ to hit (less of an issue now with all out attack) and the swingy nature of D6 damage (Ive had combats where he didnt roll any 6's to wound and did 3 damage overall).

Survivability is not this guy's concern. Rerolling saves is nice, a 5+ ward from amulet of destiny is probably better. Either way he will go down so the trick is to do as much damage before he does. The artifact for D3 mortal wounds on 5+ to hit sounds awesome as he will be a mortal wound machine. Remember he rerolls 1's to hit on the charge which will help proc that artifact.

I would not recommend putting bloodcrushers in your list. 3 of them do nothing, 6 of them suffer from coherency and are way overcosted for what they do. I would screen the thirster with 5 x flesh hounds. They can screen better and get you an extra unbind.

As for the Meta? Way too early to say. We know thirsters will benefit from the new hero and monster abilities so that only adds to their effectiveness. We also know shooting is still very strong and now unleash hell is a thing so make sure you send in a chaff unit first to soak up any shots before charging the thirster in. 

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