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AoS 2 - Blades of Khorne Discussion

Gaz Taylor

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Chaos warshrines are just so much better then a priest now ah.  Not much more points and actual survivability. It’s just such a gamble taking a judgement with a slaughterpriest when 6 wounds can be shot or mortal wounded off the board. If only Marauders we battleline, we’d be in fairly good shape I’d say.

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I am planning on a priest and a shrine. The priest is only really in the list because of bloodbind. It’s so useful to pull a unit off and objective it in range of something. I’ll have a blob of marauders to take advantage of the shrine which will act as a vehicle for curse

Going to try a couple of times with the skulls if I can

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2 hours ago, Praecautus said:

I am planning on a priest and a shrine. The priest is only really in the list because of bloodbind. It’s so useful to pull a unit off and objective it in range of something. I’ll have a blob of marauders to take advantage of the shrine which will act as a vehicle for curse

Going to try a couple of times with the skulls if I can

Also at least the shrine or the priest will grt sacrifice to maximise bloodtithe. Moving, charging and attacking in hero phase is really useful to avoid redeploy and unleash hell.

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Hey someone named Tyler Macdonald just came 4th in a 37 person tournament (toowoomba open '21 in Australia) using blades of khorne with some odd choices against what looks like a pretty competitive top 5. Does anyone know if he has a blog or anything cause I'd love to know his thoughts.

Edited by The Red King
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4 hours ago, The Red King said:

Hey someone named Tyler Macdonald just came 4th in a 37 person tournament (toowoomba open '21 in Australia) using blades of khorne with some odd choices against what looks like a pretty competitive top 5. Does anyone know if he has a blog or anything cause I'd love to know his thoughts.

I found his list on Reddit

 Tyler Macdonald 


- Slaughterhost: Reapers of Vengeance

- Grand Strategy: Beast Master

- Triumphs:


Be'Lakor, the Dark Master (360)***

- Allies

Wrath of Khorne Bloodthirster (310)**

- General

- Command Trait: Mage Eater

- Artefact: Skullshard Mantle

Skarbrand (380)*

Bloodsecrator (125)*

- Artefact: The Brazen Rune

Skarr Bloodwrath (105)*


10 x Bloodreavers (80)**

- Meatripper Axes

10 x Bloodreavers (80)**

- Meatripper Axes

10 x Bloodreavers (80)**

- Meatripper Axes


5 x Wrathmongers (155)**

5 x Wrathmongers (155)***

10 x Gors (75)*

- Gor-Blades & Beastshields

5 x Centigors (90)***

Core Battalions


**Battle Regiment

***Command Entourage - Strategists

Additional Enhancements



Total: 1995 / 2000

Reinforced Units: 0 / 4

Allies: 360 / 400

Wounds: 132

Drops: 8

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29 minutes ago, Praecautus said:

He’s a very good Khorne player and well known for playing thirster lists, so this seems a variation of that. I couldn’t say how it worked, I don’t do thirster lists 😀

Yeah it all mostly makes sense. I'm mainly confused about skarr, a unit of gors, and a unit of centigor. They seem like a random assortment of units though Centigor CAN be nice just for how fast they are I suppose and Skarr has synergy with wrathmongers but it still feels like a sub optimal way to spend those points.


That said he went 4-1 and the other top 5 lists were very tight competitive lists so I assume he knows better than I do lol. That's why I was wondering if he had a blog or YouTube or anything.

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1 hour ago, The Red King said:

Yeah it all mostly makes sense. I'm mainly confused about skarr, a unit of gors, and a unit of centigor. They seem like a random assortment of units though Centigor CAN be nice just for how fast they are I suppose and Skarr has synergy with wrathmongers but it still feels like a sub optimal way to spend those points.


That said he went 4-1 and the other top 5 lists were very tight competitive lists so I assume he knows better than I do lol. That's why I was wondering if he had a blog or YouTube or anything.

Haven't heard of a blog or anything for him, but from my own experience in 2nd edition Skarr is pretty fantastic. The synergy with wrathmongers is solid, and the threat he poses to objectives can definitely skew the game. Definitely seems worth 105 points to me if you have a couple units of mongers. 

For the beasts, I'm assuming the gors are just there as a slightly cheaper version of blood reavers to get some models on the table and hold objectives. The list is pretty light on bodies and extremely light on resilience, so the more bodies the better. Plus I'd say gors are better than reavers most of the time, so I'm sure he'd be taking more if he didn't have to fulfill the battleline requirements. Centigors are probably the fastest units we have access to and with two attack profiles they synergize reasonably well with the bloodsecrator. I'd assume they're being used for objective grabbing since they can also pack a good enough punch to threaten weak backline units. 

The general trend of the list seems to be having as many cheap bodies as possible for trading objectives and then bringing out the heavy hitters when the opponent commits. Theoretically the khorne player is 'forced' to take first turn, grabs the minimum objectives to score, and then the opponent has to put more points on the objectives since pretty much everything costs more than reavers. Khorne sends in whatever can kill the new units, like wrathmongers with fight on death or a thirster, then the opponent has to commit heavy hitters to kill them, and then skarbrand comes in and mops up pretty much anything in the game. Should work pretty well until the opponent first wave is too tanky to kill without skarbrand or your dice spike low and you fail to take control of objectives. Or your opponent takes first turn and alpha strikes off all your cheap chaff.

I've been trying to think of something similar since khorne can in theory trade really well. We have cheap bodies, and we actually get powered up when trading for objectives while our opponent gets worn down. I was thinking of trying to run 6 units of reavers and maybe some flesh hounds for actual screening. Only problem I'm finding is we really need to have those hard hitting units which means I'll have to buy another thirster, and I lost all desire to do that when GW kicked the price up on them a few years ago. 

Edited by Grimrock
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Skarr is a decent addition. He makes the wrathmongers into a painful roadblock. Plus his deepstrike is very handy combined with a summon.

Gors are surprisingly tricksy and there are better things to target

Reavers are a cheap way to screen and grab objectives. Again no threat so no one will target then

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I could always swapping a Slaughterpriest to try skarr but with only 5 wrathmonghers I feel like the priest blessing my 6 minotaur will do more for me but having someone to just throw to his death for blood tithe and to threaten objectives and to serve as a locus to summon from (he's a hero right and that's all it takes?)

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6 minutes ago, Fuchur said:

Hi all,


got my first game against Nurgle Demons in a few days and I absolutely don`t know what to expect. Any advices? I`ll go heavy Thirsters incl. Skarbrand.


Expect debuffs, I’d take killing frenzy to negate -1 to hit. Decent magic but limited + to casting in my experience, I’d take some anti magic or decent unbinds. Heaps of potential for mortal wounds when they take damage on their daemons. 

I’ve had a lot of luck just screening up and timing my waves. Double screen Skarbrand to protect yourself against a double turn. If you get him in under your terms you’ll do well. BoIR can struggle with their debuffs a bit. 6” pile in works well.

Watch out for plague drones, they can stack heaps of attacks on them. If you take out the GUO they lose a lot of buffs. The smaller daemon support  hero’s are really good and they can summon them back. They close the gap reasonable quick.

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11 hours ago, Joseph Mackay said:

I have a quick question about running purely Khorne daemons, is it better to run Khorne allegiance or legion of the first prince?

my opinion of Khorne allegiance is that it wants you to take mortals to get the most from it (prayers for example)

As always it is a matter of taste.

Legion provides you with a truckload of different Warscrolls for different ocasions, provides you quite some resistance with armywide 6+ and resummoning.

Khorne allows you to take some nice mortals as buffers (Bloodsecrator and Priest), gives you a Summon mechanic and also additional tactical options (countercharged in herophases, fight during hero phase, auto unbind. while all are expensive in terms of ressources, all can turn the game when placed well)

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5 hours ago, Troll.exe said:

I suspect he’s using Be’lakor to get Skarbrand into combat round 2 regardless of shooting. The brazen rune on the bloodsecrator Makes me think he’s attempting to keep Skarbrand at +2attacks. Going for the classic - biggest damage combo in all of AoS

How does Belakor increase Skarbrands speed of engagement?

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8 hours ago, The Red King said:

How does Belakor increase Skarbrands speed of engagement?

Not his speed, his survivability. I suspect Be’lakors Main role in that list is to negate a strong unit, in unfavourable matchups, for 1 turn. Allowing Skarbrand to close the gap and make it into combat every battle.

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12 hours ago, Skarband said:

Hello guys next week I will take part in the tournament 2000 points scenarios: Feral Foray, The Vice, Tectonic Interference I would love to try my strength with mighty Skullcrushers I have their 18 question what else to put in the list will many top armies help?

I’d do something like this,

The flayed

warlord and command entourage battalions 

Jug lord - general


Bloodsecrator - Brazen rune

Daemon Prince - amulet of destiny

Slaughterpriest -

blood sacrifice 

 Aspiring Deathbringer - the slaughterhelm


3x6 Mighty Skullcrushers

5x Skullreapers 



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Hej guys,

one of the reason I do not like playing my Khorne army right now is the fact that it was one of my very early AoS armies and the paintjob is neither finished, nor good. Threfore I consider repainting it. All at once. Best case in a solid batch. Unlike Sylvaneth or Nighthaunts Khorne has the little downside of brokats, different textures and materials (Flesh/Armour) within models which makes a 24h-let-me-paint-and-airbrush-that paintjob quite hard to achive. I want to try it anyway and hope some of you have maybe some cool ideas and inspirations (if possible with pictures).

So tl;dr: How would you speedpaint a Khorne army?

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6 hours ago, Charleston said:

Hej guys,

one of the reason I do not like playing my Khorne army right now is the fact that it was one of my very early AoS armies and the paintjob is neither finished, nor good. Threfore I consider repainting it. All at once. Best case in a solid batch. Unlike Sylvaneth or Nighthaunts Khorne has the little downside of brokats, different textures and materials (Flesh/Armour) within models which makes a 24h-let-me-paint-and-airbrush-that paintjob quite hard to achive. I want to try it anyway and hope some of you have maybe some cool ideas and inspirations (if possible with pictures).

So tl;dr: How would you speedpaint a Khorne army?

I know this isn't going to be the answer you want, but if your primary issue with the army is you don't like the paint job then I don't think a 24 hour speed paint where you finish everything as fast as possible is the answer. If 20+ years in the hobby has taught me anything it's that anything done well takes time. I'm not saying you need to spend 5 hours a model or anything, but If you want a quality paint job that makes you excited to play then I'd recommend you buckle down and do the work required to get there.

I have no air brush experience, but you can cut a few corners with a brush. A solid base coat of skin (a couple thin coats) and a wash of agrax earthshade can look pretty good. Similarly doing your leather with contrast paints can be pretty striking with minimal effort. If I were going to try to paint as quickly as possible I'd try this: base coat everything not metal with a light skin colour and everything metal with a silver metallic. Use one or two brown contrast paints on the areas that aren't going to be skin at the end (since you've base coated them with a flesh tone it won't be as bright as warpseer grey for example, but it will still work), and a different contrast paint over any metal armor you want to colour (contrast over metallics is my favourite use for them, especially a cherry red metallic). Then do a wash of agrax earthshade over all of it and you're more or less done.

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You could also stylize it with a sort of noir/comic theme, where you prime black, then zenithal top spray red, drybrush brighter red then pickout edge metals then some bloodspatters and white teeth/eyes.

Basically all the techniques to quick-paint other armies but with the right mix of colors to present like a style choice. I'm not an expert but could be an option. Ive recently seen it applied online to the cursed city undead if you are looking for reference.

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Short question, if I combine the 6 inches Pile In from UF Bloodthirster with double attack from Reapers, how far can I pile in the second time I attack?Another 6 inches as long as there is an enemy whithin 3 inches who triggers the double attack? Or just flat 3?

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17 minutes ago, Fuchur said:

Short question, if I combine the 6 inches Pile In from UF Bloodthirster with double attack from Reapers, how far can I pile in the second time I attack?Another 6 inches as long as there is an enemy whithin 3 inches who triggers the double attack? Or just flat 3?

Nope.  Only 3 on the second one.

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