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AoS 2 - Blades of Khorne Discussion

Gaz Taylor

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How about this:

 - Army Faction: Blades of Khorne

  - Subfaction: Goretide


Lord of Khorne on Juggernaut (140)

  - General

  - Command Traits: Hew the Foe

  - Artefacts of Power: Gorecleaver

Bloodsecrator (125)

  - Artefacts of Power: Thronebreaker’s Torc

Slaughterpriest (110)

  - Prayers: Curse

Bloodstoker (85)

Bloodthirster of Insensate Rage (280)


6 x Mighty Skullcrushers (340)

6 x Mighty Skullcrushers (340)

6 x Mighty Skullcrushers (340)


3 x Magore’s Fiends (125)

1 x Riptooth (125)

5 x Centigors (90)


TOTAL POINTS: 1975/2000

Created with Warhammer Age of Sigmar: The App

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I need some advice. I will be playing unoptimised Stormcasts in about two weeks time. By unoptimised I mean no Fulminators or Lingstrikes and probably Sequitors for battleline. One thing that "worries" me is Gotrek. I promised my friend a "showdown" between Gotrek and Skarbrand.

The list I will be playing is:

- Army Faction: Blades of Khorne
     - Grand Strategy: Sever the Head/ Hold the line
     - Triumph: Inspired
Slaughterpriest (110)*
     - Hackblade and Wrath-hammer
     - Prayers: Bronzed Flesh
Slaughterpriest (110)*
     - Bloodbathed Axe
     - Prayers: Killing Frenzy
Skarbrand (380)*
Mighty Lord of Khorne (125)
     - General
     - Command Traits: Berserker Lord
     - Artefacts of Power: Gorecleaver
Bloodsecrator (125)
Bloodstoker (85)
10 x Bloodreavers (80)*
     - Reaver Blades
10 x Bloodreavers (80)*
     - Reaver Blades
5 x Flesh Hounds (105)*
10 x Blood Warriors (190)
     - Goreaxe and Gorefist
3 x Bloodcrushers (130)*
1 x Khorgoraths (110)
3 x Mighty Skullcrushers (170)
     - Ensorcelled Axe
5 x Skullreapers (195)
 -  *Battle Regiment
 -  Battle Regiment
TOTAL POINTS: 1995/2000
Created with Warhammer Age of Sigmar: The App
Beside these units I have Exalted Deathbringer with a spear, 30 bloodletters, bloodmaster, skulltaker, karanak and all three invocations. Any suggestions how to tackle the angry duarding? Or should I just ignore him?

Edited by frenk_castle
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5 hours ago, Battlefury said:

Hello Ladies & Gentlemen,

I am just coming to the forum every few weeks / months and I got a question to see, if I will be abscent from the game more:

Is the army still garbage? ( competetive gameplay )


Answer is unfortunately yes. With the changes to Grand Alliance Blades of Khorne are weaker competitively and they were not in great place to begin with.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I finally played a game of AoS 3. It was pretty alright. A lot of the stuff I was afraid would bog down the game or be really cumbersome was not an issue. I'm still nervous about how much grand strategies and battle tactics score compared to objectives though.

I played 750 points with some skullfiend Khorgoraths. They did pretty well. I was disappointed in my skullreapers. I feel like Wrathmongers would be a better overall pick. I was playing against Soulblight Gravelords against another learner, so I don't think the actual game really said a lot. 

However, the system wasn't bad. I enjoyed the game and was afraid I wouldn't. I'll probobly play some more 750 games before graduating to 1k and using the real battlepack. 

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2 hours ago, kahadin said:

I finally played a game of AoS 3. It was pretty alright. A lot of the stuff I was afraid would bog down the game or be really cumbersome was not an issue. I'm still nervous about how much grand strategies and battle tactics score compared to objectives though.

I played 750 points with some skullfiend Khorgoraths. They did pretty well. I was disappointed in my skullreapers. I feel like Wrathmongers would be a better overall pick. I was playing against Soulblight Gravelords against another learner, so I don't think the actual game really said a lot. 

However, the system wasn't bad. I enjoyed the game and was afraid I wouldn't. I'll probobly play some more 750 games before graduating to 1k and using the real battlepack. 

Wrathmongers can shine if no mortals are needed to get past your opponents save roll. Skullreapers meanwhile suffered from their point costs. 

Glad to hear you had some good first impressions so far :)

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Got an opportunity to play a couple games of Warhammer with my uncle this weekend. For the most part I got it handed to me by his KO army, but in shorter games (i.e., a tournament where you get 2.5-3 hours for a game) I think this list can hang around. 

My List:


Allegiance: Khorne
- Slaughterhost: The Goretide
- Grand Strategy: Hold the Line
- Triumphs: Bloodthirsty

Aspiring Deathbringer (85)*
- Goreaxe and Skullhammer
Bloodsecrator (125)***
- General
- Command Trait: Hew the Foe
- Artefact: Thronebreaker's Torc
Bloodsecrator (125)*
- Artefact: The Brazen Rune
Bloodstoker (85)***
- Artefact: Talisman of Burning Blood
Bloodstoker (85)*
Slaughterpriest (110)***
- Prayer: Bronzed Flesh

10 x Bloodreavers (80)
- Reaver Blades
10 x Bloodreavers (80)
- Meatripper Axes
10 x Bloodreavers (80)
- Meatripper Axes
10 x Bloodreavers (80)
- Meatripper Axes
10 x Bloodreavers (80)
- Meatripper Axes
10 x Bloodreavers (80)
- Meatripper Axes

5 x Skullreapers (195)**
- Daemonblades
- 1x Soultearers
5 x Skullreapers (195)**
- Goreslick Blades
- 1x Spinecleavers
5 x Skullreapers (195)**
- Daemonblades
- 1x Soultearers
5 x Wrathmongers (145)***
5 x Wrathmongers (145)***

Core Battalions
*Command Entourage - Magnificent
**Hunters of the Heartlands

Additional Enhancements

Total: 1970 / 2000
Reinforced Units: 0 / 4
Allies: 0 / 400
Wounds: 166
Drops: 17

A pretty standard mortals list here I think, basically it's focused on maximizing attacks and buffs with the Wrathmongers, Double Bloodsecrators and Bloodstokers and the Aspiring Deathbringers CA. 

My Uncles List:


Allegiance: Kharadron Overlords
- Sky Port: None
- Grand Strategy:
- Triumphs:

Kharadron Code
- Artycle: Settle The Grudges
- Amendment: Always Take What You Are Owed
- Footnote: There's No Trading With Some People

Aether-Khemist (90)
- General
- Command Trait: Collector
- Artefact: Spell in a Bottle

- Warp Lightning Vortex (90)

Aetheric Navigator (95)
- Artefact: Svaregg-Stein Illuminator Flarepistol
Arkanaut Admiral (125)

10 x Arkanaut Company (100)**
- 1x Skypikes
- 1x Light Skyhooks
- 1x Aethermatic Volley Guns
10 x Arkanaut Company (100)**
- 1x Skypikes
- 1x Light Skyhooks
- 1x Aethermatic Volley Guns
10 x Arkanaut Company (100)**
- 1x Skypikes
- 1x Light Skyhooks
- 1x Aethermatic Volley Guns

1 x Grundstok Gunhauler (155)**
- Main Gun: Drill Cannon
1 x Grundstok Gunhauler (155)**
- Main Gun: Sky Cannon

Arkanaut Ironclad (490)**
- Main Gun: Great Sky Cannon
- Great Endrinworks: Zonbarcorp 'Dealbreaker' Battle Ram
Arkanaut Frigate (250)*
Arkanaut Frigate (250)*

Core Battalions
*Alpha-Beast Pack
**Battle Regiment

Total: 1910 / 2000
Reinforced Units: 0 / 4
Allies: 0 / 400
Wounds: 112
Drops: 6

I hate this list. It's some silly KO spell-in-a-bottle garbage, you basically just put all your foot troops into the ships and uses fly high to teleport your big 'ol fleet wherever you want, whenever you want, guns a' blazin' at all times and chuck the spell in a bottle whenever you feel it necessary. This list got 2nd with another guy at a major AoS tourney called the Old Town Throwdown if I recall correctly.

I ended up going 1-1-1, we played each game under a 2.5 hour time limit, but couldn't quite finish the 3rd game because we ran out of time.  I'll give a quick synopsis, but I'm not going to go into detail with a turn-by-turn recap of every game, a. because I'm too lazy and b. I've already forgotten anyway, but I'm going to give my thoughts on my list and where Khorne is at as an army right now.

I think I would have ended up winning the 1st game, we hadn't decided to play with a 2.5 hour time limit yet, so we played the full game and I lost. However, I was ahead on points by the time 2.5 hours were up, so in a tourney that would have gotten me the win, with the caveat that my Uncle might have played differently with a time cap. The battleplan was The Vice, but by Round 4 I was pretty much tabled after he got the double turn so we decided to call it and start another game.

The 2nd game's battleplan was Survival of the Fittest, we played for a little over 2.5 hours (to give us both a turn in Round 3) and ended up battling to a draw. My Uncle almost won the game on a walkoff Predator Unit snipe in the bottom of turn 3. I had taken my 3 units of skullreapers as the predator units for this battleplan, and he had already shot off 2 of them with some of his Predator units for 2 VP. In the end though, my last Skullreaper unit tanked a whole bunch of shooting from his assorted fleet of ironclads and survived with 1 wound left, which meant that we tied.

The 3rd game's battleplan was Feral Foray, and I got SMOKED. In the first 2 games, I was actually able to kill his aether khemist while he was inside the ship before he could drop that stupid spell in a bottle, but I wasn't so lucky this time. He was finally able to use his Warp-Lightning-Vortex-Spell-in-a-Bottle-Shenaniganry and nuked basically the whole left side of the board which had 3 units of bloodreavers, 2 units of skullreapers, a unit of wrathmongers and a Bloodsecrator, although my ‘secrator was fine after he tanked everything like a champ thanks to Brazen Rune. I couldn't get the dispell after 2 of my hero phases so it just kept going off and the rest of my dudes got blown off by his cowardly shooting, so that was that. 

Ok, so now for my thoughts. The only thing I killed in his entire army in 3 whole games was his aether khemist, which I killed twice. I killed like 8 arakanauts in the 3rd game and sort of scratched maybe one or two of his ships a game. This list is a really rough match up for Khorne, it has everything we hate, good shooting, fast movement and good saves. Especially given the fact that his ironclads can just fly high whenever the hell they want to get out of combat and then come back down and shoot basically means that I can never get him stuck in melee combat for more than 1 turn.

Playing against this army pretty much feels like a wild goose chase, you stay behind cover to not get shot but can't contest objectives, if you try and charge at him to contest objectives you get lit up by shooting, and then when you finally get there and charge him Unleash Hell ruins your day and he gets to drop bombs on you. After all that, if you've still got models left in melee combat, you'll get a turn of fighting and then he'll fly high or retreat or whatever and you get to do it all over again. 

Overall I feel alright about this list, I don't think my Uncle's army really gave me a fair shot at seeing what's it got, but I think it's about as good as you can do for Khorne right now, outside of spending over $500 and going all in on Bloodthirster spam (which I am NOT up for).

As we all know, Khorne is in a bit of a rough spot right now. I feel a large part of this is our lack of a clear path for a competitive list for this army. We’re too slow to Alpha strike, and much too squishy to be a Beta strike army, so we’re sort of stuck in this limbo land where we can only get halfway to anything competitive. Hopefully we’ll get a new battletome in the next year or so that will bring us new rules and fun ideas to try out. Getting us to a good spot isn’t too hard for GW, something as simple as making the Goretide CA usable on all bloodbound units instead of just blood warriors and ‘reavers would be a game changer (Imagine yeeting a fat block of skullreapers or wrathmongers into your oppenets face turn 1, yeah sure it wouldn’t catapult us into the top tiers competitively, but I bet it’d at least be a lot more entertaining). Or if GW is really cool they could give us army wide run and charge for Goretide (GW please it’s thematic and fits). Give us something to help us out against shooting armies (like a slaughterpriest prayer that gives -1 to hit for ranged weapons wholly with 16”), give us some solid point drops across the board and give bloodletters 2” range (I literally measured the length of their arms and swords and it’s like almost 2”) oh yeah and make it so all your blood tithe doesn’t suddenly go *poof* when you use a reward and this army could be really fun.

Anyway, enough wishful thinking, I’m taking this list to a tournament next weekend, it’ll be my first Warhammer tournament ever so I’m excited to see how things go. It’s a small local 3 game tournament, so hopefully I won’t see too many Meta breaking SCE dragons or cowardly Sentinels and I’ll actually be able to get some decent games in with my beloved plastic children.

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On 1/22/2022 at 10:24 PM, kahadin said:

I finally played a game of AoS 3. It was pretty alright. A lot of the stuff I was afraid would bog down the game or be really cumbersome was not an issue. I'm still nervous about how much grand strategies and battle tactics score compared to objectives though.

I played 750 points with some skullfiend Khorgoraths. They did pretty well. I was disappointed in my skullreapers. I feel like Wrathmongers would be a better overall pick. I was playing against Soulblight Gravelords against another learner, so I don't think the actual game really said a lot. 

However, the system wasn't bad. I enjoyed the game and was afraid I wouldn't. I'll probobly play some more 750 games before graduating to 1k and using the real battlepack. 

Versus wich army did you play? What units did your opponent use? Wich scenario did you play?

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@ogarrah Im guessing with so many units of reavers and just generally getting shot up that you were swimming in bloodtithe. So how did you use it? Whats your summoning pool like? Using the hero phase move can help to chase down KO but overall you are pretty slow without any flesh hounds, thirsters or fast coallition units like chaos knights. 

Also dont assume you would have been given the win for your first game in a tournament setting capped at 2.5 hours. Ive seen instances where the TO has run thorugh some hypotheticals such as the players rolling for priority and then talking through their actions before determining a result. If it was apparent that your uncle was going to wipe you if another round was played they may very well have ruled it a win for him (all depends on the TO of course).

Totally agree Khorne is in a bad place. Not enough speed or offensive power, basically no defence. Some ability to deny magic but the strongest casting armies will still get their spells off anyway. Bloodtithe is a useful toolbox but having to choose bewteen summoning or a buff when no other army has to make this choice really hurts, especially on top of being the only army where the points reset to zero after any are spent.  

New tome cannot come soon enough, although I dont know how motivated GW are to do it given we were left out of broken realms and it would be a surprise if they were to add new models to the range given its not that old compared to many others. 

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16 hours ago, Agent of Chaos said:

@ogarrah Im guessing with so many units of reavers and just generally getting shot up that you were swimming in bloodtithe. So how did you use it? Whats your summoning pool like? Using the hero phase move can help to chase down KO but overall you are pretty slow without any flesh hounds, thirsters or fast coallition units like chaos knights. 

Yes, I had quite a bit of Bloodtithe. I think using that effectively is something I need to work on, I used it almost entirely on summoning, usually bloodletters because I just needed bodies on the table. What happens to me is I wait too long to start summoning once my BT count starts getting pretty high, so I hit the cap during my opponents turn and waste bloodtithe. I also agree that this list lacks some fast-ish screen units, I might play with fitting in some doggos somewhere in the future.

16 hours ago, Agent of Chaos said:

Also dont assume you would have been given the win for your first game in a tournament setting capped at 2.5 hours. Ive seen instances where the TO has run thorugh some hypotheticals such as the players rolling for priority and then talking through their actions before determining a result. If it was apparent that your uncle was going to wipe you if another round was played they may very well have ruled it a win for him (all depends on the TO of course).

That's a very good point, I'll definitely keep that in mind this weekend when determining how aggressively I play early in the game. I'll see if I can ask the TO what his policy is on that.

16 hours ago, Agent of Chaos said:

New tome cannot come soon enough, although I dont know how motivated GW are to do it given we were left out of broken realms and it would be a surprise if they were to add new models to the range given its not that old compared to many others. 

Speaking of which, GW made an announcement on their battletomes for this year, the first 4 are Idoneth, Fyrelslayers, Nighthaunt and DoK, but this summer they're releasing 1 as-of-yet unkown order battletome and 1 unknown Chaos battletome, so we could be up next, but I have a feeling it's probably going to be BoC or Skaven because all other chaos factions have all had new tomes relatively recently. 

Age of Sigmar Roadmap – Chart Out the Next Four Battletomes (Or Is it Six?) - Warhammer Community (warhammer-community.com)

They hinted at "Chaos flavored mischief" at the end which makes me think it could be those stupid little rats that get a new tome instead of us, because "mischief" is much more of a Skaven thing than Khorne, but I'm totally just grasping at straws. Don't give me hope GW... 

Anyway, thanks for the input!

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Yeah I think Skaven is the most likely new chaos tome. They are a bit of a mess at the moment and havnt had an update in ages. 

Beasts also a good shout before Khorne, although GW doesnt seem to care about them either so could be us after the rats.

GW could also go some way towards fixing khorne with a proper white dwarf update:

  1. Bloodtithe doesnt reset when spent; and
  2. Khorne specific grand strats and battle tactics that aren't garbage.
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  • 2 weeks later...

Has anyone caught the leaks for the Beasts of Chaos White Dwarf update? Some pretty cool stuff in there;

  1. massive boost to the herdstone (now a table wide rend 1, (increasing to rend 2 from turn 3 onwards) and units in range now rally on 4+ instead of 6; and
  2. A set of monstrous actions for BoC monsters which for the most part get around Hunters of the Heartland because they dont target the enemy unit, buffing the monster itself instead.

Until now most of the white dwarf updates have been fairly uninspiring but this is a pretty decent and much needed buff for BoC and so has me thinking (and hoping) that Khorne might get a similar buff via white dwarf (as our new tome seems very far away).

So what are some realistic buffs/changes we might get via white dwarf? Based on the above I'm guessing/hoping for something like;

  1. Monstrous actions for Bloodthirsters that make them more reliable (extra damage would be nice as D3/D6 sucks) or perhaps even a ward save for that combat;
  2. Increase the spell debuff range for the shrine, even make it table wide (as wizards rarely get within 16" of it). We are meant to be the anti-magic army afterall so how about a permanent -1 to casting when you fight against khorne? Maybe it permanently increases to -2 once you reach 8 bloodtithe for the first time? 
  3. Instead of the daemon locus, make it an army wide reroll 1's to hit (mortals and daemons). Dual wielding bloodwarriors/reavers could be given an extra attack so their current reroll 1's arent made redundant. DOK already do this by turn 2 or 3 so it has precedent, and means we at least have one static allegiance ability active without needing to spend bloodtithe (plus it mirrors slaanesh's army wide exploding 6's and Nurgle's army wide 5+ ward). Still the weakest of the 4 Gods but its something and one less wholly wihtin aura for us to worry about. I'd love to go harder with this buff (e.g. reroll all hits, or 6's to hit do mortals, etc) but I'm trying to keep it realistic.

Its not much but its definitely something . Anyone else got any ideas/hopes/dreams? At least GW has shown its possible to give a meaningful buff via white dwarf...

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On 2/10/2022 at 3:15 PM, Agent of Chaos said:

Its not much but its definitely something . Anyone else got any ideas/hopes/dreams? At least GW has shown its possible to give a meaningful buff via white dwarf...

Yeah I would love to see the changes you suggested implemented, at the very least I think GW can make it so that BT doesn't reset when spent, but it would also be really cool if they updated the rewards in general, only the first 4 are viable for their price and it would be cool to get some new mechanics. Past that, here are some stretch goals/ideas I had for updates:

1. Either a new subfaction OR

2. An update to one or multiple subfactions (i.e. make the Goretide CA usable on all Khorne units)

3. Maybe some new prayers or an update for the slaughterpriest

4. Something, ANYTHING to help against shooting armies

None of these are too realistic, it's likely that if we get a white dwarf we'll just get some battle tactics/grand strategies and maybe some battle trait or warscroll update, but anything significant will have to wait for a new battletome which *could* be next summer (it's likely going to be skaven though smh) or at the earliest we'll get a new 'tome next fall. Something to keep in mind is we didn't get a single thing in Broken Realms, so either A. GW has forgot about us or B. We're due for a rules update of some sort soon (either a battletome or white dwarf)

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Some ideas, though I think all our scrolls need a rewrite as they were written for a game that had 6+ modified MWs and different coherency rules and much less power level.


Blood tithe should be based on models slain (skulls collected) 8 models = 1 bloodtithe. More for heroes / generals etc

No respite army wide ability, do not remove casualties from units until the start of the battleshock phase

Bloodreavers should have +2" range if they charge

Bloodthirsters/bloodletters should hit on 2+ since they should are the epitome of martial skill, MW on 6 to wound


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  • 2 weeks later...
On 2/10/2022 at 4:15 PM, Agent of Chaos said:

Its not much but its definitely something . Anyone else got any ideas/hopes/dreams? At least GW has shown its possible to give a meaningful buff via white dwarf...

Haven't played Khorne for a while (played 5 years straight before taking a break), but I've been getting inspired to take them back up because of the new total war game. My ideas for new/different army abilities: 

1: A 6+ save to ignore spell effects as an innate ability or perhaps a short ranged unbind. Khorne hates sorcery, if some free guild boys can will magic away, Khorne should to. Maybe make the daemons do it on a better roll and keep flesh hounds doing a normal unbind on top of that.

2: A 6s to hit doing an additonal attack feels very Khornate, but Slaanesh already has taken that. So, a prayer or ability to increase damage (which I feel ironjaws also stole from our metaphorical toolbox) or +1 to wound rolls might be sufficiently different.

3: Stat increases. The warriors of the god of war should be the deadliest foes to face in melee. Touching an operational khorne star should be a death sentence. Nothing in the army should hit on 4s except maybe that shooting bone tentacle from khorgoraths. Make most of the daemons hit on 2s and the big clunky attacks hit on 3s. We're pretty slow already (not nurgle slow though), make us hit like a freight car. Give bloodletters more attacks! Poor buggers are pretty much the worst infantry available. (at least according to my tests) Hardly fitting for Khone's chosen.

4: Obviously make it so you don't lose all excess blood tithe points and, since we're wish listing, don't cap us at 8. All the blood tithe!

5: 32mm bases hurt nowadays, make the reavers, bloodletters, and blood warriors be able to fight more effectively. Not sure how beyond an increase to range.

6: Maybe some very powerful buff that makes the unit have to move forwards as far as it can and charge the closest enemy unit. Maybe just something to buff our speed generally.

7: Exalted daemon units to compete with the mortal infantry better. Khorgorath kit. Maybe a second version from it too. Plastic bloodletter hero, and lord on juggernaught. Since we're wish listing, I'd like a more dynamic blood warriors kit too. I know they're relatively new, they just feel more akin to the old chaos warrior models. Slowly marching. None of this will happen, but I can dream

8: Make Khorne's shields do something. A 4+ spell ignore? A 6++? Not sure what, but I'd like them to matter again. Maybe make blood warriors able to have them with an upgrade sprue. (Had to add one to honor Khorne XD).

Hope you all are having a lovely week.

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I would love some innate Khorne buffs, perhaps associated with the shrine. A flat reroll 1s to hit is a good idea as well as a flat -1 to cast from the Altar, which could be increased to -2  in round 3 like the herdstone. Another rule I would like is a +1 attack bonus on the charge, which is easy to do and fits the army`s character.

Furthermore, Monstrous Actions for Bloodthirsters that address their weakness would be great, like a -1 to hit in CC or extra attacks or damage or strike first. A Bloodthirster as the epitome of Murder should be a little scarier.

Against shooting: How about changing the Blood Rain from the Blood Tithe table to a flat -1 to hit for all missile weapons? And of course, not having to spend all Bloodtithe at once.


Other rules that would be cool, but really powerful (too powerful?)

Instead of hit reroll, 6s to hit do Mortal Wounds.

An army-wide rule that makes the rest of the unit frenzied after models in CC have died this turn. So if a unit has lost models in this CC phase, the units rerolls to Hit rolls or gets a +1 to hit.


Oh, and Blood Warriors only need slight changes to become a good pick: Wound on 3s, Rend -1. Boom, very good unit.

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On 2/25/2022 at 3:31 PM, aquenaton said:

so every time it gets sniped or too far behind, all our glorious warriors drop their axes and start using pillows.

just typing here to say you made me laugh and cry at the same time.

To answer the rest, all of our warscrolls are in bad shape and we need a battletome. Yeah we are able to win sometime but only by stretching the rules and using some warscroll from another book. I just hope we won't end in summoning army.

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So I've been looking at Khorne for a bit and I have a question - is there any rule I've missed saying you can't put Arcane Tome on a Blades of Khorne hero? I mean I'm not entirely sure it's worth it since you're probably bringing a Bloodsecrator whose forced rerolls work on all wizards, and you explicitly can't have coalition wizards at all (in the FAQ), but I feel like there's a sentence somewhere I've overlooked that stops you throwing the tome onto a Slaughterpriest and stacking +2 to save between Bronzed Flesh and Mystic Shield.

Edited by Dogmantra
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1 hour ago, Dogmantra said:

So I've been looking at Khorne for a bit and I have a question - is there any rule I've missed saying you can't put Arcane Tome on a Blades of Khorne hero? I mean I'm not entirely sure it's worth it since you're probably bringing a Bloodsecrator whose forced rerolls work on all wizards, and you explicitly can't have coalition wizards at all (in the FAQ), but I feel like there's a sentence somewhere I've overlooked that stops you throwing the tome onto a Slaughterpriest and stacking +2 to save between Bronzed Flesh and Mystic Shield.

Nope. I like to imagine one of the bloodthirster is secretly a nerd and hides his book in a bunch of skulls so his jock buddies don't beat him up. 

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