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AoS 2 - Blades of Khorne Discussion

Gaz Taylor

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On 3/17/2022 at 10:08 PM, Troll.exe said:

So after being left out of broken realms and let down over 2 quarterly updates and a white dwarf release, how about some positive speculation?

The rumour engine on the 22nd of feb is a new valkia sculpt. She’ll be the new hero released with the battlebox in conjunction with our new tome. Based on the dates of the Nighthaunt rumour engine compared to the tome release date, my hot pick is 9-12months from now. 

Whats that you say? We just had a white dwarf update, that means there’s no tome on the horizon.

Nighthaunt had their white dwarf update in December and their tome is up next.

After adepticon is practically confirmed that is not valkya unfortunely, but a CSM unit


Did a game vs a stormcast this week, 3 bt and a bloodsecreator got shoot off the board turn 1


I really hate aos atm xD

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We were all allowed to hope for Valkia and GW was more than merit to desillusion us :D


Yeah, currently AoS suffers from the lower pace, but to be fair, we had this vice versa with 40k about 1-2 years ago, with AoS beeing sweet and hyped and 40k suffering a low release pace

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What do you guys think of this list? I haven't run more than 1 thirster before and would appreciate any tips. My meta swings wildly from one end of the competitive spectrum to the other. Thanks for any help. (I'm experienced with my mortals, but only now am I really trying the big daemons)
1925pts, Bloodlords, 126 wounds, 11 drops, ** = hunters of the heartlands, ++ = warlord


++ Wrath of Khorne bloodthirster - General, + 4"move trait, collar of Khorne
++ Blodsecrator
++ Bloodsecrator
++ 10 bloodreavers
** 10 Blood warriors - 2 axes (for aesthetic reasons)
** 10 bloodreavers
** 10 bloodreavers
10 bloodreavers
Bloodthirster of insensate rage - always strikes first artifact
Bloodthirster of insensate rage
Bloodthirster of unfettered fury

I acknowledge that I don't have the mortal wound output to stop 1+ save stormcast nonsense, or the Ymetrica list someone started directly after I made this. Xp It has flexibility though. It puts a heavy hit to most magic from enemy armies (Teclis and Tzeentch excluded) and the strikes first guy is ludicrously strong. It also feels like it has a good number of bodies with a little extra meat where needed. The large aura heal is a nice bonus if I have a command point spare and the re-rolls to wound are nice. Easier to use than the double pile in faction too, I feel.
The plan is to screen out the board until I can line up the flank sweep with the thirsters. Reavers offer surprising damage by the secrators (against medium to low armor). They can even screen clear ... mostly. XD They buy time for the thirsters, so the same plan competitive Khorne has had for years. xP It's my first time using thirsters though and I feel good about the list. (Right up until I get flame storm breathed into oblivion XD) (Yes, my area has a guy running most of the LVO winning list. Tried a single thirster once and had the witch Hunter kill him in 2 turns. Damage 4 shooting! *runs away screaming*)
Hopefully I can report success from the RTT next weekend. Wish me luck. XD
Hope you have a lovely weekend, for Khorne!!! 
(I like to imagine it's having a lovely weekend at the blood god's decree.)

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So last weekend I hit up adepticon and took blades of khorne for fun ( even got best in faction, granted I think there was 2 of us)

All 3 of my games I lost were close (2 points down each). Every game I was able to complete 4 battle tactics and my grand strategy. Just need to squeeze out that 5th tactic to close the gap.

My thoughts are that the skullcrushers were amazing objective holders. And spending blood tithe points on moving in the hero phase is by far the best use of them. ( Really helps make sure people fail broken ranks or slay the warlord or reposition for other battle tactics) having king of blades on the bloodthirster really helps him be less swingy when going after big priority targets preferably monsters that are heros. 

The new trait to ignore spells on a 6 went off 9 times over my 5 games which ended up being more useful then I expected.  Next time my blood reavers will have axes they were still on the painting table sadly.

 - Army Faction: Blades of Khorne

  - Grand Strategy: Hold the Line

  - Triumph: Inspired


Bloodthirster of Insensate Rage (280)

  - Artefacts of Power: Ar’gath, the King of Blades

Bloodsecrator (125)*

Lord of Khorne on Juggernaut (140)*

  - General

  - Command Traits: Disciple of Khorne

  - Artefacts of Power: Gorecleaver

Slaughterpriest (110)*

  - Hackblade and Wrath-hammer

  - Prayers: Bronzed Flesh

Slaves to Darkness Daemon Prince (210)***

  - Daemonic Axe and Malefic Talons


Bloodreavers (80)*

  - Reaver Blades

Bloodreavers (80)**

  - Reaver Blades

Mighty Skullcrushers (340)**

  - Ensorcelled Axe

Mighty Skullcrushers (340)**

  - Ensorcelled Axe


Wrathmongers (145)***

Wrathmongers (145)***


1 x Skull Altar (0)


 - *Warlord

 - **Hunters of the Heartlands

 - ***Vanguard

TOTAL POINTS: 1995/2000

Created with Warhammer Age of Sigmar: The App



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15 hours ago, TheArborealWalrus said:

What do you guys think of this list? I haven't run more than 1 thirster before and would appreciate any tips. My meta swings wildly from one end of the competitive spectrum to the other. Thanks for any help. (I'm experienced with my mortals, but only now am I really trying the big daemons)
1925pts, Bloodlords, 126 wounds, 11 drops, ** = hunters of the heartlands, ++ = warlord

  Hide contents

++ Wrath of Khorne bloodthirster - General, + 4"move trait, collar of Khorne
++ Blodsecrator
++ Bloodsecrator
++ 10 bloodreavers
** 10 Blood warriors - 2 axes (for aesthetic reasons)
** 10 bloodreavers
** 10 bloodreavers
10 bloodreavers
Bloodthirster of insensate rage - always strikes first artifact
Bloodthirster of insensate rage
Bloodthirster of unfettered fury

I acknowledge that I don't have the mortal wound output to stop 1+ save stormcast nonsense, or the Ymetrica list someone started directly after I made this. Xp It has flexibility though. It puts a heavy hit to most magic from enemy armies (Teclis and Tzeentch excluded) and the strikes first guy is ludicrously strong. It also feels like it has a good number of bodies with a little extra meat where needed. The large aura heal is a nice bonus if I have a command point spare and the re-rolls to wound are nice. Easier to use than the double pile in faction too, I feel.
The plan is to screen out the board until I can line up the flank sweep with the thirsters. Reavers offer surprising damage by the secrators (against medium to low armor). They can even screen clear ... mostly. XD They buy time for the thirsters, so the same plan competitive Khorne has had for years. xP It's my first time using thirsters though and I feel good about the list. (Right up until I get flame storm breathed into oblivion XD) (Yes, my area has a guy running most of the LVO winning list. Tried a single thirster once and had the witch Hunter kill him in 2 turns. Damage 4 shooting! *runs away screaming*)
Hopefully I can report success from the RTT next weekend. Wish me luck. XD
Hope you have a lovely weekend, for Khorne!!! 
(I like to imagine it's having a lovely weekend at the blood god's decree.)

I run 3 BTs + Skar.  I prefer Hounds to Reavers for battleline.  The Reavers may be board control and they're easy Tithe, but the Hounds get Unbinds, more movement, slightly better attacks, and reroll 1s near BTs.  However, I did definitely run into a numbers problem in a couple match-ups.

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Fellow Blood Good followers. I have a query... Slaughterbrute. In the AoS app I can only find the Slaughterbrute under the coalition ally option as a Slaves to Darkness unit. Obviously it has the Khorne keyword. My query is this...

The warscroll states that you can pick a Slaves to Darkness Hero to be it's master. Does this mean using this in a BoK that it doesn't have a master. I'm sure there used to be a specific warscroll for a Slaughterbrute of Khorne.

All help appreciated. Thank you.

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My area had a tournament and we discussed how Khorne should change there. Not talking about warscrolls, but the allegiance abilities. We didn't want to make something similar to what has been done by other armies, so there isn't competition with the likes of warclans, slayers, or other melee factions. (I also am doing this because I suggested a 6+ vs spells and we immediately got it ... in our terrible update. Hoping this one goes better. Xp)

1st: All Khorne units get +1 attack to melee profiles on the turn they charge. (Or are charged was discussed, but the second allegiance ability we felt more than made up for that.)

2nd: Whenever a Khorne unit is slain by a melee attack, (or perhaps just slain) it may pile in and attack before being removed. Is this incredibly powerful? Yes. This would make Khorne like no other faction. Don't upgrade the damage/attacks too hard. Make them feel better, but no hard-core upgrades. Khorne is about the grind in this version. Might be too powerful with the thirsters, but testing would be needed.

3rd: Keep the 6+ spell ignore. I like the idea of daemons and shielded units (skullkrushers basically) getting a 5+ instead.

4th: Blood tithe. It's powerful. It's unique. It's fun. Keep it mostly the same. Keep the change from abilities for quality of life purposes.

Thoughts? I know they likely won't do anything with it, but I was going to take the feedback (on allegiance abilities, not warscrolls. Lord knows the help the warscrolls need. Not what this one is about.) and send it to GW. ... Then pray? Maybe this is just a fun exercise. Hope y'all have a good week.

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13 hours ago, TheArborealWalrus said:

1st: All Khorne units get +1 attack to melee profiles on the turn they charge. (Or are charged was discussed, but the second allegiance ability we felt more than made up for that.)

Honestly I think you could just change this to +1 attack on all profiles and you'd be ok. With the way coherency has changed in 3rd edition we're losing a bunch of attacks anyway. Maybe if it were too strong then rework the bloodsecrator to do something other than extra attacks like your shielding idea on #3.

13 hours ago, TheArborealWalrus said:

2nd: Whenever a Khorne unit is slain by a melee attack, (or perhaps just slain) it may pile in and attack before being removed. Is this incredibly powerful? Yes. This would make Khorne like no other faction. Don't upgrade the damage/attacks too hard. Make them feel better, but no hard-core upgrades. Khorne is about the grind in this version. Might be too powerful with the thirsters, but testing would be needed.

I really like this idea, it's already a bit of a staple on khorne but giving it to everyone would be really fluffy. Honestly it makes more sense too. Being super angry all the time doesn't make you fight any better, in all likelihood the exact opposite as you're more likely to make mistakes, but it might help keep you moving just long enough to take someone with you. I don't think it'd be too strong either, blood warriors already have it and they're still total trash. Even bloodthirsters would be fighting at bottom bracket when they die (at least they do in the current rules) so they're not doing a ton of damage. Maybe a little broken on Skarbrand but then again he should be terrifying to get into combat with. 

13 hours ago, TheArborealWalrus said:

3rd: Keep the 6+ spell ignore. I like the idea of daemons and shielded units (skullkrushers basically) getting a 5+ instead.

4th: Blood tithe. It's powerful. It's unique. It's fun. Keep it mostly the same. Keep the change from abilities for quality of life purposes.

Agree on both of these. Like most people I'd want to see the tithe change so you don't have to spend everything every time you use it. I'd also like to see some more thought go into the 8th level as the current rule is just never relevant. Having an army buff that shows up when you've typically lost more than half of your army just isn't worth it. Maybe make it a big damage effect like the brass meteor on steroids. I'm imagining something like the giant flaming sword ability from total war 3. Pick a non-hero unit (khorne doesn't like character sniping, they're the best fights and deserve to get into combat), it takes 8 mortal wounds and any enemy non-hero unit within 8" takes d8 mortal wounds on a roll of a 4+. Then they could bundle a d8 into the khorne dice pack haha. 

Also as an aside for anyone that hasn't played total war 3 yet and loves khorne, you should totally pick it up. The game has some launch issues but Khorne feels absolutely amazing in the game. Going on massive map wide rampages, summoning in hosts drawn to the slaughter of our enemies, and playing as Skarbrand just all feels so right. Watching Skarbrand just rush in and drop kick people to death while throwing his axes in rage and screaming fire at people makes me so happy.

Edited by Grimrock
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If we are going to stay with little to no rend, low damage and poor saves/no wards, then I maintain that fighting first on the charge would not be unreasonable. That and unspent bloodtithe staying in the bank would just about do it. 

Agree that the 8th level needs reworking as its a bit of a slap that we need to spend 8 tithe to do what Slaanesh already does naturally. If it was +1 damage across the board then that would make up for the fact that half the army is dead by the time it activates. Also if unspent tithe was banked it would potentially become more viable to activate it sooner.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
13 hours ago, Azlak the Damned said:

Any chance one of the will be a BoK battletome this year?

The Summer chaos tome one is almost certainly Skaven based on the "sneaky" comment in the community article and the fact they havnt had a tome in a long time, no white dwarf tome celestial and their list building is a bit of a mess. Plus there was a new skaven underworlds warband released so thats a safe bet.

We know the Autumn chaos tome wont be slaves and slaanesh is incredibly unlikely as they have the most recent tome (even though they are very much in need of fixing). This puts khorne in a 3 way race with Beasts and Tzeentch. Beasts of Chaos had a very significant tome celestial update so it would appear they are set for a while. Tzeentch is the only one of those not to have a tome celestial article which strongly indicates they are the next to get a tome. However Tzeentch is still going strong in the competitive meta and given how uselss the khorne WD update was, on top of how poorly it is performing in the meta, we must be in with a shot. 

So is there a chance? yes, but we arent favourites by a long shot.

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  • 4 weeks later...
On 4/29/2022 at 4:40 PM, Troll.exe said:

RIP Bloodslick ground. But damn there is some interesting stuff in here. Chaos Chosen look badass



Whoa, that's some big changes!  Does that say 8 attacks on the Talons?  At least the Princes will rock some increased damage and a ward save.  Really didn't want to make anything Nurgle but for my StD army that looks like the best one, perhaps Undivided as well.  Shame they lost natural Strike First.  I also hope they have more face options in the kit, not liking the one in the picture.

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On 6/4/2022 at 2:10 PM, Lord Krungharr said:

Whoa, that's some big changes!  Does that say 8 attacks on the Talons?  At least the Princes will rock some increased damage and a ward save.  Really didn't want to make anything Nurgle but for my StD army that looks like the best one, perhaps Undivided as well.  Shame they lost natural Strike First.  I also hope they have more face options in the kit, not liking the one in the picture.

Damage is kind of a wash overall. You no longer get a weapon and a talon, you have to pick between the two. So instead of 4 sword and 3 claw attacks it's just 8 claw attacks, and no rend or chance for mortal wounds really hurts. The hope is that the allegiance abilities will make the prince playable in S2D but that still won't help in Khorne at all. Odds are there won't be a place for him in any of the god marked armies, which is a shame.

On the plus side it does indeed have different heads, they showed them off during the 40k portion. They all look dramatically better than the AoS head. 

5 hours ago, DrThunder said:

Coalition units still benefit from non allegiance based buffs? Killing Frenzy, Crimson Haze, etc....

Yeah I'm pretty sure that only the tithe table and slaughterhosts were changed to the blades of khorne keyword. As long as the rule only specifies khorne then anything with that keyword gets it. 

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8 attacks with no rend, 1 dmg is a joke. No longer fights first or +1 to hit on the charge. Went up to 10 wounds yet no monster keyword and now can't benefit from cover or look out sir (6+ ward is OK but doesnt make up for this). No command abilities, just a heroic action (which is used at the expense of any other heroic action you might need) for a minor buff. Only the Nurgle one has a meaningful role against some hard to shift opponents (Gottrek, Fire Slayers and, ironically, Maggotkin of Nurgle being the main ones).

We dont yet know what the God Marks or sub factions will do however as it stands the new daemon prince can't fight and doesnt buff the units around them so there is no role for them in a god marked army and seems doubtful they will even have a role in their own faction. 

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15 hours ago, Agent of Chaos said:

8 attacks with no rend, 1 dmg is a joke. No longer fights first or +1 to hit on the charge. Went up to 10 wounds yet no monster keyword and now can't benefit from cover or look out sir (6+ ward is OK but doesnt make up for this). No command abilities, just a heroic action (which is used at the expense of any other heroic action you might need) for a minor buff. Only the Nurgle one has a meaningful role against some hard to shift opponents (Gottrek, Fire Slayers and, ironically, Maggotkin of Nurgle being the main ones).

We dont yet know what the God Marks or sub factions will do however as it stands the new daemon prince can't fight and doesnt buff the units around them so there is no role for them in a god marked army and seems doubtful they will even have a role in their own faction. 

Just to be sure it's clear, the talons are 2 damage not 1. The linked image is a bit blurry so it's hard to tell, but if you google for a high res version of the leak it's definitely 2 damage. With that being said it's still way too early to be making a call on how well he'll do in S2D itself. 8 attacks at a 3+/3+/-/2 is a profile that's just begging for a good artifact to take it over the top. Look at the lord on Karkadrak, he has 5 attacks at the same profile and when when he had access to the -3 rend artifact he was an absolute rockstar. Add in a good trait and keep similar buffs for the marks and the double claw prince could absolutely be top tier. Or maybe he drops to 150 points and becomes the gold star in bargain bin heroes.


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I really have no idea what will be done for Blades in the next book.  I like the anti-magic theme, but without martial prowess, it means very little. 

Perhaps to reflect that, and their propensity of spreading rage and bloodthirstyness, they could somehow prevent enemies from retreating, parry enemy blows, add an attack upon charging, attack first.....all perhaps in their own set of army-wide Command Abilities (or even Blood Tithe usages? if the points don't go away after just one thing is chosen).  All of that would ease the burden of most daemons and mortals not being super rendy or high damage?  Just better at chopping away in general?  And of course still negating spells, making them just plain not-successfully-cast (as opposed to successfully unbound, cuz ****** you Teclis!)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Whats everyone's thoughts on the latest GHB changes?

On one hand it will be nice for units like Blood Warriors and Blood Letters to fight in 2 ranks with the option of counting as 3 models on objectives (or to instead have them doing extra damage to enemy battleline).

On the other hand there is no point fighting in 2 ranks, counting as 3 models on objectives or doing extra damage if you're dead so I dont think the new rules really fix their inherent issues. 10 Blood Warriors fighting and doing no damage is the same as 5 blood warriors fighing for no damage. The game is also incentivising players to run larger units which does not combo well with blood tithe.

Overall I think it will be another tough season for Khorne. 

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Yeah the main thing I'm kind of excited for is 2 damage bloodletters that can fight in two ranks, but they're still squishy and slow. They can do some pretty significant damage so I'd like to take a shot at least. I agree though overall it feels like a tough spot. If the bounty hunter battalion isn't limited to battleline then skullreapers or wrathmongers couple be pretty scary, but I think that's pretty unlikely. 

On the plus side this definitely hurts the ranged meta. Most of the good shooters will now die significantly faster and have very few benefits to compensate. If the meta skews away from shooting and hero sniping in general then there's a chance for Khorne to at least climb back up closer to those mid range win rates. Extremely unlikely we'll be winning lots of events but every little bit helps. 

Edit: nevermind, looks like the bounty hunters battalion leaked on the AoS subreddit. You can only have one battalion, but no requirements for the members to be veterans. Wrathmongers are seeming pretty tasty as they usually wanted to go into infantry anyway. Leaning hard into Skullcrushers or Bloodcrushers also seems like a good idea as they can be battleline without risking getting hit by the opponent's bounty hunters.

Edited by Grimrock
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