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AoS 2 - Blades of Khorne Discussion

Gaz Taylor

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Every little bit helps. At 150pts now it seems worthwhile throwing a priest and skulls into every list, especially since the bloodsecrator can summon the skulls from the altar while the priest does a buff prayer. 

120 for Riptooth & Magores Fiends seems good if you want some cheap bloodtithe. Skullcrushers, Skullreapers and Wrathmongers are all good options for Bounty Hunters, maybe some allied chaos knights too. Not sure if this redeems Bloodcrushers but at 130 they are one of the cheapests non veteran options for the extra dmg and not copping it in return.

Anyone else seeing anything of note in the point drops? 

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One of my main issues in the past been has been, once Skarbrand and your skullreapers are down, there’s nothing really left that does any damage with save stacking. Seems like Bloodletters are an auto include for me now. Probably 2 or 3x20. 20 two ranks deep with a bloodsecrator will do work and if you lose some key threats you can throw some CPs at them to really kick it up a level.

Khorne is definitely still in trouble moving forward but having punchy battleline instead of just screens is a bit of a buff.

Off the top of my head I’ll be running something like this




daemon prince

3x20 bloodletters

5 fleshhounds



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It is nice to see they're finally adding something on that should have been there from the start back in first edition. Don't know if it'll much of an impact, but it should certainly feel nicer. I'm imagining simple stuff like you might grab a command point if you don't have anything better to do at the start of a turn or maybe it'll be more likely you end up the big summons. One potentially interesting point though, based on the wording I think most of the table is limited to a single use at the start of the hero phase but as far as I can tell there's no limit to the number of times you can use the spelleater curse. Might be worth banking as many points as you can and just totally shutting down some of the more obnoxious spellcasters on a clutch turn.

Decided to try writing up a list. It feels awkward due to needing to take the lord of khorne on juggernaut as the general to avoid taking too many gelato veterans, but I think this is where I'd start:

Allegiance: Khorne
- Slaughterhost: Reapers of Vengeance
- Grand Strategy: None Chosen
- Triumphs:

Lord of Khorne on Juggernaut
- General
- Command Trait: Mage Eater
- Artefact: Skullshard Mantle
Bloodsecrator (125)***
Bloodstoker (85)***
Slaughterpriest (110)*
- Bronzed Flesh

Wrath of Khorne Bloodthirster (310)*
- Artefact: Arcane Tome (Universal Artefact)
- Universal Spell Lore: Flaming Weapon

3 x Mighty Skullcrushers (170)*
- Bloodglaives
3 x Mighty Skullcrushers (170)***
- Bloodglaives
3 x Mighty Skullcrushers (170)***
- Bloodglaives
30 x Bloodletters (345)**
- Reinforced x 2

5 x Wrathmongers (145)**
5 x Wrathmongers (145)**

Endless Spells & Invocations
Hexgorger Skulls (60)
Wrath-Axe (85)

Core Battalions
**Bounty Hunters
***Battle Regiment

Total: 2060 / 2000
Reinforced Units: 2 / 4
Allies: 0 / 400
Wounds: 143
Drops: 8

Points come out to 1990 after all the reductions, which is decent but as usual the drops weren't significant enough to actually do anything useful even though the vast majority of units in this list got cheaper. Amounted to adding in a wrath axe that can only be cast if someone is garrisoning the altar. I'd lean hardest to remove the bloodthirster but I'm not sure what else would work for those points. Being able to re-roll hits on the bloodletters helps ensure you're getting optimal damage and he can do some good work himself. 

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"It is nice to see they're finally adding something on that should have been there from the start back in first edition." @Grimrock farking amen brother!!!

Something I noticed about Spelleater Curse. It says the spell is not successfully cast, as opposed to the spell being auto unbound. That would mean abilities that trigger on a spell being cast (such as fate points or the +1 save on phoenixs) would not proc. I think this is a change on the previous wording but could be wrong. 

Edited by Agent of Chaos
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37 minutes ago, Agent of Chaos said:

@Grimrock it does suck having to take juggerlord at all, let alone as general, but totally understand the reasoning to avoid too many gally vets. 

However I beleive you need 2 priests in order to take 2 judgements.

You're right, didn't consider you can only take one per priest. Man that makes the skull altar 'buff' even worse. You have to take the priests to get the judgement in the first place, why would you chant it with another hero? I guess maybe on the off chance one of them dies but still. Lame. 

Ok yeah in that case drop the axe and I don't know... Maybe plug in a unit of bloodreavers that sits on the back line to hold objectives? Feels bad but might help in some scenarios. More likely to just give up battle tactics though. 

Also I noticed that wording for the skulls when I was looking at my book earlier so I don't think it has changed. Super handy though, I didn't realize it but it also gets around Teclis and his can't be unbound rule. Possibly the spell in a bottle as well.

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Hello everyone! Time has come to spend some money on beautiful models. I ask your opinion about this list I thought (and partially already bought / painted) to know if I will be ridiculously weak facing other armies and I not making a mistake making this purchases. I am not planning to be winning tournament, but I want to have opportunities to be clever and win at least some matches here and there.

The theme of the army is: "The hunt of Khorne" (Dogs, horses, monsters!)



Allegiance: Khorne

Slaughterhost: Reapers of Vengeance

Grand Strategy: Pillars of Belief

Triumphs: Bloodthirsty



Bloodthirster of Insensate Rage (280)
General - Command Trait: Mage Eater
Artefact: Skullshard Mantle

Bloodsecrator (125) (already painted)

Slaughterpriest (100) (already painted)
Prayer: Blood Sacrifice

Bloodstoker (80) (already painted)

Slaves to Darkness Daemon Prince (210)
Mark of Chaos: Khorne

Chaos Lord on Karkadrak (225) (already painted)
Mark of Chaos: Khorne


10 x Bloodreavers (80) (already painted)
Reaver Blades

5 x Flesh Hounds (105)

5 x Flesh Hounds (105)

5 x Flesh Hounds (105)

5 x Chaos Knights (170) (already painted)
Cursed Lance
Mark of Chaos: Khorne

5 x Chaos Knights (170)
Cursed Lance
Mark of Chaos: Khorne


Chaos Warshrine (215) (already bought)
Mark of Chaos: Khorne
Prayer: Killing Frenzy

TOTAL: 1970/2000 WOUNDS: 129


For the strategy: Priests and Chaos lord and Bloodstocker buff knights tagged hunters to kill enemy lines across battlefield, I dont know if cursed lances or enchanted weapons are better.
Bloodthister and demon prince hunt for enemy threat, almost immune to magics with his artefact, (like Ironclad, or Mawcrusha)
Hounds tag objectives, 
Blood reavers are here to generate blood tithe,
Too bad I cannot fit in the hexgorgers skulls.


What do you guys think about this? Any advice and tip is much appreciated, I am a new player.

Edited by Thrax
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On 6/27/2022 at 6:16 AM, Thrax said:


I like how the list looks overall. My biggest concern is the Lord on karkadrak since he really struggles to put out damage, but he is awful tanky and you've already got him anyways so not a big deal. The only other major tweak I'd suggest would be to try the wrath of khorne bloodthirster instead of the insensate. He loses out on a little potential damage, but he's much much less swingy than the insensate and synergizes with the command trait better. He also has a potentially devastating unleash hell if you're willing to gamble.

The tactics sound good overall as well. The Knights should be good hammers and are pretty quick if you use the stoker on them. I like lances over ensorcelled weapons in khorne because of the stoker and killing frenzy, but be extra careful to make sure they never get charged because they just become totally useless. I would be a little worried about running out of gas early and struggling to handle really tanky armies like Nurgle or Sons of Behemat, but honestly there's not much you can do about that with khorne so you'll just have to focus on objectives and hope for the best. 

Good luck and if you're enjoying it make sure to let us know!

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Grimrock thank you very much for your advice. It makes complete sense and it confirm my choices. I will magnetise the different weapons of the bloodthister to be able to change at will and try them all. With the Wrath of Khorne bloodthirster I reach exactly 2000 pts. And I sure will share my feedbacks, blood for the blood god!

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3 hours ago, Julesborgi said:

Do we still have the cap of max 8 blood tithe Points?

As long i can remember, this cap never existed. 

You feel like it exists because we loose all the points after use it ans the max reward cost 8 tithe points.


@Thrax The only bad thing in your list is despite to the new galletian rules.

The 5 dog units is a candy for the enemy because 2 of the new tactics are about kill galletian veterans, and the dogs i think they are.

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@Iradekhorne I think you are right. It would be best to put a second bloodthister instead of karkadrak chaos lord + flesh hounds. For now I will do with this and will learn from my mistakes. As well I might change all of it when the BT v3 will come for us.

Plus, I put this first bloodthister precisely for my army to have some punch. I would have prefered to put a pair of korgoraths instead but they are obviously very bad.

@AresX8 mentionned that bloodsecrator within a skull latar expands its radius, where does that rule comes from? It obviously interest me for the impacts of my chaos knights of Khorne (They should be name blood nights, just like blood warriors!)

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See 17.2 of the core rules, one of the sidenote blips:

"A model in a garrison can still do anything it could do if it were on the battlefield, apart from moving. For example, it can cast spells, issue commands, and so on. When it does so, measure the range and visibility from the terrain feature."

And last sentence of the second paragraph for 17.2.1:

"The range and visibility to and from models
in the unit are determined using the terrain feature instead of the
models themselves."

Also note the first sentence of 17.2.1 (I just saw this while writing this post myself):

"During deployment, a friendly unit can be set up in a defensible terrain
feature’s garrison if the terrain feature is wholly within an area in which
friendly units can be set up."

This allows you to deploy the Bloodsecrator into the Skull Altar so he can immediately fling out whatever Judgment/Invocation you brought in your list. Very nice to get the Wrath Axe out early!

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16 hours ago, Iradekhorne said:

As long i can remember, this cap never existed. 

You feel like it exists because we loose all the points after use it ans the max reward cost 8 tithe points.


@Thrax The only bad thing in your list is despite to the new galletian rules.

The 5 dog units is a candy for the enemy because 2 of the new tactics are about kill galletian veterans, and the dogs i think they are.

Thank you!

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On 6/27/2022 at 5:54 PM, Iradekhorne said:

As long i can remember, this cap never existed. 

You feel like it exists because we loose all the points after use it ans the max reward cost 8 tithe points.


@Thrax The only bad thing in your list is despite to the new galletian rules.

The 5 dog units is a candy for the enemy because 2 of the new tactics are about kill galletian veterans, and the dogs i think they are.

the cap has existed, i cant find it directly but the exalted greater demon of khorne speaks about increasing the cap from 8 to 16

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

So skull seekers, how is everyone enjoying playing khorne with the shackles taken off blood tithe? Sure is nice to play with the same rules that every one else has always enjoyed! I'm finding that hero phase moving is great for denying battle tactics, we dont care about enemy bounty hunters because our battleline was already dieing to a wet ****** and our anti-magic capabilities are pretty strong in the current meta of cheap/effective endless spells. By no means are we top tier but things do feel better then they were!


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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

Native english speaker need help with Blades of Khorne grand strategy. Rule states:


The Blood Legions March: Your warlord has vowed to open a gateway between this Mortal Realm and Khorne’s infernal domain to bring forth his legions of daemons. When the battle ends, you complete this grand strategy if in every battle round after the first, you summoned KHORNE DAEMON units to the battlefield by expending blood tithe points.


Do I need to spend all the blood tithe points I have each battle round after the first to summon daemons or I can have some left over? Say battle round one three units die and I have three blood tithes. Battle round two I go first and I spend 2 to summon 5 bloodletters and 1 blood tithe is left over. Does that counts for this grand strategy?

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@frenk_castle you can summon with tithe leftover and it still counts. The Grand Strat doesnt mention anything about spending all bloodtithe to summon, only that you summon something by "expending blood tithe points". Nowehere does it specify you must spend "all" blood tithe points. You will likely need any leftover tithe for summoning in the following turns.

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Hi I plan to play games at 2k but I want main demons, so I thought of this list


Allegiance: Khorne
- Slaughterhost: The Bloodlords
- Grand Strategy:
- Triumphs:
Slaughterpriest (100)*
Bloodthirster of Insensate Rage (280)*
- General
- Command Trait: Slaughterer's Thirst
- Artefact: A'rgath the King of Blades
Bloodthirster of Insensate Rage (280)**
- Artefact: Mark of the slayer
Bloodmaster, Herald of Khorne (85)**
Bloodmaster, Herald of Khorne (85)*
Bloodmaster, Herald of Khorne (85)*
- Artefact: Halo of Blood
5 x Flesh Hounds (105)*
5 x Flesh Hounds (105)**
5 x Flesh Hounds (105)
3 x Bloodcrushers (130)
3 x Bloodcrushers (130)
3 x Bloodcrushers (130)
10 x Bloodletters (110)
10 x Bloodletters (110)
10 x Bloodletters (110)
Hexgorger Skulls (50)

Total: 2000 / 2000
Reinforced Units: 0 / 4
Allies: 0 / 400
Wounds: 145
Drops: 15

But I need to buy one bloodthirster and 1 vanguard box and Im not sure if this list is worth, what do you think?

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