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AoS 2 - Blades of Khorne Discussion

Gaz Taylor

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The models you have are good. However, there is a Bloodsecrator missing. Demons really need that extra attack. For this purpose, some additional Wrathmongers might be worth an idea. 

As Slaughterhost you should take the Reapers of Vengeance, because their Command Ability is just too strong to pass. Furthermore you have too many Bloodmasters. Any demon hero can give the Bloodletters reroll ones. If you want to have a hero on foot accompanying the Bloodletters, Skulltaker might be worth a look. About the Bloodletters.. I would play them as one unit of 30 so that they get a lot of attacks and their innate +1 to Hit. Of course they will draw more fire but a unit of 10 is just dead weight. 30 of them, especially if put into Headhunter Bataillon can get some work done. 

Moreover, you should think about a Bloodthirster of Unfettered Fury with a Crimson Crown. His Command Ability allows your demons to pile in and attack 6 inches. Sound meh at First, but with this pile in, your units do not need to Charge, they can just stand in 6 inches from the next enemy unit. Your opponent cannot pile in, but you can. This means, you always get to strike first. Another Bloodthirster worth considering is Skarbrand. Yes, he is expensive and is as easy to kill as any other Bloodthirster and cannot even fly. But He is still one of the most powerful models in the game when attacking, if not the most powerful. He is pretty much miss or Hit. Against a melee army He will wipe the floor, against a shooty army He can be happy to live in turn 2.


The Fleshhounds are ok, you can take these. 

The Bloodcrushers, however are bad in units of 3, because you mostly play them for impact damage, after a Charge, they become pretty useless. Being able to only take 6 they will Lose Efficiency pretty fast. I do not think it is a good idea to take them at all. 

So much for my 10 Cents, I hop I could help. 

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4 hours ago, Salyx said:

The models you have are good. However, there is a Bloodsecrator missing. Demons really need that extra attack. For this purpose, some additional Wrathmongers might be worth an idea. 

As Slaughterhost you should take the Reapers of Vengeance, because their Command Ability is just too strong to pass. Furthermore you have too many Bloodmasters. Any demon hero can give the Bloodletters reroll ones. If you want to have a hero on foot accompanying the Bloodletters, Skulltaker might be worth a look. About the Bloodletters.. I would play them as one unit of 30 so that they get a lot of attacks and their innate +1 to Hit. Of course they will draw more fire but a unit of 10 is just dead weight. 30 of them, especially if put into Headhunter Bataillon can get some work done. 

Moreover, you should think about a Bloodthirster of Unfettered Fury with a Crimson Crown. His Command Ability allows your demons to pile in and attack 6 inches. Sound meh at First, but with this pile in, your units do not need to Charge, they can just stand in 6 inches from the next enemy unit. Your opponent cannot pile in, but you can. This means, you always get to strike first. Another Bloodthirster worth considering is Skarbrand. Yes, he is expensive and is as easy to kill as any other Bloodthirster and cannot even fly. But He is still one of the most powerful models in the game when attacking, if not the most powerful. He is pretty much miss or Hit. Against a melee army He will wipe the floor, against a shooty army He can be happy to live in turn 2.


The Fleshhounds are ok, you can take these. 

The Bloodcrushers, however are bad in units of 3, because you mostly play them for impact damage, after a Charge, they become pretty useless. Being able to only take 6 they will Lose Efficiency pretty fast. I do not think it is a good idea to take them at all. 

So much for my 10 Cents, I hop I could help. 

Thank you too much for such an elaborate response! I Will give a test your advice this week. I havent played any games with khorne yet (come from nurgle) but in November I Will start a league of 9 matchs I Will post my impressions here. 

Another thingIm considering is bring some allies like be'lakor or the mercenary megagargant



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I agree with everything Salyx said.  I play Khorne demons (have for 6 years now) and even in this Battleline-focused season, BT spam is still a thing that works.  I love the idea of Bloodletters and own a zillion of them (back from 1.0, when they were broken and dangerous), but I never ever use them.  Same with Crushers.  Until we have our new book, "demons" is BT and doggos, joined by Secrator, Wrathmongers, and a priest.

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2 hours ago, drkrash said:

I agree with everything Salyx said.  I play Khorne demons (have for 6 years now) and even in this Battleline-focused season, BT spam is still a thing that works.  I love the idea of Bloodletters and own a zillion of them (back from 1.0, when they were broken and dangerous), but I never ever use them.  Same with Crushers.  Until we have our new book, "demons" is BT and doggos, joined by Secrator, Wrathmongers, and a priest.

Yeah its sad because now Im in for Painting all thing bloodletters...



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  • 4 weeks later...

Hi khornites!

Im building a list for a Game this friday, what do you think?

Allegiance: Khorne
- Slaughterhost: Reapers of Vengeance
- Grand Strategy: Take What's Theirs
- Triumphs:

Bloodsecrator (125)
- General
- Command Trait: Mage Eater
- Artefact: Skullshard Mantle
Slaughterpriest (100)
- Prayer: Blood Sacrifice
Bloodthirster of Unfettered Fury (295)
Skarbrand (380)
Be'Lakor, the Dark Master (360)

5 x Flesh Hounds (105)
5 x Flesh Hounds (105)
5 x Flesh Hounds (105)
10 x Bloodletters (110)
10 x Bloodletters (110)

5 x Wrathmongers (145)

Endless Spells & Invocations
Hexgorger Skulls (50)

Total: 1990 / 2000
Reinforced Units: 0 / 4
Allies: 0 / 400
Wounds: 118
Drops: 11


But I dont know if drop bloodletters for more flesh hounds...

And if I take a warlord battallion which artifact should I take?

Thanks in advance fellas

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questions, when is it the invocations move? in both hero phases our only mine? the use of their seems weird to me. And also, when should i roll the hatred of sorcery? lets say that i got a unit close to a sigil of tzeentch, do i roll when that unit is picked and thus affected or do i only roll ifthe sigil roll is 4+? 

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17 hours ago, itgnightraven said:

questions, when is it the invocations move? in both hero phases our only mine? the use of their seems weird to me. And also, when should i roll the hatred of sorcery? lets say that i got a unit close to a sigil of tzeentch, do i roll when that unit is picked and thus affected or do i only roll the sigil roll is 4+? 

About the sigil I Will throw hatred of sorcery always. Last Game a purple sun put a -1 to saves in area so I throw for all the units in said área, maybe It was wrong

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If you have the spare Blood Tithe points available, shut down that Purple Sun outright as it's being cast.  It even cancels out auto-casts that prohibit unbinding (eg: Teclis), as the Tithe ability states 'the spell is not successfully cast', not that it's automatically unbound.

I think the Daemons will get some help in the next tome as well.  But you have some good units, and the paintjobs are looking excellent as well!

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1 hour ago, Agent of Chaos said:

Under the new tome, slaves units only get a god mark when chosen in a slaves army so won't benefit from bloodsecrator etc.

You can take them as coalition as opposed to Allies but that doesn't help with buffs etc

I think that they are going to still be marked. Erratas (even if they are old) are still above Battletomes and the only option to have any coalition from Slaves to Darkness is with the Mark of Chaos and must be given the Khorne keyword.

They will not gain any buffs because that's part of the Slaves to Darnkess Allegiance, but they should have the Khorne keyword. 

Btw, pretty sure that all interactions between god specific keywords are going to change for the whole armies name (Blades of Khorne).

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1 hour ago, Rors said:

Yeah as coalition units they gain the respective god mark when joining any of the mono legions.
Slaves player here asking how y'all find Skarbrand. I'm considering allying him in as a counter punch unit.


I'm not the expert but basically I think if theres any way to up his attacks in StD then he should be exactly as deadly (and fragile) as he is in BoK. If not then he'll probably still do the damage you're looking for but without the "I roll 2 dice and deal 30 mw's" interaction he may not be doing more than 380 points of alternative options.

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On 11/10/2022 at 9:00 PM, 123lac said:

Been out of the loop for quite some time, but can blades of khorne make use of the slaves to darkness units without any penalties or having to ally them in?

The new warriors and chosen look amazing.

If I were you I'd wait on buying anything until after the book comes out and there's an errata/FAQ on the coalitions. Like @Agent of Chaos said technically the mark system is messed up right now. The current rules for the coalition are based on the old S2D book where the rules for giving marks were on the warscroll, but in the new book they moved over to allegiance abilities for the models and those specifically say that you only get the marks when you're taken in a Slaves to Darkness army. The coalition rules do say that you must give a S2D unit the mark when taken as coalition, but there's no legal way to do that right now. I totally expect them to just change the wording to say something like "2 in every 4 units in the army can be a coalition unit from the Slaves to Darkness faction that has the Mark of Chaos keyword. Those units gain the Khorne keyword" so it matches the beastmen rules, but it's not guaranteed. For example Archaon very specifically doesn't gain marks when added to the god marked armies (he doesn't have the Mark of Chaos keyword and he gains marks based off his warscroll rules, but only in a S2D army), so if they made him not get a mark maybe they'll do the same with the other units. 


7 hours ago, Rors said:

Yeah as coalition units they gain the respective god mark when joining any of the mono legions.
Slaves player here asking how y'all find Skarbrand. I'm considering allying him in as a counter punch unit.

I don't think he'll work particularly well in S2D. He's great in Khorne, but that's because he can easily get +2 attacks on Carnage and he can pile in/attack twice with the sub faction command ability. If you're taking him as an ally in S2D you won't have any ally points to take wrathmongers or the bloodsecrator so no attack boosts and obviously no double pile in. You're pretty much left with a slow, squishy, foot slogging monster that'll do 8 mortal wounds and then just die. Not overly exciting for 380 points.

Edited by Grimrock
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I think Archaon can choose to take any Mark each turn, but the question is does the Mark of Khorne also grant the Khorne keyword?  I don't have the StD tome yet.  Hopefully yes, but if not then allying in my Bloodsecrator to my StDs won't do anything :(

But on the bright-red side of things, GW had something about Blades of Khorne using tons of little MSU mortal units in the final 8 players of their Open tournament series!  That's pretty impressive and I'm eager to see what the player's list is and how high he finishes.  

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1 hour ago, Lord Krungharr said:

I think Archaon can choose to take any Mark each turn, but the question is does the Mark of Khorne also grant the Khorne keyword?  I don't have the StD tome yet.  Hopefully yes, but if not then allying in my Bloodsecrator to my StDs won't do anything :(

But on the bright-red side of things, GW had something about Blades of Khorne using tons of little MSU mortal units in the final 8 players of their Open tournament series!  That's pretty impressive and I'm eager to see what the player's list is and how high he finishes.  

That's old old Archaon. In the new book he has to pick his mark after receiving the starting command points but before the start of the first turn. It's important to note though that the rule specifies he only gets the mark when taken in a Slaves to Darkness army, so if someone wants to take him in a Khorne army for example he won't get the Khorne mark, just Undivided. Also yes, when he picks Khorne he does get the keyword so for now the bloodsecrator, bloodstoker, and wrathmongers will all work on him. Pretty sure that'll all go away once the new khorne battletome comes out so enjoy it while it lasts haha.

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  • 1 month later...

So with the new errata for blades of khorne I cant recall if coalition units gain the "blades of khorne" keyword or if there is now literally no reason to use the coalition rule unless the unit in question is utterly broken in it's own book since you give up all allegiance abilities on them. Is that right? 

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3 hours ago, The Red King said:

So with the new errata for blades of khorne I cant recall if coalition units gain the "blades of khorne" keyword or if there is now literally no reason to use the coalition rule unless the unit in question is utterly broken in it's own book since you give up all allegiance abilities on them. Is that right? 

They just get the Khorne keyword, not Blades of Khorne, so yeah you're right. Currently next to no reason to bring anything in unless it's totally busted on it's own or it provides something we don't have access to in our book. That doesn't write absolutely everything off, Marauder cavalry for example could be decent with their speed and new ability, but generally speaking better to just run models from our book. It's also worth noting that a few things in the Tzeentch book support the Tzeentch keyword instead of just Disciples of Tzeentch, so it's not impossible they'll re-shuffle when the new book comes out.

Edit: Something funny I just noticed, all of the Khorne prayers have been updated so you can't take them on a chaos warshrine but they missed the Judgements and the Skull Altar. They still work with any Khorne priest. 

Edited by Grimrock
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