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AoS 2 - Grand Host of Nagash Discussion


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Deathmarch 150

Morghast did not change despite them being 190 in obr now

nor did hexwraits - they are 130 in NH

Everything else is untouched.

I think the blood knights have been reduced because the remaining LoN players are playing LoB now? I think that's just the final nail in the coffin (haha) for us now. No ethereal amulet and no point cost reduction in core units and heroes which I think we needed the most. 

Sad :(

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15 minutes ago, BoneHeart said:

Deathmarch 150

Morghast did not change despite them being 190 in obr now

nor did hexwraits - they are 130 in NH

Everything else is untouched.

I think the blood knights have been reduced because the remaining LoN players are playing LoB now? I think that's just the final nail in the coffin (haha) for us now. No ethereal amulet and no point cost reduction in core units and heroes which I think we needed the most. 

Sad :(

I'm assuming the GHB just copied the OBR book points, since the pdf with their changes comes later. They could still very well be 190.

It does seem like all the old tomes are getting pretty much abandoned. Stormcast got some drops across the board but other then that it's mostly 1 or 2 units and some heroes. The aftersave rule makes me think they're prepping for a new baseline, since a lot of abilities, spells and artefacts are suddenly out of a job.

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I'd assume changes to units that obr shares are coming with the obr update later, which means arkhan & nagash could change as well, though I wouldn't count on it.

Coven throne is cheaper.  Shame there's no battalion that uses it.  Confused why it and not the bloodseekee got the discount, that things bad.  No discounts for overpriced mortarchs, wights, necromancers, or zombies, and loss of realm spells & items hurts LoN pretty badly.  Unfortunate.

Oh well, maybe next year.

Edited by Sception
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6 hours ago, Sception said:

Oh well, maybe next year.

I guess we had our time nach in pre-AoS 2.0, now other cheese reigns and we are kinda well balanced...

still some mechanics and decisions are/were interesting, like giving us the best NH units or taking our lord and his right hand out into a new legion 🤪

gotta play with the hand GDubs throws in your face, hoping for a bit more fleshed our real vampire army and some mortals of shyish 

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35 minutes ago, Snoogens said:

It's still weird that Nagash, the leader of "Legions of Nagash", in his own personal sub-allegiance, Grand Host of Nagash, is worse than when you take him in OBR. That's just soooo backwards.

QfT... crazy

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1 minute ago, ACBelMutie said:

My two cents goes for new legiones commanded by Vampires and Nagash at OBR with Arkhan. That's not what I want, but that's what I think they will do. 


Hmm well if they're going for a Vampire Counts reborn sort of thing that might be cool. Especially if they were to throw a wrench is Nagash's OBR schemes.

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2 hours ago, ACBelMutie said:

My two cents goes for new legiones commanded by Vampires and Nagash at OBR with Arkhan. That's not what I want, but that's what I think they will do. 


Fits with the lore, though.  The so called grand host was an army of mostly skeletons and morghasts that nagash used to get things done while preparing his actual plans, the black pyramid and the ossiarchs.  Black pyramid flubbed, but gave him an army of nighthaunts and revealed katakros's location as a consolation prize, and the nighthaunts got katakros back letting him successfully pull off the other big plan by finishing & unleashing the ossiarchs.

And now that 'nagash's vision for the mortal realms', his perfected undead, march at his command, why would Nagash bother with the grand host anymore?  When he has the army of his dreams, why would he waste time with an army of convenience?  The bulk of the grand host was hordes of deathrattle soldiers.  If bones are such a rare and precious commodity that the bonereapers continuously harvest in bulk, wouldn't the legions of skeletons Nagash had on hand have beenbimmediately ground up?

In light of OBR lore, there's not really a reason to think that the Grand Host, or the Legion of Sacrament for that matter, even exist anymore.  There's no lore reason to think that either Nagash or Arkhan would bother kerping their old Legions around, quite the contrary given that OBR aren't allowed to ally with them, so it honestly either character working better in OBR than LoN fits perfectly well with the lore, evenbif it isn't really what I would have wanted to see.

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4 hours ago, Snoogens said:

Pros and cons?

Skeletons = trveness 

bedsheets = abomination

Otherwise you assessment sums it up pretty good. The cursed bedsheets are also more durable with an ethereal 5+ save, while skellis only have a 5+ against non rend attacks and no save against any rend...

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thanks guys, that's all the convincing I needed. This sunday the 40x Chainrasps get to see the light of day!

8 hours ago, Honk said:

Skeletons = trveness 

bedsheets = abomination

Otherwise you assessment sums it up pretty good. The cursed bedsheets are also more durable with an ethereal 5+ save, while skellis only have a 5+ against non rend attacks and no save against any rend...


2 hours ago, lare2 said:

Skellies are just not the force they once were. I've been replacing them slowly with Chainrasps, which I feel nowadays are just better in every way, including on the offensive. 


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4 hours ago, Sception said:

In defense of skellies, they're a heck of a lot cheaper in terms of real world monetary output.

I don't think so haha. There is a new warhammer AoS colection. The first magazine came with 10 chainrasps and 3 Sequitors for 2€. Cheaper than the skeletons by far :D


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Some folks getting a bunch cheap from a UK/Ireland only promotion that seems to have ended a while ago doesn't help anyone trying to collect a unit now.  Even on the secondary market, chainrasps are still more expensive than full retail priced skeletons from what I can tell.

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Managed to win with GHoN last week versus an Arkhan OBR Mortek spam list. Was positively surprised! GHoN definitely still packs a punch.

We played Total Conquest I believe it's called, I don't quite recall the name. 4 objectives. +1 VP if you took it from the enemy. +1 VP if you have a leader on it.

We played in the realm of Aqshy, so the Fireball (D6 MWs on units of 10+ models) was super tasty versus Mortek Guard. Command Points was obviously an issue, the "Commanding" terrain feature was rolled, but it was on a terrain piece super far away from Nagash.. So I ended up only using CP for Nagash's command ability.

Ended up positioning my Gravestones so one Objective had 3 in range of it when I had a big blob of Grimghast there. That combined with the Necro, turned out to be absolutely crazy. He challenged that objective with a unit of 20 Morteks and some mounted Leader. The Grimghast just wouldn't die thanks to 4D3 rolls of regen every turn, plus Nagash's flat 3W regen.

Chainrasps proved extremely viable versus the Mortek, absolutely slapping a unit of 20 (with the sneaky help of Nagash's 2" and 3" attack from behind them.. that might have helped a bit, hehe).

Dire Wolves tried to do their thing, and I guess they succeeded to some degree - managed to snag me a total of 3 VP during the game.

All in all, super happy with the performance of the list.image.png.bc5e4f9c314c65a2b4773ac8dd0260b0.png


Edited by Snoogens
Wrong thingy on corpse cart.
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What about this list for the lulz and memes?


Allegiance: Grand Host of Nagash

Nagash Supreme Lord of the Undead (880)
- General
- Lores of the Dead Spell 1: Vile Transference
- Lores of the Dead Spell 2: Overwhelming Dread
- Lores of the Dead Spell 3: Amaranthine Orb
Knight of Shrouds on Ethereal Steed (120)
Necromancer (130)
- Lore of the Deathmages: Fading Vigour
Guardian of Souls with Nightmare Lantern (130)

10 x Chainrasp Horde (80)
10 x Chainrasp Horde (80)
10 x Chainrasp Horde (80)

30 x Grimghast Reapers (420)

Endless Spells / Terrain / CPs
Umbral Spellportal (70)

Total: 1990 / 2000
Extra Command Points: 0
Allies: 0 / 400
Wounds: 92

Basically buff the Reapers into the sun with the heroes and just watch the bodies fly. With so much regen on them, they'll basically never die, and if they do, just CP them back to life. Use Nagash as a distraction carnifex and hero nuker.

Edited by LordPrometheus
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