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New Podcast! Comedians talk Sigmar!

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You like me, you really like me!   (oh, you'll read everyones post, everyone gets a prize!)

So love your show, really makes me smile and laugh more than anything else these dark days.  I was listening on my earbuds and my son (7) says, "Daddy, why are you smiling so much and laughing?  What are you listening to?" then grabs an earbud and gets a listen just as you say "...****** hard" (seriously, impeccable timing) and then he says, "What does that mean daddy, ****** hard?"  " Nothing son, doesn't mean anything." Oh lord, thank goodness mom didn't hear him. 

Anyway, problem with the measuring tools 3" side is that it is parallel to the 9" side so the disparity is rather distressing!  And when measuring for the 3" pile in the 9 inches always gets in the way.  

I'm also rebasing my Phoenix Guard on 20mm bases so I can fit more and impress the wife!

I'm pretty sure I drank a bottle of Jameson with your friend Will at a big 40k Apocalypse game out that way right when AoS came out. A dozen or so players and they all said he was the only one "crazy enough" to play AoS.  Tall, thin, long hair?  Likes Jameson.

Oh, and you had it right with the trying not to be a nerd on the DJ tip.  I sold all of my warhammer stuff in 1993 (except for Spacehulk). Five boxes of so much stuff for $500 at a con, and bought a synthesizer to make techno music.  My best friend and gaming partner turned music partner really did become a superstar DJ (toured with Carl Cox and Orbital) and then gave it all up to play warhammer (okay, to have a life and not burn out, then got married, had and kid and then came the warhammer).  

Anyway, thanks again guys! You Rock!

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So. I was watching Let’s Hang Out And Paint on the Warhammer Twitch channel and I asked them if they had heard of your podcast. 

They said yes, but I think they confused you with something else, so I followed up with, “are their typical GW employee impressions accurate?” And they said they didn’t know, but they’d have to watch. 

So hopefully we got Duncan and Peachy and friends to actually listen to the podcast. I pray. 

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In the ongoing saga of, 'Paintymen makes me lose it on public transport', the bit with the GW employee being secretively fired and re-hired to work in the basement greenstuffing phallic hands into crab claws made me laugh so hard I cried on the bus this evening.

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50 minutes ago, Kirjava13 said:

In the ongoing saga of, 'Paintymen makes me lose it on public transport', the bit with the GW employee being secretively fired and re-hired to work in the basement greenstuffing phallic hands into crab claws made me laugh so hard I cried on the bus this evening.

The thing I like most about this is I think it really happened. hahaahhahahaah

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Great episode but your discussion of Slaanesh just highlights how badly GW has done marketing Slaanesh. He/she's the God of Excess not Pleasure so their reason to fight is just for the excess of violence. Pleasure is just one aspect of excess that the internet has taken and run with. Really hope the upcoming models and lore helps correct that misunderstanding.

Also, love the clown army idea, I know a few people that would have huge unpainted clown armies that would try to justify their purchases ><

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3 hours ago, Yoshiya said:

Great episode but your discussion of Slaanesh just highlights how badly GW has done marketing Slaanesh. He/she's the God of Excess not Pleasure so their reason to fight is just for the excess of violence. Pleasure is just one aspect of excess that the internet has taken and run with. Really hope the upcoming models and lore helps correct that misunderstanding.

A better man that I would take no pleasure in saying "I told you so". I am not that man. @dewidiot ?

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3 hours ago, Yoshiya said:

Great episode but your discussion of Slaanesh just highlights how badly GW has done marketing Slaanesh. He/she's the God of Excess not Pleasure so their reason to fight is just for the excess of violence. Pleasure is just one aspect of excess that the internet has taken and run with. Really hope the upcoming models and lore helps correct that misunderstanding.

Also, love the clown army idea, I know a few people that would have huge unpainted clown armies that would try to justify their purchases ><

This is confusing in part because "excess" in combat could also look like those turds in pvp Dark Souls who wear that stone armour and use 2 shields instead of weapons in lieu of BDSM straps and flesh daggers or a guy kitted out in 40k like mobile suit gundam with 8 trillion missle launcher pods all over him as opposed to a guy licking a chainsword with a boob on his power armour. I think you're exactly right. They haven't really nailed it. I think 40k is closer but overall I think they're own interpretation isn't quite right. 

Plus S/He's known as both the Prince of Pleasure and the Lord of Excess. I just kind of consider excess decadence and decadence a kind of corruption of normal pleasure. 

Also, I consider everything on 1d4 chan to be canon. 

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Driving down the Hume Highway from Albury-Wodonga to Wangaratta for work (distance about 80km... 50 miles for you guys) and I almost had to pull over with the clown army... the official FAQ which required you to wear the $70 GW branded t-shirt was just awesome.

For the record those place names are real.

Im part of the Heralds of War Podcast here in Australia, love your content guys, its entertaining and engaging, it hits a spot in the AoS podcast market that was untapped. Keep it coming.

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8 hours ago, Kirjava13 said:

In the ongoing saga of, 'Paintymen makes me lose it on public transport', the bit with the GW employee being secretively fired and re-hired to work in the basement greenstuffing phallic hands into crab claws made me laugh so hard I cried on the bus this evening.

Same here. I lost it on the train home from work, then couldn't stop laughing during the Slaanesh Conspiracy discussion. Haven't laughed that hard in a long time. 

Also agree with @Yoshiya regarding GW marketing Slaanesh. There's so much to pleasure, excess and decadence. It can take any form like art, eating, money, success, not just drugs and sex. I hope for both AoS and 40k they really hammer that home 

Still, I will never look at daemonettes crab hands the same way ever again ?

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One of my biggest hopes for the plastic Keeper of Secrets is that they have multiple versions representing different things.

Sure, have one that's super sexy and covered in more ****** than I'd know what to do with but also give me one that is covered in jewelry and shining golden armour. Or one that's huge on a pile of food (maybe the food could be mortal it's captured). They could have different rules in the same manner as the khorne ones representing the vice they have.

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I made this account just to say that I love your podcast. Knowing how much you guys love Nurgle, here's a picture of my lord of Blights. If I ever come down from Canada, I would love to play you guys. 

EDIT: I Also agree that Sabaton is perfect music to listen to while painting and playing. 


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