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Yeah I like Robs list a lot.
If I remember correctly I think I said it's what I'd do with Sylvaneth in Sideboard events going forward on@ScrubyandWells podcast.

It's fairly similar to what I've been running recently, and chatting with@MidasKiss about a lot.

Winterleaf Dryads with Shield of Thorns are a bit ridiculous!

Especially against chaos.

In my last game with 20 Dryads I killed a Plague Furnace and 40 Plaguemonks by the end of turn 1. The hurricanum also got a Plagueclaw Catapult. By the end of my turn two Hero Phase I'd also got a Verminlord Corruptor and a Chaos Sorcerer on Manticore (who'd just killed my Treelord Ancient in one shot with his spell!)

I actually squeezed in Gnarlroot as well at at the cost of the Kurnoth ...though I would certainly like the ranged support in some match ups!

What Gnarlroot does is threefold, firstly it allows you to actually get all those buffs off (Ranu's Lamentiri helping too, with my heavy dependence on spells to buff my army I am starting to use this Artefact more and more), secondly it allows you to bring back Dryads into that unit using Verdurous Harmony.
And obviously, along with Winterleaf it allows the Sisters and the Hurricanum within Sylvaneth Allegience.

My current plan has been to put the Moonstone and Warsinger on the Ancient and jump him across to 4" in front of their biggest baddest unit, or just off to one side of it. Place your free wood outside on deployment zone, and summon one just outside the other, either of them being near Damned Terrain would be super good.

Then grab the damned bonus on your big Dryad unit, (20-30 models), cast shield of thorns, mystic shield, inspiring presence, and anything else you like on them, being sure to make the most of arcane terrain if available. Regrow the d3 dryads you lost from the damned terrain with Verdurous Harmony, and use forest folk teleport to throw them to the wood in front of your opponents army. Charge headlong into their biggest unit. Then watch them cry as dryads do a decent amount damage with their own attacks, (especially if the target is a chaos unit). Then they have to either hit you back, taking massive casualties themselves from Shield of Thorns, or sit there and let you rinse repeat next turn.

Many players don't leave much room to retreat in their own deployment zone, and so what if they do? You've pinned them in.

It's great for scenario play as the rest of your army can sit on the objectives with the other units of Dryads circling them to protect them from any pesky "deep strike" antics. And if / when they chew through your first wave of Dryads, send in the next one.

Beware units with Rend -2 or mortal wounds capabilities as they will eat your dryads up really quickly. These should be top priorities for your Treelord and Hurricanum to take out at range.

The fully buffed Dryad unit looks like this;

3+ rerollable save, any 4+'s do a mortal wound back to the attacker (in melee).
Increase that appropriately if somehow you managed to end up in cover as well.
-1, potentially -2 to hit the Dryads if the Treelord Ancient goes in and gets off his Ground shaking Stomp. (You should still be within 3" of the Wyldwood you jumped to, even if it means leaving a "tail" behind your unit. The +1 to hit from the Hurricanum and the -1 to hit back from the Wyldwood is still better than more Dryad attacks IMO.)

Offensively, against the unit you sing at, they have 2 attacks each, hitting on 2's rerolling 1's if it's chaos, ) each 3+ generates another attack. Wounding on 4's but again rerolling 1's if it's a chaos unit.
No rend but it's a lot of saves rolls for your opponent to make.

What do y'all think of that?


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What do y'all think of that?

The main risk to this list is the cast roll on Shield of Thorns. Arcane Terrain would be a big factor.

If you take both Gnarlroot and Winterleaf, then you're looking at pretty much zero concentrated damage in your army (something that could take out a 3+ save 14 wound model or tougher) outside of the shield of thorns mechanic (you don't have a Spirit of Durthu, you don't have a 6 block of Kurnoth Hunters, you don't have Alarielle). This is fine as long as your opponent is on the slow side and doesn't have a big mobile beat stick.

If they plough everything into the Dryads with Shield, then you'll win of course. However, if they retreat everything away from the Shielded Dryads and fly a big beatstick monster (or some Sayl buffed Bile Trolls, Stormfiends, Varanguard, whatever) over those Dryads, then you have nothing to take it down bar chipping wounds away with spells and maybe a bit of -1 rend pew pew. A Mourngul would be a disaster (-2 to hit to Dryads and almost your entire army). A Magma Dragon, Cabbage, Necrosphinx, Stonelord, Zombie Dragon or the like could hunt down the other units of Dryads and shred them (since at best they will have the -1 to hit in melee and a 4+ save, bravery 6) or go after the casters, the Hurricanum the TLA or the Sisters. Even if you've walled off the Hurricanum, some of these monsters will have the 3 inch reach to get at it.

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@Nico you're right with the weakness being in the casting roll for Shield of Thorns.

The list works a little differently to your other points. The big damage all comes from mortal wounds. And it's all about target prioritisation. The whole point is to pin the enemy in place for long enough to win by objectives.
With all the units of Dryads...they can stand in circles around the Treelord, Branchnouns and Hurricanum and let them blast spells into the enemy whilst remaining protected.

Flying monsters and strong shooting units / wizards are absolutely top of the list of things to die.

One thing I would've liked to add, which Rob has covered with his list, is some Kurnoth Hunters with Bows. They would go a long way to sniping the potential threats from early game.


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Hi guys
Wanted to read all the thread before asking anything (learned a lot)
I need a bit of help
I'm fairly new to the game with less than 20 matches played , even though I had some success so far
I'm running against an ironjaw army on Friday, have never played against destruction allegiance and don't know the opponent's list (and want to keep it that way for in-game discovery purposes)
But as much as I like challenges, I thought I'd need some advices from long rooted trees to spread the seeds of our eternal queen!
I currently run this list:
-TA verdant blessing/ ranu's lamentiri/ gnarled warrior
-Branchwych regwth/ circlet
-Drycha verdant blessing

Tree rev X5
Sisters of the thorn
Dryads X16
Kurnoth / scythe


So far I've planned to put the free wood vertically in the middle, put more woods on the hero phase w/ either drycha and the TA, sister-shield drycha, mystic-shield her too, and basically send her squirmling the big units he'll have, let him focus at his turn hopping she doesn't get killed to make her pop a wood behind him (but that'd be bonus) and just send kurnoth whenever she dies

I'd be glad to hear anything you can throw at me, just keep in mind I can't alter the list in terms of models (it's all I got)

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With all the units of Dryads...they can stand in circles around the Treelord, Branchnouns and Hurricanum and let them blast spells into the enemy whilst remaining protected.

I'm not convinced this is a real significant amount of damage. Sure Hurricanum can be nice.. but TLA shooting is really hot or miss and most spells are D3 wounds unless one of them has a buffed Reaping and even that is not going to do much more damage unless the opponent does silly things. I mean, yes it's damage, but it's not comparible to what good melee units in the same points can put out.

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I'm not convinced this is a real significant amount of damage. Sure Hurricanum can be nice.. but TLA shooting is really hot or miss and most spells are D3 wounds unless one of them has a buffed Reaping and even that is not going to do much more damage unless the opponent does silly things. I mean, yes it's damage, but it's not comparible to what good melee units in the same points can put out.

I think it's not so much the damage it does, but the fact that it takes so little damage back. That's what makes it such an effective setup for camping objectives. It's extremely hard to shift.

Not to mention the fact that woods are likely doing damage every other / every third spell. Over time that really starts to hurt. Especially if the dryads aren't really taking causalities back.

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On 26/10/2016 at 6:15 AM, Forestreveries said:

The fully buffed Dryad unit looks like this;

3+ rerollable save, any 4+'s do a mortal wound back to the attacker (in melee).
Increase that appropriately if somehow you managed to end up in cover as well.

I really can't figure out how it's a 4+ to throw mortal wounds back? doesn't the wargrove say it's on a saveroll of 6?

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It's on the roll of a 6 or more, so as@alexxk says if you add to their save rolls you also increase the chance of rolling 6 or higher

Sent from the Hidden Enclaves via the Realmroots

Likewise Dryads being -1 to hit whilst in or near a Wyldwood takes away a lot
Of bonuses that other models gain from rolling 6's to hit.

They are one of the best battleline units in the game IMO.


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Just now, Forestreveries said:


Likewise Dryads being -1 to hit whilst in or near a Wyldwood takes away a lot
Of bonuses that other models gain from rolling 6's to hit.

They are one of the best battleline units in the game IMO.


Sent from the Hidden Enclaves via the Realmroots

Also having 2 Attacks each is monstrous! If you compare them to eg Skeletons, they pack a big punch!

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Also having 2 Attacks each is monstrous! If you compare them to eg Skeletons, they pack a big punch!

See my above post about winterleaf battalion. ;)

Also I think they are a strong contender in "vanilla" Order lists. Along with Judicators, Order Grand Alliance is pretty good for Battleline really!

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42 minutes ago, Alexxk said:

Also having 2 Attacks each is monstrous! If you compare them to eg Skeletons, they pack a big punch!

2" range with this means you can get 2 rows into combat with ease. They dish out a lot of attacks, especially when singing at their opponent for the +1 to hit :) 

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So here's something which I cannot be the first person to have thought of:

Treelord Ancient (300)
- General
- Trait: Gnarled Warrior 
- Artefact: The Oaken Armour 
Treelord Ancient (300)
- Artefact: The Oaken Armour 
Treelord Ancient (300)

Dryads x 20 (240)
Dryads x 10 (120)
Tree-Revenants x 5 (100)
Kurnoth Hunters x 6 (360)
- Scythes
Kurnoth Hunters x 3 (180)
- Greatbows


War Machines


Guardians of the Deepwood 100

Total: 2000/2000


Shock horror - this army is 4 whole drops. 

So this would be an answer to @Bowlzee 's problem of not having space to deploy Wyldwoods. This is the old school formation from the Compendium. It gives you a redundant copy of the Forest Spirits rule from your allegiance pack. However, what's not shown on the list above is that the formation also includes two "free" Wyldwoods.

This is on top of the one that you get as a Battle Trait. This means you can carpet the table with 9 Wyldwood bases before your opponent drops a single mode. This opens up a tonne of opportunities. One obvious ploy would be to fill the middle of both deployment zones with Wyldwoods, then have the third Wyldwood linking them together across the middle. Then your opponent has to make a horrible choice between leaving that space unoccupied, or immediately being blasted by Awakening the Wood and being susceptible to any spells that you or they cast.  

It's also stamped Sylvaneth Allegiance - I checked.

The downside is that the formation doesn't give you any combat or magic synergies or the like, but you get a lot of bodies (1,900 points worth) in exchange. You can take Treelords in lieu of Treelord Ancients as well as a cheaper option. 

As an alternative, you could squeeze in this lot:

Treelord Ancient (300)
- General
- Trait: Gnarled Warrior 
- Artefact: The Oaken Armour 
Treelord Ancient (300)
- Artefact: The Oaken Armour 
Branchwych (100)
- Artefact: Ranu's Lamentiri 

Dryads x 10 (120)
Dryads x 10 (120)
Tree-Revenants x 5 (100)
Sisters of the Thorn x 5 (220)

Treelord (260)
Treelord (260)

War Machines

Gnarlroot Wargrove (80)
Household (20)

Guardians of the Deepwood 100

Total: 1980/2000

This is only 2 drops.

Here, the Treelords and one of the Ancients are in the Guardians formation, while the other Ancient and the Branchwych are in the Gnarlroot formation.

You're skimping on the size of the Battleline units, but in exchange you get 4 stompy Treelords and Shield of Thorns to combo with the Oaken Armour and Gnarled Warrior on your general (or the other Ancient). You're also pumping the woods with 6 spells per turn.




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I have found myself running out of room for the woods quite often though. But that might just be our under dimensioned tables

The amount of mortal wounds that last list can do through the wildwoods is actually quite horrifying...

Im in the process of adding some pieces to my existing army. Is the Son of Durthu worth the 400 points in the “standard” i.e. first page Gnarlroot list? After all it is another three hunters, 10 dryads and a Branchwych…

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Im in the process of adding some pieces to my existing army. Is the Son of Durthu worth the 400 points in the “standard” i.e. first page Gnarlroot list? After all it is another three hunters, 10 dryads and a Branchwych…

If he's the target for Shield of Thorns or Hand of Glory then yes. However, don't rely on him to make the charge.

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Following on from my list suggestions above, it might be better to have 3 parallel and adjacent Wyldwood chains (of 3 bases) linking the two deployment zones. That way if one of your wizards is in the middle of the central chain of Wyldwoods, then it could potentially trigger all 3 of them for every cast if the outer chains are within 6 inches.

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