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AoS 2 - Idoneth Deepkin Discussion

Chris Tomlin

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Well, Going off of stuff that could be fun, and it depends on what kind of eidolon she painted up, this is the best I could think of:


Allegiance: Idoneth Deepkin


Volturnos, High King of the Deep (280) - General

Eidolon of Mathlann, Aspect of the Storm (360)


1x Akhelian Allopexes (100) - Razorshell Harpoon

10 x Namarti Thralls (130)

10 x Namarti Thralls (130)

TOTAL: 1000




Didn't add enclave or relics, but this is the skeleton I could think of for a list. If you have the eidolon of the sea, then you could take out the allopex and put Lotan in for the thralls. Don't ask me how it plays at all, but that's not what it's about is it?

Edited by Acid_Nine
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Decided to make a new list, but will be a little bit before I can test it. Would have to buy another Reaver box.

Allegiance: Idoneth Deepkin

- Mortal Realm: Hysh

- Enclave: Dhom-Hain


Isharann Tidecaster  - General - Command Trait : Born From Agony  - Lore of the Deeps : Vorpal Maelstrom

Volturnos, High King of the Deep 

Isharann Soulrender - Artefact : Aetherquartz Brooch

Isharann Soulscryer - Artefact : Cloud of Midnight


9 x Akhelian Morrsarr Guard

6 x Akhelian Morrsarr Guard

10 x Namarti Reavers

10 x Namarti Reavers

10 x Namarti Reavers 

BATTALIONS Royal Council

Quicksilver swords 

2000 / 2000

What do you guys think?

The Royal Council uses an Akhelian King, Tide-caster, and Soulscryer, but I now that I think about it, I'm not going to be able to use it. The King has to be the general and be within 3" of the Soulscryer and Tidecaster. So if I have to drop that... might not be able to take a battalion at all.
If I did drop it, I'd add another unit of Reavers instead.

Dhom-Hain Enclave
Re-roll hit rolls of one for Akehlian and Namarti units when they make a charge move in the same turn.
Deep Questors - reroll all failed wound rolls against monsters
The Tidecaster is the general so that she can use her command ability to flip the Tides of Death rounds in turn 1 or onward if need be. If I flip them turn one, then it's high tide on turn 2.
Soulscryer will deploy in reserve with the nine man unit of eels.
Come onto the board from any edge
Soulrender will help hold the Namarti Reaver screen, basically speed bumps as was suggested by Tom. But they're three units of ten each, I expect a unit or two to be able to lend support in later rounds of the game.
Soulrender also has aetherquartz brooch to attempt to gain more command points
Quicksilver swords are an endless spell that I took to help me snipe characters, which I seem to have a hard time doing sometimes with the units I have.
I could also swap the 9 man unit in reserve with the 6 man unit, that way Volturnos can support them better.
That's it basically.

Edited by ThalmorRepresentative
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On 2/2/2020 at 1:19 PM, ThalmorRepresentative said:

Decided to make a new list, but will be a little bit before I can test it. Would have to buy another Reaver box.

Allegiance: Idoneth Deepkin

- Mortal Realm: Hysh

- Enclave: Dhom-Hain


Isharann Tidecaster  - General - Command Trait : Born From Agony  - Lore of the Deeps : Vorpal Maelstrom

Volturnos, High King of the Deep 

Isharann Soulrender - Artefact : Aetherquartz Brooch

Isharann Soulscryer - Artefact : Cloud of Midnight


9 x Akhelian Morrsarr Guard

6 x Akhelian Morrsarr Guard

10 x Namarti Reavers

10 x Namarti Reavers

10 x Namarti Reavers 

BATTALIONS Royal Council

Quicksilver swords 

2000 / 2000

What do you guys think?

The Royal Council uses an Akhelian King, Tide-caster, and Soulscryer, but I now that I think about it, I'm not going to be able to use it. The King has to be the general and be within 3" of the Soulscryer and Tidecaster. So if I have to drop that... might not be able to take a battalion at all.
If I did drop it, I'd add another unit of Reavers instead.

Dhom-Hain Enclave
Re-roll hit rolls of one for Akehlian and Namarti units when they make a charge move in the same turn.
Deep Questors - reroll all failed wound rolls against monsters
The Tidecaster is the general so that she can use her command ability to flip the Tides of Death rounds in turn 1 or onward if need be. If I flip them turn one, then it's high tide on turn 2.
Soulscryer will deploy in reserve with the nine man unit of eels.
Come onto the board from any edge
Soulrender will help hold the Namarti Reaver screen, basically speed bumps as was suggested by Tom. But they're three units of ten each, I expect a unit or two to be able to lend support in later rounds of the game.
Soulrender also has aetherquartz brooch to attempt to gain more command points
Quicksilver swords are an endless spell that I took to help me snipe characters, which I seem to have a hard time doing sometimes with the units I have.
I could also swap the 9 man unit in reserve with the 6 man unit, that way Volturnos can support them better.
That's it basically.


The list is a little schizophrenic.

I'd drop the whole Royal Court. Kings, are only work when they are the general otherwise they don't do to much besides fight. 

Reavers are basically strictly worse than Shadow Warriors so keep that in mind when you are planning your strategy. I also think you are being a little inflexible with your stated strategy. Soulscryer is easy enough to zone out so you are getting two or three eel models in combat.

I actually think reverse tide is a bit dated at the moment, and just straight morrsarr might struggle to combat some of the more recent units in the game.

I think a regular Ionrach build might suit you more, but you have to make some sacrifices, mostly the efficiency of Volturnos


King (General)


3 Ishlaen

18 morrsarr

30 Shadow warriors

1 CP

You can move the specifics around but I think this might give you more tools to apply your strategy.

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2 hours ago, chyortskazal said:

Just finished up the base for leviadon!  Stoked to get started on the turtle 




Man you took the Aquarium terrain a lot further than I did! I am admittedly a bit bland on my basing just based on needing to transport things, but the work you did here is amazing!

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On 1/28/2020 at 2:10 AM, Koradrel of Chrace said:

I like how the Idoneth play honestly.  Reminds me of old school Dark Eldar.  And honestly, as long as you aren't playing in a super heavy environment, most builds you come up with should be fine.  We have effectively two gaming groups in my area: a more relaxed group dominated by three(!) Dissposessed players, and then a more tournament focussed group that includes a Triple Keeper Slaanesh player, a hardcore Skaven player, and more recently a Petrifex player.  As long as you know which group you're going to be playing, you can be ready to go.  Are eels still going to be needed for both groups?  Maybe, but when I'm playing the relaxed group, as long as I have one unit of six Morrsarr I find I'm doing all right, and can play around with other units (except maybe Lotann).

Lotann is such a cool model and his little buddy makes me sad that I feel like he is 100 percent worse than extra command points.

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Have a tournament this Saturday and thinking of running this list.  


Any thoughts?  Anyone tried out the 3 shark unit yet?  

I could drop the thralls or tidecaster to get the Akhelian corps so I can reduce my drops, but I feel it’s probably not worth losing magic deny/the bodies.  I know I ~should~ probably drop the leviadon but he’s new and I want to give him his debut!  


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36 minutes ago, chyortskazal said:

Have a tournament this Saturday and thinking of running this list.  


Any thoughts?  Anyone tried out the 3 shark unit yet?  

I could drop the thralls or tidecaster to get the Akhelian corps so I can reduce my drops, but I feel it’s probably not worth losing magic deny/the bodies.  I know I ~should~ probably drop the leviadon but he’s new and I want to give him his debut!  


yea, I had a lot of luck running the akhelian Corps, and in all Honesty sharks are shooting up to my favorite unit after I had so many times where morrsarr dissapointed me. in units of 3 they provide a decent amount of shooting to wound things they are going to get into combat with or to harass heroes, and they do not need to get the charge off in order to keep the damage up. They are pretty beefy too, but dont think they can tank a whole army.  In the corps battalion the turtle even helps out with the one re-roll per phase, which I use either on the turtle's bite attack or the the shark's to keep damage up.


Honestly the thralls are much more expendable in this list to get the battalion. I like the tide caster with arcane corrosion personally, just because it adds just a few more wounds from across the map, and can be useful in holding objectives without having to worry about her trying to keep up with the rest of the army. Plus, you get one extra relic with the battalion, and are probably going to be going first most of the time with how much of your army can drop at once.


It's not the perfect list, and I tend to run the morrsar guard in one squad of 6 and one squad of 3 just to have more board coverage, but the unit of 9 tempts me. You do you though, and i am eager to hear how it turned out!

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1 minute ago, Acid_Nine said:

yea, I had a lot of luck running the akhelian Corps, and in all Honesty sharks are shooting up to my favorite unit after I had so many times where morrsarr dissapointed me. in units of 3 they provide a decent amount of shooting to wound things they are going to get into combat with or to harass heroes, and they do not need to get the charge off in order to keep the damage up. They are pretty beefy too, but dont think they can tank a whole army.  In the corps battalion the turtle even helps out with the one re-roll per phase, which I use either on the turtle's bite attack or the the shark's to keep damage up.


Honestly the thralls are much more expendable in this list to get the battalion. I like the tide caster with arcane corrosion personally, just because it adds just a few more wounds from across the map, and can be useful in holding objectives without having to worry about her trying to keep up with the rest of the army. Plus, you get one extra relic with the battalion, and are probably going to be going first most of the time with how much of your army can drop at once.


It's not the perfect list, and I tend to run the morrsar guard in one squad of 6 and one squad of 3 just to have more board coverage, but the unit of 9 tempts me. You do you though, and i am eager to hear how it turned out!

Cheers thanks for the insight!

Running corrosion is tempting, not like her one dispell is gonna really protect me much anyway.  I also thought about going 6 and 3 with the morrsarr but the number of times my 6 man has failed to kill its intended target after the deep strike and then proceed to get bogged down the rest of the game has me itching for the killing power of 9. 

I would like to have the battalion but I worry about holding objectives with just Akhelians, though I have a lot of big bases to help zone people off them I suppose.  

wish I had time to get a couple practice games in to test the merits of one vs the other.  Might end up just going full Akhelian for the fluff of it.


Have to u had any issue with battleshock on the sharks?  I was already planning on keeping my king around them anyway but it’s a shame to burn (or rather always save one) a cp on it.  Could give the king lord of storm and seas (I think that’s the bravery buff one?) but it’s hard to give up those extra wounds.


Any thoughts on a second artifact?  I’ve toyed with wraithbow on the scryer for a rad bit extra MW threat when he comes into the edge... I’ve gernally found he doesn’t do anything at all once he deepstrikes so it gives him something possibly useful.


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3 minutes ago, chyortskazal said:

Cheers thanks for the insight!

Running corrosion is tempting, not like her one dispell is gonna really protect me much anyway.  I also thought about going 6 and 3 with the morrsarr but the number of times my 6 man has failed to kill its intended target after the deep strike and then proceed to get bogged down the rest of the game has me itching for the killing power of 9. 

I would like to have the battalion but I worry about holding objectives with just Akhelians, though I have a lot of big bases to help zone people off them I suppose.  

wish I had time to get a couple practice games in to test the merits of one vs the other.  Might end up just going full Akhelian for the fluff of it.


Have to u had any issue with battleshock on the sharks?  I was already planning on keeping my king around them anyway but it’s a shame to burn (or rather always save one) a cp on it.  Could give the king lord of storm and seas (I think that’s the bravery buff one?) but it’s hard to give up those extra wounds.


Any thoughts on a second artifact?  I’ve toyed with wraithbow on the scryer for a rad bit extra MW threat when he comes into the edge... I’ve gernally found he doesn’t do anything at all once he deepstrikes so it gives him something possibly useful.


In all honesty I didn’t have to worry about battle shock with the sharks just yet. I could be extremely lucky for it, but it takes a bit to kill one. I don’t tend to charge them into units that could kill more than one shark a turn anyways, but in the three games I played for them I don’t see it to be an issue.


and the way I look at the body thing is that we need to kill units to claim objectives. We cannot win on the numbers game most of the time, so we got to cut the armies we face down as much as we can before we get to objectives. It’s a balance, but I believe you could work it out well!


and second artifact could be the cloud of midnight. Tie up a unit with the soul scryer when you are doing your charges and force the enemy to devote another round to kill him. Or mess with his shooting something fierce!

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Hello, can i ask here for some advice about playstyle?  I'am after my first game as idoneth with Tidecaster, 3x Soulscryer, 30x Thralls and 3x6 Morrsarr Guard. 
And i'am not sure how should i play.

Hide all units with Soulscryer and wait for High Tide? Or use them on table, kill a screen in first round and pray for double turn on High Tide? 
Should i allways reverse Tides of Death? Thralls should attack or just guard points? And how i should play with eels?


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31 minutes ago, Glemcik said:

Hello, can i ask here for some advice about playstyle?  I'am after my first game as idoneth with Tidecaster, 3x Soulscryer, 30x Thralls and 3x6 Morrsarr Guard. 
And i'am not sure how should i play.

Hide all units with Soulscryer and wait for High Tide? Or use them on table, kill a screen in first round and pray for double turn on High Tide? 
Should i allways reverse Tides of Death? Thralls should attack or just guard points? And how i should play with eels?


Welcome, welcome!

If you could explain how you used your units we could help =}

there‘s no static way to play, you have to adapt.

thralls: imo you‘d rather play them in units of 10, threatening characters, monsters and smaller elite units while also taking objectives.

eels: come in with a Tidecasters and aggressively kill a high priority target, then flee from combat to a unguarded onbejctive and charge again the turn after.

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First game vs Dok. 
I hide with Soulscryer 2x6 eels. Rest on table. In my first round(i play as second player). I attack from side with my 12 eels vs 30xSisters of Slaughter And my 6 eels move and charge on Blood sisters. With unlucky Rolls i killed only one Blood sister and my eels on side die from mortals on enemy save. Then i just lose rolloff and game over.  

In Second game i was playing vs Fyreslayers with 3x20HB. I hide all three Soulscryer (10xthralls, 6x ells in each). Tidecaster was only model on table at my side. In first round i do nothing. Lose rolloff so enemy charge to my Tidecaster 
(she just hide under Cloud of Midnight). 

In second round i just attack all enemy HB blocks with high tide. 10x thralls 6x ells on each. Somehow i was able to kill 80% from 2x20. The last 20 HB survive. 

And again i lose rolloff and i was losing on points. Some how i was able to win match with one point ahead from enemy. 

And here iam not sure how i should play with this army. Charge on T1 and if i lose roll off i will lose too many eels and game over? Or hide army, attack with high tide and pray for my eels was able to charge from Edge. (and dont score anything in my first round). 

I will be also glad for information what is my strong and weak matchup. 

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On 2/13/2020 at 11:00 AM, Keith said:

My Manta Rays vs Tzeentch




Nice video, thanks for sharing! Close game!
I’m not sure if you are involved in the editing but I find the CGI clips and voiceover between phases really irritating 😂

Quick Q, what ability allowed Volturnos to regain the spent command points?

I’m fairly new to AoS, but couldn’t see anything on his Warscroll or in the tome?

Is it some generic artefact/trait from the AoS 2 core book or something? (I haven’t picked that up yet).

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