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AoS 2 - Idoneth Deepkin Discussion

Chris Tomlin

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The confusion comes from the fact you can play up to 2 shipwrecks and each shipwreck is either 1/2 or a whole. 

So for maximum competitiveness you should buy 2 but running 1 split into halves won’t make a huge difference. Although two big ones clogging up the middle with a primsmatic pallisade between them and the ritual to remove flying can be a huge tactical weapon but isn’t reliable. 

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Question fellow fishy boiz: for Biovoltaic Blast do I roll the dice and then choose where to allocate mortal wounds afterwords to anyone within 3 of my Morrsarr guard or do I have to choose units first before rolling my 3+. It is worded in the battletome to me that I choose how to allocate wounds after rolling which is much more powerful. Thanks!

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3 hours ago, NkfPanda said:

Question fellow fishy boiz: for Biovoltaic Blast do I roll the dice and then choose where to allocate mortal wounds afterwords to anyone within 3 of my Morrsarr guard or do I have to choose units first before rolling my 3+. It is worded in the battletome to me that I choose how to allocate wounds after rolling which is much more powerful. Thanks!

Yes, you roll them and can allocate as you please!  

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So, question that's been asked before probably, but I couldn't find it elsewhere. Volturnos' ability "Supreme Lord of Tides" doesn't specify when you use it, if I'm correct a FAQ sorted that out that when it doesn't say, it's in the hero phase. However, is that YOUR hero phase, or just any hero phase.

Basically, the question is, when can I use the command ability and in my turn, or either (during High Tide ofcourse).

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18 minutes ago, Firefrog said:

So, question that's been asked before probably, but I couldn't find it elsewhere. Volturnos' ability "Supreme Lord of Tides" doesn't specify when you use it, if I'm correct a FAQ sorted that out that when it doesn't say, it's in the hero phase. However, is that YOUR hero phase, or just any hero phase.

Basically, the question is, when can I use the command ability and in my turn, or either (during High Tide ofcourse).

As per Command Abilities section in the core rules. If an ability doesn’t specify when it’s used then it’s used in “your hero phase”. 

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Hi everyone, 

I'm looking to get into Idoneth Deepkin and do a fun 1k build as a starting point. I don't necessarily want to go hard on the eels and be ''too strong'' for my club. We're more casually competitive. I was thinking of this list, based off the start collecting base. What do you guys think of it?

Allegiance: Idoneth Deepkin
Volturnos, High King of the Deep (280)
- General
Isharann Soulrender (80)
10 x Namarti Thralls (130)
3 x Akhelian Morrsarr Guard (170)
3 x Akhelian Morrsarr Guard (170)
10 x Namarti Reavers (130)

Total: 960 / 1000
Extra Command Points: 0
Allies: 0 / 200
Wounds: 57

Thanks in advance for your feedback :)

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I would make two changes.

I would swap the Reavers for three Ishlaen Guard. For me at least Reavers never did much on the table. They are at least 20 points too expensive for what they are capable of. Ishalen on the other hand have usually been my MVPs tying up large damage (and rend) units and often scoring the points.

I also would swap the Soulrender. Him bringing back Thralls sounds good but in my experience that rarely happens. Thralls are really good if they hit first. As soon as they take damage they crumble and there is often no unit left to bring models back to (unless you run them in a bigger blob but then it is often hard to get enough models into close combat to justify their points). 

I would either take a Soulscyer for deepstricke and enhancement of the charge or a Tidecaster to add at least a little magic (and a chance to ban spells).

Edited by DocKeule
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Hey, this is a post I never thought I'd have to make:

So I've recently inherited a massive supply of Idoneth stuff and I'm not sure how best to use it all. Could someone help me make a list/lists with all this stuff?

1 x Eidolon of Mathlann

1 x Lotann, Warden of the Soul Ledgers

1 x Volturnos, High King of the Deep

2 x Isharaan Soulscryers

2 x Isharaan Tidecasters

2 x Ishaaran Soulrenders

2 x Akhelian Allopexes 

9 x Akhelian Guard

50 x Namarti Thralls

40 x Namarti Reavers

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4 hours ago, CrabSlap said:

Hey, this is a post I never thought I'd have to make:

So I've recently inherited a massive supply of Idoneth stuff and I'm not sure how best to use it all. Could someone help me make a list/lists with all this stuff?

1 x Eidolon of Mathlann

1 x Lotann, Warden of the Soul Ledgers

1 x Volturnos, High King of the Deep

2 x Isharaan Soulscryers

2 x Isharaan Tidecasters

2 x Ishaaran Soulrenders

2 x Akhelian Allopexes 

9 x Akhelian Guard

50 x Namarti Thralls

40 x Namarti Reavers

I've actually wanted to try a list thats heavy Namarti. You woluld want to run the Namarti Corps Battalion and possibly the enclave that lets the Soulrender return 3 Namarti a turn. 


I would run something like this:

Allegiance: Idoneth Deepkin
Isharann Soulrender (80)
Isharann Soulrender (80)
Eidolon of Mathlann, Aspect of the Sea (380)
30 x Namarti Thralls (360)
10 x Namarti Thralls (130)
10 x Namarti Thralls (130)
3 x Akhelian Ishlaen Guard (140)
3 x Akhelian Ishlaen Guard (140)
3 x Akhelian Ishlaen Guard (140)
10 x Namarti Reavers (130)
10 x Namarti Reavers (130)
Namarti Corps (100)

Total: 1940 / 2000
Extra Command Points: 1
Allies: 0 / 400
Wounds: 128

You get 6+d3 models back from the soulrenders so stick them near the big block.  You could combine the 2x10 thralls into a 20 as well if you wanted to.  I would use Ishlaen Guard to screen for the Namarti since they will not hold up to much damage. Eidolon can run the cover spell to help out with that and hand out -1 to hit. You could also throw in Geminids for double debuffs. I think it could be a decent list, not top tier competitive but could hold its own against most mid tier lists.

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This is fairly similar to a list I was thinking about.

Mor'Phann enclave

Soulrender (80)

Soulrender (80)

Soulrender (80)

Akhelian King (240) unstoppable fury, armour of the Cythai

Eidolon, Aspect of Sea (380) Sands of infinity, Tide of Fear

30 x Namarti Thralls (360)

10 x Namarti Thralls (130)

10 x Namarti Reavers (130)

10 x Namarti Reavers (130)

3 x Morrsarr Guard (170)

1 x Allopex (100)

Namarti Corps battalion (100)


My thinking was use big unit of thralls as a screen. With forgotten nightmares with good placement they have to be targeted. The battalion soulrender can return 6 thralls a round, the other 2 soulrenders 3 +D3 each. 

Use the eidolon to debuff everything with tide of terror and tide of fear for potential -2 to hit on a unit (possibly extending for 2 turns with sands of infinity). Then use king, guard and allopex for a counter punch (hopefully on high tide). Might not work, but thought it'd be a laugh to keep returning Namarti.

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On 6/2/2020 at 10:38 AM, GrimDork said:


My thinking was use big unit of thralls as a screen. With forgotten nightmares with good placement they have to be targeted. The battalion soulrender can return 6 thralls a round, the other 2 soulrenders 3 +D3 each. 

Use the eidolon to debuff everything with tide of terror and tide of fear for potential -2 to hit on a unit (possibly extending for 2 turns with sands of infinity). Then use king, guard and allopex for a counter punch (hopefully on high tide). Might not work, but thought it'd be a laugh to keep returning Namarti.

You'll lose too many thralls to battleshock and just plain getting killed.  A screen of Ishlaen is about the same cost and vastly more survivable. I can only see a big block of thralls as a hammer, anything else is just going to see them killed off too quickly to matter.

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On 6/4/2020 at 11:47 AM, DocKeule said:

With Thralls you have to pick your battles as carefull as possible. They need to hit first and hopefully destroy the enemy unit in one melee-phase. 

But I am often having a hard time getting there as well. 

When i've used them I run them the first 2 turns and keep the tides normal.  First turn they most likely wont see any combat, second turn with run and charge they probably will, third turn for sure they will and they will get to strike first.  Use command points for 6's to run and they're still fairly mobile, they're obviously not as fast as eels but they're not slow for foot troops.

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In my experience they need to hit first. They crumble as soon as they start taking damage. If you get them in melee with a unit that fits their boni (on wound or four or more) there is a good chance to destroy the target. But if they don't they will probably be killed or flee.

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3 hours ago, Firefrog said:

So, how did you all attach your Akhelian Guard? I've heard the normal flying stick base is fragile as hell.

I did ruins like ADB did on Wcom, but the flight stands work fine if you replace the contact point with magnets. 

I'm doing some exercises to develop my IDK. I'm actually, considering multiple Eidolons. Anyone have experience to pull from?

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4 hours ago, Firefrog said:

So, how did you all attach your Akhelian Guard? I've heard the normal flying stick base is fragile as hell.

I used a boatload of magnets. It’s tricky to remember which way is up and down, so it takes some practice to make sure every eel is ‘matching’ with every base, but if I can do it anyone can.

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On 6/18/2020 at 3:41 AM, DantePQ said:

Yeah sticks for Eeels are so fragile. I dropped my army case and 16 sticks broke so I pinned them and then glued them together. 


Beautiful eels! Could you post some pics or a little tutorial of how you pinned them? Mine are falling over every week lol.

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