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AoS 2 - Idoneth Deepkin Discussion

Chris Tomlin

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3 hours ago, HollowHills said:

Obviously people play what suits them, but I don't think I've ever seen a competitive tournament list run Ishlaen. 

This year my personal focus is on making sharks work.

Almost all competitive lists with high placings in GTs run at least one unit of Ishlaen :)

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3 hours ago, Grudgebearer said:

Almost all competitive lists with high placings in GTs run at least one unit of Ishlaen :)

I used to run full on Morsarr units at 2K, but I found 1-2 small units of Ishlaen really have their uses too, you'll get the occasional game where denying an opponent for a crucial turn especially vs forgotten nightmares often wins you the game due to forcing the opponent to overextend . 1-2 sharks are fun for the fast akhelian builds too.

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Ishlaen do a good job holding objectives or shielding the hero that holds the objective. 

Since a lot of missions require to sit on an objektive and not move too far away. And Morsarr become pretty tooth- to useless when are sitting ducks (or eels for that matte) and  they cannot charge. For that purpose alone I would include at least one or two small squads of Ishlaen. 

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Painting Question:

Any tips on how to contrast paint my fish in a Koi Carp style. I am not a great painter and I would like to try out contrast any idea which paints I should use. Koi Carp are often white-ish with orange, red and black spots. Is it even possible to use contrast or should I go to standard classic painting? I am a newb und I thought of using contrast because I like to be done with it asap.

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Now that the King is down 10 pts I am going to be running this for Semi-Comp:

Akhelian King (240) 

Isharann Soulscryer (130)


3 x Akhelian Ishlaen Guard (140)

3 x Akhelian Ishlaen Guard (140)

3 x Akhelian Ishlaen Guard (140)

3 x Akhelian Morrsarr Guard (170)

6 x Akhelian Morrsarr Guard (340)

3 x Akhelian Allopexes (300) 

BEHEMOTHS Akhelian Leviadon (310) 

BATTALIONS Akhelian Corps (100)


I am ok with taking the tax on my turtle Franklin for the gain in FUN. Hoping to focus on this list and even take it to a few local tournies down here in Ontario, Canada or cross over the border eventually when the Rona calms down. If someone wants to go Super Saiyan I can always add more Morrsarr but the turtle is just such a good boy :) so I will probably just keep running him with the Corps. Fingers crossed this year for a new tome!

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Interesting there is a lot of love for Ishlaen. All the good lists I'd seen from UK tournaments didn't use them.

I've got 3 painted up and I've used them in casual games. My main issue is that you charge them in, they do very little damage and normally survive the retaliation. Then next turn they again do little damage, but have become worse defensively. 

If I do the same thing with Morsarr they will probably do more damage before they die.

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While that is true they might survive a round longer and score points. 

The whole objectives-thing is the weak spot for the IDK in my opinion. In an open field battle even with the new armies and battletomes we still have a chance to chose our fights and use the tides to do enough damage to win a small victory more often than not. But with most missions you cannot wait for the high tide to fight and more often than not you have to stay close to the objective and that is a bad spot for pretty much all the IDK except the Ishlaen.  

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3 hours ago, HollowHills said:

Interesting there is a lot of love for Ishlaen. All the good lists I'd seen from UK tournaments didn't use them.

I've got 3 painted up and I've used them in casual games. My main issue is that you charge them in, they do very little damage and normally survive the retaliation. Then next turn they again do little damage, but have become worse defensively. 

If I do the same thing with Morsarr they will probably do more damage before they die.

If I wanted to really go hard in the paint I would be using more Morrsarr but our other eels have their place. I find they are super versatile, quite inexpensive points wise and if you go first are great at holding objectives with the 3+ cover save. They are also very helpful I think with the shootier meta we have now.

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5 hours ago, woolf said:

guys assuming de can ally lumineth, wouldn't light of eltharion + steed of tides be a nice little thing in ionrach? or am I missing something that invalidates that?

You can do that since tides can teleport a Hero, only issue is that he's not Gotrek and will die fairly easily if you are not careful.  Would be fun to test since he can offer some shooting as well!  I think just taking  1-2 lumineth archer units might also be worthwhile too.

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Hey guys, i had the luck of obtaining the content of a Raiding Party Armybox (Tidecaster, 10 Thralls, 10 Reavers, 2 Allopexes and 3 Morsarr Guards), with an additional Soulrender and the battletome. 

My friends and i are playing mostly games around 1k to 1,5k Points. Beeing on a budget (new necrons...) doesn't allow me to go over board with buying additional units, but i would like to hear your suggestions, what models would be a senseful addition to have a variety at 1k Points, up to 1,5k Points? 

Typical enemies are stormcast, sylvaneth, bloodbound, skaven, nighthaunt and bonerreapers. possible upcoming armies are Ogres and DoK. 

Greetings and many thanks in advance, Doomhowler

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32 minutes ago, Doomhowler said:

Hey guys, i had the luck of obtaining the content of a Raiding Party Armybox (Tidecaster, 10 Thralls, 10 Reavers, 2 Allopexes and 3 Morsarr Guards), with an additional Soulrender and the battletome. 

My friends and i are playing mostly games around 1k to 1,5k Points. Beeing on a budget (new necrons...) doesn't allow me to go over board with buying additional units, but i would like to hear your suggestions, what models would be a senseful addition to have a variety at 1k Points, up to 1,5k Points? 

Typical enemies are stormcast, sylvaneth, bloodbound, skaven, nighthaunt and bonerreapers. possible upcoming armies are Ogres and DoK. 

Greetings and many thanks in advance, Doomhowler

I would probably buy 2 boxes of eels, maybe build one as ishlaen or if your group isn't too picky with modelling correct weapons just paint them slightly different so you can play them like that

edit: I noted that in new GHB you actually need 3 battle line units at 1.5k so given that you need to add 10 thralls, or reavers if u use tidecaster as general, or buy a king and more eels. so maybe a starting box would make sense for you (includes 10 thralls and 3 eels + a soulrender that you can use for conversions or something)

Edited by woolf
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I had two games today.  One was a “competitive” game, the other I watered down my list.  The new battle plan “The Blade’s Edge” was fun.  

My competitive list was: 




Eidolon Aspect of the Storm

6 Morrsarr

3 Morrsarr 

3 Morrsarr 

3 Morsarr

3 Morrsarr

3 Ishlaen 


versus Blisterskin FEC, Abhorrant GK on Terrorghiest, Abhorrant GK. Abhorrant Arch-Regeant, Courier and 15 Flayers.  
 Battle plan was Total Commitment

he went first and summoned on a bunch more Flayers and such.  Then crammed 12 Flayers in to charge range down the center with his Courtier and his GKoTG went on his own down the flank.  He gets off some Flayer screams and does some MW to my Eels.  He fails a bunch of charges and takes the Objective in my territory on the side of the board with the GKoTG.  

Bottom of Turn 1, I positioned my unit of 6 Morrsarr to take on the TG.  Two units of three Morrsarr, Volturnos, the Eidolon, and Ishlaen prepare to charge.  The Eidolon fails but everyone else gets in.  His 9 blocks of Flayers were Poorly positioned, so I tagged them with the Ishlaen.  Sending in Volturnos was a mistake here.   After combat, the Morrsarr remove the TG with their biovoltaic blast and spears.  One unit of 3 Flayers is dead and I think 5 of 9 Flayers were left in the big block.  The Courtier exploded as well.  After losing priority again, I lost Volturnos and the Ishlaen over the course of Turn 2.  But his blocks of Flayers were all dead after the unit of 6 Morrsarr swept back in and cleared them out with the help of the Eidolon.   There was an auxiliary combat happening on the other side of the board, he eventually got through two units of Morrsarr with six Flayers, the Vargulf, and Arch-Regent.  I lost priority again, and he made the play for my home objective in the center with three Flayers, the Vargulf, and Arch-Regent.  He takes my center home objective which is guarded solely by a useless Soulscryer as he was useless in Total Commitment.   Bottom of Turn 3 comes and I wipe the Flayers with some Eels and Eidolon, getting my objective.  I send the unit of 6 Morrsarr to clear his center objective with 20 Ghouls.  They do enough damage and take his center objective on the charge.  

that was game.  It was a good matchup, I definitely felt losing Volturnos, he definitely whiffed When I sent him in, I don’t think he did any damage besides MW on the charge.  I should’ve held him back but his whole army was in my face Turn One.  The Eidolon only saw two turns of combat, but I think he’s worth it.  I’m trying to decide on an Aspect of the Storm or two Allopex and another 3 Morrsarr, but the re-roll wounds aura for the Eidolon is nice.   

Then I played the new battle plan “The Blades Edge” versus Skaven.   I toned down my list for this game and brought a Tidecaster and Leviadon in for some Eels.  I kept the unit of six Morrsarr in the ether sea with the Soulscryer but didn’t even use them.  His army kind of melted, his big battalion of 60 rats stood there and did nothing as I removed his center objective Turn 2.  I killed off his Stormfiends, Warp Lightning Cannons, and Acolytes.  After Turn 3, he had almost nothing left and conceded. The Leviadon had a nice showing and wiped a unit of 20 Stormvermin after being juiced with Supreme Lord of Tides in T3.

overall, a good day for the deepkin.  I have the core of my list down, I just need to decide what to with those last 350 points.  I do really like the Eidolon as it is a big visual threat in the board and carries some serious utility with Cloud of Midnight.   

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3 hours ago, camp7325 said:

Hey guys, any thoughts on a namarti heavy list with the point changes? I love the models and have been thinking of diving in for a while but am not sure quite where to start.

Not really sadly.

I guess I‘d go with Briomdar for the pseudo fly.  Tbh the predicted decrease by 10 pts won‘t change anything for us 🤷🏼‍♂️

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25 minutes ago, Grudgebearer said:

Awesome work, looking really great!!! How did you do the armor parts? Really like the look of them ☺️

Thanks. For the armor I started with a base coat of Rhinox hide followed by stippled layers of RMSP Jungle Moss, Highland Moss, and Pale Lichen. A quick wash of Agrax and then a final edge highlight of Pale Lichen

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35 minutes ago, Vomikron said:

Thanks. For the armor I started with a base coat of Rhinox hide followed by stippled layers of RMSP Jungle Moss, Highland Moss, and Pale Lichen. A quick wash of Agrax and then a final edge highlight of Pale Lichen

very nice looking, i'd be curious how u did the skin of the eel? also some stippling?



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