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AoS 2 - Kharadron Overlords Discussion

Chris Tomlin

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The 3rd AoS edition set the game in the best situation so far. Declaration that the fourth edition is being designed from scratch was a red flag and it seems that some factions might suffer from it or lose their identity that players loved in the first place. Time will tell which but I'm happy to have a friend who wants to stick to 3rd a lot longer.

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Posted (edited)
9 hours ago, Aeryenn said:

The 3rd AoS edition set the game in the best situation so far. 

Í must say that I wasn't a fan of 3rd edition, but the design behind most of the last books were really good.

4th will have it's issues too, but let's see how it plays.

Edited by Beliman
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Posted (edited)

So, my take on KOs Faction Focus. I will try to ignore 3.0 because I don’t think it’s fair. Let’s start with…


We have 4, and the main one that explains how Kharadrons should play is a Reaction that triggers in any MOVE ability that is not a CHARGE: Transport Skyfarers.

This ability is painted in grey as a “Movement Phase” ability, but as we saw in multiple warscrolls, the colours doesn’t 100% fit and there are abilities that can trigger or even be used in other phases than their painted colour (All-Out-Attack being the most visible one, can be used in the shooting phase even if it's painted red). Imho, colours are a QoL, to make it easier and faster to know when and how an ability or Reaction can be used.

If that’s the case, then we have a bunch of Abilities for this Reaction:

  • Normal Move (our Movement phase)
  • Run (our Movement phase)
  • Retreat (our Movement phase)
  • Redeploy (enemy Movement phase) – 1CP
  • Power Through (any End of Turn phase) – 1CP

The only condition to move our units is to be wholly within 6” of the ship that is using that MOVE ability and they must be/have an equal or less number of units/models than the boat's transports capacity (Frigate has 2 units and 12 models max). That means that we can take back units that are in combat and setup outside of combat, and in an edition that we can’t shoot within melee range, this mechanic completely defines our army. There are two restriction for this ability: any unit that was setup that way can’t make a MOVE ability (Core Rules) nor CHARGE (ability condition), completely expected. In other words, any transpoted unit can conest objective using their Objective Score and Shoot even if their transport made a run or disengaged ability to carry them.

So, let’s look at the number of our max reinforcements:

  • Any hero (each hero count as 1)
  • 20 Arkanauts (20 models, can’t be carried by a Frigate)
  • 10 Grundstock Thunderers (10 models)
  • 6 Skywardens (6 models)
  • 6 Endrinriggers (6 models)

I don’t know how many units/models the Ironclad will be allowed to transport, but the frigate can carry any reinforced unit apart from 20 arkanauts.

Another ability is a basic DS for 1 boat and it's crew, but they arrive in our Movement Phase, so no movement after deploy or any shenanigan. We can still do our feared Alpha Strike because most of our ranged attacks are 10” or more, so expect a lot of dice to roll. We need to know a bunch of things like when the Khemist ability will be used and how it can be combo'd with this new AS iteration.

The last Battle Trait is -1 hit for our troop-units (aka, Infantry) wholly within 6" from our ships, but only for Shooting attacks (no Phase or Keyword, just Shooting Attacks). Good ability but not sure if it will be good enough. Our best defensive characteristics belong to our ships, but they are so important that we can't take the risk to lose any of them. We need screens to take the hit.

Note: It can be stacked with Cover and All-Out-Defense for a big defensive buff.

Let's see what units we have that can screen our skyvessels:

  • Arkanauts are 1 wounds with 4+ save, 20 models max for a 20 wounds unit.
  • Skywardens are 6 models max with 12 wounds on a 4+ save
  • Endrinriggers are 6 models max with 12 wounds on a 4+ save
  • Grundstock Thunderers are 10 models max with 20 wounds on a 3+ save (edited)

That makes 10 Thunderers and 20 arkanauts the best screens for our ships. We need to know the lethality of the game, but we already know that there are a bunch of Anti-Infantry profiles out there, and our screens are all Infantry. In other words, our best bet is to trade shooting attacks with the enemy, hope to reduce their punch and survive their charge. If our unit survive, we can take out from combat and even Rally next turn.


So, we only have 3 Heroic Traits and 3 Artefacts of Powers. No words about Endrins/ Mounts Traits yet or anything equivalent of Prayers/Magic/Mannifestations. But let's talk about our Artefacts of Power. We have ‘Drakk-Hobbler’ Mag-Bolaz, Celestium Burst Grenade and the Voidstone Orb.

All of them are Once-per-game and have exactly the same effect as before, without the need to roll a dice. They are really strong artefacts that must be used at the right time, and I think that they are more effective than before because it seems that points are going up (it’s expected that lists are going up around 300p or so), so taking down a charge from a Monster or killing that center-piece behind a Ward save will be hard to swallow for our opponent.


We only know 1 / 4, but the first one seems to be dedicated to tournament-environments. We get to choose another artefact at the beginning of the game. So we can look for the best one to counter our enemy. I will try to play a lot of tournaments in 4th edition, but I don’t like that my army is designed with that in mind. A once-per-game ability for a subfaction is not what I like, even if it turns to be really powerful.


So, the juicy part of the article. Most of our units seems to be the same, or better said, not diferent enough. Their damage is not that far from what we already have in 3rd. I suppose that’s good news because everything else seems to be toned down (apart from a few named characters or role-switching units).

Brokk still give +1 to attack but he doesn’t need to charge and can be used in any Combat phase, that’s a great buff and a reason to build an army around him. He still has RUN + CHARGE/SHOOT but it no longer gives re-rolls (expected as we saw in other Faction Focus). Magnate’s Charter can Shoot in Combat, and with the permanent +1 attack for melee units (and to be honest, most of his bodyguards have pistols with Shoot in Combat too), he will not need to be Transported out of combat with a ship unless you need that Attack First bonus. Another good point to use Brokk (and probably Admirals) is that his ability to RUN + CHARGE allows our Frigate (see below) to use Assault Boat.

Arkanaut Frigate will still play like we do now, but without The Code (I know, I shouldn’t compare 3rd with 4th), we don’t have any 3D6 charge (yet). It can only carry 2 units, so, we are reduced to a hammer with a support heroe. Another thing to take in mind is that the Assault Boat ability is a CHARGE ability, with the same conditional wording as the Core CHARGE ability, that allows us to use Assault Boat with Counter-Charge:


As Core rules, we can only use Counter-Charge at the end of the Enemy Charge phase, that means that our bait units (probably Arkanauts, but I think that some juicy heroes are going to be great for that job) are a must, and it will be so rewarding to counter-charge an enemy unit and attack first with +1 attack (Brokk) while the enemy just wanted to kill a few models on an objective.

Another thing to take in mind is that 4th edition will have a few more Movement abilities, and if any of these abilities are done in our movement phase, we can use Bomb Racks for free mw and even trigger our Transport Skyfarers Reaction too.

About the main gun, I'm not sure what to take. The heavy Sky Cannon is a bit more reliable with 1D3+1 and that 2+ to wound, but the Heavy Skyhook has that +1 rend vs Monsters with a higher spike damage (1D6). But the diference is so small that I think nobody will care unless you roll really high:


Lastly, the frigate can try to charge after running if used in combination with Brokk (and probably Admirals) Command The Fleet ability (Run & Charge/Shoot), but only once-per-game.

I didn’t have any expectation for Skywardens, but they pack a surprising punch with Crit (Mortals) and +1 atk from Brokk. I will wait for to see the Aether-saws (Brokk has -2 rend, I expect the same), but Skywardens offensive output is not that bad compared to previously previewed warscrolls in other faction focus.


They can’t retreat at the end of the combat phase and imho, but I don't think this will matter (it will only matter if the enemy wants to use Power Though in his turn). About their specialist weapons, I think that all of them are bad, not even an ability for grapnel launcher.


Let’s talk about the last warscroll previewed. Grundstock Thunderes feel a bit meh, but knowing that most of the ranged attacks are going to do less damage game-wide, and they are not that diferent from 3rd edition, it's not that bad. Specialist Weapons still have the best damage output, and Anti-Infantry is so juicy that we want to be within 10” range.


Shoot in combat doesn't work with the Transport Skyfarers ability (it's a setup), so, shoot as hard as you can if you want to move within 10" from an enemy unit. But with a ship near them, I don't think we are going to Hold this Position. Their damage is not that high for an elite unit, but the main deal will be all the interactions that they should have (mainly Khemist's buffs) and the ability to use Covering Fire (even with -1 to hit). Btw, we can't combo Redeploy (RUN) with a follow up Covering Fire (SHOOT), so positioning will be key.

They carry the same problem as 3rd edition: the Wound roll. Without the the Code and Aethergold, we need to roll a lot of 4+ to wound if we want to do damage. All-Out-Attack will still be good with most weapons hitting on 2+ or countering Cover, but the main problem will always be the Wound roll. Their staying power seems to be really good and the only thing that says that they are our Elite units in our entire roster (2 wounds with 3+ save), but just remember that we llost our improved Rally (Article).

Below, there is an average table of output damage from Brokk, Thunderes and Skywardens warscrolls, targeting their perfect target, without any buff. Skywardens (and/or probably Endrinriggers) and Thunderers are going to be our bread and butter, as everyone expected. 


Just to end this massive wall of text, I wanted to compare some of the new hammer warscrolls (that are not named characters) and how they look fully buffed, perfect target, and shoot + charge:


Edited with @Boar inputs.

Edited with new stats.

Edited by Beliman
Grammar, rules clarification and stuff
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Posted (edited)
23 minutes ago, Beliman said:

The last Battle Trait is -1 hit for units wholly within our ships. Good ability but not sure if it will be good enough. Our best defensive profiles are in our ships, but they are so important that we need to put our infantry in front of our ships, and not sure that -1 to hit will be enough:

  • Arkanauts are 1 wounds with 4+ save
  • Skywardens are 6 models max with 12 wounds on a 4+ save
  • Endrinriggers are 6 models max with 12 wounds on a 4+ save
  • Grundstock Thunderers are 10 models max with 20 wounds on a 4+ save

-1 to hit sadly only concerns shooting attacks and Thunderers have 3+ save.

23 minutes ago, Beliman said:

No words about Endrins/ Mounts Traits yet.

And none armies previewed so far has any mention of those (SCE had those in the past). Perhaps they are  gone altogether, to maybe return when we get proper BT

23 minutes ago, Beliman said:

I didn’t have any expectation for Skywardens, but they pack a surprising punch with Crit (Mortals) and +1 atk. I will wait for the Aether-saws, but Skywardens offesnsive output is not that bad compared to warscrolls previewed in other faction focus.

Skywardens seem to have shifted from anti-horde to anti-armor. As even with loss of attack they actually are better now vs. 3+ or better armor than their warscrolls from 3ed. And this is thing we often struggle against

If Arkanauts shown in spearhead are any indication than they actually gained attack in melee. They always dealt surprising amount of damage at short range for their points. Could be quite important unit in 4e for us.

Edited by Boar
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Posted (edited)
26 minutes ago, Beliman said:

Arkanaut Frigate will still play like we do now, but after losing The Code (I know, I shouldn’t compare 3rd with 4th), we don’t have any 3D6 charge (yet). It can carry 2 units, so a hammer unit followed by 2 buffing heroes seems to be not allowed. Another thing to take in mind is that the Assault Boat ability is a CHARGE ability, with the same conditional wording as the Core CHARGE ability, imho, that allows us to use Assault Boat with Counter-Charge

Sadly, I think this is not correct. Look closely at Transport Skyfarers and Assault Boat. Transport Skyfarers is used in reaction to any MOVE ability. You can think of this as modifying the MOVE, allowing your boats to pick up and bring along troops as an add-on, while otherwise following the rules and restrictions for the MOVE ability that is being modified.

Assault Boats on the other hand is its own distinct ability with its own distinct timing: Your charge phase. It does not modify other CHARGE abilities. Rather, it is a CHARGE ability itself and replaces your regular charge on your turn.

EDIT: Disregard that, I didn't look closely enough at Counter-Charge, which allows you to just use any CHARGE ability on the opponent's turn. So it does actually work with Assault Boat.

Edited by Neil Arthur Hotep
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  • 2 weeks later...

Time to talk about our Skyriggers. Assuming that the pistols are close to the same, we already saw their main melee weapons:



Assuming that Aethersaws are going to have the same number of attacks as Skypikes (2), it seems that Skywardens are going to have a better damage output.


Another interesting thing is how good they can be with All-Out-Attack and Brokk. Both buffs are easy to use and really hard to be denied if used in conjunction with a Frigate:


Endrinriggers are doubling their damage, but still fall a bit behind.

If that’s the case, and that’s a big IF, the main argument to take Endrinriggers than Skywardens will be all about their abilities, their points and the Heroes that unlock them.

Abilities: We only know Skywarden’s Timed Charge triggers at the End of Turn phase. That means that, in the opponents End of Turn, enemy's abilities will trigger before Skywardens, and that's not that good. We only know a few, but they are powerful: Power Through, Feast on Flesh, Blessed by the Plaguefather and Bloated with Corruption. All of them need to be in melee, and sadly, we are going to avoid them 50% of the time.

Detachments: We know that Brokk has Warmaster keyword, so he will have access to all units for his detachment. I expect Endrinriggers to be part of Endrinmaster with Dirigible Suit detachment too, but that’s a guess.

Battle-Formation: Our faction focus only talks about one, but I expect another that somehow buffs our melee units, like the ol’Barak-Zon skyport.

What do you think? What do you expect for our main melee damage units?

Edited by Beliman
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On 6/11/2024 at 9:59 AM, Beliman said:

Time to talk about our Skyriggers. Assuming that the pistols are close to the same, we already saw their main melee weapons:



Assuming that Aethersaws are going to have the same number of attacks as Skypikes (2), it seems that Skywardens are going to have a better damage output.


Another interesting thing is how good they can be with All-Out-Attack and Brokk. Both buffs are easy to use and really hard to be denied if used in conjunction with a Frigate:


Endrinriggers are doubling their damage, but still fall a bit behind.

If that’s the case, and that’s a big IF, the main argument to take Endrinriggers than Skywardens will be all about their abilities, their points and the Heroes that unlock them.

Abilities: We only know Skywarden’s Timed Charge triggers at the End of Turn phase. That means that, in the opponents End of Turn, enemy's abilities will trigger before Skywardens, and that's not that good. We only know a few, but they are powerful: Power Through, Feast on Flesh, Blessed by the Plaguefather and Bloated with Corruption. All of them need to be in melee, and sadly, we are going to avoid them 50% of the time.

Detachments: We know that Brokk has Warmaster keyword, so he will have access to all units for his detachment. I expect Endrinriggers to be part of Endrinmaster with Dirigible Suit detachment too, but that’s a guess.

Battle-Formation: Our faction focus only talks about one, but I expect another that somehow buffs our melee units, like the ol’Barak-Zon skyport.

What do you think? What do you expect for our main melee damage units?

I think that warden being anty elite/heavy armor is good thing but still it feels that you need to invest too much in them to actually work. Brokk + frigate + 2 units of 6 wardens will cost ALOT IMO. Plus you prob want to have some screen with 20 arcs and 1 more regiment to use flyhigh. So ideal roster for me  will looks like 
2x6 wardens
20 arcs
10 thunderers
But I doubt that we will be able to squeeze so much units in 2000 pts. (Even right now it will cost 2270 pts) 
Plus I still think that Thunderers durability combined with buffs from heroes will perform better then wardens.

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Thanks for the answer @cofaxest

On 6/12/2024 at 11:36 AM, cofaxest said:

Brokk + frigate + 2 units of 6 wardens will cost ALOT IMO

Take in mind that you can't transport them (Frigate can only move 2 units with max 12 models). That means that our basic melee deathball will usually be:

  1. Frigate
  2. Brokk (or another hero) or 1 unit of 6 skywardens/endrinriggers
  3. 1 unit of 6 skywardens/endrinriggers

Their output damage is good, and most of their buffs are really hard to stop. I think it will be really useful to have one of this things on each game.

On 6/12/2024 at 11:36 AM, cofaxest said:

2x6 wardens
20 arcs
10 thunderers

It sounds really good and I think it will be the basic for all KO lists.

Imho, I think that points will go up, so I expect max 2 deathballs, aka, [1skyvessel] + [hero] + [1 dps unit] and a few arkanauts and a hero to go on foot. Maybe 1 unit of Skywardens instead of 2 or switch that Ironclad for a Frigate and sneak a gunhauler, another unit of skyriggers or maybe another hero.

This waiting is killing me! I want to play 4oS!!!

Edited by Beliman
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The leaks are starting to flow. First ones, the new General Handbook “mechanic” about buffing one unit in our army:


So, basically, we have 3 buff to choose from, for just one unit in our general’s detachment. First one (Special Assignment) gives us -1 rend to 5 types of units, but it only works for melee profiles if the unit wielding them charged that turn.  I suppose that it’s all about Skywardens and Endrinriggers, but a deathball of arkanauts with 2 attacks each (40 attacks in total in a reinforced unit) doesn’t seems too bad. Imho, Endrinriggers will have 2 rend, so passing the -3 threshold seems to be nice vs armies with high saves (looking at you SCE), and it can be combined with Brokk and All-Out-Attack.

The second one (Priority Target) buffs our Honour Guard unit with +1 to hit and to wound if the target of their attack is a unit from the enemy’s general’s detachment. Really nice update because most of our units have ranged and melee profiles, and this ability buffs both of them. Our melee specialist units become masters of war with 2+/2+ with their pistols and saws/pikes. Looking at Skywarden statistics:


This output comes from shooting, melee and +1 attack from Brokk. Skywardens with Priority Target seems to go really well, rocking that quality profile (2+/2+) in melee and ranged attacks, and they don’t need any Command to achieve that output. A Frigatte + Brokk + Skywardens are going to be a great hammer that can threaten (without spending resources) any unit in the enemy’s general’s detachment. That means that we can look for enemy units with the same Honour Guard buffs and remove them with our Strike First (Frigate) before they do the same to us.

The last buff is Bodyguard, and it doesn’t affect the unit itself, but the General that they are body guarding. This ability just reduces the number of attacks by 1 of all enemy units that attack the general. One thing to take in mind is that we know that Warmaster units must be the general (unless they are part of the Regiments of Renown), and most god-like units have that keyword, so, expect a lot of Allarielles, Archaons, Be’lakors, etc… with Honour Guard unit behind them. Let’s see if any bodyguard-like abilities survive the change to 4th edition, but there are a lot of combos with defensive abilities out there (ethereal, reduce rend, resurrecting models, etc) that can drastically improve this unit. Imho, that would be the main target of our specialized units, so kill them and move away as fast as you can before any retaliation.

So, what do you think? What would you like to try? Any combo that you have any mind?

Edited by Beliman
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19 hours ago, Beliman said:

The leaks are starting to flow. First ones, the new General Handbook “mechanic” about buffing one unit in our army:


So, basically, we have 3 buff to choose from, for just one unit in our general’s detachment. First one (Special Assignment) gives us -1 rend to 5 types of units, but it only works for melee profiles if the unit wielding them charged that turn.  I suppose that it’s all about Skywardens and Endrinriggers, but a deathball of arkanauts with 2 attacks each (40 attacks in total in a reinforced unit) doesn’t seems too bad. Imho, Endrinriggers will have 2 rend, so passing the -3 threshold seems to be nice vs armies with high saves (looking at you SCE), and it can be combined with Brokk and All-Out-Attack.

The second one (Priority Target) buffs our Honour Guard unit with +1 to hit and to wound if the target of their attack is a unit from the enemy’s general’s detachment. Really nice update because most of our units have ranged and melee profiles, and this ability buffs both of them. Our melee specialist units become masters of war with 2+/2+ with their pistols and saws/pikes. Looking at Skywarden statistics:


This output comes from shooting, melee and +1 attack from Brokk. Skywardens with Priority Target seems to go really well, rocking that quality profile (2+/2+) in melee and ranged attacks, and they don’t need any Command to achieve that output. A Frigatte + Brokk + Skywardens are going to be a great hammer that can threaten (without spending resources) any unit in the enemy’s general’s detachment. That means that we can look for enemy units with the same Honour Guard buffs and remove them with our Strike First (Frigate) before they do the same to us.

The last buff is Bodyguard, and it doesn’t affect the unit itself, but the General that they are body guarding. This ability just reduces the number of attacks by 1 of all enemy units that attack the general. One thing to take in mind is that we know that Warmaster units must be the general (unless they are part of the Regiments of Renown), and most god-like units have that keyword, so, expect a lot of Allarielles, Archaons, Be’lakors, etc… with Honour Guard unit behind them. Let’s see if any bodyguard-like abilities survive the change to 4th edition, but there are a lot of combos with defensive abilities out there (ethereal, reduce rend, resurrecting models, etc) that can drastically improve this unit. Imho, that would be the main target of our specialized units, so kill them and move away as fast as you can before any retaliation.

So, what do you think? What would you like to try? Any combo that you have any mind?

I think that 10 thunderers with PT from IC under khemist buff is a way to go. Wardens under Brokk will be good hardhitting scalpel to kill key targets. 

I'm looking forward to try

Brokk+Khemist+10 thunderers+10 arcs in IC general regiment(flyhigh)

Navigator+Frigate+10 arcs+6 wardens regular regiment. 

If thunderers,heroes and ships will be cheaper I hope i could squise 10 more arcs in Navigator regiment and stay at 1950- points for extra cp

Also if riggers will stay the same with build-in -2 rend and d3 dmg maybe I would consider them as alternative for wardens.

Edited by cofaxest
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I'm really curious about Heroes detachements. 

Brokk, being Warmaster, will have any option available in the book. Endrinmaster with Dirigible Suit will (probably) have Endrinriggers. Arkanauts should be available to anyone, and I don't know about Skywardens or Skyvessels.

I'm curious if we are going to have an ExGrundstock-like Heroic Trait to unlock Grundstock troops for our detachment.

Admirals should unlock arkanauts and Thunderers (they are the ones signing the GrundCorps contract) and at least one skyvessel. With some luck, maybe even other Heroes (as part of fleet's crew command).

Navigators should unlock skyvessels too (I mean, no skyvessel can sail without a Nav).

Not sure about Codewright and Khemist.

Drekki should unlock a Frigate (Aesling), but I'm curious to see if he can, somehow, unlock part of the crew (not sure about one Ogor, but at least one Endrinmaster, one Khemist and maybe even a Runesmith). Imho, Drekki should be in a box with a Regiment of Renown (like Blacktalons or Callis & Toll), but whatever...

Sad that Dagnai is gone.


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  • 2 weeks later...

I think I like it?


Imagine having, for example, two units of six Wardens each behind and themselves being out of the charge range, but the Frigate actually making a succesful roll, and suddenly, you land the Wardens and the Frigate into someone's face...

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2 hours ago, Grungnisson said:

Imagine having, for example, two units of six Wardens each behind and themselves being out of the charge range, but the Frigate actually making a succesful roll, and suddenly, you land the Wardens and the Frigate into someone's face...

We have a lot of tricks and movement shenanigans.

Remember that your command abilities (that are not Reactions) are done after all abilities from the opponent in the enemy's turn. So, if an enemy unit charges your arkanauts, if you have a Frigate with a bunch of Skywardens, you can spend 2 Command Points for a Counter-Charge, and attack first in enemies turn!

The option to charge on enemies phase is awesome, that means that we can combo with Power Through to take back our units to set up again a charge or even Rally.

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  • 1 month later...

After some game my wishlist for KO 4ed.

Arcs - 120 pts
Ranged weapon
10'' 2 attack/4+/3+/-/1
15'' 12 attacks 4+/3+/-/1/crit 2 hits
15'' 2 attacks 3+/3+/2/d3/rend 3 vs monsters
melee weapon
2 attacks/4+/3+/-/1
3 attacks/3+/3+/-1/2/crit mortal
Glory seekers - can contest and score within 6'' from objective

Thunderers - 150 pts
Ranged weapon
15'' 1 attacks/3+/3+/-1/d3
10'' 5 attacks/4+/3+/-1/1/rend 2 vs infantry
15'' 2 attacks/3+/3+/-1/d3
1 attacks 4+/4+/-/1

Riggers - 110 pts
Ranged weapon

10'' 3 attacks 4+/3+/-1/1 
15'' 12 attacks 4+/3+/-/1/crit 2 hits
15'' 2 attacks 3+/3+/2/d3/rend 3 vs monsters
15'' 2 attacks 4+/3/-3/d3/crit mortals
3 attacks 4+/3+/-2/d3

Wardens - 120 pts
Ranged weapon

10'' 3 attacks 3+/3+/-1/1 
15'' 12 attacks 4+/3+/-/1/crit 2 hits
15'' 2 attacks 3+/3+/2/d3/rend 3 vs monsters
15'' 2 attacks 4+/3/-3/d3/crit mortals
2 attacks 3+/3+/-1/2/crit mortals

Gunhauler - 180 pts
Ranged weapon

3 shots 12'' 3+/3+/-1/2
2 shots 18'' 4+/2/-2/d3+1
2 shots 18'' 4+/3+/-3/3/crit mortal
4 attacks 4+/3+/-/1

Frigate - 280 pts
Ranged weapon


6 shots 12'' 3+/3+/-1/2
2 shots 24'' 4+/2/-2/d3+2
2 shots 24'' 4+/3+/-2/d6/rend -3 vs monsters
6 attacks 4+/3+/-/1

Ironclad - 500

Ranged weapon


10 shots 12'' 3+/3+/-1/2
2 shots 24'' 3+/2/-2/d3+3
2 shots 24'' 3+/2+/-2/d6/rend -3 vs monsters
Volley cannon
18 shots 18'' 4+/3+/-1/1/rend -2 vs infantry
18'' 4 attacks 4+/3+/-1/2
10 attacks 4+/3+/-/1

Khemist - 120 pts
Give rend on 2+
Give -1 tohit in combat on 2+

Navigator - 110 pts

Endrinmaster - 120 pts

Admiral - 160 pts

Master with balloon - 180 pts

Brokk - 260 pts

Edited by cofaxest
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  • 3 weeks later...

I'm a little scared after reading the new Skaven battletome...

It's a faction pack with what I think it should be part of a Battlescroll (some tweaks here and there), appart from warscrolls of all the new miniatures. That's exactly what Kharadrons need to avoid...

I have a tournament the next 21 sept, and I'm going to play with a mix of ranged and melee (I don't like to spam Thunderers nor Arkanauts). Let's see how it goes.


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So, a few more games, training/learning the game for the next tournament (21 Sep).

Imho. A points reduction could fix a bit of our problems, but I think that some USR or stats upgrade could do a lot more for us.

More damage (charge +1 damage) or more attacks could be enougth to not need 600p of skywardens, and I still think that Endrinriggers should be a defensive unit when they are near a ship.

I really miss our 1st/2d Grapnel launcher ability to teleport and zip around, and it could be our ressurection/teleport tool that most armies already have.

Volley guns don't do any damage, they are just horrible. Maybe an Anti-Infantry and a 3+ to wound for all volley guns would be the soft spot.

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