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AoS 2 - Mixed Destruction Discussion


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On 3/1/2019 at 4:13 PM, That Guy said:

How do beastclaw mixed with bonesplitterz do these days? As in Big players from the Beastclaw and than Bonesplitterz bodies. 

I was just toying with a destro mix of bonesplitterz and beastclaw raiders to tarpit the adversary army and win on objective

Allegiance: Destruction
Mortal Realm: Ghur

Madcap Shaman (80)
Overtyrant (160)
Frostlord on Thundertusk (420)
- General
- Trait: Big and Brutish
- Artefact: Gryph-feather Charm 
Huskard on Thundertusk (360)
- Blood Vulture
Huskard on Thundertusk (360)
- Blood Vulture

30 x Savage Orruks (300)
- Stikkas
10 x Savage Orruks (120)
- Chompas
10 x Savage Orruks (120)
- Chompas

Endless Spells
Mork's Mighty Mushroom (80)

Total: 2000 / 2000
Extra Command Points: 0
Allies: 0 / 400
Wounds: 150

The idea is to block the enemy in his deploy zone with hardly hittable thundertusk ( - 2 base on general with 14w - 1 on the other 2 with added - 1 from the overtyrant if necessary) that could heal themselves or retreat if it's the case, meanwhile the Mushroom pump out mortal wound on the tarpitted unit together with the 3 TTusk. 

The overtyrant can block key charge with a - 6 to roll and slowdown the enemy even more , the 100 wound of orruks cap objective. 


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7 hours ago, Arkahn said:

Oh right ! I include it only in my Squig list !

I just read your squig list, i’m sorry I missed it before. I think you got something going in there with the arachnacauldron and the squig lure and other moonclan spells. Although I think the shaman will die fast because of it. Perhaps we can turn it even up a notch, by swapping out the fungoid cave-shaman and put in a madcap shaman. Hear me out: get rid of the malevolent moon, swap the fungoid cave shaman for the Madcap shaman and open up 60p that way. Now include the chronomantic cogs in the list. What we do is summon the cauldron, eat a mushroom  and summon the cogs, this gives us +1 to our cast to summon the cogs. Either speed up time and work with that, or slow down time with the cogs for the additional spell, which would be squig lure. With Ignax’s scales on the madcap shaman we can turn him as sturdy as the fungoid shaman is, but now we also have a cogs on the field for 2 spellcasts a turn, or 2” extra movement and 2” charge. 

Your troggoth list is amazing as well in my opinion. I like the turn 2 potential of the army. Moving the troggoths up having summoned the cauldron turn 1. Than in turn 2. Eat the mushroom for an additional spell, than use hand of gork on the fungoid, and point blank summon that mighty mork mushroom in the entirety of their army, while you either approach more with the troggoths or voice of gork them into them.

EDIT: Also above my troggoth list, i wrote one including the much overseen Loonboss on Giant Cave Squig. This beastie can give us +3” movement for a CP at the start of the movement phase for all units wholly within 12”. By bundling up your bounderz around him you can have 45 bounderz going with possible +6” in the hero phase, re-rollable 2d6” +3 in the movement phase and a 3d6” charge.

EDIT 2: I assume in your squig list, you go for the shaman as general? Perhaps big and brutish?, giving him that 5 wounds total.

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4 hours ago, That Guy said:

Hear me out: get rid of the malevolent moon, swap the fungoid cave shaman for the Madcap shaman and open up 60p that way. Now include the chronomantic cogs in the list.

That was my idea too at the begining and I forgot about Malign Sorcery's artefacts ! It's crazy how just 10 pts can change that much !

4 hours ago, That Guy said:

What we do is summon the cauldron, eat a mushroom  and summon the cogs, this gives us +1 to our cast to summon the cogs.

Are you sure we can summon 2 endless spells in one turn ? Anyway, even if you can't it's still a very good idea in my opinion !

4 hours ago, That Guy said:

Also above my troggoth list, i wrote one including the much overseen Loonboss on Giant Cave Squig. This beastie can give us +3” movement for a CP at the start of the movement phase for all units wholly within 12”. By bundling up your bounderz around him you can have 45 bounderz going with possible +6” in the hero phase, re-rollable 2d6” +3 in the movement phase and a 3d6” charge.

I want the Loonboss on giant cave squig too but I couldnt find a spot for him, we are very short in points sadly... Most of the time it's between him and a wizard + 1 endless spell.

4 hours ago, That Guy said:

I assume in your squig list, you go for the shaman as general? Perhaps big and brutish?, giving him that 5 wounds total.

Exact, the shaman will be the general and I think it's between big and brutish and bellowing tyrant, it's a bit tricky to be within 6" of the shaman, especially late in the game, but it can add a bit more viability on the charge and/or run !

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34 minutes ago, That Guy said:

Yeah, definetely. You can only have 1 unique endless spell on the battlefield, but you can have multiple different ones.

"A Wizard cannot attempt to cast
more than one endless spell in the
same turn (even if they are different
endless spells)." 

In the Malign Sorcery book, this is what I mean, not having two at the same time but summon two in the same turn with the same wizard

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On 3/10/2019 at 12:45 PM, Arael said:


I love to see someone finally using the overtyrant for his great ability to give utility. I do think you got something going here. This list will shatter against magic heavy armies, but anything else, it will be pretty strong against. I feel i would prefer a 3rd Huskard on thundertusk for the 3rd heal, instead of having the 3+ save, but that’s personal preference. With that you free up 60p to insert a Balewind Vortex for the madcap shaman. 5+ save and +6” range for the mushroom, on top of that he’ll be able to cast 2 spells a turn now. You can Quicksilver swords or shackles or keep 20p left for a possible triumph roll. You can cast the mushroom and his own spell in the same turn(next turn) or use a realm spell. 

I also made my own wizardless version of this minus the overtyrant as well, including a bunch of arrowboys and some Orruks. bumping this list up to 150 wounds of Bonesplitterz and Greenskinz and adding some ranged punch to it:

Allegiance: Destruction
Mortal Realm: Hysh

Huskard on Thundertusk (360)
- General
- Trait: Big and Brutish
- Artefact: Lens of Refraction
- Blood Vulture 
Huskard on Thundertusk (360)
- Blood Vulture
Huskard on Thundertusk (360)
- Blood Vulture

30 x Savage Orruks (300)
- Stikkas
10 x Savage Orruks (120)
- Chompas
10 x Orruks (80)
- Choppas

30 x Savage Orruk Arrowboys (420)

Total: 2000 / 2000
Extra CP: 0
Allies: 0 / 400
Wounds: 187

Rank 1 Savage Orruks and Orruks. Rank 2. Arrowboys that target down monsters and anything else. Rank 3, 3 bundled up Huskards that blast the enemy ranks with 18 mortal wounds a turn. For a bit of magic defense we put in the lens of refraction, that  lowers a spells damage by d3 depending on which thundertusk or arrowboys is targeted. Than with 3 heals. We try and keep the thundertusks topped up. 3 x Blood Vultures on assassination duty. The list will not have the -1 to hit debuffs as much as the original list, nor will it have the other utility options of the overtyrant, but it will add 37 wounds to punch through and a solid gunline of arrowboys, that bumps up the ranged punch of the army, by a lot.



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56 minutes ago, Arkahn said:

"A Wizard cannot attempt to cast
more than one endless spell in the
same turn (even if they are different
endless spells)." 

In the Malign Sorcery book, this is what I mean, not having two at the same time but summon two in the same turn with the same wizard

Alright, so what we can do is... 2 things. Aim for a turn 2 charge like with the troggoth list. Summoning the cauldron turn 1. Moving everyone a bunch and carefully plan so that we can’t be counter charged. Than turn 2, eat the mushroom. Hand of gork your shaman in position, summon the cogs, slow time, cast squig lure. And make a glorious charge. Even being able to probably jump over entire ranks of your enemy, or you speed up time. And don’t squig lure, and take the +2 move and +2” charge army wide. That might even be better. From turn 3 onwards you have a 2 spell shaman in position that can change the cogs to slow down time in order to achieve that and cast two of the moonclan spells, teleporting units around or himself, Itching Nuisance, lot’s of damage. The only thing i fear for is the HP of the shaman. You might want to tap some damage on another of your units, like gordrakk or a boingrot unit. The other option is turn 1 charge. Cast the arachnacauldron,  eat shroom squig lure. Turn 2 you can slow down time. teleport and cast a supporting spell. Sadly by doing so, your cogs will now be behind you and from turn 3 onward you will revert to a 1 spell shaman, which means, you gotta make it count where he teleports to(you would basically be abandoning your cogs than). 

EDIT: Alternatively try to summon the cogs first. And set it to speed up if you succeed. Go for the alpha strike. Than in turn 2 you can slow time, summon the arachna cauldron, hand of gork. And eat the mushroom. To either squig lure your failed charges, or cast a supporting spell for 1 of your units. Again it means abandonding the cogs. Or keep it on speed up. Cast the arachnacauldron, eat a shroom. Teleport and have 1 spell ready for turn 3 onward, this time you have 1 less spell in turn 2, but by abandoning the cogs it keeps running on speed up time, which means you permanently hold your +2” movement and +2” charge. That can be a rather good tac too. We are all about charging ofc.

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After our discussion the list I think

Allegiance: Destruction - Mortal Realm: Aqshy


Gordrakk the Fist of Gork (580)

Madcap Shaman (80)

- General

- Command Trait : Big and Brutish

- Artefact : Ignax's Scales


10 x Boingrot Bounderz (200)

10 x Boingrot Bounderz (200)

10 x Boingrot Bounderz (200)

10 x Orruks (80) - Choppas & Shields

10 x Orruks (80) - Choppas & Shields

10 x Orruks (80) - Choppas & Shields


Mangler Squigs (240)


Squig Rider Stampede (140)


Chronomantic Cogs (60)

Scrapskuttle's Arachnacauldron (50)

TOTAL: 1990/2000




We can drop the Mangler Squigs and a unit of Orruks for 5 more Boingrot, 20 Gitmob Grots and a Loonboss on Giant Cave Squig, but I just love the Mangler Squigs xD 


23 minutes ago, That Guy said:

The other option is turn 1 charge. Cast the arachnacauldron,  eat shroom squig lure. Turn 2 you can slow down time. teleport and cast a supporting spell. Sadly by doing so, your cogs will now be behind you and from turn 3 onward you will revert to a 1 spell shaman, which means, you gotta make it count where he teleports to(you would basically be abandoning your cogs than). 

Turn 1 charge option is too risquy in my opinion, even with the battalion, 2D6 to move is pretty random and most of the time you cant reach the key targets turn 1, but it's an option we have if our opponent underestimated our mobility I guess xD 


26 minutes ago, That Guy said:

The only thing i fear for is the HP of the shaman. You might want to tap some damage on another of your units, like gordrakk or a boingrot unit. 

We can try to keep our Shaman near an Orruk unit 

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16 hours ago, Arkahn said:

After our discussion the list I think

Lol, i just realized, i had this exact list saved in Azyr. 

16 hours ago, Arkahn said:

We can drop the Mangler Squigs and a unit of Orruks for 5 more Boingrot, 20 Gitmob Grots and a Loonboss on Giant Cave Squig, but I just love the Mangler Squigs

That might actually be the ultimate list. Using both the giant cave squig speeds as the potential of the cogs/cauldron, gives the list 5 sources of mobility boosters, actually 6:

1. Battalion move re-rolls. 2. Cogs Move + charge. 3. Squig Lure run + charge, 4. Giant Cave Squig Loonboss. 5. Voice of Gork. 6. Hand of Gork.

but I do see the merit of having a movement boosted mangler too. It will have a re-rollable 3d6 move and with a possible squig lure and the voice of gork.... or even a hand of gork teleport. Let’s just say that a mangler out of nowhere with +2 attacks to all it’s attacks and having +1 to hit on the charge for it’s balls and chains is nothing to frown at. That’s some massive rending attacking cannonball out of nowhere. It will also take the heat off Gordrakk a bit, since this mangler will have to be respected even more because of all this. Boingrots can battleshock, this thing can’t,  absolute murderous.

Which now makes me realize how powerful.... it is to have the hand of gork spell available to us through the arachnacauldron. The voice of Gork bellows in the hero phase, he only has to hit 1 of the battalion units to activate it for all of them. You can than teleport a unit behind enemy lines or even on a flank and have a 3d6” charge on 9” distance. In the worst case scenario you can CA re-roll charges. You should! Pull it off.

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1 hour ago, That Guy said:

but I do see the merit of having a movement boosted mangler too. It will have a re-rollable 3d6 move and with a possible squig lure and the voice of gork.... or even a hand of gork teleport. Let’s just say that a mangler out of nowhere with +2 attacks to all it’s attacks and having +1 to hit on the charge for it’s balls and chains is nothing to frown at. That’s some massive rending attacking cannonball out of nowhere. It will also take the heat off Gordrakk a bit, since this mangler will have to be respected even more because of all this. Boingrots can battleshock, this thing can’t,  absolute murderous.

Seeing this monster charging into the ennemies boosted with a Voice of Gork is too enjoyable ! xD 

1 hour ago, That Guy said:

Which now makes me realize how powerful.... it is to have the hand of gork spell available to us through the arachnacauldron. The voice of Gork bellows in the hero phase, he only has to hit 1 of the battalion units to activate it for all of them. You can than teleport a unit behind enemy lines or even on a flank and have a 3d6” charge on 9” distance. In the worst case scenario you can CA re-roll charges. You should! Pull it off.

Yeah ! Squigs or Troggoths, both are scary when you Hand of Gork them under a Voice of Gork ! Only one misstake from your opponent and you will snipe some key targets ! But most of the time you wil not be able to re-roll charge them, cause of you will be farther than 12" your general or 6" from a hero most of the time, anyway a charge with 3D6 at 9" will work most of the time !

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on Sunday I'll partecipate to a double tournament 1000 pt + 1000pt.

My partner is going to run a Gutbusters list with:

1 Butcher 140pt

12 Ogors 400 pt

9 Leadbelchers 420

2 Frost Sabres 40

tot: 960pt

I have to chose between two lists:

1 Frostlord on Stonehorn 420 (Might is Right + Ethereal Amulet)

1 Grots Shaman 80

1 Fungoid Cave Shaman 90

60 Gitmob Grots with bows 270

10 Orruks 80

Endless Spell: Scrapskuttle's Arachnacauldron 50

Tot: 990


1 Frostlord on Stonehorn 420 (Might is Right + Ethereal Amulet)

1 Grots Shaman 80

1 Fungoid Cave Shaman 90

40 Gitmob Grots with bows 200

10 Orruks 80

Endless Spell: Mork's Mighty Mushroom 80

tot 950 + 1 Command Point


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On 4/28/2019 at 5:47 PM, MKsmash said:

I would definitely go with the first. The command point won't help you much, and the 60 Grots will be much more worth it than the 40.

at the end I went with the first one.

We won 2 on 3 games. We scored lots of objective points and we won the last game with 2000 points enemy army destroyed.

Very happy to bring Destruction high in the rank 🙂

Best unit in my army the Gitmob Grots with bows, in the first game they destroyed 800 points (against new Blades of Khorne and Beasts of Chaos)


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What do you guys think of this as a Mixed list, for an event with no Heroes missions or Realm Spells in place?  (Lord of War in Melbourne)

Version 1:


Allegiance: Destruction
Mortal Realm: Ghyran

Tyrant (160)
- General
- Great Gutgouger
- Trait: Wild Fury
- Artefact: Ghyrstrike 
Gitmob Grot Shaman (80)

60 x Gitmob Grots (270)
- Bows & Slashas
20 x Gitmob Grots (100)
- Spears & Shields
10 x Orruks (80)
- Pair of Choppas

Magma Dragon (540)
Bonegrinder Gargant (400)

War Machines
Grot Spear Chukka (120)
Grot Spear Chukka (120)
Grot Spear Chukka (120)

Total: 1990 / 2000
Extra Command Points: 0
Allies: 0 / 400
Wounds: 159

Version 2


Allegiance: Destruction
Mortal Realm: Ulgu

Gitmob Grot Shaman (80)
Troggoth Hag (380)
- General
- Trait: Wild Fury
- Artefact: Dimensional Blade 

60 x Gitmob Grots (270)
- Bows & Slashas
20 x Gitmob Grots (100)
- Spears & Shields
20 x Gitmob Grots (100)
- Spears & Shields

Magma Dragon (540)
Bonegrinder Gargant (400)

Endless Spells
Scrapskuttle's Arachnacauldron (50)
Mork's Mighty Mushroom (80)

Total: 2000 / 2000
Extra Command Points: 0
Allies: 0 / 400
Wounds: 156

Overall the idea would be to bypass the Activation Wars by shooting what needs to be shot, and only engaging in fights you can win.

Open to suggestions!

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@PlasticCraic I personally like the 2nd list more.  However, this opinion is based upon little more than the fact that the 2nd list has a Troll Hag in addition to the Bonegrinder and Magma dragon and not due to any real strategic thought on my part.  List 2 has more big stompy monsters and I like big stompy monsters.

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10 hours ago, PlasticCraic said:

What do you guys think of this as a Mixed list, for an event with no Heroes missions or Realm Spells in place?  (Lord of War in Melbourne)

Version 1:

  Hide contents

Allegiance: Destruction
Mortal Realm: Ghyran

Tyrant (160)
- General
- Great Gutgouger
- Trait: Wild Fury
- Artefact: Ghyrstrike 
Gitmob Grot Shaman (80)

60 x Gitmob Grots (270)
- Bows & Slashas
20 x Gitmob Grots (100)
- Spears & Shields
10 x Orruks (80)
- Pair of Choppas

Magma Dragon (540)
Bonegrinder Gargant (400)

War Machines
Grot Spear Chukka (120)
Grot Spear Chukka (120)
Grot Spear Chukka (120)

Total: 1990 / 2000
Extra Command Points: 0
Allies: 0 / 400
Wounds: 159

Version 2

  Hide contents

Allegiance: Destruction
Mortal Realm: Ulgu

Gitmob Grot Shaman (80)
Troggoth Hag (380)
- General
- Trait: Wild Fury
- Artefact: Dimensional Blade 

60 x Gitmob Grots (270)
- Bows & Slashas
20 x Gitmob Grots (100)
- Spears & Shields
20 x Gitmob Grots (100)
- Spears & Shields

Magma Dragon (540)
Bonegrinder Gargant (400)

Endless Spells
Scrapskuttle's Arachnacauldron (50)
Mork's Mighty Mushroom (80)

Total: 2000 / 2000
Extra Command Points: 0
Allies: 0 / 400
Wounds: 156

Overall the idea would be to bypass the Activation Wars by shooting what needs to be shot, and only engaging in fights you can win.

Open to suggestions!

Even if I'm in love with the Tyrant with Great Goutgourger + Wild Fury + Ghyrstrike, I have to spend my vote for the second list because of the Troggoth Hag.

The Hag now has the magic word "Gloomspite Gitz" in her warscroll and it makes a big difference. 

You can use the lethal Mork's Mushroom and at the same time with the Cauldron you have access at the Moonclans Hand of Gork, one of the most useful thing for the too much predictable Destruction army.

So yes, in my opinion, the second is better.

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Gonna spend some time with Mixed Destruction again now the GG book has dropped so here’s my list for a friendly game this weekend.

Allegiance: Destruction
Mortal Realm: Ghur

Troggoth Hag (380)
- General
- Trait: Might is Right
- Artefact: Gryph-feather Charm 
Fungoid Cave-Shaman (90)
Orruk Weirdnob Shaman (120)

40 x Stabbas (260)
- Stabbas & Moon Shields
- 6x Barbed Nets
- 1x Moonclan Flag Bearers
- 1x Badmoon Icon Bearers
10 x Savage Orruks (120)
- Chompas
10 x Savage Orruks (120)
- Chompas

30 x Savage Orruk Arrowboys(420)

Rogue Idol (400)

Endless Spells
Scrapskuttle's Arachnacauldron (50)
Balewind Vortex (40)

Total: 2000 / 2000
Extra Command Points: 0
Allies: 0 / 400
Wounds: 182

Hag will be -2 to hit in combat and -1 to shoot, wounding on 1s and 2s at full health, healing D6 per turn and able to cast all the Moonclan spells due to Cauldron (including the teleport on herself or the 40 Grots turn 1) which will do D3 mortals to unite she’s in combat with .

Weirdnob to be casting Foot of Gork on a 6 at 24” thanks to Balewind and Arrowboys.

Fungoid farming CP and another cast. 

Rogue Idol to wander around and smash stuff while Grots and Orruks hold objectives.

Hoping to have some fun with it as a semi-monster mash list. Any advice or ideas feel free to chip in!!

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3 hours ago, 5kaven5lave said:

Gonna spend some time with Mixed Destruction again now the GG book has dropped so here’s my list for a friendly game this weekend.

Allegiance: Destruction
Mortal Realm: Ghur

Troggoth Hag (380)
- General
- Trait: Might is Right
- Artefact: Gryph-feather Charm 
Fungoid Cave-Shaman (90)
Orruk Weirdnob Shaman (120)

40 x Stabbas (260)
- Stabbas & Moon Shields
- 6x Barbed Nets
- 1x Moonclan Flag Bearers
- 1x Badmoon Icon Bearers
10 x Savage Orruks (120)
- Chompas
10 x Savage Orruks (120)
- Chompas

30 x Savage Orruk Arrowboys(420)

Rogue Idol (400)

Endless Spells
Scrapskuttle's Arachnacauldron (50)
Balewind Vortex (40)

Total: 2000 / 2000
Extra Command Points: 0
Allies: 0 / 400
Wounds: 182

Hag will be -2 to hit in combat and -1 to shoot, wounding on 1s and 2s at full health, healing D6 per turn and able to cast all the Moonclan spells due to Cauldron (including the teleport on herself or the 40 Grots turn 1) which will do D3 mortals to unite she’s in combat with .

Weirdnob to be casting Foot of Gork on a 6 at 24” thanks to Balewind and Arrowboys.

Fungoid farming CP and another cast. 

Rogue Idol to wander around and smash stuff while Grots and Orruks hold objectives.

Hoping to have some fun with it as a semi-monster mash list. Any advice or ideas feel free to chip in!!

I like very much your list, you have magic, lots of bodies and wounds,Teleport with hand of Gork, fire power.

The only thing that I'd change is, but is just an opinion, Greenskinz orruks with shields instead savage orruks, just to save 80 points to be able to cast the Mork's Mighty Mushrooms. (a very lethal weapon against hordes).

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Re: my list just above, had 3 games over the weekend vs. Stormcast. I lost all 3(!!) but I think a big part of it was just learning how to play the list, how to use the allegiance ability well, and coping with not even getting a 5 to cast the Cauldron until round 3 of the second game, never mind Hand of Gork. 

Had the most success in game 3 when I pushed the Hag and the Idol into my opponent’s face and made him deal with them in his backfield, and they did some proper work as well. 

Was completely forgetting about the Hag’s unique spell as well giving an enemy unit -1 on its hit and save rolls, if I cast that on a big monster the Arrowboys are shooting it at -2 rend and on a 4+ the Hag or Idol if nearby can instantly pile in and attack at -3 rend which is brutal. I think it’ll take sone finesse but there’s some nasty combos to be had here. 

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