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Events Poland: General's War #16

Jan "Kyoshi" Mejor

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Event Title: General's War #16
Event Author: Jan "Kyoshi" Mejor
Calendar: Events Poland
Event Date: 09/29/2018 09:30 AM to 09/29/2018 06:30 PM


The most important:

When: 29.IX.2018

Where: Klub Adeptus Mechanicus, al. Krakowska 110/114, Warszawa (Budynek B-27, ostatnie piętro)

Points limiti: 2000p

Army composition: Battlehost


We play according to the rules of General's Handbook 2018, official army battletome, warscrolli and FAQ. For publications published in the week before the tournament, they will not be included. Additional details about "House rules" are completed in our FAQ.


The final battleplans and realms selected from the official handbook will be announced 24h  before the tournament.

Game time: 2h30min 

Parings: The first round are random pairs taking into account challenges. Subsequent rounds are paired in accordance with the Swiss system.

Day schedule:

Registration and preparation: 09.30-10.00

First battle: 10.00 – 12.30

Second battle: 12.45 – 15.15

Third battle: 15.45 – 18.15


Modeling requirements:

General's War systematically raises the bar in the field of army preparation. Fully painted and refined armies not only look better on the table, but also guarantee its generals better dice casts. This law is proven  by many years of experience. Therefore, he General's War # 16 introduces the obligation to have a 100% painted army at least at the minimum level. What the minimum level looks like can be checked here: https://warhammerworld.games-workshop.com/wp-content/uploads/Model-Requirements.pdf


  • Major victory – 17 punktów

  • Minor victory – 12 punktów

  • Remis – 7 punktów

  • Minor loss – 5 punkty

  • Major loss – 0 punktów

  • Walkover – 12:0 

In each scenario, you can get one additional point for special tasks:

  • KINGSLAYER: kill more heroes of a hostile alliance than you lose. In case of a  tie, both teams receive a point, unless no hero is killed.

  • BREAKTHROUGH: if at the end of the game you have more units in the deployment zone of a hostile alliance than he has in yours.

  • GRUNTSLAYER: destroy more battleline units of a hostile alliance than you will lose. In case of  a tie, both teams receive a point, unless no battleline unit has died.


On top of that, additional (up to 25 P) for fulfilling the following conditions:


  • 5 P = A properly prepared spread sent to the organizer on time

  • 5 P = Own cubes, rulers, markers, printed pendulum and warscrolle of your units.

Best Play 7,5 P:

  • During the tournament, each player has the opportunity to cast two votes for the opponent with whom he played the game. The player who receives two such votes gets 5 extra points. If you get three votes, 7.5 p. We promote fair play in a friendly atmosphere.

Best Painted 7,5P:

  • During the tournament players vote for the best painted and prettiest army. The winner of the vote receives an additional 7.5 P. The next player is 5P and 2.5P. In the case of draws, each player receives extra points.

In case of the draws in the final scoring, we also count points for the killed opponent's units.


We sign up by submitting the application using the form available HERE

Entry fee is obligatory: 25 PLN / 30 PLN in the day of the tournament

Prepay to account:

10 1020 5561 0000 3902 0001 1585 – Jan Mejor; GW16 – First name and last name

Making a prepayment guarantees a place in case of a large number of players. Otherwise, the order of applications decides.

Our sponsors:




General's War #16

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