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Warriors of Azhya


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Hello everybody,

Big day for me today because I have decided to post my starting army on this forum after looking all of yours for long time.

I hope you will like my work, I saw fantastic miniatures on this forum and I hope mine will be at the level.

Please forgive my english, it's not my native language ;) 


My army took place in the city of Azhya, Realm of Ghyran, the idea was to make some stormcasts mutated by the magic winds of the realm of life after their numerous resurrections, I'm still WIP on some miniatures and this is just the start.

Here they are :





















And a group picture with bases remaded for my branchwych and my champion :




Hope you will like them !!

Bye for now ! I will be bacq ;) 

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Hi all !

On 2/6/2019 at 10:19 AM, Tzaangor Management said:

Beautiful paint scheme, very crisp and the natural earthy colour scheme works great.


Thanks for your comment Tzaangor Management ! I'm glad that you like them.

Here somme scenery step by step work for the city of Azhya :




Then I made the first floor :




Tell me what do you think ;) 


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Hey guys !

Thank you very much for comments and reactions ! Allways glad to see that I'm not the only one thinking they are more or less great miniatures ^^

On 2/7/2019 at 9:14 PM, scourn99 said:

How did you do the building? whats kits, and what other parts were used? Got any more pics of it?

I will make more pics soon, I'm making a new top for the building. In fact I molded some parts of Ophidian Archway then multiply them with resin-plaster :



Unfortunately I would need some more ophidian archwa pilars but I can't find them separately... :( 


On 2/8/2019 at 11:40 AM, schwabbele said:

Wow they look just awesome , how did you manage those clean nice white tabards?

Here how I did : Rakarth flesh + Agrax earthshade then Mix of rakarth flesh and pallyd witch flech then lining with white :) 


Today I would like to show you some WIP with my stortreeman (it's not done yet) :









I think I will change some parts soon to finish it... I'm not 100% happy with his look... I hope you will like it at this stage, we will see next if you will prefer it ^^

Thanks for your reactions all !

Bye, I will be back with more Ghyran soldiers !



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Hi all !

On 2/12/2019 at 4:19 PM, elfhead said:

I think your scenery needs some trees or vines or something?

Hello elfhead, thanks for your comment, yes of course I agree, I bought the vines kit for this purpose ;) I was thinking about some trees at each stage for showing that we are in Ghyran. Unfortunately the WIP it's long :( But I hope I will achieve it soon...


On 2/14/2019 at 8:59 AM, hammer49 said:

Fantastic work


Thanks my friend :D 


Here something new, it's a conversion I tryed for fun at the start but I like it :


The idea behind this miniature it's that some stormcast tired about resurections get in the deep woods to discover a new way of lige and new humanity. Then the magic of the realm of life make them as tree men, inspiring them a new personality.





You may see that he kept some of his equipment of stormcast warrior, as a remind of his past life...

Tell me what do you think ;) 

Bye !



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Hi everybody, first let me tell thank you for your reactions to my work ! Very glad to see them.

Today I would like to show you some more WIP before a new painted miniature soon.


First I made a new "savage mutated stormbush", as the Biggest showed before, it's a kind of stormcast that went in the deep woods, tired by the battles and resurrections, and get mutated by the magic of Ghyran :

ws4c.jpg mqeq.jpg



He kept some stormcast armor plates and weapons as reminder of his ancient life.

Then here is the hero of my first unit :


A kind of wood angel...

I'm painting it and hope it will be done soon :






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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi all,

Here some uptdates of my wip champion (the base is still missing). I hope you will like it ! 












I will make the base and some family pictures in the scenery ^^ 

Have a nice day all ! 


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Hi all !

Thank you very much for your comments, I'm glad to read them :x


Today I would like to show you my entire unit of Stormbushes ended !! I'm happy with the final result. I hope you will like it too. But first, let me show you my last warrior completed :






And now the family pictures :











Hope you will like this unit :D 

Cheers !

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hi everyone ,

@Tzaangor Management @Kramer @Lysandestolpe Thank you very much for your comments my friends, glad to read them ! :D

Today I would like to show you some progress on my scenery. As you know the city of Azhya stands in the realm of Ghyran, so the buildings need to have of course some vegetation !! Here we are, its still a WIP :










Let me know what do you think :) 


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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi everybody !

Thanks @Seraphage and @Frodeck for your comments, and thank all of you pour your feedbacks.

Today just some changes (I would love to say "ameliorations") on my building, I made new towers with more AOS esthetic :






Here we are... Next step : Vines from GW... Then I think it will be finished...

Thanks for reading ;) 



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