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Warcry is Killteam/Mordheim... ?


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I have a question to people who got to play warcry. I've already pre ordered the game btw I'm not here trying to slag it off, it looks great.

How much is it just move you models to the middle then roll dice until somone wins? This was my big problem with kill team, it was just dull. Games like necromunda and shadow war didn't have this problem as they were bigger play areas, (reduced size equals faster games but less room to do anything,) and you either won and you lived, or you lost and died, there was rarely congestion over multiple turns. Apparently there are like 40 million combos but if they all end up as move to the middle and roll dice until someone wins then it will be dull. I've watched 2 play throughs and they were both kind of like that.


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1 hour ago, Rodiger said:

I have a question to people who got to play warcry. I've already pre ordered the game btw I'm not here trying to slag it off, it looks great.

How much is it just move you models to the middle then roll dice until somone wins? This was my big problem with kill team, it was just dull. Games like necromunda and shadow war didn't have this problem as they were bigger play areas, (reduced size equals faster games but less room to do anything,) and you either won and you lived, or you lost and died, there was rarely congestion over multiple turns. Apparently there are like 40 million combos but if they all end up as move to the middle and roll dice until someone wins then it will be dull. I've watched 2 play throughs and they were both kind of like that.


Not sure if you saw this one. Placement/movement seemed key for the objectives. And the card changing deployment mixes that up. There will always be an element of get in and hit hard - it's skirmish sized and shorter play time.


Edit: For me it is the multiplayer element that helps keep these scale games exciting. Even when I was young three(+) of us would play Necromunda or Mordhelm at once.

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I guess we'll have to see how the combos and objectives work, however the campaign adds that extra level plus more objectives will come out in time. The beauty of small skirmish games is they can be adjusted more easily than the larger games.

Move to the middle and kill will certainly be a feature but not the feature.

On top if which you have consumable and perishable items that you win and bring more variety to the games.

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In the GMG video above he says the Iron Golems come to 975 points. There is no mention if this grants you any bonus for having less points. Or if points matter outside of use everything you get in a warband box.

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2 hours ago, Rodiger said:

I have a question to people who got to play warcry. I've already pre ordered the game btw I'm not here trying to slag it off, it looks great.

How much is it just move you models to the middle then roll dice until somone wins? This was my big problem with kill team, it was just dull. Games like necromunda and shadow war didn't have this problem as they were bigger play areas, (reduced size equals faster games but less room to do anything,) and you either won and you lived, or you lost and died, there was rarely congestion over multiple turns. Apparently there are like 40 million combos but if they all end up as move to the middle and roll dice until someone wins then it will be dull. I've watched 2 play throughs and they were both kind of like that.




Skip to 26:20 for the discussion on the core game engine.


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6 minutes ago, Shane said:



Skip to 26:20 for the discussion on the core game engine.


Watching this and overall the guys are pretty negative on it. Overall feeling seems to be that it's too simple, not enough going on, little customisation or progression - leading to warbands feeling too similar, not enough design space for the future, certain simple tactics dominating, etc. 

It's taken me from leaning towards pre-ordering to maybe waiting to see how it shakes out on launch... on the one hand, these guys play a lot of games, so they're probably inherently looking for more complexity and detail than me. But on the other hand it doesn't sound like a very good foundation for the game going forward, which makes me question whether this is really going to have the longevity and breadth to be the AOS Kill Team GW are promising.

So... yeah, my hype's a little diminished right now.

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Well, here's the thing too. If there is some point in the future Gw decides to give upgrade boxes or more characters, they can. We saw the expansions killteam got, so if they want to keep this game alive adding more of that kind of stuff would be a nice turn of pace. I agree the guys did seem pretty negative, but I still have hope for a fun, tight game I can play a campaign with. Maybe in the future they will release more customizeable war bands, but for now maybe wait to play a few games and build a few models to prepare?

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2 minutes ago, Acid_Nine said:

Well, here's the thing too. If there is some point in the future Gw decides to give upgrade boxes or more characters, they can. We saw the expansions killteam got, so if they want to keep this game alive adding more of that kind of stuff would be a nice turn of pace. I agree the guys did seem pretty negative, but I still have hope for a fun, tight game I can play a campaign with. Maybe in the future they will release more customizeable war bands, but for now maybe wait to play a few games and build a few models to prepare?

Yeah I think I'll see if I can try a demo at my local store and see what I think of the core mechanics in play. 

GW certainly could add to it over time - but I think that can be a negative too. The new Necromunda, for example, was really exciting to me when I first heard about it, but the actual complete game experience ended up being split across all these different books and releases over the course of months and before I knew it it'd become this complicated, messy, expensive beast. If I'm going to spend £100+ I want to have what feels like a complete game before the expansions start flowing. 

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@Shane Thanks for the links, I had watched that play through and was watching the Let's Talk.

The let's talk is quite negative about the game, but it raises the points that had me worried, mainly the move to the centre and roll dice, not actually a lot to do, and for me personally coming from playing Necromunda, the campaign seems awful.

There are still 4 other factions, they apparently have different styles of play so this may affect how it plays, the Necromunda box looked really bad for Escher when it was released, due to a mismatch with Golaiths and awful writing of the rules for Toxin. When other gangs were released it changed a lot of that.

I was basically sold on this from unboxing videos, I'd pretty much decided not to buy it before then, but I have a couple of friends who this might be good to play with, I can't play full on miniature games with them, but could probably play this.

I did have in mind that if this game wasn't good I could use it for Mordhiem, or frostgrave. 

They might release a more detailed campaign book for it in the future, Kill Team has loads of expansions. 

So at the moment, looking like I probably shouldn't have pre ordered it, but I won't be disappointed with the box when I open it, I'm still happy with my Kill Team one, despite me not liking that game at all. 

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It's really worth thinking about what you need from a game. 

The idea of a big narrative campaign is always great to me. In reality, it's hard enough getting games of AoS in.

This could be something I play with my brother/non-wargaming friends over a beer.

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Normally enjoy Ash's reviews but I feel like what he and Owen were wanting out of this game did not match up with my own personal expectations and desires. This is a going to be a third pillar game for me. It is something I can get my daughter, fiance, and non wargamer buddies to play as an on ramp. I then have AoS as my big army game. I'm still trying to decide on the type of skirmish game they seemed to be wanting, but that is really dependent on local play group.

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1 hour ago, Acid_Nine said:

Well, here's the thing too. If there is some point in the future Gw decides to give upgrade boxes or more characters, they can. We saw the expansions killteam got, so if they want to keep this game alive adding more of that kind of stuff would be a nice turn of pace. I agree the guys did seem pretty negative, but I still have hope for a fun, tight game I can play a campaign with. Maybe in the future they will release more customizeable war bands, but for now maybe wait to play a few games and build a few models to prepare?

Why do I sometimes have the feeling, that people do betray themselves, just to be protecting GW?

They can give you expansions, and 100% they will. But not to support the game. More to support the constan flow of money coming out of your wallet.

When those 2 are not that positive about a game, it normally has a clea reason, why it is.
They are experienced and usually know, what they're talking about, from theyr perspective having played a lot of games all over the place.

Of course it comes to the individual expectation. But please tell me, when you Ladies & Gentlemen came to the point to accept products, that get obviously more dumbed down each time.
And for those, who are already dissapointed, or will be dissapointed, just don't buy it then. The more people will buy it, the more the company won't care about the actual game mechanics, because they got their money out of it already.

GW needs a little pounding throughout bad decision they make ( again ). And if the playerbase won't give them, nobody would.

That statemant is not only based on actual warcry, but on the overall business practice, that they show on a daily basis.

I am not a hater, nor am I a troll. This is ( not only my own ) experience that I made within years of playing.

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9 minutes ago, Battlefury said:

Why do I sometimes have the feeling, that people do betray themselves, just to be protecting GW?

They can give you expansions, and 100% they will. But not to support the game. More to support the constan flow of money coming out of your wallet.

When those 2 are not that positive about a game, it normally has a clea reason, why it is.
They are experienced and usually know, what they're talking about, from theyr perspective having played a lot of games all over the place.

Of course it comes to the individual expectation. But please tell me, when you Ladies & Gentlemen came to the point to accept products, that get obviously more dumbed down each time.
And for those, who are already dissapointed, or will be dissapointed, just don't buy it then. The more people will buy it, the more the company won't care about the actual game mechanics, because they got their money out of it already.

GW needs a little pounding throughout bad decision they make ( again ). And if the playerbase won't give them, nobody would.

That statemant is not only based on actual warcry, but on the overall business practice, that they show on a daily basis.

I am not a hater, nor am I a troll. This is ( not only my own ) experience that I made within years of playing.

Well that's your opinion and you're entitled to it.

It's also the 'Lets Talk' people's opinion, and their entitled to that as well.

What  happens next will be down to the opinion of many many people...

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I didn’t like that review at all, not because it was negative, but because it barely mentioned key elements of the game. How did having different win conditions , deployments, terrain and twists impact the game? Not mentioned. How did npc monsters impact the game ? Not mentioned. How did destiny levels, artefacts and command traits impact the game? Not mentioned. Instead we got 20 minutes complaining about how the minis aren’t customisable, which is information I can get just by looking at the box contents on the website.

They clearly want it to be something it’s not, but reviewing a game in that way is not helpful. Ash had a fairly well argued explanation about why the campaign system didn’t work for him but that was the only part of the review that seemed thoughtful.

Also the way they consider building and painting time as a negative is very weird . That’s half the reason why I buy a game like this.

Obviously this game is not Mordheim. I am pretty confident that gw is going to do actual mordheim at some point so it makes sense for this game to carve its own space. 

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1 hour ago, Chikout said:

I didn’t like that review at all, not because it was negative, but because it barely mentioned key elements of the game. How did having different win conditions , deployments, terrain and twists impact the game? Not mentioned. How did npc monsters impact the game ? Not mentioned. How did destiny levels, artefacts and command traits impact the game? Not mentioned. Instead we got 20 minutes complaining about how the minis aren’t customisable, which is information I can get just by looking at the box contents on the website.

They clearly want it to be something it’s not, but reviewing a game in that way is not helpful. Ash had a fairly well argued explanation about why the campaign system didn’t work for him but that was the only part of the review that seemed thoughtful.

Also the way they consider building and painting time as a negative is very weird . That’s half the reason why I buy a game like this.

Obviously this game is not Mordheim. I am pretty confident that gw is going to do actual mordheim at some point so it makes sense for this game to carve its own space. 

Yeah Owen particularly really drags it down - obviously we each have our own tastes, but he barely seems interested in doing the review, let alone the game itself. Still, definitely made me ponder more than I had been on the possible negatives.

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