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18 hours ago, Pejzub said:

In my personal experience, 6 jezzails is simply not enough. They wont snipe a big (12+ wounds) hero and the small ones are usually easy to hide even with jezzails range, so I would probably increase them to 9, cut one seer. Maybe cut one ratling gun and use the remaining 120 pts for something.

If 1 ratling gun gets cut, then the whole point of AW with overlord of destruction combo goes away.

Noone is feeling the extreme need to death frenzy the monks these days?

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Ive been running a unit of 30 Stormvermin on a regular basis and seem to catch the opponent unprepared every time as no one else in the local scene is using them. Casting death frenzy on them is also a great deterrent to opposing characters and behemoths as they will likely go down with the attacks coming back, but the same can be said about plague monks.


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3 hours ago, Darkhan said:

If 1 ratling gun gets cut, then the whole point of AW with overlord of destruction combo goes away.

Noone is feeling the extreme need to death frenzy the monks these days?

If your going to take the Overlord of destruction trait, I’d suggest you to take at least 2of the rattling guns, because if you’re just going to take one, the deranged inventor trait is the better option, which will give you free hand on choosing  another unit if your weapon team should fall to an early grave.

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6 minutes ago, Skreech Verminking said:

If your going to take the Overlord of destruction trait, I’d suggest you to take at least 2of the rattling guns, because if you’re just going to take one, the deranged inventor trait is the better option, which will give you free hand on choosing  another unit if your weapon team should fall to an early grave.

Yeah 3 is the plan. Wrote a post earlier for suggestions of trading out one of the grey seers:



Hey peeps.

Going to a tournament end of August. Would like a couple points regarding a list, worked pretty well last time. 

But I think there is room for improvement. And tip from more experienced players would be appreciated.

 List is:

Verminlord Warpseer (Suspicious stone)

Grey Seer (Skitterleap)

Grey Seer (Death Frenzy)

Arch-Warlock (General, overseer of destruction)

20x clanrats

20x clanrats

20x clanrats

6x Jezzails

1x ratling gun

1x ratling gun

1x ratling gun

40x plague monks

Warp Lightning Spell

This is 1940 points, where i could buy a extra command point just to safe a turn 1 battleshock.

So the question is, removing the grey seer with death frenzy I can get 200 extra points. I could then fit 40 extra clanrats, and vermintide endless spell..or 20 extra clans, and some other shenanigans.




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2 hours ago, Darkhan said:

Yeah 3 is the plan. Wrote a post earlier for suggestions of trading out one of the grey seers:

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Hey peeps.

Going to a tournament end of August. Would like a couple points regarding a list, worked pretty well last time. 

But I think there is room for improvement. And tip from more experienced players would be appreciated.

 List is:

Verminlord Warpseer (Suspicious stone)

Grey Seer (Skitterleap)

Grey Seer (Death Frenzy)

Arch-Warlock (General, overseer of destruction)

20x clanrats

20x clanrats

20x clanrats

6x Jezzails

1x ratling gun

1x ratling gun

1x ratling gun

40x plague monks

Warp Lightning Spell

This is 1940 points, where i could buy a extra command point just to safe a turn 1 battleshock.

So the question is, removing the grey seer with death frenzy I can get 200 extra points. I could then fit 40 extra clanrats, and vermintide endless spell..or 20 extra clans, and some other shenanigans.




It looks like a strong force on paper. If it's working for you I wouldn't change much. There's not much room to change things without it impacting how the list plays. 

I don' think you need extra rats. More is always better, but you have 100 already. I do think the extra CP may be a waste though with the Warpseer. If you don't use it in your opponents turn 1 there's a good chance you never will. For the points, I'd be tempted to take a 4th ratling gun. It will be spare to begin with, but will allow the lists 'gimmick' (Overseer of Destruction + Warpstone sparks) to work for longer. Even if they avoid incoming damage (unlikely) one will blow itself up in the first couple of shots so it would pay to have a spare, getting more life out of your command trait and allegiance ability.

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2 minutes ago, MisterJoshua said:

It looks like a strong force on paper. If it's working for you I wouldn't change much. There's not much room to change things without it impacting how the list plays. 

I don' think you need extra rats. More is always better, but you have 100 already. I do think the extra CP may be a waste though with the Warpseer. If you don't use it in your opponents turn 1 there's a good chance you never will. For the points, I'd be tempted to take a 4th ratling gun. It will be spare to begin with, but will allow the lists 'gimmick' (Overseer of Destruction + Warpstone sparks) to work for longer. Even if they avoid incoming damage (unlikely) one will blow itself up in the first couple of shots so it would pay to have a spare, getting more life out of your command trait and allegiance ability.

Thx! This was my thinking sort of. Either add another ratling gun.

or drop the grey seer with death frenzy, add 3 jezzails and a ratling gun. Tough call really.

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30 minutes ago, Darkhan said:

Thx! This was my thinking sort of. Either add another ratling gun.

or drop the grey seer with death frenzy, add 3 jezzails and a ratling gun. Tough call really.

One thing I'd consider - with the ratling guns being 3 separate units they don't really benefit that much from MMMWP, and it would likely kill the one you cast it on.  The Jezzails will benefit occasionally, but they re-roll misses anyway when left alone. I'd be tempted to drop the Arch-Warlock for a standard Bombardier/Engineer. He's mostly just providing the Overseer of Destruction bubble and giving out sparks. He can still be your general, but you'd have an extra 60 points to play with which with the 60 spare you already have could get you an extra 20 rats, or a Clawlord, or even another Engineer!

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4 minutes ago, MisterJoshua said:

One thing I'd consider - with the ratling guns being 3 separate units they don't really benefit that much from MMMWP, and it would likely kill the one you cast it on.  The Jezzails will benefit occasionally, but they re-roll misses anyway when left alone. I'd be tempted to drop the Arch-Warlock for a standard Bombardier/Engineer. He's mostly just providing the Overseer of Destruction bubble and giving out sparks. He can still be your general, but you'd have an extra 60 points to play with which with the 60 spare you already have could get you an extra 20 rats, or a Clawlord, or even another Engineer!

I would MMWP the Jezzails, no doubt:) With 9 I can easy suffer the d3 dmg from it.
I have been thinking about the bombardier thing, buuut, reason for the Arch Warlock is the 2+ save if in cover..so harsh to beat:)

Seems like we are on the same page tho! I will most likely add another ratling! I mostly play against optimal Slaanesh..Tzeentch Changehost, both players are pretty good, and friggin harsh to play against. Every consideration already taken into account😂 Buuut thankfully I will not only be playing against this in the tournament.

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Remember when I said I wouldn't use Plague Monks? I member.


Allegiance: Skaventide

Grey Seer on Screaming Bell (220)
- General
- Trait: Master of Magic 
- Lore of Ruin: Death Frenzy
Grey Seer (140)
- Lore of Ruin: Skitterleap
Arch-Warlock (160)
- Artefact: Vigordust Injector 
- Lore of Warpvolt Galvanism: More-more-more Warp Power!

40 x Clanrats (200)
- Rusty Blade
20 x Clanrats (120)
- Rusty Blade
20 x Clanrats (120)
- Rusty Blade

6 x Stormfiends (520)
1 x Warp-Grinder (80)
40 x Plague Monks (280)
- Woe-stave

Endless Spells / Terrain
Warp Lightning Vortex (100)

Total: 1990 / 2000
Extra Command Points: 1
Allies: 0 / 400
Wounds: 183

No Warpseer, but..meh. I can still start with a CP for an IP against any T1 shenanigans. Curious to see how it works out.

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1 hour ago, Gwendar said:

Remember when I said I wouldn't use Plague Monks? I member.

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Allegiance: Skaventide

Grey Seer on Screaming Bell (220)
- General
- Trait: Master of Magic 
- Lore of Ruin: Death Frenzy
Grey Seer (140)
- Lore of Ruin: Skitterleap
Arch-Warlock (160)
- Artefact: Vigordust Injector 
- Lore of Warpvolt Galvanism: More-more-more Warp Power!

40 x Clanrats (200)
- Rusty Blade
20 x Clanrats (120)
- Rusty Blade
20 x Clanrats (120)
- Rusty Blade

6 x Stormfiends (520)
1 x Warp-Grinder (80)
40 x Plague Monks (280)
- Woe-stave

Endless Spells / Terrain
Warp Lightning Vortex (100)

Total: 1990 / 2000
Extra Command Points: 1
Allies: 0 / 400
Wounds: 183

No Warpseer, but..meh. I can still start with a CP for an IP against any T1 shenanigans. Curious to see how it works out.

I think that looks great. Fantastic even. I think it’s objectively better than the list I proposed, but I can’t get away from trying to shoehorn a Doomwheel in. :P

It has great shooting, a strong melee killer unit, very strong magic....  it’s not really missing anything. I particularly look forward to your opponents face when out of nowhere you skitterleap your Warlock over to the monks and vigourdust them before they charge in! 😂

For me I’d still go with Deranged Inventor as my command trait, but that’s perhaps just taste. If you’re worried about losing the warpseer it might be worth trying the snoutgrovel robes on the seer to give 2 different battleshock bubbles, but the vigourdust is hard to pass up.

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@MisterJoshua Yeah, that's the idea. Main difficulty will be setup and first turn as usual. The AW will already need to be Skitterleaped to get off WLV, so that pretty much ties up T1 while everything else moves up. Looking back, I think I will likely take out the Warp-Grinder in favor of getting another Clanrat unit to 40 for 140 battleline bodies total. I'll hate myself for moving that many things, but I'll learn to deal.

Anyway, taking out the Grinder lets me move up the Fiends and at least get the Windlaunchers shooting at something with Vigordust + Spark... but, as always I'll likely try both and see what happens. Having the Fiends show up in ratling range even unbuffed could remove some chaff and be a distraction that will hopefully last until next turn to get full usage out of them. People are used to only dealing with ranged\magic when going against my Skaven so playing every card at once will be an interesting time.

I didn't think I would need to buy more Skaven, but I guess I'll go ahead and commit.

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A question for everyone. 

I played a couple of games today and in the second v Khorne I jumped my 6 Jezzails through a gnawhole to get an angle to shoot my opponents skullcrushers. The gnawhole warscroll says that counts as a move but is it a move for the purposes of the Jezzail's rerolling hit bonus? 

We couldnt find anything to say either way and ended up playing it like stormcast deepstriking (counts as a move but doesnt stop you getting the bonus for not moving). I am pretty sure I have seen something that said this but cant remember where. 


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@Gwendar With Deranged Inventor, the fiends would be sort of buffed on their arrival turn with the grinder. Re-rolling misses and sparked for the damage. They also support the AW who can remain up the field. That’s the theory anyway. There is the disadvantage that you can’t cast MMMWP on them, or Vigourdust them in that first turn.

If you didn’t take the grinder, would the plan be to dust the fiends, skitterleap forward, cast WLV, gnawhole back and spark the fiends? That’s quite a lot to get in, and may restrict your fiends moving up to stay in range of the AW.

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@Laststand No, teleports like that do not count as normal moves and you still get the re-rolls. See Sisters of the Watch teleporting with Wanderers allegiance and still being able to get double shots... it's in an FAQ somewhere I believe.

@MisterJoshua True, but I may also need Master of Magic on the Bell to get another +1 on the Death Frenzy, which is what I was stuck between. Your theory is solid with what I intended them to do (cast WLV from Skitterleaped AW, keep him up there with them rather than teleport back) but I'll have to play around and see if that's more worth it over ensuring a bit more that Death Frenzy goes off on Monks. But yes, that may be initially what I intend to do and it's sparked me to think of what I want more between the Clanrats and Grinder... but in the end this is an objective game, and more bodies tends to win games, especially in my meta were most people are running summoning armies of some variety.

I'll just have to see what works, I'm not really 100% sold either way until I play with it.

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11 hours ago, Gwendar said:

Remember when I said I wouldn't use Plague Monks? I member.

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Allegiance: Skaventide

Grey Seer on Screaming Bell (220)
- General
- Trait: Master of Magic 
- Lore of Ruin: Death Frenzy
Grey Seer (140)
- Lore of Ruin: Skitterleap
Arch-Warlock (160)
- Artefact: Vigordust Injector 
- Lore of Warpvolt Galvanism: More-more-more Warp Power!

40 x Clanrats (200)
- Rusty Blade
20 x Clanrats (120)
- Rusty Blade
20 x Clanrats (120)
- Rusty Blade

6 x Stormfiends (520)
1 x Warp-Grinder (80)
40 x Plague Monks (280)
- Woe-stave

Endless Spells / Terrain
Warp Lightning Vortex (100)

Total: 1990 / 2000
Extra Command Points: 1
Allies: 0 / 400
Wounds: 183

No Warpseer, but..meh. I can still start with a CP for an IP against any T1 shenanigans. Curious to see how it works out.

This is very similiar to the list I posted a few pages back I plan on running, only thing different is that I decided to put Thanquol in at the cost of WLV, atleast for now, before I get to playtesting. Please let us know how it worked.

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Hello everyone! I've been reading this thread and l've learnt a lot from your conversations and advice. I would like to know if you would be so kind to help me with my 1500 points list. I'd really appreciate it.

The core of my army consists of 2 units of 20 Clanrats with Blades + 2 units of 40 Plague Monks (don't know yet whether to go with woe-staves or pairs of foetid blades).  That's 800 points, leaving 700 points remaining which I could spend on:

Option 1: Grey Seer on Screaming Bell (Skavenbrew and Death Frenzy?) + Plague Priest on Plague Furnace + 6 Jezzails (or 280 points spent elsewhere)

Option 2: Grey Seer + Plague Priest on Plague Furnace + Verminlord Corruptor (+ 80 points to spend somewhere else)

Option 3: Other combinations of Verminlords/Bells/Furnaces/Seers/Other units


Thank you so much in advance! 

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@Pejzub It's unfortunate that I can't see any reason to run Thanquol anymore now with the range nerf to WLV. I suppose he could still run up and get it off as he is somewhat tanky, but for me he just ends up being a 400 point distraction that I don't see a point behind when I can take many other things for the points that will likely get more done. He just doesn't have room in any of my lists nowadays unfortunately. Not to say he isn't good as I build him 50/50 so he can take on Hordes and Heroes alike... but still.

@Vampire Woe-Staves is the general consensus as you're getting more attacks and combining that with Death Frenzy just adds up the damage... plus with that 2" range, you're ensuring everything is getting some attacks in. Between your given options, I like 1 the most as it gives you some decent shooting that will deal with certain threats, like killing heroes used to summon things in.

Otherwise, I do like 2. You could spend those 80 points on a Grinder to deepstrike in some Monks or bump up 1 Clanrat unti to 40. You could also take a Furnace, Bell and the Corrupter for 1500 flat.

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@GwendarThank you so much! I will definitely go with Woe-Staves. I might be missing something here, but aren't we allowed up to 2 behemoths under 2000 points? I believe the Bell, Furnace and Verminlords are all behemoths and I could only take two of them? I might be mistaken here. Please, correct me if I'm wrong.

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@MisterJoshua Don't get me wrong, I love him for all of that. I think 400 points is solid for him, but we have so many other things that are just better to take that you would gimp yourself a bit by having all those points tied into him and not into more Monks\Shooting\Other Wizards\etc.

@Vampire That depends on what you're playing under; 1500 is really up to you and your opponent (or TO) to decide if you're playing it at Battlehost level or Vanguard level. If you're only using 2 Battleline, then yeah I suppose you're using Vanguard which means only 2 Behemoth, so your second option with just the Grey Seer + more Clanrats\Warp-Grinder is still solid enough. Either that or run the Bell + Furnace and 6 Jezzails. You should have enough bodies to ensure the Bell\Furnace are always moving.

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I have been using the screaming bell at 1,500pts and the battleshock immunity alone has been a huge benefit. It soaks up wounds and the peal of doom is great random fun (i havnt rolled a free verminlord yet but i have got the -1 to enemy hit rolls lots and it is a very nice effect. 

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I had a game on Tuesday night, where the Bell rang for -1 for everything to hit in 26".

Opponent dropped in the Stormcast guy with wings who gets stronger as time goes by. It totally fluffed everything because it was swinging at -2 to hit due to Look Out Sir and the ringing. Bell poked him a few times. Jezzails did the last couple damage.

And then a wild Verminlord appeared.

I think the Bell might be awesome. 

I picked up a second Verminlord and made a Corruptor. Probably not the best choice for free summoning. Probably should've made the character one.

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@Obeisance I rolled -1 to hit for 2 turns in a row before against a BoC player, which likely won me the game as all of the Bestigors and Gors he deepstuck in did absolutely nothing thanks to it. I managed to get a Verminlord once before, but it was already the end of the game so nothing really happened with it.

I think the Corruptor is still a solid choice without SoJ, but that can depend on your comp. If you're going heavy Verminous\Monks you may want a Warbringer for the other Death Frenzy. I've yet to see a reason to bring Skreech honestly.. the Warpseer + Corruptor + Deceiver combination works too well. That said, if my magic list does get a VL to summon in, I would probably choose Skreech over the Warbringer in that particular scenario.

All in all... yeah, the Bell is pretty great and while I wish it also had Wither, Crack's Call is still pretty decent against Dwarves and the like.

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