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11 hours ago, Sovereign said:

Ah yeah. I have 40 plague monks and boy are they gross in combat. I also have 40 Stormvermin and they're really good too, just too expensive.

What do the stormfiend heavy lists look like? A low-ish model count army with jezzails, acolytes, and stormfiends could be entertaining.

I would prefer Vermin (much less dice to roll too...) but yeah, the expense isn't worth it.

And that differs. Some people have ran pure Skryre (see Ben Savva's list recently played at the London GT) and some, like myself, run standard mixed lists. All of them run 9 Fiends, some take the Soulscream Bridge and some don't. My current list looks like this:


Allegiance: Skaventide

Grey Seer on Screaming Bell (220)
- General
- Trait: Master of Magic
- Lore of Ruin: Death Frenzy
Warlock Bombardier (100)
- Artefact: Vigordust Injector
- Lore of Warpvolt Galvanism: More-more-more Warp Power!
Warlock Bombardier (100)
- Lore of Warpvolt Galvanism: More-more-more Warp Power!

20 x Clanrats (120)
- Rusty Blade
20 x Clanrats (120)
- Rusty Blade
20 x Clanrats (120)
- Rusty Blade

9 x Stormfiends (780)
40 x Plague Monks (280)
- Woe-stave
- 1x Icon of Pestilence
- 1x Contagion Banner
- 1x Doom Gongs
- 1x Bale Chimes

Endless Spells / Terrain / CPs
Vermintide (40)
Soulscream Bridge (80)
Prismatic Palisade (30)

Total: 1990 / 2000
Extra Command Points: 0
Allies: 0 / 400
Wounds: 177

I switch it up occasionally, but the core typically remains the same. I have screens, reasonable magic (Vermintide\Palisade for blocking units) for buffing the Fiends (MMMWP) and the Monks (Death Frenzy). Works quite well.

7 hours ago, frostfire said:

How do you distribute the attacks of your stormfiends? I always consider the windlaucher as the hero killer because it is -3, but it seems better against big units because it gets +1 to hit attacking 10+ models.

Assuming a fully buffed unit with 3 Ratling Cannons (Spark + MMMWP + Vigordust) is putting out the average 30 shots or so, you're getting ~30 damage vs a 4+. Windlaunchers are getting ~12-13 damage (12 with the standard 3+ to hit or 13 with +1 from 10+ models) but that goes to ~10 against a 4+ if Look out, sir comes into play (knocking it back to a 4+ to hit). Note that for the Windlaunchers I didn't count the +1 damage from the Spark, so it's actually higher.

Now, I just used mathhammer because I'm horrible at math, but it does the job at finding base level averages. I find that early game usually has the Windlaunchers sniping heroes.. this is especially important if it's a summoning army like Seraphon, Slaanesh, etc. Once things get close, you can honestly throw those Ratlings into literally anything that needs to die. Typically that's a hammer\anvil unit. Remember you roll the number of attacks first on the 9d6 before choosing how many go where, so you can split your shots accordingly if you math out the averages in order to take out multiple units.

Edited by Gwendar
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9 Stormfiends against 4+ amour. Spark is always included. "Normal result" is what you can expect 7 out of 10 rolls. (95% confidence intervals tend to be so wide that you can't gauge it properly in game.) 4++ means that you can re-roll.


4+/4+            5-7   (.7 per shot)

4++/4++       13-17   (1.7 per shot)

3++/4++       16-20  ( 2 per shot)


Ratling:           27 shots                                   36 shots

4+/3+           12      (.44 per shot)                    16 (.44 per shot)

4++/3++       24     (.9 per shot)                       32 (.9 per shot)

3++/3++       28.4   (1.1 per shot)                   38 (1.1 per shot)


When splitting shots there is no answer to be found in math, but as a risk averse player myself I'd advise not to be too greedy and prioritize. What do you really need to kill? What happens if you don't kill it?

Edited by Ineffectual Clawlord
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I love Jezzails. They do reliable damage with a 36'' threat range. However it is not a whole lot of damage. Unlike Stormfiends where an entire build revolves around them (the Skryre 1drop list from the London GT is essentially 9 Fiends + tax/necessary support), Jezzails don't have the output to win a game by themselves. It is best to consider them a support unit that eliminates certain threats so your other win conditions become more likely.

9 Jezzails against 4+ armour, with spark:

4++/3+    4.5 MW + 7.5 W = 12

The problem is look out sir,

5++/3+    5 MW + 4.2 W = 9.2

There are two options to decrease the negative effects:

MMMWP 5++/3++   5 MW + 5 W =10

Vigordust 4++/3+   4.5 MW + 7.5 W = 12


For 100 points against 4+ armour  they average 2.9 damage (base + spark) or 3.4 with MMMWP.  In other words, they aren't efficient because range costs a lot in AoS.

Jezzails are natural best buddies with our short range shooters like Acolytes or Ratling Guns. Both are amazingly points efficient if you take the buffs into account (Acolytes: 11.7 dam per 100 points, Ratling with MMMWP: 20.7).

MMMWP + spark more than triples the damage of acolytes and overlaps nicely with buffing the Jezzails first turn before keeping it ready for the acolytes.


If you don't like the unreliability of Ratlings or don't want to convert Acolytes, you can always run 80 Monks like everybody else. Please practice rolling dice efficiently beforehand though.

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Apologies if this is in the wrong place. I posted this in the clan Skryre thread but it's a dead one.

I'm looking at starting up a skaven army and I'm 90% sure I want clan Skryre. Their playstyle is fun and completely different than what I'm used to. I play Ironjawz and FEC.

I want a 2k army with some variation. The capability to play with options from game to game is a must. Would like to be able to have 2 different playstyles.

I don't need a super competitive list. I'm part of a FLGS and it's generally pretty chill. I play against LoN, Blades, IDK, SCE mostly. I want something that's awesome. Stormfiends are some of my favorite models. The doomwheel looks fun as hell and the theatrical element of long range artillery just laying waste to front lines sounds like loads of fun.

My problem is I don't know where to start really. There are no SC options for Skryre and the Carrion empire prices are absolutely absurd. Why would I pay that price when I could get all the individual units for cheaper... Anyway,any advice would be great, thanks!

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@Ineffectual Clawlord Appreciate the actual math 😉 I agree; really think people should see Jezzails as support killers rather than 1-shot kings of battleline. There was a brief showing early on of Acolytes doing incredible, but it's mostly fallen out for Monks and Fiends.. curious to see if we return to that and I might take up that list again one day.

2 hours ago, Chase said:

Apologies if this is in the wrong place. I posted this in the clan Skryre thread but it's a dead one.

I'm looking at starting up a skaven army and I'm 90% sure I want clan Skryre. Their playstyle is fun and completely different than what I'm used to. I play Ironjawz and FEC.

I want a 2k army with some variation. The capability to play with options from game to game is a must. Would like to be able to have 2 different playstyles.

I don't need a super competitive list. I'm part of a FLGS and it's generally pretty chill. I play against LoN, Blades, IDK, SCE mostly. I want something that's awesome. Stormfiends are some of my favorite models. The doomwheel looks fun as hell and the theatrical element of long range artillery just laying waste to front lines sounds like loads of fun.

My problem is I don't know where to start really. There are no SC options for Skryre and the Carrion empire prices are absolutely absurd. Why would I pay that price when I could get all the individual units for cheaper... Anyway,any advice would be great, thanks!

You're in the right place.. I think we'd rather keep discussion under the same thread unlike CoS which really needed to be split. Anyway, if you want pure Skryre your only battleline is Fiends and Acolytes; do not buy Acolytes unless you have expendable income and like the sculpts. They're super easy to convert otherwise. That's... kind of it really. If you aren't playing competitively then I won't sit here and recommend 9 Stormfiends lists of pure shooting. 

You can have 1 Masterclan general, like a Grey Seer/Bell/Thanquol or the Warpgnaw, Skreech, or Warpseer Verminlords. If you have any other unit not Skryre, you will need to have 3x20 Clanrats minimum to fill battleline. You sound like you largely have it figured out and it's down to what models you like since you aren't concerned with competitiveness. So yeah, you're pretty much just looking at buying things individually. 

You have some variation but I think your playstyles largely gonna be about the same, can't really deviate too much from heavy shooting since that's what it does best. You can build your Stormfiends to be melee heavy (Warpfire, Grinderfist, Doomflayer/Shock Gauntlet) or shooting heavy (Windlauncher, Ratlings, Doomflayer/Shock Gauntlets) which is what we run competitively. Acolytes are 5 man screens, but they're best used in 1 big block of 20-30 for damage. Doomwheels can be great assassin's if you roll well in movement, Warp-Lightning Cannons are great but overshadowed by Jezzails, which are again generally taken competitively in units of 6-9. You could run Warpfire and Ratling teams as well if you'd like, but those haven't been too popular lately; again that's up to you and what you like.

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22 hours ago, frostfire said:

How do you distribute the attacks of your stormfiends? I always consider the windlaucher as the hero killer because it is -3, but it seems better against big units because it gets +1 to hit attacking 10+ models.

It’s probably one of the best tools for hero-sniping, especially when they hide behind some terrain or are just anyways unseen.

and in desperate times they will do some great damage against horde units as well.

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6 hours ago, Gwendar said:

@Ineffectual Clawlord Appreciate the actual math 😉 I agree; really think people should see Jezzails as support killers rather than 1-shot kings of battleline. There was a brief showing early on of Acolytes doing incredible, but it's mostly fallen out for Monks and Fiends.. curious to see if we return to that and I might take up that list again one day.

You're in the right place.. I think we'd rather keep discussion under the same thread unlike CoS which really needed to be split. Anyway, if you want pure Skryre your only battleline is Fiends and Acolytes; do not buy Acolytes unless you have expendable income and like the sculpts. They're super easy to convert otherwise. That's... kind of it really. If you aren't playing competitively then I won't sit here and recommend 9 Stormfiends lists of pure shooting. 

You can have 1 Masterclan general, like a Grey Seer/Bell/Thanquol or the Warpgnaw, Skreech, or Warpseer Verminlords. If you have any other unit not Skryre, you will need to have 3x20 Clanrats minimum to fill battleline. You sound like you largely have it figured out and it's down to what models you like since you aren't concerned with competitiveness. So yeah, you're pretty much just looking at buying things individually. 

You have some variation but I think your playstyles largely gonna be about the same, can't really deviate too much from heavy shooting since that's what it does best. You can build your Stormfiends to be melee heavy (Warpfire, Grinderfist, Doomflayer/Shock Gauntlet) or shooting heavy (Windlauncher, Ratlings, Doomflayer/Shock Gauntlets) which is what we run competitively. Acolytes are 5 man screens, but they're best used in 1 big block of 20-30 for damage. Doomwheels can be great assassin's if you roll well in movement, Warp-Lightning Cannons are great but overshadowed by Jezzails, which are again generally taken competitively in units of 6-9. You could run Warpfire and Ratling teams as well if you'd like, but those haven't been too popular lately; again that's up to you and what you like.

Thanks for taking the time to reply so thoughtfully. I guess when I comes down to it. I don't really care if I run a Skryre army or Skaventide. (Ironjawz and FEC make this stuff so simple 😂).

What I do want is an army that is mostly made of Skryre units. I do like the idea of having a badass general like a Verminlord (I would probably use the warpgnaw and use a Verminlord "counts as" because the models are amazing) or Thanquol.

I really don't like the idea of having mobs of clan rats. I'd much rather have an elite heavy army with a blob of 20 -30 acolytes maybe being screened by 20 stormvermin (plague monks maybe?). That sounds much more exciting. Oh and 9 stormfiends sounds like a blast.... (see what I did there 😅). What I want to avoid is over investing and finding out it doesn't work well. I'm actually good with a competitive army, we are semi-competitive and on occasion have tournaments but we're not near as competitive as a lot of other LGS.

Do you have maybe a couple of army examples I can look at? One thats Skryre, semi-competitive, and will choose exciting models and themes over pure efficiency. And maybe a second army that ticks that same boxes but only has a few of the same Skryre units like stormfiends, and doomwheel. Preferably both having the same general, if not the general is at least in as a hero.

Thanks a whole lot for your help bro. I appreciate your time.

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11 minutes ago, Chase said:

Thanks for taking the time to reply so thoughtfully. I guess when I comes down to it. I don't really care if I run a Skryre army or Skaventide. (Ironjawz and FEC make this stuff so simple 😂).

What I do want is an army that is mostly made of Skryre units. I do like the idea of having a badass general like a Verminlord (I would probably use the warpgnaw and use a Verminlord "counts as" because the models are amazing) or Thanquol.

I really don't like the idea of having mobs of clan rats. I'd much rather have an elite heavy army with a blob of 20 -30 acolytes maybe being screened by 20 stormvermin (plague monks maybe?). That sounds much more exciting. Oh and 9 stormfiends sounds like a blast.... (see what I did there 😅). What I want to avoid is over investing and finding out it doesn't work well. I'm actually good with a competitive army, we are semi-competitive and on occasion have tournaments but we're not near as competitive as a lot of other LGS.

Do you have maybe a couple of army examples I can look at? One thats Skryre, semi-competitive, and will choose exciting models and themes over pure efficiency. And maybe a second army that ticks that same boxes but only has a few of the same Skryre units like stormfiends, and doomwheel. Preferably both having the same general, if not the general is at least in as a hero.

Thanks a whole lot for your help bro. I appreciate your time.

Well then my friend let me tell you this much.

Going full out skryre will have their risk, since no screen will literally mean the death of your army in one lucky or unlucky (in our case), swung.

what most people intend to use to well ignore that weakness is basically to take the min. Required battle-line of 60 clanrats, which not only guarantees you are protective screen for a single round but also gives you the possibility to field stuff that wouldn’t be possible in a full out skryre army.

if you dislike the fielding 40-60 clanrats, you can always take 20-30Stormvermins instead, although keep in mind that stormvermins are a very expensive units and you can’t really hope that they’ll be doing more damage than clanrats in their low model count.

plague monks aren’t a option for you as they are only a battleline option in a fully fledged out pestilence army, taking them would mean that you would have to take the min. Required battleline tax of 20-30stormvermins or 40-60clanrats.

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2 minutes ago, Skreech Verminking said:

Well then my friend let me tell you this much.

Going full out skryre will have their risk, since no screen will literally mean the death of your army in one lucky or unlucky (in our case), swung.

what most people intend to use to well ignore that weakness is basically to take the min. Required battle-line of 60 clanrats, which not only guarantees you are protective screen for a single round but also gives you the possibility to field stuff that wouldn’t be possible in a full out skryre army.

if you dislike the fielding 40-60 clanrats, you can always take 20-30Stormvermins instead, although keep in mind that stormvermins are a very expensive units and you can’t really hope that they’ll be doing more damage than clanrats in their low model count.

plague monks aren’t a option for you as they are only a battleline option in a fully fledged out pestilence army, taking them would mean that you would have to take the min. Required battleline tax of 20-30stormvermins or 40-60clanrats.

That helps a lot. Thanks for that. Without ever play as or against a real skaven army. Would be super disappointing to see my awesome new acolytes and stormfiends get wasted turn 1 on the regular. Especially against x3 bloodthurster khorne, and IDK.

So if I do go for the min battleline of 60 clan rats. What's the rest of the composition look like? Toying around I like the idea of 9 fiends and 6 jezzails but damn they're expensive. No room for any powerful heros and cool fluff like doomwheel and warp Lightning. Any suggestions?

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Ok so basically what I think I want is Thanquol (he is one of my favorite models in all of AOS) or a Verminlord. 6-9 stormfiends and 2 doomwheels. Thematically that makes me happy as we do a lot of narrative play. How do I build everything else to be as competitive  as possible with those options.

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3 minutes ago, Chase said:

Ok so basically what I think I want is Thanquol (he is one of my favorite models in all of AOS) or a Verminlord. 6-9 stormfiends and 2 doomwheels. Thematically that makes me happy as we do a lot of narrative play. How do I build everything else to be as competitive  as possible with those options.

A friend of mine used this list on the last tournament I participated as well and got 7th place.

He on the other hand was able to defeat the 3keeper list and got first place.

Allegiance: Skaventide Mortal Realm: -
Thanquol on Boneripper (400) Warlock Bombardier (100)
- General
- Command Trait: Deranged Inventor
- Artefact: Vigordust Injector
- Lore of Warpvolt Galvanism: More- more-more Warp Power!
Plague Priest on Plague Furnace (200)
20 x Clanrats (120)
- Rusty Spear
20 x Clanrats (120)
- Rusty Spear
20 x Clanrats (120)
- Rusty Spear
40 x Plague Monks (280)
- Foetid Blades
- 1 x Icon of Pestilence
- 1 x Contagion Banner
- 1 x Doom Gongs
- 1 x Bale Chimes
12 x Warplock Jezzails (560)
Warp Lightning Vortex (100)

although there are no stormfiends or doomwheels in it at all.

Edited by Skreech Verminking
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3 minutes ago, Chase said:


@Skreech Verminking that list looks bonkers. That's so many rats though. 100+


Hah, 115 models isn’t really that much (I usually use 120++ models) and you really don’t have to use so many model.

1 hour ago, Obeisance said:

How are people finding Stormfiend spam, anyway?

Any meta trends you see making them worse?

The stormfiend spam hasn’t really started in my area. I’ts probably more of a jezzails spam, reason my friend gave me was that a unit of 9stormfiend is rather hard to control.

so ueha I can see the stormfiend spam to succeed in the future, although warplock jezzail spam seems to be the meta right now

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What do you think about this? 

Also it would be a straight trade for Thanquol. If that would work better. I just really don't know how any of them play.ive made the mistake with other armies in the past and have been disappointed with my purchase

Verminlord Warpseer (300)
- General
Warlock Bombardier (100)

6 x Stormfiends (520)
3 x Stormfiends (260)
5 x Skryre Acolytes (60)
5 x Skryre Acolytes (60)
5 x Skryre Acolytes (60)
5 x Skryre Acolytes (60)

1 x Warp-Grinder (80)

War Machines
Doomwheel (160)
Doomwheel (160)
Warp Lightning Cannon (180)

Total: 2000 / 2000
Extra Command Points: 0
Allies: 0 / 400
Wounds: 118

Edited by Chase
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1 hour ago, Chase said:

What do you think about this? 

Also it would be a straight trade for Thanquol. If that would work better. I just really don't know how any of them play.ive made the mistake with other armies in the past and have been disappointed with my purchase

Verminlord Warpseer (300)
- General
Warlock Bombardier (100)

6 x Stormfiends (520)
3 x Stormfiends (260)
5 x Skryre Acolytes (60)
5 x Skryre Acolytes (60)
5 x Skryre Acolytes (60)
5 x Skryre Acolytes (60)

1 x Warp-Grinder (80)

War Machines
Doomwheel (160)
Doomwheel (160)
Warp Lightning Cannon (180)

Total: 2000 / 2000
Extra Command Points: 0
Allies: 0 / 400
Wounds: 118

Well in total there isn’t really much you can do wrong.

sure loosing will be a factor but playing the skaven gives you a huge amount of units to choose from.

If I were You I would just go for the units you like the best.

ps: also a real and true soaven player always overcharges his weapons.

A warlock bombardier that didn’t die in a glorious green explosion from a malfunction of his rocketlauncher, clearly did something wrong.

and remember every single battle lost or won, is a victory for you.

loosing you’re army of traitors was all cunningly planned.

Edited by Skreech Verminking
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@Chase I played both FeC and IJ previously, so I know what you mean. I would advise getting into CoS cause then you'll really be lost with choice. I would say take a look at some of my previous lists, but they're built competitively so yeah, if your meta is at least semi-competitive then they should work fine. 9 Shooting Fiends used effectively will likely not go over well with your crowd based on what I'm hearing.

Just remember the rule of "if everything but a Masterclan general isn't 100% of a given faction then you have to include 3x20 Clanrats minimum" and you should be good to do whatever. I think your proposed list hits on the mark for a semi-competitive list. As @Skreech Verminking pointed out though you don't have screens so many armies will have an easy time dealing with you if they're even semi-aggressive.

Anyway, I guess if I had to make a less\semi comp Skryre heavy list with some variety, I would try this:


Allegiance: Skaventide

Verminlord Warpseer (300)
- General
- Trait: Master of Magic
Warlock Bombardier (100)
- Artefact: Vigordust Injector
- Lore of Warpvolt Galvanism: More-more-more Warp Power!
Warlock Bombardier (100)
- Lore of Warpvolt Galvanism: More-more-more Warp Power!

20 x Clanrats (120)
- Rusty Blade
20 x Clanrats (120)
- Rusty Blade
20 x Clanrats (120)
- Rusty Blade

6 x Stormfiends (520)
6 x Warplock Jezzails (280)

War Machines
Doomwheel (160)
Warp Lightning Cannon (180)

Total: 2000 / 2000
Extra Command Points: 0
Allies: 0 / 400
Wounds: 146

Gives you shooting, the fun Skryre toys and all that. 60 Clanrats just for some bodies and you aren't inundated with the level of vermin that Skreech tends to take in his lists😉. Oh, and you can take Verminous Valour and Suspicious Stone on the Warpseer to make your friends waste their time attempting to kill the Warpseer; that's always funny.

6 hours ago, Obeisance said:

How are people finding Stormfiend spam, anyway?

Any meta trends you see making them worse?

If you've seen any games at the big tournaments against Tzeentch (Changehost with endless spell spam in particular) that tends to do be the death of them. You can easily block the unit by spamming endless spells in front of them to block their path. If you take a Soulscream Bridge you can potentially mitigate this, but any decent player will pre-measure to ensure their Wizards are out of range anyway and then they'll just put more spells right there to seal you in again. IE; the trick is typically to not fight them unless you have something that can absolutely decimate their shooting potential quickly\keep them tied up. Remember it takes 27 wounds before their shooting potential gets affected. There is however a rumor going around of potential Endless Spell changes preventing the absurd blocking potential they have.

I would say to look out for Hallowheart, but they don't have mobility or endless spell spam capability like Tzeentch do so I don't think it'll be troublesome... hard hitting T1 charging\shooting units will be however (Tempest Eye, Living City, Orruks, etc) if you aren't screening those Fiends or keeping them from getting shot. I think it'll die out soon enough, it's had mixed results at big tournaments, but overall still pretty great for the time being. At some point I will likely give my Jezzail\Acolyte lists a go again... maybe still try to squeeze in 40 Monks while I'm at it.

Edited by Gwendar
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Grey Seer on Screaming Bell (220)
Warlock Bombardier (100)
- General
- Trait: Deranged Inventor
- Lore of Warpvolt Galvanism: More-more-more Warp Power!
Warlock Bombardier (100)
- Artefact: Vigordust Injector
- Lore of Warpvolt Galvanism: More-more-more Warp Power!

20 x Clanrats (120)
- Rusty Blade
20 x Clanrats (120)
- Rusty Blade
20 x Clanrats (120)
- Rusty Blade

6 x Stormfiends (520)

Total: 1300 / 2000
Extra Command Points: 0
Allies: 0 / 400
Wounds: 119
This would be a solid starting block that can still develop into all different directions and can support a lot of the whackier Skryre choices. Whacky meaning that they have random values for attack or movement (e.g. Doomwheel) and are therefore rarely seen in competitive lists.
You could add 9 Jezzails and a Cannon in this list for example and use your Fiends as linebackers. Or you add another unit of Fiends, a Soulscream bridge and 2 Doomwheels to go aggressive.
This is a list that features the stuff you want the most:
Thanquol on Boneripper (400)
- Lore of Ruin: Warpgale
Arch-Warlock (160)
- Artefact: Vigordust Injector
- Lore of Warpvolt Galvanism: More-more-more Warp Power!
Warlock Bombardier (100)
- General
- Trait: Deranged Inventor
- Lore of Warpvolt Galvanism: More-more-more Warp Power!

20 x Clanrats (120)
- Rusty Blade
20 x Clanrats (120)
- Rusty Blade
20 x Clanrats (120)
- Rusty Blade

6 x Stormfiends (520)

War Machines
Doomwheel (160)
Doomwheel (160)

Endless Spells / Terrain / CPs
Warp Lightning Vortex (100)
Vermintide (40)

Total: 2000 / 2000
Extra Command Points: 0
Allies: 0 / 400
Wounds: 136

Still a lot you can change there, for example take the Fulminator instead of the Vigordust Injector. Send one of the Wheels through a Warphole and fulminate the other.
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so i have procured 9 jezzails, really looking to use them to the best of their ability, but havent had much practice with them. I've got a freindly game against khorne tonight, and i expect to see some big ol demons. Is it better to have the jezzails try to unload into bloodthirsters, or the support heroes? I plan on bringing an engineer and a bombadier for the MMMWP as well as a vigordust injector.  I know it becomes situational depending whats on the board, but any advice from people who play them would be welcome. deployment tactics and the like.

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13 minutes ago, Ser_namron said:

so i have procured 9 jezzails, really looking to use them to the best of their ability, but havent had much practice with them. I've got a freindly game against khorne tonight, and i expect to see some big ol demons. Is it better to have the jezzails try to unload into bloodthirsters, or the support heroes? I plan on bringing an engineer and a bombadier for the MMMWP as well as a vigordust injector.  I know it becomes situational depending whats on the board, but any advice from people who play them would be welcome. deployment tactics and the like.

I would say to look at @Ineffectual Clawlord's damage breakdown of them on the last page for an idea on their potential. I don't know that VD + MMMWP is all that needed on them based on his math and you're rapidly killing off your own unit that way, thus the damage over the course of the game starts dropping pretty drastically.

They have a 36" threat range, but ideally you don't want them to move. I think it really just depends what you see as the biggest threat. Bloodthirsters can shred you in an AoE with their exploding mortals, but any of their buffed up units can do a lot as well. 9 of them are better at hitting bigger targets, but understand that you may not 1-shot, per the math. When I run Jezzails, I'm also running other shooting units (Acolytes or Fiends) to go after different targets, meaning the Jezzails are generally killing the support heroes.

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Gotcha gotcha. I made a bit of a shooty list, think i might give it a go and just test thew waters out on these Jezzails. 

Warpseer- 300- Master of magic
Bombadier-100- vigordust injector/ MMMWP
Engineer - 100-  MMMWP
3x 20x clan rats for battleline tax 360 pts
9 jezzails- 420
WLC- 180
doomwheel- 160
Plague monks x 40- 280 
WLV -100 

Figured id just sit back out of reach of the first turn charge, let them come to me. Screen the front with clan rats, have the jezzails right behind them , the WLC close by for when the big threats get in range, have a doomwheel harassing the flank or going for a suicide run to bracket the bloodthirster and a WLV to stall the center of the board or an objective. Hopefully get some good shooting the first turn or two and then move the clan rats or plague monks out to take the objectives. Warpseer is their so i dont have to take battleshocks because his ability is bonkers lol. 

I was considering taking out the doomwheel/wlv for a unit of 3 stormfiends, but i dont think 3 is going to be worth it ( only have 3 for now).


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3 hours ago, Ser_namron said:

Figured id just sit back out of reach of the first turn charge, let them come to me. Screen the front with clan rats, have the jezzails right behind them , the WLC close by for when the big threats get in range, have a doomwheel harassing the flank or going for a suicide run to bracket the bloodthirster and a WLV to stall the center of the board or an objective. Hopefully get some good shooting the first turn or two and then move the clan rats or plague monks out to take the objectives. Warpseer is their so i dont have to take battleshocks because his ability is bonkers lol. 

I was considering taking out the doomwheel/wlv for a unit of 3 stormfiends, but i dont think 3 is going to be worth it ( only have 3 for now).

Definitely watch your deployment and analyze whether or not you'll be given T1; with 10 drops you likely won't have the choice. It's fine to sit back for a turn, but many CC heavy armies are likely going to set themselves up to get a potential double turn on you or minimize the damage you can do if you get priority. Good lookout with the Doomwheel, and honestly it could be one of your prime targets for MMMWP... that thing is actually quite good at killing support heroes (in fact, I 1-shot a Slaan T1 once before) and I really do not recommend dropping either of those for 3 Fiends as, yeah, 6-9 are really where it's at in my (and most people's) opinion.

Couple of other notes:
- Watch out for WLV placement is it hurts you as well; I wouldn't throw it on an objective you don't already own. Some may even still throw a sacrificial unit in range of an objective with a WLV on top of it just to cap it from you so it isn't foolproof in keeping people away.
- To bounce of the WLV, you could always throw in a Grey Seer with Skitterleap (maybe instead of the WLC) to port a Bombardier\Engineer near a Gnawhole and have them throw out the WLV on a re-rolling cast with +1 (Sparks + Gnawhole) and you can then use that Gnawhole during movement to get back to safety. Allows you to still use the WLV as a T1 damage dealer rather than the area-denial\late game tool that it is now.

Either way, it's pretty solid so curious to hear how you do.

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@Ineffectual Clawlord @Gwendar @Skreech Verminking

You guys are awesome. Gives me confidence to know that I am on the right track, can buy several things and make multiple fun lists with different playstyles and tactics. Something I really am not able to get out of IJ and FEC. But can I get a holla for Warclans....lol

Is it a sin to worship Gorkamorka and the Great Horned Rat 😆

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On 10/17/2019 at 6:49 AM, Skreech Verminking said:

Allegiance: Skaventide - Mortal Realm: Chamon
Skaa bloodtail, right claw of clan Mors (100)
- Mighty Warlord Command Trait : Verminous Valour
Grey seer sniketrikk (220)
Grey Seer on Screaming Bell - Lore of Ruin : Death Frenzy
Skreek the destroyer (280)
Verminlord Warbringer
- General
- Command Trait : Brutal Fury - Artefact : Rune Blade
Skallog the mad (100)
Warlock Bombardier
- Lore of Warpvolt Galvanism : More-more-more Warp Power!
The black furred gnawers of the deep warrens (200)
40 x Clanrats - Rusty Blade
****** backstabbering backstabbers (200)
40 x Clanrats - Rusty Blade
The red guard (450)
40 x Stormvermin - Halberd & Shield
The man-thing flayers (260)
3 x Stormfiends
The Squig-burner (70)
1 x Warpfire Thrower
The dwarf-thing menace (70)
1 x Warpfire Thrower

1doom bell(40)


(model count exactly 130)


So then it is time to tell the tale of my second battle against my nemesis, friend and tournament organisers army of tzeentchian sorcery.

his list conisted of:”

Lord of Change (380)
- General
- Command Trait: Magical Supremacy - Artefact: Mark of the Conjurer
- Lore of Change: Tzeentch's Firestorm The Blue Scribes (140) - Lore of Change: Treason of Tzeentch
Herald of Tzeentch (140)
- Staff of Change
- Artefact: Aspect of Tzeentch
- Lore of Change: Bolt of Tzeentch
10 x Pink Horrors of Tzeentch (180)
- Lore of Change: Unchecked Mutation 10 x Pink Horrors of Tzeentch (180)
- Lore of Change: Tzeentch's Firestorm 10 x Pink Horrors of Tzeentch (180)
- Lore of Change: Fold Reality
10 x BrimstoneHorrorsofTzeentch (60) 10 x BrimstoneHorrorsofTzeentch (60) 10 x BrimstoneHorrorsofTzeentch (60)
Changehost (180)
Aethervoid Pendulum (50) Shards of Valagharr (40) Ravenak's Gnashing Jaws (30) Geminids of Uhl-Gysh (60) Prismatic Palisade (30)
Purple Sun of Shyish (50) Soulsnare Shackles (40) Suffocating Gravetide (20) Umbral Spellportal (70) Balewind Vortex (40)
TOTAL: 1990/2000
EXTRA Commandpoint:1

(Mine can be found a-both for those who haven’t seen yet)

we were using the battleplan total conquest.

So as it is usual for me and my skaven army, I was out deployed, knowing far well how deadly my skaven can be in combat my opponent chose to go first, casting almost every endless spell onto my left flank to keep them at bay.

he the. Changed his deployment thanks to his changehost in sich a way that one of his 10horror unit gained the objective on my left side, ending his turn with 3victory points.

basically my turn started with dispelling al of his endless spell on my left side, giving me the opportunity to move my clanrats up and gaining the control of my rightside objective my clanrats who where pushing the great altar of the horned rat scurried up the middle of the board and my Elite red guard of handpicked warriors moved up on the rightflank.my verminlord on the other hand chose to move up towards the inspiring presence to gain an extra command-point in the next  heroephase.

In the shooting phase my stormfiends shoot a unit of pinks full of holes. I then charged my Warbringer into a unit of brimstone horros, decimating them while doing so.

my turn ended with me gaining 3victory points.

 Since everything went as planned I cunningly lost the role of on purpose, letting my opponent think he had a change.

he started with activating his commantrait, that gave every wizard within a certain distance plus 1 to the cast, 3times in a row, and well fid the same thing again, casting almost every endless spell to keep me from moving on the left flank, while one of  his pinks successfully cast purple son on my right flank flank, transformation 15 Stormvermins and 6 clanrats into worthless crystals.
he then moved his big birdy up the board in hopes he would be able to do some damage onto my clanrats, but failing doing so in combat, which meant I kept the objective.

In my turn, I literally banned every single endless spell in my way, back to the realms they came from and succeded casting mmmwp onto my stormfiends, who then dealt 12wounds mighty wounds onto tge bird and dealt 3damage onto a nearby hero with the wind launchers, My Verminlord who was free to move, scurried i to the the right flank of my enemy, towards his herald and blue special magic named horros, slicing their heads of with a clean cut of his doom glaive.

the Warp chicken on the other suffered a death of a thousand paper cuts or in this instants of a thousands gnawing teeths, slowly grinding his meat of his bones.

on his left flank his pinks and brimstone were charged by my clanrats and stormvermins, Who only left a single unit of brimstones alive, taking the control of another Objective which ended my turn with another 5victory points.

having lost everything meaningful, my opponent surrendered.

another major victory for clan Mors!

(Next game report will be coming soon. Ps: I lost that one though)

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