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if the new box set is as described (and you buy 2 of them) and you wanted to kitbash some Acolytes. You could add another 3 stormfiends and run something like this:

Thanquol on Boneripper (390)
- General
- 4 Warpfire Braziers
Warlock Bombardier (120)
- Lore of Warpvolt Galvanism: More-more-more Warp Power!
Warlock Bombardier (120)
- Lore of Warpvolt Galvanism: More-more-more Warp Power!

3 x Stormfiends (260)
3 x Stormfiends (260)
3 x Stormfiends (260)
20 x Skryre Acolytes (200)

Warp Lightning Cannon (180)
Warp Lightning Cannon (180)

Total: 1970 / 2000
Extra Command Points: 0
Allies: 0 / 400
Wounds: 113

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3 hours ago, Cosmicsheep said:

if the new box set is as described (and you buy 2 of them) and you wanted to kitbash some Acolytes. You could add another 3 stormfiends and run something like this:

Thanquol on Boneripper (390)
- General
- 4 Warpfire Braziers
Warlock Bombardier (120)
- Lore of Warpvolt Galvanism: More-more-more Warp Power!
Warlock Bombardier (120)
- Lore of Warpvolt Galvanism: More-more-more Warp Power!

3 x Stormfiends (260)
3 x Stormfiends (260)
3 x Stormfiends (260)
20 x Skryre Acolytes (200)

Warp Lightning Cannon (180)
Warp Lightning Cannon (180)

Total: 1970 / 2000
Extra Command Points: 0
Allies: 0 / 400
Wounds: 113

I was thinking of something similar. I'd rather stay away from Acolytes. 

Allegiance: Skaventide



Thanquol on Boneripper (390)

- 4 Warpfire Braziers

Warlock Bombardier (120)

Warlock Bombardier (120)





3 x Stormfiends (260)

3 x Stormfiends (260)

1 x Doomwheel (150)

3 x Stormfiends (260)



Warp Lightning Cannon (180)

Warp Lightning Cannon (180)


Endless Spells / Terrain / CPs

Warp Lightning Vortex (80)


Total: 2000 / 2000

Extra Command Points: 0

Allies: 0 / 400

Wounds: 101


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14 hours ago, Aeryenn said:

I was thinking of something similar. I'd rather stay away from Acolytes. 

Allegiance: Skaventide



Thanquol on Boneripper (390)

- 4 Warpfire Braziers

Warlock Bombardier (120)

Warlock Bombardier (120)





3 x Stormfiends (260)

3 x Stormfiends (260)

1 x Doomwheel (150)

3 x Stormfiends (260)



Warp Lightning Cannon (180)

Warp Lightning Cannon (180)


Endless Spells / Terrain / CPs

Warp Lightning Vortex (80)


Total: 2000 / 2000

Extra Command Points: 0

Allies: 0 / 400

Wounds: 101


Your best bet is to get rid of Thanquol in a skryre list, you miss out on the rerolling hits command trait aura for your fiends, that way you can "buff" them all if more more warp power fails on one unit.
Have you tried stormfiends in a unit of 6x before? Watch your opponent cry as you unleash 6xd6 attacks with rerolling all, 2 dmg each hit with the machine gunz.
If you want to go skryre, here is a fun 1 drop list (artefacts Vigordust injector + vial of fulminator):


Edited by Darkhan
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3 hours ago, Darkhan said:

Your best bet is to get rid of Thanquol in a skryre list, you miss out on the rerolling hits command trait aura for your fiends, that way you can "buff" them all if more more warp power fails on one unit.
Have you tried stormfiends in a unit of 6x before? Watch your opponent cry as you unleash 6xd6 attacks with rerolling all, 2 dmg each hit with the machine gunz.
If you want to go skryre, here is a fun 1 drop list (artefacts Vigordust injector + vial of fulminator):

Skryre.pdf 726.76 kB · 2 downloads

Thank you for the suggestions. I'm not much of a tournament guy and the list doesn't have to be super competetive. It's just Thanquol is such a great model I'm not sure if I will get into Skaven without him.

Can you please explain what is needed to have a full reroll on windlaunchers? And making them 6d6?

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1 hour ago, Aeryenn said:

Thank you for the suggestions. I'm not much of a tournament guy and the list doesn't have to be super competetive. It's just Thanquol is such a great model I'm not sure if I will get into Skaven without him.

Can you please explain what is needed to have a full reroll on windlaunchers? And making them 6d6?

You don’t really need it, think of it more as certain way to guve your huge unit of fiends at least some rerolling potential, when you fail you cast of mmmwp.

Against seraphon, with the current known kroak it can be very hard to even get the cast.

But in total you don’t really need it.

The deranged inventor command trait is more of a insurance, that you can at least reroll something with your very expensive fiends, because hitting on 4s can be a bit swingy,

yet still Thanqoul can be a pretty great addition in a skryre only army, with his warpflamers even hordes of hearthguard berserkers, will have to learn to fear-fear him

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1 hour ago, Aeryenn said:

Thank you for the suggestions. I'm not much of a tournament guy and the list doesn't have to be super competetive. It's just Thanquol is such a great model I'm not sure if I will get into Skaven without him.

Can you please explain what is needed to have a full reroll on windlaunchers? And making them 6d6?

I get you:) Thanquol does way better in fixed list. But hey, play what you want;)

You need to cast "more-more warp power" on a unit for it to reroll everything, launchers only do a total of 6 attacks IF you run a unit of 6x fiends, since you'll have 2x launchers, 2x miniguns, 2x close combat units. 6xd6 attacks is for the miniguns:) One minigun model got 3xd6 attacks.

The command trait "deranged inventor" makes you reroll hits (in a bubble around the person who has the trait). But you miss out on that since Thanquol is a named character. Hope it helps clear things up!

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1 hour ago, fishwaffle2232 said:

Has everyone seen the new rules for hidden weapon teams. 

What a crazy world we have woken to. Fire up the warpfire throwers boys! 

I have 4 of them that haven't hit the table since our 2nd ed book! 🔥🔥🔥

I also really like the Moulder mutations. There are a few that go far in shoring up Hellpit's/Ogor's weaknesses. Shame the Moulder Battalion is dead in the water soon.

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Typed up the leaked Skaven rules expansion if anyone is interested:


Hidden Weapon Teams:

When you select a Weapon Team unit other than a Warp Grinder to be part of your army, you can pick 1 friendly unit of Clanrats or Stormvermin that has 10 or more models and is already part of your army to be the unit in which that Weapon Team unit is hiding. Record this information on a piece of paper. Do not set up the Weapon Team unit until it is revealed as described next. You can hide up to 1 Weapon Team unit in a Clanrats or Stormvermin unit for every 10 models in that Clanrats or Stormvermin unit.

At the start of your shooting phase, you can reveal 1 or more hidden Weapon Team units. If you do so, set up each hidden Weapon Team unit wholly within 3" of the unit it was hiding in and more than 3" from any enemy units. Weapon Team units can shoot in the turn in which they are revealed as long as the unit they were hiding in did not run in the same turn (it could have retreated).

In addition, at the end of your charge phase, you can reveal 1 or more hidden Weapon Team units that were hiding in a unit that made a charge move in that phase. If you do so, set up each hidden Weapon Team unit wholly within 3" of the unit it was hiding in (it can be set up within 3" of any enemy units and can fight in the following combat phase).

Hidden Weapon Team units are destroyed if the unit they are hiding in is destroyed before they are revealed.


Clans Moulder Mutations:

If a Skaventide army includes any Fighting Beast units, 1 of those Fighting Beast units can have a Clans Moulder mutation.

In addition, when you pick a Fighting Beast unit to benefit from the Prized Creations battle trait at the start of the first battle round (see page 67 of Battletome: Skaven), you can choose for it to have a Clans Moulder mutation instead of adding D3 to its Wounds Characteristic and re-rolling hit rolls of 1.

Declare which Fighting Beast unit will have the Clans Moulder mutation and then choose or roll for a mutation from the appropriate table. The same Fighting Beast unit cannot have more than 1 Clans Moulder mutation, and an army may not include duplicates of the same mutation.

Hideous Abominations (Hell Pit Abominations only):

1. Toughened Sinews: This Hell Pit Abomination has a Wounds characteristic of 14 and a Save characteristic of 4+.

2. Lumbering Behemoth: This Hell Pit Abomination has a Move characteristic of 7". In addition, charge rolls for this Hell Pit Abomination are automatically a 7 (do not roll the dice).

3. Quivering Bulk: Add 1 to each dice roll you make for this Hell Pit Abomination's Avalanche of Flesh ability.

4. Accelerated Regeneration: You can use this Hell Pit Abomination's Regenerating Monstrosity ability in the enemy hero phase as well as in your hero phase.

5. Best-best Warpstone Spikes: You can re-roll the dice when you use this Hell Pit Abomination's Warpstone Spikes ability. In addition, you can re-roll wound rolls of 1 for attacks made with melee weapons by this Hell Pit Abomination.

6. Never-never Die-die: You can re-roll the dice when you use this Hell Pit Abomination's Too Horrible To Die ability.

Big-big Rat Ogors (Rat Ogors only):

1. Toughened Sinews: This Rat Ogor unit has a Wounds characteristic of 6 and a Save characteristic of 4+.

2. Insanely Rabid: This Rat Ogor unit's Tearing Claws, Blades and Fangs have an Attacks characteristic of 6. In addition you can re-roll charge rolls for this Rat Ogor unit.

3. Accelerated Metabolism: This Rat Ogor unit has a Move characteristic of 8". In addition, you can heal D3 wounds allocated to this Rat Ogor unit in your hero phase.


Edited by Verminlord
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32 minutes ago, Malakithe said:

Those encourage some different lists builds at least

Yes, especially since you aren't required to have a moulder hero for your first mutation. The Ogor mutations have me the most excited as they effect the entire unit. Rat ogors at 6 wounds a model and a 3+ save (if old mystic shield is coming back) could actually be a pretty durable skaven unit.

I think I'll be taking the +2 attacks mutation with reroll charge most of the time though. With Master Moulder support you get them to 6 attacks each, 3s to hit (6s generate extra hits), 3s to wound (re-rolling all wounds with Rabid Crown) -1 rend 2 damage. Pretty tasty.

edit: Also while it says you may not have more than one mutation on a single unit, it does not say that you can not have a mutation on a Prized Creation. So add an extra D3 wounds to a model and re-roll hits of 1 if you include a Master Moulder. You can choose to have a second mutation on a second unit instead, but that may not apply to your list.

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So mates, it looks like as if the skaven are getting a few extra battle-traits.

So for long forgotten toys the weapon teams, it looks like as if we are going to be able to hide those in units of clanrats and stormvermins,

which can then set up from their hiding spot wholly within 3 of the unit they were hiding in, at the beginning of the shooting phase (they can still shoot as long as the unit of clanrats or stormvermin didn’t run)  or at the end of the charge phase.

And for moulder it seems like we will be able to give our fighting beasts some mutation or buffs in some what of a form.

although I was sadly not able to see mutations table, so those mutations may stay a mystery for now

I’ll be sending the pictures into the “supreme skaven master council-aos”discort chat, for those of you who are very interested in seeing those 

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3 hours ago, Skreech Verminking said:

So mates, it looks like as if the skaven are getting a few extra battle-traits.

So for long forgotten toys the weapon teams, it looks like as if we are going to be able to hide those in units of clanrats and stormvermins,

which can then set up from their hiding spot wholly within 3 of the unit they were hiding in, at the beginning of the shooting phase (they can still shoot as long as the unit of clanrats or stormvermin didn’t run)  or at the end of the charge phase.

And for moulder it seems like we will be able to give our fighting beasts some mutation or buffs in some what of a form.

although I was sadly not able to see mutations table, so those mutations may stay a mystery for now

I’ll be sending the pictures into the “supreme skaven master council-aos”discort chat, for those of you who are very interested in seeing those 


9 hours ago, Verminlord said:

Typed up the leaked Skaven rules expansion if anyone is interested:

  Reveal hidden contents

Hidden Weapon Teams:

When you select a Weapon Team unit other than a Warp Grinder to be part of your army, you can pick 1 friendly unit of Clanrats or Stormvermin that has 10 or more models and is already part of your army to be the unit in which that Weapon Team unit is hiding. Record this information on a piece of paper. Do not set up the Weapon Team unit until it is revealed as described next. You can hide up to 1 Weapon Team unit in a Clanrats or Stormvermin unit for every 10 models in that Clanrats or Stormvermin unit.

At the start of your shooting phase, you can reveal 1 or more hidden Weapon Team units. If you do so, set up each hidden Weapon Team unit wholly within 3" of the unit it was hiding in and more than 3" from any enemy units. Weapon Team units can shoot in the turn in which they are revealed as long as the unit they were hiding in did not run in the same turn (it could have retreated).

In addition, at the end of your charge phase, you can reveal 1 or more hidden Weapon Team units that were hiding in a unit that made a charge move in that phase. If you do so, set up each hidden Weapon Team unit wholly within 3" of the unit it was hiding in (it can be set up within 3" of any enemy units and can fight in the following combat phase).

Hidden Weapon Team units are destroyed if the unit they are hiding in is destroyed before they are revealed.

  Reveal hidden contents

Clans Moulder Mutations:

If a Skaventide army includes any Fighting Beast units, 1 of those Fighting Beast units can have a Clans Moulder mutation.

In addition, when you pick a Fighting Beast unit to benefit from the Prized Creations battle trait at the start of the first battle round (see page 67 of Battletome: Skaven), you can choose for it to have a Clans Moulder mutation instead of adding D3 to its Wounds Characteristic and re-rolling hit rolls of 1.

Declare which Fighting Beast unit will have the Clans Moulder mutation and then choose or roll for a mutation from the appropriate table. The same Fighting Beast unit cannot have more than 1 Clans Moulder mutation, and an army may not include duplicates of the same mutation.

Hideous Abominations (Hell Pit Abominations only):

1. Toughened Sinews: This Hell Pit Abomination has a Wounds characteristic of 14 and a Save characteristic of 4+.

2. Lumbering Behemoth: This Hell Pit Abomination has a Move characteristic of 7". In addition, charge rolls for this Hell Pit Abomination are automatically a 7 (do not roll the dice).

3. Quivering Bulk: Add 1 to each dice roll you make for this Hell Pit Abomination's Avalanche of Flesh ability.

4. Accelerated Regeneration: You can use this Hell Pit Abomination's Regenerating Monstrosity ability in the enemy hero phase as well as in your hero phase.

5. Best-best Warpstone Spikes: You can re-roll the dice when you use this Hell Pit Abomination's Warpstone Spikes ability. In addition, you can re-roll wound rolls of 1 for attacks made with melee weapons by this Hell Pit Abomination.

6. Never-never Die-die: You can re-roll the dice when you use this Hell Pit Abomination's Too Horrible To Die ability.

Big-big Rat Ogors (Rat Ogors only):

1. Toughened Sinews: This Rat Ogor unit has a Wounds characteristic of 6 and a Save characteristic of 4+.

2. Insanely Rabid: This Rat Ogor unit's Tearing Claws, Blades and Fangs have an Attacks characteristic of 6. In addition you can re-roll charge rolls for this Rat Ogor unit.

3. Accelerated Metabolism: This Rat Ogor unit has a Move characteristic of 8". In addition, you can heal D3 wounds allocated to this Rat Ogor unit in your hero phase.



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Oh fraptious day. I hope these new rules are true. I never saw the point of the weapons teams in the current shooting meta, but hidden teams is such a sneaky Skaven tactic 😁

And I'm super excited for the moulder mutations. I've been building up my moulder models recently. 

Are these going to be 3.0 rules, part of the broken realms or a new battletome? 

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1 minute ago, Cosmicsheep said:

Oh fraptious day. I hope these new rules are true. I never saw the point of the weapons teams in the current shooting meta, but hidden teams is such a sneaky Skaven tactic 😁

And I'm super excited for the moulder mutations. I've been building up my moulder models recently. 

Are these going to be 3.0 rules, part of the broken realms or a new battletome? 

They're part of BR: Kragnos, but hopefully a preview of when they get around to a Skaven 3.0 battletome.

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18 minutes ago, Cosmicsheep said:

Oh fraptious day. I hope these new rules are true. I never saw the point of the weapons teams in the current shooting meta, but hidden teams is such a sneaky Skaven tactic 😁

And I'm super excited for the moulder mutations. I've been building up my moulder models recently. 

Are these going to be 3.0 rules, part of the broken realms or a new battletome? 

Yeah incredible sneaky.

Just think of the endless combination.

One of our biggest problems we had was that we weren’t really able to get a good alpha strike through.

now with a warpgrinder team bringing up 40clanrats more then 9” away from enemy lines with 3-4 warpfire thrower, who are within 7inches in range, this can be brutal.

Or skitterleaping a warlock engineer with the overseer of destruction trait, buffing those 3rattling you senaky rat have been hidding in this unit, will make it a very interesting build.

I really love these new buffs.

Even moulder has gotten some new buffs that really do look tasty.

Rat ogors for 90points with 6wounds and a 4+ save each!

wow that is just amazing.

I especially like the ferocious trait where their attacks characterisitcs are increased to 6, which makes them amazing and deadly brutes of the battlefield, something they always wanted to be but never got till now

hordes be aware,

new kroak be aware,

soaven are back baby,


Edited by Skreech Verminking
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1 hour ago, Skreech Verminking said:

Yeah incredible sneaky.

Just think of the endless combination.

One of our biggest problems we had was that we weren’t really able to get a good alpha strike through.

now with a warpgrinder team bringing up 40clanrats more then 9” away from enemy lines with 3-4 warpfire thrower, who are within 7inches in range, this can be brutal.

Or skitterleaping a warlock engineer with the overseer of destruction trait, buffing those 3rattling you senaky rat have been hidding in this unit, will make it a very interesting build.

I really love these new buffs.

Even moulder has gotten some new buffs that really do look tasty.

Rat ogors for 90points with 6wounds and a 4+ save each!

wow that is just amazing.

I especially like the ferocious trait where their attacks characterisitcs are increased to 6, which makes them amazing and deadly brutes of the battlefield, something they always wanted to be but never got till now

hordes be aware,

new kroak be aware,

soaven are back baby,


Give me more tactics Skreech! MOOORE!

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Imagine a squad of 8 Rat Ogors with Toughened Sinews and Prized Creation with 3 as the D3 roll! 72 wounds for 360 points. Oops, this doesn't work. Prized creation is only one model

The 6 attacks per mutation is also fancy...

I always wanted to play units of 8 rat ogors so now is the time :)

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Do we think that the Hidden Weapons Team ability will allow the weapons teams to appear closer than the usual 9" away? It would be kinda pointless if not. 

250pts for 10 Stormvermin, a warpfire thrower and a grinder is still quite a lot of points for the chance to delete an entire unit of 1 wound enemy troops on turn 1. But so so much fun 😂😂

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